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  1. It would be hella cool to have the Slayer's crucible from DooM Eternal in the game (not sure if there is one but I didn't find one causing me to make this post). Would also be neat if this gets ported to Xbox and Playstation
  2. I'm honestly disappointed at how weak the Black Knife is, especially given what it was used for. Again, I don't know how to do it myself, so a tutorial in how to do it would be fine if it includes how to actually add the changes to the game. But if someone else is willing to do it, basically, all I want is for the Black Knife to be the strongest dagger in the game (both when un-upgraded and when fully upgraded). It doesn't need to be stronger than any other weapon. Just the strongest dagger. Basically, do the most damage of any of the daggers. Even better if it can done in such a way so as to not need the regulation.bin so it's mergeable with anything, but it's okay if not.
  3. Am I the only one who needs a type of weapon that is a whip? There are mods that let us have cool Loviatar clothes but I would love to have some whips as a weapon. If someone would be so kind as to make regular whips, I would appreciate it, but if someone could give me a quote to make me a whip that also looks like this, I would be very grateful.
  4. I am a Buddhist priest in training and this game is basically my only earthly “vice” or source of secular entertainment at the monastery for the next 2 years. as such, I would be really really grateful if someone could take the Corrupted Monks Nagamaki (the wp_a_0300.dcx file from the “Corrupted Monk” entry from this mod:: https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/353?tab=files ) and edit it’s hitbox length to something around THIS ( https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/302 ) I’ve been wanting to play this game with the corrupted monk’s Nagamaki for the longest, because Nagamaki are my favorite weapon ever invented but get no love in video games or media despite being basically the coolest thing humans have invented since shoes. I even have one IRL but left it with a friend since I couldn’t bring weapons (that big) to the monastery… For this feat I would be willing to compensate the author with 100 recitations of Amida sutra as well as giving them a weeks worth of my merits and karma. Could also donate a few bucks {but this is 100% NOT solicitation or against terms of service, just a “maybe I could possibly donate”, so please don’t take my post down Nexus! I just want a longer sword!} and please don’t tell my Osho!
  5. Not sure what's wrong on earth, but I might have made stupid mistake(s) again. The weapon shows in inventory but is not listed in workbench menu, and when all the other weapons are cleared from inventory, the workbench simply tells that "you have no weapon to modify". Additionally, no corresponding animations work, and the protagonist just plays bare-hand poses when equipping it. I've set specific anims, ma, attach-point keywords, recipes of all OMODs to this weapon, like other fully functional weapons. I think the nifs, at least physical collision and attachment, work smoothly since the weapon has weight and proper collisions when it is dropped. Could anyone help find the malfunction culprit? Thanks in advance. Edit: Find the bug that I had used "SET" keywords WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1] property function, which should be "ADD", in Weapon Stock OMOD. TYPICAL for me. Now it just works.
  6. 1 sword of a steel guard and yes, it should be a giant 3m long, the parameters are a two-handed weapon and the damage is 100 units, after improvements it becomes stronger and should glow with a golden aura, and the damage should reach 500, with an enhanced attack it should release a getsuga like a bloodskal, first its damage is 100, after upgrading it is 500, create it in the forge for 1 strip of leather, in the iron section! There must be an option for enchantment! You can upgrade it for 1 strip of leather! in the forge!
  7. When adding custom animation for this weapon, only 3rd person custom animations in "Actors\PowerArmor\Animations\Weapons\BoSPistol" for PowerArmor race get ignored and the protagonist plays 10mm pistol animations instead, while other 3 views work smoothly. Additionally, other heavy weapons in the same plugin have no issues, whose animations are dealt with the exactly same procedure. I've set animation keywords in that weapon edit and imput animation paths, matching both fallout4's and fallout 76's data. Speed and stance are also updated. Furthermore, I've tried to add AnimsGripPistol to Target keywords section. Then the protagonist fails to take out the pistol and can only walk&run in 3rd view in PowerArmor. Am I still missing somthing, or do pistol animations need special treatment?
  8. So, we have a few armos and weapons from MHWI in DD2. Is it possible for someone to port more of them. Insect Glaives, Charge Blades, GS, DB and Bows.
