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  1. Greetings. I am requesting help from scratch to be able to install Toolset in 2024. I would be very grateful if someone with experience on the subject could advise me, since when I manage to solve an error, another 10 appear.
  2. My mod was removed from the site for being too popular and not technically a mod, so I am creating a thread here so people have a place to post feedback, bugs, and suggestions. View the map at modmapper.com I started this project because I wanted to know where the most untouched areas of Skyrim are. If I'm building a house mod, for example, I need to know what other mods would potentially conflict with my placement.I downloaded every SE mod from Nexus Mods, extracted the plugins, and recorded the cell edits in every plugin. Then, I used the UESP skyrim map tiles to display all of the edits as a heatmap. You can click on a cell to see all of the mods that edit that cell sorted by popularity. Clicking on a mod in that list will show you all of the cells that the mod edits (across all files and versions of the mod). You can also search for a mod by name or a cell by x and y coordinates in the search bar at the top. All of the code for this is open source: modmapper: program to automate downloading, extracting, and parsing plugins modmapper-web: website code for displaying the cell edits as a heatmap on a mapboxgl map skyrim-cell-dump: library for parsing skyrim plugin files and extracting CELL data Anyways, hope this is useful to others. I thought it was pretty interesting to see the most popular places for modding in Skyrim. I'm now keeping track of features I'm working on on this Trello board.
  3. 有没有一个模组可以让 V 更改角色模型并自由切换到游戏中的任何角色? 杰基·威尔斯、约翰尼或西尔弗汉德或朱迪·阿尔瓦雷斯等,甚至是其他基本的 NPC 角色
  4. As the title says, I'm looking for a mod or tool where I can force a certain scene to happen during a long rest. I'm playing a Durge Honour Mode run and was planning to romance Karlach. Everything was going perfectly but I guess I did the exact wrong thing and rushed to Dammon and then camp before Mizora appeared. I had no idea this was a common glitch and being an honour run I can't go back to an old save. I put a request in on the Mod Ideas, but also wondering if there is any kind of script tool or solution to force that cutscene to happen next long rest so I dont get locked out of the romance.
  5. I, like many others I imagine, am quite irritated that the iridium Hoe and Watering Can don't water/till a 5x5 square to match the iridium sprinkler, but more than that, the whole progression of those tools doesn't really make sense to me. The current setup for these tools is as follows: 1x1 (1), 1x3 (3), 1x5 (5), 3x3 (9), 3x6 (18) It just seems nonsensical to me, so my request is that the areas change as follows: 1x1 (1), 1x3 (3), 3x3 (9), 3x5 (15), 5x5 (25) This way it matches the progression of the quality => iridium sprinklers. I know people say this is too OP, but the way I see it is you need 1 iridium bar to make a sprinkler. You need a whopping 5 to upgrade your tools. :/ I understand this may be something that is hard coded into the game, as I searched high and low for a mod that did something to this effect and came up empty. Better Sprinklers did something like this with the sprinkler areas and even made it configurable, so who knows? Anyway thanks in advance if this is possible or thanks anyway if not. :)
  6. Many modders have wanted to create completely new skill trees including myself. And I don't mean just rearranging or combining the original trees in the level up menu. I was hoping that someone could find a way to create completely new skill trees that are not part of the level up menu, similar to the vampire or werewolf skill trees. Second if someone could find a way to put these new skill trees in a new menu or menu screen, again like the vampire perk tree screen that is independent from the level up menu. And finally a way to open these new menu screens, like a way to set it so it opens when the player clicks on a book, or steps into a certain spot or something. Finally if someone can figure any of this out, can there be a tutorial on how to do it? Or if anyone has any ideas on how to get this done, feel free to post them here.
