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  1. Edit: See these ones, from people who actually know things, for actual information, they will help you, unlike my misinformed speculations: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/MCM-Advanced-Features#Localizationhttps://github.com/schlangster/skyui-lib/wiki/How-to
  2. I made a post about this on the Bethsoft forums, but the thread has kinda gotten bogged down in arguments - and besides, I figure the more people I ask, the better. I'd also like to stress that I'm not planning on removing FDI from the Nexus or anything, I'm just trying to prepare for console ports, and getting stuff to work on the Bethesda platform is part of that. Anyways, I'm preparing to release FDI on the Bethesda site, but I've hit a snag I can't seem to get around: .strings files, even when included in an archive with an uploaded mod, do not override the .strings files in the Strings folder. Meaning that even if changes are made to .strings files in the archive, it doesn't amount to a thing because the game appears to prioritize the contents of the Strings folder. In any other circumstance this wouldn't be a problem - just put altered .strings in the folder directly - but on the Bethesda platform that obviously isn't an option. I've taken a look at other mods available on this platform that alter strings of text, but all those alterations seem to be hard-baked into the related .esp rather than using a .strings file. Is there any way to force the .strings files in a BA2 archive to override those in the Strings folder, as everything else in an archive seems to behave?
  3. As the titles says, I'd like to make it possible for the player to change an actor's name in game. The problem I have is that I have no clue on how to make some sort of popup-box where the player can type, like how you name your character when creating it. Does anyone happen to know how I can get this popup-box to open or another way to do this? Thanks!
  4. Here, I have this odd bug. Tried it with a clean game and got the same issue. If it helps, here's my mod list. Alternative Start (by Robert Evrae)Faster ArrowsNatural WeatherOblivion Character OverhaulDouble/Quad Damage for Bows and ArrowsAll the official mods released by BethesdaKnights Of The Nine DLCShivering Isles
  5. I'm working on an update for my mod and I'll be adding a grappling hook arrow type. I have everything I need except a good looking grappling hook/arrow. Currently I'm just using the dragonbone arrow as a grappling hook so obviously there is no rope behind it. If someone could make me a mesh/texture for a grappling arrow I would very much appreciate it. A dragonbone arrow with a long rope on the end is basically what I'm looking for. Please respond if you can do this for me and are willing to help, thanks.
  6. Hello again, I have a small clothing-related project that involves checking whether the name of a certain item contains a certain word. OBSE seems to offer such a function, the CompareName, and I did manage to make it work, but I have run into a small problem. I have traced it to the combination CompareName and string_var. When I enter the word directly into the function, it works. Like the following: If CompareName "Legion" Item (do something) EndIf But when I try to use a string_var ("Keyword", for example) containing the word, the function does not work. Like the following: If CompareName Keyword Item (do something) EndIf So I would like to know whether or not it is possible to use some kind of string. And if it is, am I doing something wrong? I would like to be able to change the variable and then run the same script again, so as to be able to determine which keyword (there will be many) the name includes.
  7. Hello I've owned an English version of Skyrim and all of its DLCs since when they were released. Recently, One of my friends who owned a french copy of the game suggested to me to play the game in french to further improve my french speaking skill. Since, I didn't have any intention to buy the game again just to play it in french, I did a little research and tried to make it French myself. I have around 100 mods from nexus and steam workshop (which most of them doesn't have a translated version) therefore, I preferred not to touch "skyrim.esm". Fortunately, my friend offered me "Skyrim - Voices.bsa" from his game directory But it wasn't enough, I needed the french subtitles as well to understand the meaning. to not bother myself with the Skyrim's UI language, I used "BSAopt v1.6.3" to open my "Skyrim - Interface.bsa" and Extract the french String Files. I've put them all in "Data\Strings" and renamed them to English ones accordingly,While I Pulled the actual English ones out of that folder. Now, I have "Skyrim_English.dlstrings, Skyrim_English.slstrings, Skyrim_English.strings" in my string folder while they are actually french ones renamed. Good news is that subtitles showed up in my game but with one problem which doesn't occur in my friend's game. The subtitles contain blank rectangles. Apparently the Apostrophes and accents can't get injected in the subtitle :sad: Any Suggestions? BTW, Sorry if my text is too long or confusing. English is my 2nd Language. I just wanted to make sure it's completely clear.
