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  1. I have been looking for quite some time for a mod that would allow to track the evolution of settlements over time. In other words, the capability of seeing how the number of settlers, happiness and other parameters of each settlement change from day to day on the pip-boy. I can imagine that this is not an easy task in view how buggy these stats can be (the known mismatch remidiated by some mods between the pip-boy figures and the actual ones retrieved once in the settlement). If such a capability already exists in a mod, I would appreciate being pointed to it.
  2. can someone make modifiers to decrease base values for: Swim, Sea glide, Seamoth, prawn etc.. ? Values like: speed, damage, hp, depth scaling(change max depth by % if it can be done) The reason for this mod is that there are mods that give extra upgrades for speed etc. with is awesome but kinda op, and if base values were half'ed or something those mods would act as progression prolonger instead of god like stuff
  3. On the mod list page, there are 3 stats: file size, endorsements and total downloads and a lot of empty space. One important stat is missing: unique downloads. It's a better measure of mods popularity than total dls. Could you add this feature, please? http://oi67.tinypic.com/j9y648.jpg If a mod has a lot of bugs and it has to be frequently updated, the number of total downloads will be relatively high. If users are satisfied with the mod they have downloaded, they are likely to endorse it and from what I noticed about 7% endorsment/uniquedl ratio is a good result, while below 3% is poor.
  4. Hey, everytime if I start a new game with a charakter i have with him 10,000 Health, Stamina and Mana... my loadorder:
  5. As you maybe know, there's a mod out to have higher perception increase the damage of (certain) energy weapons. That's fine and dandy, but I was wondering why the Player and companions don't get a much more sensible Perception-derived benefit; weapon accuracy! I know most put that to Agility but with weapon steadiness being tacked to Strength I figure being able to know where to hit should have a real world effect!
  6. I've been thinking about an idea for a mod, one that I might try to make myself. To put it bluntly, I want a mod that allows the player to activate filled soul gems, which will add points to Health, Stamina, and Magicka (Depending on the strength of the gem). They could also give a temporary increase in attack damage, or have spells cost less. Azura's Star/Black Star wouldn't be activateable, since players could easily use it to boost their stats to ridiculous levels. If they want high stats, they can just use the console. How the gem type could correspond with the stats raise. Petty Soul Gem -> +5 pts. Lesser Soul Gem -> +10 pts. Common Soul Gem -> +15 pts. Greater Soul Gem -> +30 pts. Grand Soul Gem -> +60 pts. Black Soul Gem -> +75 pts. I assume it would be relatively easy to do, but I don't know how to go about it.
  7. I´m searching for a mod that does was the title says but I cant find one, so I asume there is no mod like this. (except one mod "Armaborn" which sadly removes leveling completly) I your journey from level 1 to highlevel/endgame there always comes the point where the game gets easy, some enemies can do literally no damage (which is very unimmersive) altough a lot of mods try to fix this (there are amazing balancing mods out there altough they have all the Vanilla stats gain problem). Getting rid of the stat gain/ %armor,%damage trough levels and perks could solve the problem in addition to freeze the world at f.e. level 70 and giving every encounter/npc his perk pack and making loot rare/hard to aquire (morrowloot f.e.), If the player could start a new game now beeing on paar with f.e. a simple bandit and thus the player gets no addidional stats by leveling this bandit will also be able to kill the player altough the player gained f.e. 50 levels. Hopefully a skilled modder pics up this topic, expands on it and releases such a mod (sadly I have no idea how to create a mod and I´m sure there is much more to take care of than the points I mentioned above) wbr ChrisIII ChrisIII
  8. A mod that gives soldier ability points for completing missions and for killing enemies or doing something like flanking an enemy. No this mod should be soldier ability points only and not XCOM ability points. This gives soldiers who do well something to differentiate themselves from other soldiers. Plus this would be amazing with the rogue overhaul mod which allows for soldier ability points to increase stats but for some reason not XCOM ability points. Honestly a mod for soldier ability points that is compatible with the rpg overhaul would be awesome and it doesn't have to reward soldier ability points for those specific reasons I mentioned but just reward ability points. Or a mod that allows you to convert XCOM ability points to soldier ability points would be amazing!
  9. Dear Dying Light Community, I recently finished the game and got interested in other aspects, Dying Light has to offer, including the mods made by the community and maybe a little bit by myself. I was wondering if it is possible to change the statistics (ammo capacity, damage, spread) in the game files or with a specific tool/mod. Also it would interest me, if it is possible, to not only change the stats of every weapon of a kind (so that for example every bow does that damage), but if it is possible to edit a certain weapon in my inventory, so that only this one weapon has changed stats. Thanks for any help or feedback, it's greatly appreciated. With best regards.
  10. Okay so, I've looked for quite sometime but I couldn't find this idea made a reality. my basic thought is fairly simple in idea: when you hover over an item with your cross hair a little pop up like window would show the items stats, like damage, accuracy, and weight, without actually needing to pick up the sodding thing. this could also use the standard + and - system for a quick comparison of currently equipped gear. I would assume something of this nature should be possible with HUDframework. I think a good reference for this is the way the 2005 game; Condemned: criminal origins did it, if anyone is familiar with said game. I had this idea when I was looking at my wall o' weapons and couldn't tell which ones I should take with me on my little murderthon across the commonwealth, since collecting weapons and armor is sort of an in-game hobby, It's sometimes hard to keep track of them all with out taking them off the rack and putting them back on. If this has been done, I am sorry, and would be thankful for any assistance.
