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  1. First, I have the greatest respect for the LOOT group and the effort they continually make to improve game performance. I do not believe that my experience is the result of any intent or oversight on the part of LOOT. Second, I was hesitant to report this occurrence at all, because of my reluctance to impugn LOOT in anyway, I don't want to seem to be an alarmist and was uncertain where to report it. But there seems to be an increase in virus activity in general and thought someone at Nexus might care or be aware of similar instances. I recently updated to LOOT 10.3 (I think that was the version) and today discovered that my AVG anti-virus had detected Alexa.51 virus during the install. I apparently had changed the status on LOOT to allow installation. I don't remember any of the details so that is my guess. If this feedback is inappropriate, unwanted, or should be addressed to a more specific Forum group, please let me know. Otherwise, I hope this post is considered a responsible action for the benefit of Nexus. PS. I have recently been attacked by ransomeware viruses and am feeling quite paranoid.
  2. I keep getting sent to a website (dingit.tv) while using chrome browser. It's the type of popup ad that says you have been selected to participate in something as a Comcast customer. It only seems to happen when I am browsing through a mod's description section in the mods list. I've scanned my full computer with both Webroot and Malwarebytes and neither have turned up anything. Could this be a server side issue?
  3. Hey all, did some searching and didn't find a post on this topic, if I missed something and this is a repeat I apologize! I recently did a reformat and upgraded to windows 10, will be moving to a new location with limited data so I'd like some clarification on the "Morrowind Overhaul - Sound and Graphics" mod. I've used this mod before, on the last three installations of windows and only recently within the last year did my antivirus find a supposed virus (trojan) hiding in the code. After spending two days re-downloading about 500gb of games again, I'm a little reluctant to expose my fresh install to potential infection; unless it's been confirmed this "trojan" is indeed a false positive. So, has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone know if it's truly a virus? Has anyone experienced any of the broken doors or missing items that make progression later on in the game impossible? If so, are there any known fixes/workarounds? If yes to the virus, or game-breaking bugs, any advice as to another method to get similar graphical results? I've tried installing a bevy of mods on their own, but that ended up breaking my game. My fault, I'm sure. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!
  4. There has been a new version of TES5Edit uploaded by the user Lojack, 3 programs of virustotal say it includes a trojan. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/ Is this a proper new version, or has an account been hacked and a malicious version of TES5Edit uploaded? The comments are disabled, so it's gotten me curious, but I don't know if that was always the case for the mod page. Just want confirmation. :smile:
  5. I hadn't had this problem before, I could play skyrim without any crashes even with over 100 mods! But after a while I decided to play skyrim vanilla again... I did a Windows reinstall because of a virus, and installed all my Drivers again and preared everything for skyrim. Then I did a fresh install using the Elder Scrolls Anthology DVD which contains the Legendary Edition. So everything was fine, I could start the game as normal and play for a few minutes... It is just random, not specific to some locations... Just depends on how fast I play trough the beginning. Also I've reinstalled skyrim after These crashes a lot of times, but the problem still exists... I've checked everything up, I've always deleted the mygames Folder and so on.... So please help me, I want to play skyrim again =( Details: Rig: Notebook Aspire-V3 772G GPU: Nvidia GTX 760M CPU: Intel Core i7-4702MQ 2.20GHz Memory: 8GB Hard Drive: 1TB OS: Windows 8.0 All Updates [i won't install 8.1 anymore cause it makes my gpu/cpu overheating, and also did Memory Problems...] Nvidia Driver: 311.30 [Don't blame my old Drivers, These are the shipped Drivers, everytime I installed th newer ones, my fps got low and skyrim had many slowdowns] [with These Drivers I have stable 60FPS on high Settings] Skyrim: Latest Version from Bethesda, vanilla...
  6. Hello, I wanted to ask this question awhile back around the time when certain user accounts were compromised and malicious files were uploaded to the Nexus. Hopefully this topic might be useful for other users. I apologize if this question was already asked. Hope someone can direct me to the original post. What are some things Nexus users can do to protect themselves while using the site?What tools or software can Nexus users use to protect themselves as well as identify suspicious activities?How can Nexus users identify a file as being malicious or compromised in some way?How can Nexus users identify a mod author's account as being compromised?What are some symptoms or activities that can occur on the Nexus that would be considered suspicious or malicious in some way?How can Nexus users check to see if they are connected to the real NexusMods.comWhat things should Nexus users consider first when using third party .exe or .dll files?If there is another question I should be asking, please post below. Thanks!
