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Showing results for tags 'unrealistic'.

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  1. It always bothered me how Jin gets his so unrealistically covered in mud just from just moving or whenever his body touches the ground even when it's supposed to be dry. Hopefully a kind sir will fix that by OBLITERATING that damn mud to keep him always nice and clean !
  2. My mod request is simple, yet somehow still doesn't exist for Fallout, I have not a single clue on modding so I wanted to ask.. Can someone make a mod that allow us to throw stuff farther? (As we all know, Bethesda, after many years without such basic needs, they decided to add a Throw Function into the game) I would like if possible a "realistic" version as well as a unrealistic one. By example, I would love to be able to throw stuff farther away than the default, but not to the point they just vanish from the players view. And another that other probably would like, that allows you to throw stuff very far, wich would probably be used for killing stuff with Teddy Bears... Another request would be to allow us to Lift Heavier objects, such as some bodies, those cars that are moveable, deathclaws, Skinny Malone... It would probably be fantastic to have both together, imagine people throwing those tiny cars against a deathclaw! Thos are my ideas for two probably fantastic mods, that by far aren't anywhere to be found! (Now all I have to do is wait till HL3 is released for someone to see this :nuke:)
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