  7. After reading about those "make new settlements anywhere" mods, I thought, I don't want to go that far, but, there is so much raw junk out there which I could use. All those old cars, for example. If I only could tow them to some settlement to scrap them... Well, I think towing would be pretty much impossible (and even if, very time-consuming and annoying). So, why not some sort of tool to scrap them in the field? I'm thinking about some sort of a "weapon", which you equip and then "attack" some scrappable item. It then disappears, and you gain the scrap. Of course it shouldn't work on everything what the game might consider scrappable, I suspect that might do some serious damage. Or, alternative idea: make some things, like old cars, "mineable". Like the Ores in Skyrim. You activate them, get that blowtorch or hammering animation, and then you have harvested some components, like pieces of steel, screws or ciruitry. The car itself remains where it was.
  8. http://puu.sh/sfn3O.png www.modpicker.com News 11/29/2016: Update 1.0.2 pushed. [Changes] 11/15/2016: Update 1.0.1 pushed. [Changes] 11/11/2016: Mod Picker is now in public beta! Make an account and join us to revolutionize the modding community and your next mod list! 11/11/2016: Update 1.0 pushed. [Changes] 10/1/2016: Mod Picker enters private beta testing (invite only). 11/21/2015: Mod Picker team is formed, and the project starts. Summary Mod Picker is a platform for building mod lists and sharing and organizing information about mods. If you’re familiar with PC Part Picker, you can pretty much think of Mod Picker like that, but for mods. The site provides centralized and easily accessible location for users to gather compatibility information about mods, including information about mod install and load order. Mods are added to the site by users, then searchable from an index with a large number of filters. Any user can add information about mod compatibility, install order, or load order. Users can also submit reviews on mods, which should make it easier to find mods that match your taste. Users of the site can build virtual modlists, taking advantage of the compatibility information and automated load and install order sorting to build the perfect game for them. In the near future we will offer a way to import and export mod lists. The end goal is to make it so an application can guide a user through downloading and setting up a mod list, automating as many steps as possible. The website tracks a lot of metadata about mods, such as asset file paths, mod requirements, and deep information about plugins such as record composition and errors detected by TES5Edit. All of this data will be made available through a rich API so other developers can make use of it from their own applications. Join Us Discuss Mod Picker on Discord, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or join the Mod Picker group on Steam. If you have questions about Mod Picker, check out our Help Center or come ask us personally in Discord! We'll reply to this thread as well on occasion. Contribute If you want to contribute, you can do so in several ways: Use the site! Every compatibility note, mod list, and mod added helps the site grow and become more useful to everyone. We’re looking for publicity! If you are, or you know, a YouTuber, video game journalist, or other person that might be interested in highlighting Mod Picker, help us get in touch! Give us feedback! Things aren’t quite perfect yet, we appreciate any help in finding bugs, improving user experience, or coming up with new features. Make a donation. This project has been a lot of work, and we aren't running any ads on the site. We're relying on donations from the community to stay afloat. Anything helps! Thank you! ~ The Mod Picker Team (Mator, Thallassa, Sirius, Nariya, Breems, R79, ThreeTen, Kirillian)
  9. How many times have you traveled back to your settlement and decided you need another Workshop Item that matches one you have already placed, but can't find it in the menu. Over the months I have played Fallout 4 I have spent many hours looking in the workshop menu tree, getting totally confused, unable to find the item I wanted. Let me describe my current dilemma... A couple of weeks ago I spent about 10 hours building my lovely shiny new Vault 88. The mods I used are the excellent Homemaker - Expanded Settlements, Better Vendor Stalls, Just Curtains, OCDecorator, Renovated Furniture and Vault 88 - More Vault Rooms. (Kudos btw to these brilliant modders!) As you can imagine, my workshop item menus are really complicated, and filled with dozens and dozens of extra items. So I had previously built a schoolroom containing school desks with built-in chairs. I decided it would look better if I expanded it slightly. Now I want to add 2 more school desks but am unable to locate them in the menu structure. My mod suggestion is this.... Activate the Workshop Menu, highlight the item or piece of furniture you require and duplicate it using an "eyedropper tool". I realise you can copy a lot of things by holding them in front of you and using console commands to get the Form ID, but how much better would it be if this function was integrated into the Workshop Menu structure? This would be a brilliant mod if it's technically possible... Unfortunately I do not have the required skills myself. If any of you excellent modders out there know how to do this it would be amazing. Happy hunting!
