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  1. sup, i'm not big into modding, so i've been wondering if i could save my FONV state with all the mods used to some kind of particularly small file or folder because i need to cut down on gaming and storage space on my computer and all of this is taking up by far the most space. idk when i'm gonna fire up FONV again next, who knows, maybe only in 10 years and the data should hopefully stay secure for that long in the cloud. speaking of safe, i currently have 5 save states of 16.5 MB each, so any solution in that rough area would be greatly appreciated especially if it more or less all installed itself again. just writing down all mod and extension names on a piece of paper and then doing it all by hand again just means i'm probably never gonna go through all this again and will at best just play unmodded if at all. in short, i need to stop playing and free up storage. would be great if i could just save my entire FONV game with everything attached to a 100-200 MB folder/file. thanks so much in advance, cheers
  2. i've Been playing for a while with mods and they never gave me any trouble, but a couple of days ago, I tried uninstalling a couple of them since i didnt use them anymore, then I open Skyrim and try to load my save, but the game crashes i've been doing some research and apparently the mod had scripts and i didnt unistall properly. i tried creating a new game and it starts normally, no crashes. can someone tell me how to fix this? i dont wanna lose that save file, I have a lot of stuff there
  3. Just like I said, I fudged on installing SKSE with their installer instead of being smart and sticking with the normal manual way like I did with Oblivion. Its the latest version of SKSE installer (1.07.03). Now It does show up as running in because I can see the version next to the Skyrim patch in the menu screen but I just tried adding the "Enhanced Camera" and saw that there is no SKSE folder within the Data folder of my game directory. Am I missing something here? Should I remove the elements of the SKSE installer version and Put in the manual version? Or am I just dumb and not seeing where I'm supposed to put the "Enhanced Camera" script? Even the link for the video on silverlock or whatever website you download SKSE from has a caption that says "do not use Installer version" LMAO. Any help would be great!!!! Thanks guys!
  4. I installed an ENB injector that's conflicting with my game even after reinstall, causing it to crash before startup. I can turn on/off mods and have tried turning off any new mods to determine if they were the issue, but the game still crashes. I deleted all of the .dll files and other files associated with the enb. I think the enb was called Vivid. ... So, can I deactivate, uninstall, or revert this enb?
  5. I wanted to uninstall RaceMenu because I had no need of it and it made quicksaving and waiting, longer. After uninstalling, I can walk around outside Labyrinthian without any problem but when I enter the Ceremonial Door thing. My game crashes and it mentions corrupted nifs or something. When I reinstall RaceMenu, it works fine. Also, when I crash, I get this message http://i.imgur.com/enubmZMr.png
  6. Help please! :D I only have two mods installed since I deleted all of the rest for a new play through...I'm on the last two mods but NMM refuses to delete them. The error I'm getting is "Missing I/O device" (or something similar) and/or "semaphore timeout period has expired" This hasn't happened with any other mod and this is the very first time I'm experiencing this problem. I've downloaded and redownloaded NMM, redownloaded both mods, installed them over the old, and tried uninstalling and even tried the uninstallation in Window's safe mode. Keep in mind when I say uninstall I mean the uninstall/delete permanently option in NMM. The mods left are- the Demon Hunter Armour by Jojjo (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42169/?) and Wet and Cold (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27563/?) Both are the latest versions of the mod. Thanks for any help in advance!
  7. Hey guys. So long story short, I downloaded an ENB mod a long time ago that f*#@ed the game up pretty good. Some time later, I decided to reinstall the game along with SKSE. Now, with both of those reinstalled, the mods (even though they didn't move an inch and are still active in NMM) don't show up in the game yet. When I open NMM, it just gives me an option to disable and enable a mod, but not uninstall it. I was hoping if there was a way to activate them all again without redownloading mod-by-mod because there are several GBs of them (so, over a 100). I don't have flat rate Internet unfortunately, so it would take forever. P.S. I don't use Steam, if it's a necessary information.
  8. Hello, guys. I'm having a problem for some time now. I installed the mod called The Book of UUNP, but I didn't like it very much - so, obviously, I went to the NMM and tried to uninstall it. I deactivated the mod and proceeded to uninstall it using the NMM, but it kept showing the mod there, only inative. Everytime I tried to uninstall it permanently was the same thing. Then, I went to the folder of NMM and deleted it from there. Fine. But now everytime I open the NMM it shows up this message: http://i66.tinypic.com/opqoed.png Edit: I simply click on não and the NMM proceeds to "uninstall" the mod, then it opens normally. But it keeps showing up everytime I close and open the NMM again. So... Can somebody help me with this?
