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  1. Do you guys know of any mods or apps to speed up the combat in Baldurs Gate 3. Have tried the Game Speed Mod and it's not working, and also WeMod but it's very buggy for me. If you know of some mod or app for faster combat and want to share it with me, thanks!
  2. Just a simple idea, that I personally hope is also simply done, to add some kind of spell or item that will completely reset all vendor inventories. I know this would cause issues with duplicating items you've already bought, unless there was a way to only remove things sold to them but no idea. However it would dramatically help people who are suffering from memory issues like I am. Unneeded personal s#*! - I'm having some memory issues with my RAM and in ACT II this has caused complete failure in moonrise with the vendors. I have been trying to figure out how to fix this issue for 12 hours to no avail, going to get new RAM and hopefully that'll give me a much bigger safety net for this issue.
  3. If any mod author creates a mod menu for me for this game, I will always be obliged to you. I need a mod for an online game called Smash Karts. It's an online multiplayer game that runs on servers and can be played on Android, iOS, and the web. I need a hack for either Android or the web, please make one for either of them. If you are developing it for Android, if possible, please make the mod menu into an APK plugin so that I can patch it into the latest version of Smash Karts and use it. Important features: 1. I need an aimbot that works for every weapon in any arena in the game. 2. I will be able to add as many gems as I want to my account in the game, and they should sync with my account. 3. I will be able to multiply my kart speed up to 25 times from normal karts. 4. I want to be able to use the invincibility weapon for an unlimited amount of time. 5. I want my life to decrease by 90% less than normal players but still be able to die, so nobody suspects anything. 6. I want to be able to pick up any weapon at any time and as many times as I want. 7. I will be able to add as many XPs as I want to my account. And yes, also include anti-detection so that the game cannot detect these hacks. Optional: 8. I want to be able to buy $50 and $100 bundles for free. 9. I want to be able to edit my account's stats such as games played, wins, kills, deaths, and kill-death ratio (KDR). 10. I want to be able to obtain all the Kart customization items, hats, and characters from past servers for my account. Please implement as many features from these as you can. Hacking this game isn't too difficult; I've seen some people who have created and used hacks for all of these features in the game. In this game, an account doesn't get banned until someone reports it to the developers because they can't detect these things until then. Please give me the mod menu/hack of the game, I will highly be obliged to you . These videos can be helpful for you for getting knowledge about game: Account stats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZNo38qcpM&pp=ygUZc21hc2gga2FydHMgYWNjb3VudCBzdGF0cw%3D%3D Weapons in game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhaoS2seWPI&pp=ygUXc21hc2gga2FydHMgYWxsIHdlYXBvbnM%3D You can play game for getting best knowledge.
  4. For some reason my character started going slower and slower as I played the game and it got to the point where the game is literally unplayable due to my character slowing down so much they can't even move. The speed affects anything relating to movement such as walking, running, sprinting, sneaking, swimming, etc. It doesn't seem to be a ingame thing since I don't have any diseases, I'm not carrying too much, I'm not even wearing heavy armor. Tried using the player.setav speedmult command and it had no effect. It's also only happening on this current character. I would really appreciate some help.