  10. ABOUT When creating mods, loading the game up again and again and clicking through the menu every time to test a mod can quickly get tiresome. Autoload allows you to bypass the main menu and open-to-game with no additional clicks required. It also adds a couple of bells-and-whistles to aid you in multitasking, including flashing the window when the game has loaded, or automatically activating the game window. Bethesda's plugin hotload feature is very useful, but the nature of the mods that I create often requires me to re-launch the game. I made this as a productivity tool to minimize iteration times. FEATURES Bypass the main menu and go straight-to-game on launch.Load either a fixed save, or your most recent save matching certain criteria (non-autosaves only, named saves only, etc.)Automatically run a post-load console command to set up your character for testing (e.g. give items/materials, equip items, etc.)Flash or bring the Fallout 4 window to the front when the game has finished loading, so that you can work on other things during loads.Suppress the "Mods are loaded, achievements are disabled" message box when loading a custom-named save.Optionally suppress the missing content message box.REQUIREMENTS Fallout 4 v1.10.64 F4SE v0.3.0 or higher. USAGE Open Data\F4SE\autoload.ini to configure Autoload. Here is a list of settings. ADDITIONAL NOTES You can configure the action to take when holding down the Shift key when the game starts. By default, this will skip autoload. You can also set it to autoload only if you have the Shift key held down.Hold the Shift key when loading a save to make that save the autoloaded savegame in future loads.CREDITS The F4SE team, for F4SE. Thanks to tim-timman for introducing the concept of instant-loading to me! I (and possibly you) would still be clicking through menus otherwise. DOWNLOAD All releases: Github Releases Latest automatic build: Appveyor SOURCE CODE Github OLDER VERSIONS Autoload v1.4 for game version v1.10.64. Autoload v1.3 for game version v1.10.50. Autoload v1.2 for game version v1.10.26. Autoload v0.9 for game version v1.9.4.
  11. So, there are SO MANY settlement mods and added official DLC content at this point. Many items are awesome, many items I literally would never, ever use. A HUGE PROBLEM with having dozens of settlement mods and DLC is that it effectively breaks the settlement menu. Nothing plays well together, load order makes things appear and disappear, etc. I have NO skills when it comes to programming, modding, etc., so I don't know if this is even something that could be done, but what if a plugin style tool existed that allowed the user to configure categories and individual items that were available to build? The player could then streamline what categories and items appear, keep within the games limits, eliminate all the stuff they don't use, and free up all the time trying to get things to work together. I know this is a stretch, but a plug-in like BodySlide or LOOT that can be pulled up in ModManager that has a simple GUI (i.e. windows folder or better yet, actual in game graphic} would be IDEAL. Anyone with any experience know if this is even possible?
  12. I'm just posting this to find out what everybody is wanting to see com out of the new creation tool. Personally I am want a mod that will make duel welding possible in the game either through a added skill, modification, or option in the main menu. What do you guys think?
  13. For awhile since decent enough mods have came out, I wished I had a save game cleaner that didn't require lots of understanding of code commands and such. Maybe adapt skyrims version of the save game cleaner to the F04.