  9. I use mod organizer, and a mod i installed a while back is not showing on the list. I know its still working because it works in game, but I've been wishing to uninstall it. Is there a way to fix this?
  10. So my computer forced the March update to Windows 10, and in doing so it very carefully deleted a whole bunch of important files and programs from my PC, which I'm still figuring out. Among these lost files, though, are very small pieces of each and every one of the mods I had installed on Skyrim, and all but one of my saves. By this, I mean that there's enough of each file present for NMM to recognize that there's something there, but installed mods will neither run properly, or uninstall, or reinstall, or deactivate, or reactivate, or do anything but cause error messages. Because of this, I've decided to completely clear all of my mods and start from scratch, including completely reinstalling Skyrim. Is there a quick way to take care of getting rid of all of the mods? I'd rather not uninstall NMM if I don't have to, since it seems to work fine and can install newly downloaded mods with no trouble.
  11. I downloaded the Flesh spells fortify unarmed damage: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14361/? The problem is that this mod WILL NOT UNINSTALL PROPERLY. I used the manager and deleted it. Dragonhide still had the +50 damage. I deleted Skyrim folder, and transferred files from a vanilla Skyrim folder I keep, then reinstalled my other mods making sure not to install this one. And guess what? It still had it the fortify unarmed damage. How the heck do I uninstall this? What kind of mod is so hard to remove?
  12. So, I went a 'little' overboard with mods for Origins... I admit it. But I love how my character looks and I just don't want to make a new one. I just don't know where I messed up along the way to do THIS to all the female NPC characters: http://i.imgur.com/6Z88Ysm.png Nearly ALL of the female NPCs look like they haven't slept their entire life or they've been beaten until they look like a raccoon!! If it helps, I'm attaching my Chargenmorphcfg file. But I know I have a lot of Morgana skins, Luna... I have DA Redesigned... Dracomie... I am horrible at figuring out technical things... and I'm hoping that someone has an idea of which mod may have done this... because besides completely starting over, (which I don't want to do unless there's an easy way to turn my current character into a preset, so I can at least save the face...) I've run out of ideas and I am at my wits end. I am so sorry for any trouble, and I'm sure I'm just being an idiot... But any help or ideas of which skin mod/texture I need to get rid of, or how to turn my current character face into a preset so I could at least start fresh and not figure out which of the several presets I downloaded to get her... I would be very appreciative.
  13. I recently downloaded ARLADRIS's Werewolf: The Awakening mod. This mod made various game changes that I did not like, and some that are downright silly and self defeating despite the OVERALL functionality of the mod, which is great. I sent a PM to the mod author asking for help, but am afraid that I may not get a response, and so am turning to the forums just in case. Now, the reason I include "Cleanly" in the title is because when I simply delete the files or disable the mod, my game-save becomes unplayable-- I cannot wait, save, quick- save, or go through doors without a complete game crash, and the game crashes after a certain amount of time regardless. My game has also been relatively unstable since the installation of the mod, which does not conflict with any of the mods I have installed (I checked myself). Anyway, does anyone know how to uninstall the mod without losing my save? The mod author DID NOT include an uninstall section in the TWENTY PAGE README, which was entirely about the mod's features. For any who require a reason for my want to uninstall: As in the first paragraph, it makes changes that do not fit my taste, and weren't covered to such an extent that I'd know before installing and playing for a while. To any who attempt to aid me, thank you very much; I appreciate it. The modification in question is located HERE: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35360/? (if the URL is incorrect, it is because for some reason I couldn't copy- paste it; the internet made me manually type it. Silly internet!)
  14. Hey guys, i have a problem with NMM: I will explain my problem with an example: My hard drive has 100GB free space left. I install a mod which requires 200MB space. I play the game and don't like the mod. Now I uninstall the mod with NMM (btw I've downloaded the mod also via the NMM from the Nexus site) and the mod is gone...like it should be. The problem is, when I look into the explorer of Windows, the hard drive has still 99,8GB free space, so the 200MB don't come back after uninstalling the mod. And that is a big problem, because i have ~50 mods until now and there will be more in the future. So there is memory consumption for nothing... Can anyone help me with this problem?