  9. I think it would be a good idea for FO4.
  10. Well, i neve used this forum before and just find a few interesting topics, so... if i'm doing something wrong here or making this post somewhere place not allowed, i beg your pardon!!!! And also for my english, i'm brazilian and counting on the help of my poor vocabulary and some phrases translated on Google lol Well, getting straight to the point (or maybe not so much). I would like to request a mod. Not just any mod, but a very specific one about a specific object that i fell in love with after discovering it recently in my research on DnD stuff. I KNOW, i should learn to do it myself. But to be honest, i don't think i have the capacity for this lol. Just playing around with editing the "Whispers of the Divine: Aasimar" mod i realized how difficult it must be to dedicate yourself to making a single mod and trying to keep it updated along with the various game patches that come out over time, and i don't even have the slightest knowledge about creating a mod from zero point. I'm already almost breaking several game saves a week just using a Cheat Engine cheat table, so try to imagine what it would be like to try to create a mod. But anyway, as i was already saying, and adding... I would really like a mod for the "Sword of Zariel" item. I realized that not only is it a awesome weapon, but it would also match well (historically speaking) with the period in which the third act of the game takes place, in addition to being a simply insane item. I mean, i don't mind the part where she "has to choose who will wield it" or even the fact that she's a sentient sword, both things that i know are extremely difficult to apply in the game (especially the last) if not in a role play. Just based on her stats and some features, i would think it would be incredible to have her in the game. A sword capable of practically transforming the wielder into a type of Aasimar, bringing various buffs, feats and including a pair of wings to be used at will... Game breaking ?? I know!! But still, sensational. That's why I decided to create an account just to come here and humbly request a mod like this. My idea would be to use the same bases, for example, as the "Whispers of the Divine" mod, where an activatable passive has recently been implemented in which you can activate or deactivate the character's wings (which could extend to the sword's glow, like the Blood of Lathander mace, that have the option to turn off that glow, which is sometimes annoying and irrelevant/unnecessary). Adding the animation of the wings flapping when walking (Deva-like) and also the immunity to terrain effects (such as impregnated surfaces, difficult terrain, etc.) as it is basically floating and immunity to fall damage as in the Solar/Aasimar mods (although visually doesn't make sense, since when motionless the character is still standing on the ground). I could talk forever about countless ideas i have in mind but i even have idea if this is a possible mod ;-; I would just really like a mod for Sword of Zariel. If it's possible and someone is interested in trying, i will sketch out the ideas i have below (even if they're not possible) and all the official dnd details arround this weapon... I really don't know anything about modding but i would find the opportunity incredible... Anyway, if anyone has read this far, thank you very much for reading and have a great day and also have a great game!!!
  11. I got the idea from Akame ga Kill and then scratched that 5e variation (based on another hombrew version of it) for my Dnd campaign. https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-NuPhzogjW-7JgWVRC-T It can seem a bit too OP, but i've tried to balance it with downsides, and also, half of bg3 mods are OP, let's be honest. Sadly, i've only enough understanding of modding to edit some properties in existing mods. If anyone wants to take part and create a weapon, as close as possible, i would greatly appreciate, that my idea made someone's rerun (and possibly cosplay) a bit more fun.
  12. I'd love a mod where you can basically float around and use laser eyes to blow things up. Throw in some tight spandex superhero suits and some super hero poses. Maybe even lightning hands to roleplay as Storm from Xmen or Palpatine even. Maybe take the Assaultron's face laser, make the beam smaller and make it fire from both eyes. I've seen a UFO mod that allows flying, just needs a super hero pose animation I guess. You could take the tesla rifle shooting animation, chain the animation to fire like a laser and make it fire from the hands. [input screeching about unlimited power here] Using the laser eyes would always splatter enemies to pieces and/or vaporize them to a pile of dust. Same for the lightning hands but the blue dust piles instead. Optional colored lasers? (green, white, red, blue, orange, etc) Bonus points if the aiming animation would make the eyes glow. Would be super cool if the capes would flap in the wind (but this is the create engine so that might be asking too much). Imagine a setting like Post apocalyptic Superman and Lois Lane (Piper) roleplay? It might not be Metropolis, but y'know with Piper being a news reporter and all. I don't want a mod that maxes out the SPECIAL stats, but instead leaves them for the player to make their own hero. Lore wise, this doesn't fit a whole lot into the world of Fallout 4. However.. There are comic book super heroes like The Unstoppables, so it wouldn't be too much off it's mark. And with all the radiation going around, Ghouls and Super Mutants aren't the weirdest thing that could happen. Although the flying would be a little OP when it comes to exploration. All in all, a Super Hero mod would fill a lot of players fantasies of either being the amazing hero good guy or the omnipotent god like blood thirsty piece of sh*t. As for inspiration I'd like to link to a video I found that inspired me to request this mod. These scenes might contain spoilers for those who haven't watched the shows or movies yet. I know this would most likely be a lot of work, but it feels possible with the methods I described. I know nothing about modding, so it's easy for me to say. But I'd love to hear thoughts and maybe other ideas on this.