  14. I just thought it would be great if someone could make a facecode tool for this game similar to the one used in Mass Effect series. I don't know how about you but I spent long hours trying to create and leater on Recreate a "Familiar" face in the game, and aside from a few crashes during the process it would just be sooo much easier for me to do that in the past, same as if I was to ever play the game again and want to use my awesome face I got used to, I could just simply copy the code. I just toss an idea out there, maybe someone sharing my views will actualy want to do that :P I am no modder myself so I cant rly do much more :P
  15. Hello, Oblivion Reloaded allows for some shaders (Bloom, Coloring, Water) to have individual settings for interior cells based on the cell name. It would be very convenient if the INI files would allow for patterns (wildcards to begin with), for example: [*sewer*] >>some dark setup<< would yield in >>some dark setup<< for every cell with a "sewer" in its name. Until (if ever) this happens, I have a workaround at my hands. My question is, if you guys think it is worthwhile to try and turn my hack into something usable by the community. If so, do you have suggestions for features? (There will be no GUI ;-). ) Here is how it works (leaving out the details). Let's take the Bloom shader as an example. ** A Tes4Edit script writes every cell name in use to a file. ** A file called Bloom.patterns.INI holds the patterns like in the "sewer* example. ** A Perl script reads in the existing Bloom.INI (containing "exact matches", if you like), as well the as the Bloom.patterns.INI, and matches the patterns against the cell names. It writes out a Bloom.INI usable by OR. The Perl script could be published 'compiled', as an EXE -- no need to install Perl. Future plans: Regular expressions (extended syntax e.g. multiline, with comments), such that one pattern could match sewers, dungeons, tombs, ... you name it. So what do you think?
  16. I have searched the NV nexus for a mod that allows you to rename any weapon at will, and I have not found such a mod. Something like this would allow one to grow more attached to their favorite weapon, making it a partner instead of just another killing tool. I apologize if something like this already exists, I just couldn't find it. But if someone knows of something like this, please direct me to it.
  17. For now, asking as to how to solve conflict between mods. Of course, they are several type of cases : - graphicals - scripts - dialogues So far, informations as how to handle each type are quite difficult to locate (how come this has not been made a pinned topic here years ago ?). So, for now, opening the thread (and, sorry as to "thread necromancy", given activity and that that thread was the lone returning as to "conflict".. As progress are found, I'll see to update it, so it may be a resource later on. Thanks all for reading (that would be the first step). Tbs.
  18. Does anyone know how I can add the mod Face Masks of Skyrim ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33391/? ) to this Sneak Tools mod ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19447/? ) so I can enchant those face masks with the Identity-Concealing enchantment? Or vice versa? It would be nice to have this enchant on those mask that actually cover my face, rather than just a hood where I can still see my whole face. Thanks in advance.
  19. hello, I am trying to create a subtitle mod where i convert the English subtitles of the skyrim game into Arabic subtitles. the problem is that, when i type in Arabic text in the creation kit dialogue editor, the Arabic characters are converted to some kind of symbols, i don't know how to fix this. does the creation kit need custom fonts or such things installed in it's directory?, is this because of my system's localization or language?, or is it impossible for the creation kit to support other character sets rather than arabic?. and if the creation kit supported arabic subtitles would the game it self preview them without problems? please, anyone who has experience in this type of thing, do respond to this post. Thank you.
  20. I just finished the first relatively stable beta build with all the core features I initially really wanted, so I thought I'd share it here for people making mods to see and go into it's creation a little bit. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6441/ https://github.com/sirdoombox/SimpleFOMOD/ This was made in VisualStudio2015 Community (C#) using the Mahapps.Metro visual package for window and control themes,alongside Fody.Costura for merging everything into the assembly. It's my very first project so the code is likely very unoptimised and a bit hideous, but for the work that it's doing it doesn't really matter all that much. As for how it works, it essentially generates one large nested data object exclusively from user input, and using that nested data object creates the required info.XML and ModuleConfig.xml files for FOMOD and stores all the mod files into directories/sub-directories based on their group/module assignment. It also stores extra properties like descriptions, images and the group type property, as well as custom install destination for individual files for use in the .XML files. I'd like to continue developing this, adding new features and improving performance where I can, however my skillset is a little limited (this being my first project and all). I'm also open to contributors, if anyone is looking for something to do and finds this project interesting you're absolutely welcome to send me a private message.
