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  1. The problem is there are certain weapons in game that if i pick them up and open my inventory, or a buy/sell menu, etc, the game will freeze and require a reset. Thus far the weapons that are causing it are any skyforge weapons, Ancient weapons the draugr drop, and now the Ebony Blade. In SSEEdit there are no conflicts bar USEEP. I'm playing 1.6.640, and am using the USEEP version that was last updated on that version. The weapons themselves don't causes freezing in the game world, as in you will see their models fine without issue, even Quickloot has no issue, but the UI for some reason doesn't like them. Searching the internet and i'm surprised that this issue is specific to me. I have no mods that alter the meshes of the weapons, and the only UI mod that alters weapons is perhaps the BOOBIES icons, i dunno. I use Untarnished UI. I do play with over 1500 esps/esls. I'll leave this here just in case someone knows the issue or has a similar issue.
  2. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  3. I like to have one type of gun for every ammo type you get, plus I like changing guns every few minutes to switch up gun play. However, the favorites menu only has 12 slots, so switching to a gun not in the favorite's menu takes a bit (especially with this UI, am I right). How easy would it be to add on to the Favorite's cross, like maybe at least 2 more in each direction? Having something like that would be really helpful.
  4. Using Vortex 1.9.7 client for Windows with an ultrawide monitor. The client seems to have some sort of pre-defined width for every column and then just lumps any remaining space into the "Mod Name" column. I have poked around the app and checked the UI section of the documentation without finding any references to altering the layout of the Mod Table. Generally I can understand the app maximizing the size of the name field ... at least until you reveal the "Archive Name" column, which is almost always longer than the Mod Name field. This makes it difficult to read and makes the table taller/longer than it needs to be due to the word-wrap on the archive name field. Potential solutions in decreasing order of desirability: User can just click-drag the column headers to change the sizes in the table User can specify a numeric value "somewhere" to adjust the sizes of the columns The "Archive Name" field specifically is tagged the same as the "Mod Name" field, such that they will both try to expand as far as they can: Whichever mod is closest to the left side of the table (i.e. "first" order-wise) will take all the room it needs to remain on one line The "second" field will then expand as far as it can, again trying to get on a single line Any remaining space would then go back to the "first" field (i.e. the current behavior) Anyway, thanks for the consideration. Keep up the good work! Hoji.
  5. So, this is my first time installing mods on New Vegas (using Mod Organizer 2, btw). I followed the instructions on the mods themselves, as well as ideas from multiple threads on load orders, but when I boot up the game, my cursor never appears and neither does the various icons on the main menu of the game. I have tried multiple fixes suggested online, including changing load order, disabling mods one at a time to find the culprit, and even disabling every mod to see if it fixes. Nothing has worked. Can anyone at least attempt to help me fix this? Here is my load order for reference, after the default load order of official content: NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus JIP LN NVSE Plugin JohnnyGuitar NVSE UIO - User Interface Organizer A World Of Pain 6.94 Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas CAGE - Continue After Games Ending The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more More Perks Realistic Headshots Monster Mod Project Nevada Project Nevada - DLC Support Sunny Smiles Companion Unlimited Companions EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements Interior Lighting Overhaul Fallout Character Overhaul Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul
  6. With all this mods that allows you to go permabuffed (to lazy to recast everything after each long rest) the buff icons get in the middle and don't let you interact with anything within their "space"... and as you can see in the image below it's almost half screen. Is there anyone willing to see if it's possible to rearrange them to use two or three lines, one beneath the other, and use all that blank space next to the portraits?
  7. Hey there, For some reason I can't figure out, nothing in options will save between sessions. Every time I boot up the game I have to reset my key binds, turn down the volume, tweak a few graphic sliders. This is without mods on the vanilla game. So how do I save my settings? I can't find anything of actual value that addresses this hassle. Any ideas folks? tia
  8. Cyberpunk could really use an option to lock the minimap's rotation so north is at the top, and have the player arrow rotate. This is an option in many games, and I'm honestly surprised that the 2.0 update didn't include this, considering the other improvements to the minimap. Hopefully, this would be a very easy mod as it should just require a redirection of which HUD element's rotation is tied to the player's. This might already exist and I just haven't found it.