  7. Last night, I went to the Long War -UFOpaedia for information and there was no problem. Today, my Norton antivirus blocked direct access and states there are three Trojan.Gen viruses on this site. Any suggestions?
  8. I seen the peeing animation and was curious so i downloaded via nmm and then looked up zaz cause i didnt have that either and either the peeing download or zaz lit my screen up with something about a virus and to call some number before buying anything online that my pc was at risk. Any one else get this?
  9. O.K., so I found this cool looking (to me, anyway) Ranger clothing mod that I'd like to try: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36309/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D36309&pUp=1 It's an older mod, and the author seems to be long gone. Unlike most other mods, this one comes with it's own installer. When I tried to download it, I recieved a warning from my anti-virus program. The warning seemed to be for the installer only, and not any other part of the mod. I tried to find some way to remove the installer from the file (on my computer, not on the Nexus!), but such a thing is beyond my capabilities, so I created a post in the mod comments to warn others. Today, I learned about the Nexus' new mod virus checker, so I thought I'd visit that mod again and see what kind of rating the Nexus is giving it now. It's flagged as safe on the page, so I checked the report, and my anti-virus program (Avast) was in the list that gave it the green light. I then updated my comment to reflect this change in status, and tried to download the file again. Once more, my anti-virus program blocked it, saying it was "suspicious". I followed the link from the warning to this page: http://www.avast.com/en-us/lp-fr-virus-alert?p_ext=&utm_campaign=Virus_alert&utm_source=prg_fav_90_0&utm_medium=prg_systray&utm_content=.%2Ffa%2Fen-us%2Fvirus-alert-default&p_vir=V2luMzI6RXZvLWdlbiBbU3VzcF0&p_prc=C:\Program%20Files%20%28x86%29\Mozilla%20Firefox\firefox.exe&p_obj=aHR0cDovL2ZzLTIubmV4dXNtb2RzLmNvbS9GUy9MaWJzL0NvbW1vbi9NYW5hZ2Vycy9Eb3dubG9hZHM_RG93bmxvYWQmbmlkPTEwMSZmaWQ9NzI5ODQmbmduPTR8NXxSZXZvaXRoJ3MgUmFuZ2VyIFNldFxSZXZvaXRoJ3MgUmFuZ2VyIFNldCAxLjAgSW5zdGFsbC5leGU&p_var=.%2Ffa%2Fen-us%2Fvirus-alert-default&p_elm=7&p_lex=150&p_lid=en-us&p_lng=en&p_lqa=0&p_lqe=0&p_lst=0&p_lsu=24&p_pro=0&p_bld=cnet2011&p_vep=9&p_ves=0&p_vbd=2021&p_hid=2caca4d3-14aa-4930-87df-d173004ce092&p_ram=3947&p_cpu=-1.0 The virus is identified as Win32:Evo-gen [susp]. So what's going on? Am I getting a false positive? Is the file corrupt? Is the Nexus not recognising the virus? I am running my anti-virus in normal mode, not lockdown mode. I don't really think it's the Nexus overlooking a virus, considering their method of verification; however, I don't want to rule out any possibility. Anyone else encounter a similar weirdness?
  10. So, launching my Skyrim thru SKSE and avast quarantined it, anyone else? A false positive maybe?
  11. Hello! The problem was on my end not yours. I am so sorry. I honestly did think it was this website, after researching and doing all the recommended checks plus some, but it is no longer just this site Bitdefender is upset with. I would delete this post but I cannot figure out how, if NexusMods wishes to do so, feel free. On the off chance someone else reports a similar issue, I have Bitdefender's most frequent notification posted below: "We blocked this page for your protection: https://omnatuor.com/event The page attempted to download a PUA (Potentially Unwanted App) to your device. This type of apps exhibit behaviors that impact the privacy and security of your device and data." I doubt this site was the cause now that the issue is no longer isolated to nexusmods as I have never had issues with this site before. At least not when I am logged in to my premium (ad free) membership. However I do not know for sure where the issue came from. If others report a similar issue indicating it did originate from your site, I will happily provide further information. Otherwise, I apologize for wasting your time and hope you have a nice day! Thank you!