  11. I have an issue with "Auto Calc stats" at Actor "stats" tab. Although I have ticked the "PC Level Multi" (set it at default "1.00") to level up along the player!! I set "Calc min:10" and "Calc max:81" I gone into the game in a clean save (aka: without the mod being saved already in it) and I checked the NPC and although the level is correct ("Getlevel" command has being used here) the other stats (like health / magicka / Stamina) aren't for the level 81 the NPC is already but for level 10 just as the CK is showing... For some reason the stats aren't leveling up with the NPC despite the fact that the level does!! :/ The same applies to skills like one-handed, sneak, destruct etc since I have checked those too... (the "Getav <skill>" command and the "Getav <Health>", "Getav Stamina>, "Getav <Magicka>" commands has also being used here).... When I Change the level to a fixed level meaning I untick the "PC Level Multi" and change the level to 81 fixed, refresh the stats tab and logged into the game the stats are correct!! Meaning health, stamina, Magicka all skills are the ones that exist to 81 level (again checked with corresponding commands) I can provide pictures for reference if asked. Any ideas what the hell is going on? Ps. I saw other NPC that level up with me and seems fine (like housecarls, or serana and some more... They level up ok)
  12. Could someone create a mod that brings back medals and make them infinite so you could give as many as you want but not to a soldier multiple times just whenever a soldier does what he has to do to get one he gets one unless he already has one.
  13. The Fallout Readius The Fallout Readius was an official alternative "mobile" version of the Pip-Boy 3000 in some of the early versions of the series, later on someone made a mod for both FO3 and :NV that replaced the clunky Pip-Boy with the Readius, http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36646/? so that outfits looked splendid on your character, instead of having it ruined by the plastic box. I was wondering if the same mod could be implemented in FO4, but with an optional version that lets you call your companions to meet up with you, so you don't have to figure out where they are located (in settlements, etc.) it could be done in a rough and not very immersive way; simply a timer and the "player.placeatme" command, but I figured there must be some modders that could tweak it to perfection. Personal Sidenote I don't use Perception on any of my characters, so lockpicking is impossible if I don't have Cait as a companion, as she can pick the most advanced locks out there - I just hate when I stumble across something interesting and I decided to travel with a useless dog instead, then I have to mark the spot and come back later, which usually never happens. I don't know if any of you can relate to that.
  14. PLEASE some body make a mod that will increase that stats of Raider armor! The Buttressed Heavy Raider armor makes you look like a Juggernaut but somehow bullets decide to go right through that thick metal plating. I would really appreciate it thanks guys.
  15. I'm looking to add an effect to a piece of armor or clothing that would have an effect on a stat while in power armor. Is this possible? Armor and clothing doesn't currently affect your stats while you are in power armor, but legendary effects still apply, so I was hoping to leverage this to create a special armor or clothing piece that increases a stat either all the time or just while inside of power armor. Couldn't find anything about this after a bit of digging, so I thought I'd post here. Thanks. :)
  16. As the title says, i was curious if anyone has information on a mod that makes it so that i can see the stats of weapons before i pick them up? I.E. if i killed a raider and wanted to see the stats of his pipe rifle without picking it up. Same thing for armor too. Just wastes a lot of time imo. thanks.
  17. Please could the modder's include the stats for the various weapons, armours etc. Would save a lot of time. BTW doing a great job. Some really good ones out there. Thanks.
  18. can anyone tell em hwo i can edit the stats of a weapon in fo4edit? it doesnt seem to let me edit anything in it i have no clue what im doing im just trying to change the dmg of the hunting rifle, can anyone tell how i can do that?
  19. can anyone tell em hwo i can edit the stats of a weapon in fo4edit? it doesnt seem to let me edit anything in it i have no clue what im doing im just trying to change the dmg of the hunting rifle, can anyone tell how i can do that?
  20. I noticed during the E3 game play when the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes were being distributed that all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats started at 1's and a person only had 21 points to distribute among them. In all the other games the attributes would start out at 5's and you would have a few points to spread around but now that they are doing it this way your only going to be able to play a severely handicapped character. 21 points divided by 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats = 3 as the new average stat but the max a stat can go is 10 meaning 5 should be the average stat still. How do you feel knowing that your character is going to be handicapped like this.? http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/Morgwynn/11873464_145193622486759_853541075518683394_n_zpszulk0azl.jpg
  21. Frankly I have no experience with modding in any way and no idea where I would even begin to make a mod like this but I've been thinking about this idea for quite some time and with enough help and guidance I might actually try. The idea I've come up with would be to change the way that weapons function statistically. Rather than having weapons that have set damage values and a single enchantment at most, to have the damage of different weapon types be generated by probability based on a range. So you can have one Iron sword with 16 damage, another one that has 14, and a really lucky one that has 22. (Think Borderlands) This range would be based on an average for each weapon type, your character's current level, and your skill level while still allowing for a rare outlier than exceeds even weapons of a more powerful type. that is to say if the average range of damage for an iron sword was 12 to 16 for your current level and skill, on average you would find an iron sword has a damage value of roughly 14 but in rare instances one that has greater damage than say an Ebony Sword or in the opposite case, one that has less damage than an iron dagger. Also, allowing for the finding of weapons that have multiple enchantments and completely original enchantments (made for the mod) on them would be nice too. This would obviously modify the vanilla weapons, but frankly I don't know enough to say whether or not this could be applied to weapons for other mods as well. Thoughts?
  22. So, if you've played WoW or games like that you know that there's an option to change an item's appearance while retaining it's stats, the mod could either work like that or inversely, by transfering an items stats into another one. I suppose someone would've thought of this long ago since it'd be very useful, considering the amount of skimpy armor mods in here, so perhaps it's not possible to do this within the game, although they've done similar things in Skyrim, which has a similar engine, so idk,can anyone tell me if this would be possible? thanks.
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