  9. Replace the quest marker with a circle area on the map. Configurable radius in an MCM would be great, although not necessary I love Better Quest Objectives, however some quests are difficult to complete without a marker. I find myself turning it on/off so I can see approximately where the objective is. Being able to see the general area of an objective would retain some of the fun of seeking it out for yourself, without the frustration of turning markers on/off. Configuring this circle marker to be more or less precise would allow for more variety in play - the larger the zone, the more difficult quests become etc. I've tried looking for a mod of this type, however I am unable to find one. Thanks for any help.
  10. I use a decent amount of crafting mods and so there are a lot of moments where I have to scroll through quite a few of them to get to the ones I want. I think It would be useful to have a mod that makes things that you can't craft, whether from lack of a perk, material, or some sort of recipe, invisible until you gain them. It would probably be necessary to make it toggleable so people can check to see if a crafting mod is working or check the material they need for something. On a separate note, a lot of mods add their own workbenches so I think it would be useful to make more patches for adding other mods or vanilla benches items to the AWCR Benches like with the AWCR Explosives Patch so you don't have armour and other random things in the chemistry bench so much. That combined with the original premise would make crafting more streamlined but with more manageable menus.
  11. Hi, I'm having trouble accessing a variable using UI.GetInt(), particularly iPageSetIndex from BookMenu.as, which I believe is the number of the current page of the book that the player is currently reading. Looking through the Unofficial Skyrim UI SDK files, I found BookMenu_mc, which seems to be what I'm looking for, but when I put that on the target parameter like this: UI.GetInt("Book Menu", "_root.BookMenu_mc.iPageSetIndex")it always returns 0. I've searched around and found some examples like this one and the one included in the SKSE UI.psc script and they seem to work just fine, but for some reason, I can't get any variables from the Book Menu. I think it might be the path of the target parameter that is wrong, but maybe there is something else that I'm missing. Here's a simple test script I've been using: Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  12. Is there a mod out there that adds a search bar to the inventory/magic menu's? and if not could that be a thing? because it IS a royal pain when you have an inventory that would put a super market to shame and you have to find this one wooden spoon you accidentally picked up in order to drop it as example. That's a good 8 to 10 to 15 whole seconds scrolling through your junk inventory and gods forbid you accidentally pass the spoon in your inventory and thats a whole extra 10 to 15 seconds of scrolling looking for the bloody thing. when you could just have a search bar and type in Spoon and Bam there it is, 3 seconds tops. OH and don't even get me started on that magic menu.
  13. I'm looking for a mod that changes the crosshair to an open circle like a shotgun in other FPS games. This is my favorite type of crosshair for hip-fire and I'd really like it for Fallout! If you know any mods like this or can possibly point me in the right direction to do it myself, I'd be grateful! Example image:
  14. Hey guys! I made a post on Reddit of an image I put together showing the HUD in Fallout 76. Here's the image in 8K I was advised on posting here as a few people including myself thought it would be a great mod for Fallout 4. Unfortunately when it comes to the technical side of modding I haven't a clue, so if anyone wants to turn this into a Fallout 4 mod and knows how to, let me know and I can provide the assets that I've recreated. Thanks!
  15. A mod that keeps health/stamina bars etc the same but removes that hellish sneak eye. Immersion killer haha. Appreciate any help or time!
  16. Hello, I was trying to make things bigger in the `Mods` section in NMM and I accidentally made one section to big and I can't get it back to normal without make another one big. Is there a way to reset the UI or move things like that? I tried the `Reset UI` setting but that didn't work.
  17. So, I've taken a break from this game for a few years and I'm really excited to return back to it! Especially after all these different and fantastic mods accumulated and evolved. Strengthening the immersion; The weather, the texture lighting tweaks, the foliage, even the attempts at Realistic First Person Camera, all the different fraction armors. It's absolutely incredible and I'm unbelievably thankful that Nexus has so many talented modders making things that I could only dream the game developers would include. Although while I'm sure there is probably a good reason I'm just surprised there isn't any mods that make any hard changes to the HUD or the First-Person View Filters of Power Armor. Such as this example in Bioshock in the link. When you put on the helmet it will trigger a black filter in front of your First Person Camera to simulate looking through the glass of said Helmet. I always thought it was so immersive! It would be even more immersive to see some kind of custom HUDs for each type of Helmet. Raider themed/Military themed /Advanced X-01 Themed. I'd also like to point out while I have no real modding experience outside of map editors. If I were to make this mod myself with the helmet outline blocking the 1st person camera - would I need to utilize the script extender or is it something simple like adding an image in the directory in F4Editor that can be prompted by equipping the helmet? With some advice I'd be willing to make the mod myself even though genuinely I would rather leave it to the professionals.