  8. I already looked at the Text Replacement article on the creation kit wiki, and it leads me to believe that this task is unnecessarily complicated, due to the system only really being suited to putting names of Actors in messages, but I tried it out anyway. However, <Alias=AliasName> tags seem to only use the objectreference's base display name. Is the only means of accomplishing this to create several entire items, say, several unique weapons, one each for every string that I could possibly want? also, related, <Global.Time=GlobalName> didn't seem to work at all. <Global=GlobalName> did, however
  9. Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a method or system to pass text from the game strings/master files to a plugin. I am a Spanish speaker and I would like to make a plugin that contains all in-game texts (names, books, dialog, etc...) in Spanish to avoid that some mods changes the in game texts. Thanks in advance.
  10. I have a randomizer that determines a randomint, which i'm casting as a string. I then want to convert that string into an objectrefence value i can use. Is there a way of doing that?
  11. Hello. I installed Microsoft VisualStudio 2019 community edition and was able (with help from WolfMark) to compile the latest version (06.17) of F4SE immediately without any problems. When I try with ANY other version (I tried 06.10, 06.15 and 06.16) - I get over 3000 errors relating to "string". Here's a quick look at the first few - 1>------ Build started: Project: common_vc11, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>IBufferStream.cpp 1>IDataStream.cpp 1>IDebugLog.cpp 1>IDirectoryIterator.cpp 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.h(11,7): error C2039: 'string': is not a member of 'std' 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.21.27702\include\cstdarg(18): message : see declaration of 'std' 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.h(11,25): error C3646: 'GetFullPath': unknown override specifier 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.h(11,25): error C2059: syntax error: '(' 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.h(11,31): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';' 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.cpp(31,1): error C2511: 'std::string IDirectoryIterator::GetFullPath(void)': overloaded member function not found in 'IDirectoryIterator' 1>C:\Users\Kev\Downloads\f4se_0_06_16\src\common\IDirectoryIterator.h(3): message : see declaration of 'IDirectoryIterator'Here's the full log. After fiddling about for a few hours, I found that if I add #include <string>to the top of common_vc11/iPrefix.h - then all errors vanish and it seemingly compiles perfectly! I didn't have to do that when compiling F4SE version 06.17 - it worked flawlessly out of the box! There must be a simple reason for this, anyone have any clues? Thanks :smile:.
  12. Whenever I try to load the files in the Creation Kit (the file being Dawngaurd.esm, Update.esm, and Skyrim.esm) I get: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assert File C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp Line: 2871 LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- then --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masterfile: Localization: Zero entries or empty block size read from strings file Strings/Dawnguard_English.Strings. Strings will be missing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Kit crashes. I am utterly baffeled. Anyone know how to fix this?
  13. Hey there. So, I have been trying to solve a problem for a while. I would like to create translations of a mod. I know there's a few ways to do it: 1 is with translating in the esp itself. However, I caught wind of string files as well. I can't seem to find any information via google about string files, how to create them, how to modify them, and how to make a mod use them. Any information on the subject would be highly appreciated. Ultimately I'd like to let the translations lie in the string files and just have one ESP version of the mod so there's no need to distribute multiple ESPs
  14. Hi, i have a project to translate The Witcher 3 to my language, and almost done but i didn't know where this intro cinematic cartoon string location. Can you help me?
  15. I have a message box Id like to get the actors name from the Alias and put it in the message text or title I have see various <Alias > examples ect but do not seem to get anything. In Fact anything within < > doesnt show up at all including the greater than and less than signs. Regular text I type shows up fine. Can someone tell me what I must set on the quest Alias and what actual symbol text I need to place in the message box ?
  16. Hello there. I am attempting to learn how to use the Toolset so I started with a simple tutorial from the wiki in the link below. http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Adding_a_new_spell_tutorial I got to the portion of the tutorial labelled "Creating New Strings" and successfully made a new string. Unfortunately I started to get lost on step 8. That's your cue to open the link above if you haven't already. Scroll down until you get to the part that I'm talking about. The tutorial instructs me to repeat the following steps for the following text, but it doesn't tell me where to put that text. Right after that it tells me to copy and paste the text below but again, it doesn't tell me where to paste it. Do you mind helping me to figure out what the tutorial is trying to tell me to do here? Images would be appreciated if you're willing to go through the extra trouble. If you require any further information from me, please let me know. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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