  21. I am having a problem with the converter tool for the Real Teeth mod used to fix the "stuck teeth" problem.. I follow the instructions but it seems like it is bugged and can't make or find the files it needs and nothing is placed in the out folder. I have tried different drives, running it as admin and disabling my AV \ spyware programs with no change.. Attached it the output from the cmd. Any help would be appreciated.. on a side note I remember back in the DOS days sometimes when an older program had to make temp files running it on too fast of computer would cause it to error due to not having time to do so before looking for them.. Looking at the output I wounder if it's a similar issue here?...
  22. After a recent CK update, I am unable to launch the tool at all. I have re-installed the tool itself, steam and all the games/mods multiple times, and I am still unable to launch it. Whenever I try to launch the CK, it will do absolutely nothing. When trying to launch it from the exe. file itself, this error comes up: CreationKit.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point SteamUGC could not be located in the dynamic link library C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\CreationKit.exe Due to the lack of knowledge and repeated failure on trying to find a solution for this issue, i have given up in Steam (Who is clearly the root of the problem) and I am now trying to find a "Standalone" CreationKit. Any help with this would be appreciated, I been unable to mod for about 4 days because of this issue.
  23. Hey guys, I have been using NMM for a few years now to load my mods but I never actually used that many mods, so it was easy to just arrange my load order myself (using the programm's plugins tab) without having any major issues. However I currently have 122 mods installed (downloading Interesting NPC's, Immersive College of Winterhold and Realistic Animals and Predators as well) and trying to arrange them myself is getting tedious to say the least. So, I downloaded TOOL and used the Short Plugins function then hit the "Apply" button. Then I checked my Plugins on my NMM but they remained unchanged so this leads me to a couple of questions. 1) Can NMM and TOOL work together? So if i launch SKSE Skyrim from my NMM now will it load mods as TOOL suggested or as they are still appear on NMM's Plugin list. I am guessing the 2nd in which case... halp xD 2) Is TOOL reliable enough? I mean I could see certain mods that I thought could have been placed better, but I am not an expert so I can't be sure. If answer is NO, then can I post a screen of TOOL's list so someone can help me with it? Or are there any other options? (BOSS comes to mind but I heared TOOL is "better".) Note that I had just uninstalled every mod I had and just reinstalled them using NMM in a Alphabetic order (Apart from mods that had to overwrite certain files on other mods. e.g. "XPMS - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended" and other animation mods), should I maybe arrange the plugins myself with NMM before I try to use TOOL or does it make no difference? Thanks for the help. ^^ P.M. If you guys need to know my current mods list just ask.
  24. HKXPack Havok packed file extractor Get the project Project page - Latest release What is HKXPack ? "Havok packed file extractor" or "hkxpack" is a tool to extract data from the Havok packed files (.hkx). It currently only works for "hk_2014.1.0-r1" files (Fallout 4 format). What are hkx files ? The hkx files are used in most Havok-based games to store animations, behaviors, skeletons and more. Most of these files can be found in Animations.ba2. Functionalities : hkxpack is as of now in version 0.1.0-beta. Implemented : hkx extraction : Except for some bugs, it works ! hkx compression : should work 100% expect for the above bugs. Planned : animation format conversion : We are working on a COLLIDA => HKX converter. handle other formats : We may be able to extend the project and handle e.g. Skyrim's files. Cancelled to not promote porting stuff. Contributors Please don't bother us too much, we are doing what we can :smile: DexesTTP - CPU - Fore - Figment - Leito86 - Lordescobar666 - Neomonkeus - Volfin - The NifTools IRC guys.
  25. Is there any tool or method to change for example armor rating for multiple items? Lets say I have a mod with 200 armor references. I want to change their armor rating to a global number like 26. Do I have to change them one by one, or is there a script that does the hard work automatically? I know automation tool's armor builder for TES5edit, but it builds a completely new armor mod. I mean I need some much simpler thing. Edit: sorry for typo in the topic name, I meant: "Edit multiple items"
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