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  1. Hey guys, I already searched the Forum for a similar problem but it seems like I'm the only one. My problem: Since a few days the weapon switch animation is bugged. Whenever I change from one weapon type to another, the arms go back to the stance of the previous weapon (switching from bow to 2h sword -> holds Sword like the bow). This only occurs while running, other movement animations are not affected. Like I stated in the title I'm not using FNIS or other animation mods. I even did a clean install of Skyrim without any mods and started a fresh save game. The bug still persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Steparu
  2. Hey folks, how are you? The githiyanki 2h sword stance and attack animations are the coolest in the game, but I wanted to play as human for my playthrough. Could a kind soul create a mod that substituted human 2h and versatile (greatsword and longsword) sword animations for the githiyanki ones? Is it even possible to do? Are there any mods out there that already allow it? I would be so so grateful and would consider a donation for your trouble. Thank you!
  3. Hello dear modders who makes the game more playable than the annoying useless company Beshitda !!!!....... First, thanks for your efforts to make this game as much as better than its original state. Second, is there anyone who can make a mod to change your weapon stance like in mass effect ? From left to right and right to left in 3rd & 1st person mode !!!....... as playing this frustrating game for a long time you guys know what I mean I guess ;) p.s : With a hotkey of course :)))
  4. Hello, it's me... Since my previous request hasn't got even one reply, i thought i would make another one, because hey, why not? As always, i would be really glad, if someone would make mod, that change greatsword idle stance animation, and maybe running animations aswell to something like this. Thank you.
  5. Hi! I would be more than happy, if someone would make mod that changes two-handed axe idle stance (with runnig animation if possible) to something similar to these. If such mod already exist, than i am sorry, and also would be glad if pointed to it. Cheers to all hard-working modders out there!
  6. Hello there. I have simple request - can anybody make or tell me how to make a mod, that will change default idle combat animation for sword and shield into one that "Shield defence" skill is using? I'm playing Arcane Warrior and I find default animation quite stupid and the mod that adds shield and sword skill tree to this class is still broken (shield defence gives no bonuses, only drains mana) Thanks for any response!
  7. I'm surprised nobody actually thought of making a proper Tactical carbine stance when aiming down the sights ,like it's shown in the Magpul's tactical rifle use with Chris Costa and Travis Halley ,ya know ,lean into the rifle and all that good stuff ,if you want a reference search on YouTube or Google images for "Carbine modern stance". If a mod for this already exists ,can anyone post a link or a name? Thanks.
  8. Yo guys i was thinking the other while playing C9, would it be possible to wield both bow and dagger/sword at the same time like this and be able to shoot with bow as well as attack with the dagger. It would be nice for someone to get back or tell me if its possible or not. Fauxe:)
  9. I'm looking to see if anyone could please create a Samurai "grip stance" for katana wielders--preferably for a sheathed weapon (2h and/or 1h) My description might not suffice, so I've included some reference images: http://farm1.staticflickr.com/251/451633186_37d16a6d43_z.jpg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_430/1250833733xHWni2.jpg http://www.corbisimages.com/images/Corbis-CB108636.jpg?size=67&uid=ccc18bc4-a3c3-4c88-b31f-0e48567417e5 http://img.movieberry.com//static/photos/416/poster.jpg I've searched high and low for one, so If there's one already made, perhaps direct me? Please and thanks!!
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