  12. i have downloaded a virus from an installer, does anyone have suggestions. it is quarantined but i wanted to let nexus know about it. i messaged them, but would hate for other ppl to get it.
  13. Found a virus on a page. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22596 Got this massage from Gdata Virus found while downloading content from the web. Address: http://www.memes.at/faces/bloody_keyboard.gif Status: Access denied. The last time I reported something like this was around 2007 or 8 so if I got the wrong part of the forum I am sorry.
  14. I've been having a problem for about two days now. I cannot download the newest uploaded mods. I can download older mods, though. (Like the Sinister Seven on the Skyrim section of the Nexus.) I successfully managed to download Diverse Effect Icons OBSE on the Oblivion section of the Nexus, and that was uploaded on the 13th of this July. If I try to download anything newer, however, the download popup appears for a split second and then transfers to a totally encrypted webpage. Curiously, the Nexus seems to think that I have actually managed to properly download the files (I have not.) It will even let me Endorse files that I have never managed to download. I first noticed the problem when I tried to download FleshFX, True Nordic Trolls and True Tavern Music. I am not certain if it is related, but at the same time: I discovered that I cannot login to the Nexus except if I happen to be in the forum section. Otherwise, the Captcha never appears and the load effect never stops spinning. Logging in while on the forum section poses no issues whatsoever. If I post a comment while on the actual mod page (not in forum-view), the comment is stuck in a spinning animation and never appears to be posted. However, if I open a new page and return to the one I posted on, I find that the comment is indeed posted. But the other page (if kept open) is still spinning. Any insight would be most appreciated.
  15. Sorry if my post is in the wrong section I have a problem when i try to download any mod from any game. After the download completes i have a ctd at my main browser ( chrome ), and the Edge browser accuse of viruses. I tried turn off my antivirus ( Panda Free ) and didn't work. Any help? thanks
  16. Hello Vortex Team. I just downloaded Vortex ( from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1?tab=files) custom installation and installed it on my system. While installing, the Windows Defender gave out a alarm for the File D:\Programme\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\native-errors\Detours\bin.X64\member.exe Seems to be a Torjan ( Trojan:Win32/Skeeyah.A!MTB ) Do you guys know about this? How can this happen? I hope you can answere my concerns. Kind Regard.
  17. Just run SpyBot and found this... Rogue.System Care Antivirus (1) which got in via: streaming-assets-skyrim.16429844.exe. This is not the first time I've had a Trojan piggyback in via a mod and as I can't find anywhere to send this problem perhaps someone can point me in the right direction and is there anyone else out there who has had the same problem? My system gets a good clean through via a number of security software before downloading a mod. This definitely happened last night and I had downloaded two and was doing my clean through today before looking at more. So I can name them but that is unfair so I need a confidential route I can go to report this so that it doesn't cause those excellent modders unnecessary grief? Thanks
  18. Hey everybody. Take attention - there are still files which are corrupted with a trojan or more trojans. I just get to one, sadly. Wasn't protective with my instinct, just have had ignored it. I always check the data with my own "anti-virus", my brain and knowlege. Downloading an uncommon file, in this case not a .zip .rar or any kind of *.ModManager-File, not looking at the size of the file, it was about 10kb-200kb~ Got caught to a "Bundestrojaner", which obsly should be sent by the Main Police Center of Germany. So, there was just one way up that it was a fake: First: My Static IP wasn't shown (which in this case should have been shown, it starts with 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (router broadcast with set-up IP on each port)) Second: It was srsly a bad coded trojan. Booting the OS via safe mode, opening up the taskmanager immediately - will show that there was a script which shows this blank-white page! First of all - don't panic and don't be shocked. - Remove your internet cable immediately. - Reboot your pc/laptop and press the F8 key at the "Command Prompt", where a "Cursor" just blinks after the brand of your pc/laptop (example, Asus - loading loading, changing to a black screen with only a cursor at the upper left cornor - press here your F8 key) - Choose "Safe Mode" start up, without other accessories. - Login window - type in your password, wait but be fast - open your taskmanager and look for a suspicious process, mine was a "iff.somethingattheend" data - disable and shut it immediately down! Now