  13. Hey guys, I already searched the Forum for a similar problem but it seems like I'm the only one. My problem: Since a few days the weapon switch animation is bugged. Whenever I change from one weapon type to another, the arms go back to the stance of the previous weapon (switching from bow to 2h sword -> holds Sword like the bow). This only occurs while running, other movement animations are not affected. Like I stated in the title I'm not using FNIS or other animation mods. I even did a clean install of Skyrim without any mods and started a fresh save game. The bug still persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Steparu
  14. Title is the just of it, but a little more detail is the game runs perfect until i look at a weapon rack then it stutters for a second or two and ctd's. Also strangely enough the closer my character is to the weapon rack the faster it ctd's. Also not sure if it matters but im in 1st person. I tried disabling all my weapons mods, and all my workbench mods, even going one by one to see if i could figure out which mod it was but it ctd's no matter what. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks. Also i use Vortex. plugins.txt 2024-02-24-02-55-29.log Edit 2 As i've continued to attempt to fix the ctds, i've found that it seems to be all weapon cases, for example there is one of those yellow lid boxes that you have to open, and i can stare at it all day however once i click it, so it'll open the game stutters as its starting to open and then ctd's. also everyone of my crashes has the same text as follows "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF6448F488F Starfield.exe+230488F" without quotes. same text and the same numbers, unfortunately im to dumb to know how to fix this so here's hoping one of you know how. thanks again ahead of time.
  15. hello. I would like to commission a staff weapon mod. You already have the 3D modeling, all you have to do is create it using this model. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/fantasy-snake-weapon-set I hope we can talk in detail on Discord. af1930 << This is my nickname. Otherwise, please let me know your Discord nickname in the comments. Then I will come to you.
  16. Hi. I'm trying to make a weapon with a script that runs on the targeted NPC. I already got the script and everything working but only when the damage is at least 1. Setting the damage to 0 makes the engine think you missed (or at least I'm guessing it does) and doesn't run the on impact script. If the weapon does do damage then the script runs, but now the NPC is angry because you shot him. Are there any simple workarounds for this issue, ideally without alerting the NPC or interrupting animations? I'm aware of the "minor crime" setting that makes the NPCs forgive you if you holster your weapon, but I don't want to have to do that after each shot.
  17. I was wondering if there was any possibility for a move and/or weapon that functions similar to False Swipe in Pokemon, that would leave a Pal at 1 HP even if you keep attacking it with the same move or weapon? Just to make it easier to catch things, like how I always used the move in Pokemon. I wouldn't want the effect on all moves or weapons, since that would make catching the only way to resolve combat aside from running scared (my usual strategy works great sometimes), but as an option it would be lovely
  18. Looking for someone to add the fierce deity great sword from LoZ. Scales with Character Level, powering up at levels, 4, 7, 10 Properties Damage: D6 Slashing.png 2d6 (2~12) + Strength modifier Damage Types Slashing damage + 1d6 Lightning Damage Details: Two-Handed Melee: 1.5 m / 5 ft Dippable Dippable Actions Proficiency If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain: Pommel Strike Lacerate Slash Cleave Model Found here: https://www.models-resource.com/wii_u/hyrulewarriors/model/9794/ (Blue & Green Model)
  19. I know claws exist in 5th Edition... So why not Baldur's gate 3? From the 5E Wiki: Simple Melee Weapons Cost: 15 gp Damage: 2d4 slashing Weight: 7 lb. Properties: Finesse, glove, two-handed, special This pair of leather gauntlets are studded with metal plates to increase their weight, and thus the force of the slashes behind their sharp blades. One of these claws can technically be wielded one-handed, but using only one claw rather than two reduces the damage dealt to 1d4. I think they should use unarmed animations, scale with any perks that modify unarmed damage, and have aesthetic variations... maybe take inspiration from the designs in Elden Ring?