  15. Greetings I noticed this issue sometime after uninstalling the NukaRadBan, even though I uninstalled it and it cannot be found anywhere in the game directory, it remains in the NMM plugin list. I deleted the cache of NMM (stupid idea, never do that) and reinstall NMM, the plugin remains. I verified the game via Steam, the plugin remains. I reinstalled the mod and it works normally in game, I can additem via console and it shows up like it should. However, after uninstalling it it still shows in the plugin list. It doesn't really bugs me but right now I'm doing a whole re-installment of game and mods since it gets messy after countless install and uninstall. Before I do that I hope I can deal with this issue first. Does anybody has an idea how can I chase down this "ghost" in my computer and what is causing it? Any response would be appreciated!
  16. Recently I have been having a problem with Nexus Mod Manager where, even if I tell NMM to disable and then delete the mod from all profiles and then uninstall and permanently delete it off of NMM so that no record of it is left, all of its files will remain in my Fallout 4 directory. This includes .esp files remaining active and loose files remaining active in the game's folders as well. As a result, I have to manually uninstall every mod I would normally uninstall using NMM, and I am not sure when this issue started happening so I don't know how many files are cluttering up my Fallout 4 folder and effecting things that I don't want it to. I have tried running NMM as admin and I looked into this problem extensively but have found no information on the problem at all. I have asked my friends who play Fallout 4 and use NMM to mod it and they have not had this happen either. Nothing is in read-only mode and I don't have any other issues on my PC I am aware of. I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance!
  17. I had a crash while a mod was being uninstalled and now I can't uninstall or delete any mods at all. I keep getting this error. what do I do? http://puu.sh/nMIvn/b33333b77e.png
  18. To make a long story short, I recently had to delete all my mods. After doing so, I uninstalled the Mod Manager, because it stopped working. I could choose which game I wanted to use with it, but when I click Skyrim, it gets stuck loading. I've tried letting it sit for over an hour, but the loading bar never gets past the Mod Manager logo, the circle with the arrows around it. I've deleted all the mods from my skyrim folder and everything should be working fine, but it just isn't. Furthermore, if I run BOSS now, it still shows all the mods. I don't know why this is, because there shouldn't be anything there. Please, anyone, I really want to play skyrim again, but it's looking like I can't.
  19. I don't think my computer is able to handle ENBs with my heavily modded game, so I attempted to uninstall my ENB and the binary with ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7804/?). Once I ran it and attempted to start Skyrim, I got a CTD during the initial loading screen of my savegame. Before this, I tried to use Realvision ENB and adjusted my skyrimprefs.ini accordingly. It worked fine but was a little too FPS heavy with all the mods i have, so I installed ENBoost which significantly improved my performance but minimized the ENB's effects. I found some other mods (notably Imaginator MCM and immersive saturation/contrast boost -http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32064/?) that could achieve the coloring/lighting features I wanted without being as taxing as an ENB. So I tried to uninstall Realvision with the ENB Manager and refresh the .ini files through the skyrim launcher. Unfortunately this results in a CTD in the initial loading screen (startup and main menu work fine). What can I do to ensure that I can cleanly uninstall the ENB and refresh the ini files and then load a save that was once dependent on it?
  20. Whenever I go to uninstall a mod, I get an error message asking me if I want to open up my TraceLogs. This isn't specified to one mod, this happens with all mods I try to uninstall and then it tells me that Nexus Mod Manager has stopped working. Any help?
  21. Greetings! First off, I did search for these topics, but I was unable to find anything useful. Whether it's because my searching abilities suck or the relevant information is simply buried too deep, I do not know. I need to know of any method that would allow detecting where on the body of an actor a hit was performed and how to create relatively "safe" uninstall routines for scripts (avoid breaking saves). Thank you very much for reading this and I look forward to contributions.
  22. i use nmm, and i dont use enb mods because i know my computer cant handle it. i run my computer on the lowest setting and i never had issues running it, i dont know what i installed that made it run a bit slowly. I could give you a list of how many mods there are but there is 115 of them. And even after installing most of them my computer is still running slow, thats never happened before. I did install install xp32 extended and thats when i noticed but when i replaced it with the original xp32 the little frame rate missing continued to happen. And for specs i dont know how to find that on my laptop.
  23. Is it fine to uninstall a mod that has an .esp plugin but contains no scripts? Will this damage my save in any way?
  24. I might have f*#@ed up while trying to uninstall the Cerwiden companion mod. I didn't dismiss her or run anything through the console like in the mod's description, I just quit Skyrim and uninstalled her through NMM. After realizing this error, I re-installed her to try and get rid of her properly but now my game crashes about half a second after it finishes loading. Any fix for this? I can't go back to a previous save where she wasn't following me because that would be about 40 hours of gameplay ago.
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