feel free to check your PC with any anti-virus program on your system. Otherwise, what I can recommend: Malewarebytes - a really fast and good program. It has a free-trial, 25 days or so. It fullfills the option what anybody needs on this case. Information for the Mods: I just have the name and the download server-direction, where I downloaded it, but cannot say which one it was (Netherlands, Amsterdam; or other server). Filename: NexusMods.exe Download info: http x x x x x //fs6.nexusmods.com/Libs/Common/Managers/Downloads?Download&nid=110&fid=57529 (do not download this file and execute it! I mean it serious!) Attached the trojan codes / behavior http ://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss292/vegasvolt3ya9a/Illegal%20Program%20Report%20Pic/IMAG0537.jpg:original
  19. why do people keep posting in their mod details, that their mod has been cleaned w/ tes4edit ... i hope they do realize that's the equivalent of saying my computer has been scanned by virus scan xyz, which is totally dependent on it's library. any who, i'm not knocking anyone's mod, it just foolish to depend on something that's only as good as it's brute force dictionary ... very few anti-virus progs capture realistic new viruses w/o being utterly intrusive on one's own productivity. it's so secure, i even can't get in! perhaps i should start dogging individuals who post such ... that it's clean, spend a bit of time and find several flaws through the CS and just ask the obvious question ... i thought you said it was clean.
  20. Virus Scan - Some files not scanned I noticed most mods have the green status "safe to use" while others show "some manually verified files" but many mods have the yellow status "some files not scanned". When this is the case do you expect nexus users to handle this by themselfes? If we download say 20 mods that aren't scanned do you really expect users to manually take action? I mean it's pretty obvious that most people DO NOT do that... i used to upload those mods to virus total and see what happens, but some mods are big (5-8 GB). Takes ages to upload these to virustotal. Anyways my issue here isn't even to take responsibility by myself and scan these mods, my question is why are there SO MANY mods that haven't been scaned?? You do have an AI for the virus scans right? Then what is the issue?
  21. After installing the newest update for Vortex my computer has completely blocked it and classified it as a Ransomware and Virus after installing my computer gives an error that says that "The installation was corrupt and it can give my computer a virus or it can be manually tampered with" I tried reinstalling it and restating my computer too please help me!
  22. Hello Folks. I don't know how, but on Nexusmods is uploaded a virus from user Mastaloe - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/103421908 Be aware to download mods from him! Well, about mod. Mod link is this - DO NOT DOWNLOAD - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/271 This file is malware, because after using it, it's create a folder here AppData\Roaming\ (folder name) Up_tmp and there is file, name - svhosts.exe (2.30 MB)? Why there is file, which name like Windows Host process name? After check on virustotal, i got this - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0091871c785aecdf02d7021ac5284fe13bcf0aab518bd1b78ed552bcccfbc7a0/detection But this is not over. In folder C:\Windows it's also create file, which name is svhosts.exe (6.03 MB)This exe also create autorun task! Virustotal check - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0091871c785aecdf02d7021ac5284fe13bcf0aab518bd1b78ed552bcccfbc7a0/detection Please do something with author of this file. By the way, after installing this mod, i got 100% load of GPU, I guess it can be also a miner. Who downloaded this mod, please check your PCs and clean it from this malware.I already reported about this file to Nexus, but I don't know when they will remove it.
  23. What happens to files that are quarantined? (VirusTotal reacts hostile against harmless .exe packers). Will they stay locked, or will they be checked manually in order to be available for download?
  24. Hello everyone I'm new to this community and just recently started to mod Skyrim. First i experimented with NMM, then switched over to MO. Since i downloaded SkyUi onto MO i got a wierd problem. After a certain time it started downloading SkyUi over and over again, allthough i allready had downloaded and installed it! It got even worse, MO started opening up by itself and started downloading SkyUi again! After this happend several times i deinstalled MO and went back to NMM. Now the exact same thing is happening with NMM. It starts to download SkyUi and asks me if i want to overwrite the allready existing SkyUi file. NMM also starts up by itself just like MO did and starts dowloading again and again. It just doesnt stopp anymore: I really dont know what is going on, is this some kind of a virus i got?! Thx 4 your help
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