  18. Does anyone know of a way to add menus to the Pip-Boy? I'm working on a survival mode (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc) mod, and want to add New-Vegas style tabs to the CND section, but I have no idea where that information is stored or accessed, and prodding around the GECK has so far not yielded anything but a "Radiation" menu that seems to house the breakpoints for rad poisoning. Does anyone have any idea how to do this, or is able to point me in the general direction? Is this even doable with F3's engine? Iirc, I've seen other mods that merge menus and such but I don't remember what they are, so I can't reverse engineer them. Thank you very please
  19. If I 'X" out the items in the "Let's Get You Set Up" dashlet is there a way to restore them?
  20. While it does take some time to get used to the workbench UI changes in Fallout 76, I think the new system is better. The hoarder in me also likes the feature that allows you to scrap all junk you're holding into their base components; this makes looting areas easier. Does anyone else find this new system appealing, and would anyone consider bringing this to Fallout 4, or does anyone know of a mod that does this?
  21. where do i find the hud mod in this video where it displays my character?
  22. The fact that the ship builder has no kind of sorting is awful, not only by price or manufacturer but mostly by type. My worst gripe is with weapons, when let's say I'm looking for missiles or lasers I can't just bunch them all together and it's impossible to compare two because they're all so spread out
  23. Hello everyone dear modding community, as you may have noticed, Starfield is very big. You use the fast travel very often and the user interface is one of the few points that Bethesda (once again) unfortunately did not succeed so well. I'm looking for a mod that can save visited locations like planets, cities and outposts as favorites to quickly access them via the galaxy map or other ways. Alternatively I am looking for a mod that allows me to filter icons on the galaxy map. For example, show only the outposts, so that you can find them faster and in the best case the name is also displayed. Would something like that be possible? Does something like this already exist or do you know someone who has tried something like this? Have a nice day! <3
  24. so i think this would be a really nice QOL mod at least for me, i find it really annoying that scan view highlights all pickups including utterly useless things like empty toilet roll tubes worth maybe 1 credit. better yet though, however i'm sure much more work and harder to implement would be to make most misc items glow at say half or 25% glow strength so that actually usefull and valuable stuff like digipicks and keys would be the same glow as resources, weapons, bodies, etc. etc. the only exceptions i'd want to this is things like higher value misc items like sculptures worth over a couple hundred credits and so on and not to mention very high value misc items like contraband items worth over 10k and so on. an additional idea for the latter part about contraband items, it would be cool imo if say contraband items glowed purple instead of the blue like everything else, or yellow like the little icon on their tooltip or inventory entry. liking the game a lot so far and after putting some mods in just now to increase startup time, better hud, fov and performance enhancers and not to mention the dlss conversion mod i'm having significantly higher fps so gonna love playing this now. it's a damn miracle that the game is as 'stable' as it is with bethesdas past in mind :q thanks in advance to anyone who at least even just attempts making this mod idea of mine :) i have not nearly the skill for it but i hope i will be able to dl a mod of this someday <3 have a good day ya'll
  25. Hello, I'm having an issue where the Dexterity modifier doesn't show up in the tooltip of my weapon, even though it has a Dexterity modifier. Only the Strength modifier appears in the tooltip. Is there a mod available that can fix this issue? If not, which files should I modify to fix this issue? I would greatly appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Image Update: I managed to create a string file with a proper ID that defines "Dex modifier" and exported it. I also edited itemstats.xls and itemstatdefines.xls accordingly. However, when I try to transform itemstats.xls to itemstats.gda, instead of showing the name for the dex modifier, a set of random symbols show up. This causes the string.tlk text to not show up in the game, yet the dex modifiers' values actually show up. Image2 Appreciate any kind of help. Update #2: Partially_Solved.
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