  20. I have the Steam version of Creation Kit because the Bethesda version was taken down but I can’t generate the subgraphs at all, when I had the Bethesda version I was able to, if I run the bat as administrator, it says this version isn’t available for this PC but if I double click it, it launches but after it closes there’s no files generated, what’s going on, I never had this issue with Bethesda version?
  21. The lack of axes in game is, especially in areas like Far Harbor, is oddly disturbing. My request? A double-bit axe. It can be any double-bit axe, though if it could be Otis from "Frailty" as, like, a legend tier ghoul-monster destroying axe you find in a mysterious dried up garden littered mysteriously with half-buried bones, that would be cool too. Just putting it out there. Here's a few pictures of what I ideally hope to have done with the axe. Also thank you. Mods are not easy to do, so anyone who undertakes this has nothing but thanks from my behalf. Also i don't know how to edit the title of this post so "Double-bit Axe request" would do if anyone could edit that for me. Thanks. http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/jcdaredevil/otis.jpg http://dailygrindhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Picture-62.png http://horror.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/frailty.png http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/RJM52/Knives/005_zpsa24e064f.jpg http://i57.tinypic.com/2jcc47q.jpg
  22. I've had the Rangemaster out for about a month now and I just have a couple persisting bugs that I can't seem to fix. The first, and biggest one, is with the .308 ammo conversion. I have the gun set to fire 5.56 by default, and it can be modified to fire .308, 7.62, and any pistol round. I got a report early on that some shots weren't registering on target with anything but 5.56, but I haven't been able to recreate that issue, and from my research it may be a Bethesda Bug rearing its ugly head. However, along with that, and since then, I have had reports, and found in my own game, that equipping specifically the .308 conversion will cause 'misfires' where the projectile seems to hit an invisible object immediately after exiting the barrel. This happens with about 50% of shots. You can see and hear it in this video (it happens throughout, but see about 6:30 and onward for a good sample). Here's what I know. 1. The .308 attachment is identical to all other ammo conversion attachments for the weapon. In fact, it is a modified copy of the 7.62 attachment. 2. The 5.56, which I have had NO reported problems with, uses the same projectile info as the .308 3. The Rangemaster uses the vanilla Combat Rifle suppressor. However, there is no similar issue when using the .308 receiver with the vanilla Combat Rifle. 4. The Rangemaster's default muzzle (it does not support a 'null muzzle' state) has the projectile node pushed out about the same distance as on that vanilla suppressor, and farther than on the Handmade AR that it borrows animations from. I am at a loss as to what would be causing this issue, especially with only one ammo type. I'm working on a decent sized update right now, and I would like to actually fix this, rather than just removing the .308 mod. The other issue is less significant, and is probably just due to my dodgy understanding of how textures work in Fallout 4. For the reflex sights I just opened the vanilla dot and circle variants in nifskope, re-oriented all the various BSTriShapes to fit on the appropriate spot on my gun, and saved them. Somehow, with only that little bit of modification, the main dot in both sights now disappears while looking at the sky, and gets muddled by the shader when looking at water. I'm guessing this is an easy fix, but I don't really know where to start. Thanks for any insight you can provide for either problem.
  23. Would anyone be able to add the famous RuneScape sword Silverlight into the game? All modelled with the glowing effect from the new NXT launcher too, and being at least as good as steel. If there's already a mod for it please refer me to it!
  24. I've been trying with little success to retexture FX0x01 AK74M to look like the Kalash from Metro Redux. Is there anyone else out there who'd be willing to do it?
  25. Basically, what the title says. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a mod which changes the flag on Paciencia to have the flag of different factions. Mainly, Caesar's Legion and The NCR. But also The Brotherhood of Steel, Ulysses, Courier 6. BoS could possibly be the one with the white stripes, BoS logo and the red background. The Yes-Man one could simply have yes man's face on a white background and Mr. House could have the Platinum Chip or The Lucky 38. The The Ulysses one could have his logo, the one with the star and stripes, and Courier 6 could have the 6 Ulysses paints everywhere. The NCR and Caesar's legion ones are pretty self explanatory. This would be awesome to use on a playthrough for that faction, even though the BoS, Ulysses and Courier 6 aren't really a faction, it would certainly be cool.
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