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  1. Hi everyone, I've got two strings, eg. "Apple 1" and "Apple 2" and I want to compare the first 5 characters only, so I can test for the word "Apple" and have it return true for both strings. Any ideas if/how that can be done? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
  2. I made a post about this on the Bethsoft forums, but the thread has kinda gotten bogged down in arguments - and besides, I figure the more people I ask, the better. I'd also like to stress that I'm not planning on removing FDI from the Nexus or anything, I'm just trying to prepare for console ports, and getting stuff to work on the Bethesda platform is part of that. Anyways, I'm preparing to release FDI on the Bethesda site, but I've hit a snag I can't seem to get around: .strings files, even when included in an archive with an uploaded mod, do not override the .strings files in the Strings folder. Meaning that even if changes are made to .strings files in the archive, it doesn't amount to a thing because the game appears to prioritize the contents of the Strings folder. In any other circumstance this wouldn't be a problem - just put altered .strings in the folder directly - but on the Bethesda platform that obviously isn't an option. I've taken a look at other mods available on this platform that alter strings of text, but all those alterations seem to be hard-baked into the related .esp rather than using a .strings file. Is there any way to force the .strings files in a BA2 archive to override those in the Strings folder, as everything else in an archive seems to behave?
  3. I want to make my game refer to the player with gender-neutral language (person instead of man/woman, they instead of he/she etc). 1) Is this possible? The only game I've ever modded is Sims 2, in which editing game strings was very simple, but I highly doubt it would be so with Skyrim. 2) If it is possible, would it be so difficult that someone with as little experience as me would be completely incapable of doing it, or would it just take a very long time due to the amount of text in the game? 3) If it is possible both in general and for myself specifically, does anyone have any advice on how I would go about doing it? Would I have to edit each instance of gendered language individually, or could I have a mod which returns, for example, 'they' when the game asks if it should say 'he' or 'she' ? Thank you!
  4. How do you bring back the oringial Fallout4_en.STRINGS, Fallout4_en.DLSTRINGS, and Fallout4_en.ILSTRINGS files?
  5. Whenever I try to load the files in the Creation Kit (the file being Dawngaurd.esm, Update.esm, and Skyrim.esm) I get: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assert File C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp Line: 2871 LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- then --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masterfile: Localization: Zero entries or empty block size read from strings file Strings/Dawnguard_English.Strings. Strings will be missing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Kit crashes. I am utterly baffeled. Anyone know how to fix this?
  6. I've been wanting to tinker with an .esp which has three masters. CK told me I couldn't load multiple masters, so I looked online and entered bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 right under the General heading in the editor ini. Except when I tried to load my multiple masters with the active file to edit, this happened: "File C:\Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\Misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp Line: 2871 Localization: Error opening or reading strings file. Abort / Retry / Ignore" First try I said retry. Then I got another error message which offered the yes/no/yes to all thing, except about strings. When I selected yes or yes to all, the CK floundered a little before immediately crashing. Repeats yield the exact same results. Any idea how I could get around this? I'd quite like to actually be able to edit this file without the CK crashing on me.
  7. Looking at my last save I have: Strings - 49,512 Script Instances - 130,006 Good or bad?
  8. Please can a modding expert settle my mind? Skyrim LE had a game save string limit of @65,500 strings, after which things started to go wrong in game saves. :sick: Some people say Skyrim SE has resolved this, some people say it is not resolved. So what's the situation, please? I'm currently hitting 61,226 strings in my save. Am I to be doomed as the game progresses? :geek: Thank you!
  9. I need them for research purposes, but can't even download the game due to extreme internet slowness. Russian, English, and Chinese (simplified) are the most needed ones, please.
  10. Hi guys, my brother is playing Skyrim on his PS4 for the first time and he needs to learn to write in spanish. Can someone help me with this simple mod please? I will be very grateful and I can tip you for your time, thanks in advance for reading this.
  11. Hi guys, my brother is playing Skyrim on his PS4 for the first time and he needs to learn to write in spanish. Can someone help me with this simple mod please? I will be very grateful and I can tip you for your time, thanks in advance for reading this.
  12. Does SKYRIM SE have a LARGER String Count? Or not?! Trying to ascertain the truth here. Oldrim = max string count ceiling @65,550 due to save game on disk using 16bit unsigned integer. Skyrim SE = ? Some folks are adamant the Oldrim String Count is still valid. I have read on Reddit a few folks that are equally adamant that Skyrim SE uses 32bit integer, therefore giving virtually unlimited string count. There are those with stable save games over 70,000 strings, others who are equally sure their saves exploded by going over the 65,550 limit. I think it serves the community to have an expert nail down the exact truth of this matter and lay out their evidence. Please - anyone care to help? I am not I.T. capable. I think strings are bits of twine. :happy: Thanks!
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