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  1. Only asking for a couple off bosses from vinilla terraria to be ported over to 3ds maybe even some weapons and the shimmer too Ik the graphics for some modding would most likely need to be scaled down but be fun to be able to progress more and do more at a big push if anyone could make a mini calamity that runs on 3ds it would be mega but I know it’s a hard and big ask as it’s for 3ds but if someone is able to get it I’d greatly appreciate it
  2. Hey, I'm playing on expert difficulty on a medium sized world. Expert is obviously really really difficult so I was wondering if anyone wants to team with me. If you're interested in joining message me your steam ID and I'll add you. Important Stuff: Current Stage: Just whooped skeletron Armour: Shadow, also have a spare set of necro. Number of citizens: 5 World Size: Medium Underworld Connection: Yes Class: Melee/Mage Not Accepting Over-Powered Players I Want a challenge after all.
  3. I couldn't describe it very well in the title but basically is there a mod that allows you to wear something for looks and still have your armour on but not visible like in terraria. I know there is Armorsmith extended but is there 1 that allows you to have vanity and only vanity visible Thanks :)
  4. Hello guys, this is my first post on the forums here. :cool: Id like a mod that gives you additional armor slots in your inventory for cosmetics only that you can put armor into that overrides the visuals of the armor in your real slots while still keeping your real slots functionality. For example: you want to wear Silver Armor because you think it looks cool but it sucks compared to your strictly better palladium armor, so you wear the silver armor in your cosmetic slots while wearing the palladium in your actual armor slots. This is just like what you can do in Terraria for those that have played that game, there are cosmetic slots just for customizing your appearance and items in those slots have no effect other than making you look different, that's all I'm asking for. One last thing, id like to be able to use this mod in multiplayer and with Side Loader, as I've seen there is a mod similar to what I'm asking for called GAuth_VanityMod, but it uses Partiality Loader so im not sure of compatibility with my other mods, and it was last updated on 07 April 2020 as of now, making it pretty outdated which adds to my concern. If anyone has that mod and uses Side Loader than please let me know if you got it to work somehow and if its buggy/works in multiplayer. I'm scared to try playing around with it because I don't want to mess up anything in my game with my friend. https://www.nexusmods.com/outward/mods/117 I'm new to this modding community and game in general, so thanks for hearing me out!
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