  5. Would it be at all possible to make a relatively simple mod that modifies movement speed variation based on carry weight? For example, a player carrying 20 lbs/100 lbs can walk/run at 100% speed, while a player at 100 lbs/100 lbs can only walk/run at 50% speed. Stamina regeneration would be affected likewise as well. Yes, I understand there is a system for being over encumbered, but a system that adjusts itself in real time feels to me as a much more realistic system for those "hardcore" players. In essence, no longer looking it as a "you have this much room in your bag" system and instead seeing it as "you can physically carry this much" method. Another interesting concept to me would be the addition of having packs diversely modify the system as well, for example: Lets say on a fresh game with a neutral amount of strength dedicated to S.P.E.C.I.A.L a player has a max carry weight of 100: Represents a player holding relatively no gear aside from the clothes on their back and possibly a weapon or two: Player Weight : 20/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 100% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 100% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 20/125 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 100% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 100% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 40/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 87% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 100% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 40/100 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 87% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 100% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Represents a player holding 50% of their carriable weight (using 20% as a 0%. Essential gear still inflicts bearing weight; a player has 80 "pounds" of luxury space aside from that; {100-20=80}. Does not take into account packs): Player Weight : 60/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 75% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 75% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 60/125 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 75% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 75% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 80/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 62% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 75% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Player Weight : 80/125 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 62% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 75% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 100% Represents a player holding 100% of their carriable weight and is thus over encumbered: Player Weight : 100/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 50% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 50% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 125% Player Weight : 100/125 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 50% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 50% - Stamina Depletion Speed : 125% Represents a player utilizing a standard backpack vs. one who isn't: Player Weight : 125/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 25% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 25% - Stamina Depletion Speed : +150% Player Weight : 125/125 - Backpack : Yes, +25 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 50% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 50% - Stamina Depletion Speed : +125% Represents a player utilizing a large backpack allowing for 50 more "pounds" than the player would otherwise be able to carry on their person: Player Weight : 150/100 - Backpack : No, +0 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 25% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 25% - Stamina Depletion Speed : +175% Player Weight : 150/150 - Backpack : Yes, +50 carry weight - Walk/Run Speed : 50% - Stamina Regeneration Speed : 50% - Stamina Depletion Speed : +150% Essentially, my logic is just because a player CAN, doesn't mean a player SHOULD. Although they can carry 125 "pounds" with a backpack, they are also still physically limited to the constraint of only really being strong enough to carry 100 "pounds". In order to keep backpacks still relevant, they'll serve more of a theoretical "organizational" role, where they will benefit the player in terms of walk/run speed under heavy loads as well how quickly stamina can both regenerate a deplete. Is this possible? And if so, how difficult would it be to implement? Perhaps simple enough for a first timer to accomplish? In the event that this is feasible, it'd be great to add to it's complexity. Adding a separate walk / run / sprint multiplier would be fantastic, where as walk speed isn't effected at all (or very little until extremes), running by say the default multiplier (typically increments of 25% for every 50% of "luxury space" used), and finally sprinting by X2 the default multiplier (so for every 50% of "luxury space" used there is a 50% tax on sprinting speed). Taking it from there, implementing a realistic default walk/run/sprint speed upon the player could also be interesting, where as walking 1 in-game mile could take about 20 minutes and running about 10 with a completely neutral S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Leniency towards agility/strength will obviously affect this, where as strength pertains particularly to carriable weight and agility pertains to default player speed. So for a player with max strength and agility, their default carriable weight may be 150 without a backpack and they can walk a 15 minute in-game 1 mile and a 7 minute run. Not only will this force players to take into consideration what is realistic, but also perhaps force them to adjust gear more often. Having a set of gear set aside for raiding/fighting (Heavy armor, weight focused upon carrying ammunition, weapons and medicine), another outfit for looting (light armor, weight focused on food, supplies, and loot) and others in between. You can usually tell what someone represents fairly quickly by their outfit (heavy armor usually means a considerable foe, while light armor typically means a merchant/ / survivalist) and the same should apply to the player.
  6. Hello, Having small problems with SimpleElevatorMaster elevator time / speed. By default, time ( seconds ) is set float 2.0 and I can't get lower / faster than this. Can I add an extra property or script multiplier to a SimpleElevatorMaster script ? I need this for moving simple objects, by any means not for a player..
  7. Hello everyone. I'd like to have a mod that adds a couple new items to the game that the farmer can equip - shoes, or perhaps rings, that increase run speed. I know there are cheats for this but I was hoping for items that I could find in game. Would this be difficult to do myself? Seems like it would be.
  8. I like making classes and build mods to extend play time and I thought of one the other day but need some help with it. I've decided to make a class based on speed, dodging and movement. I've planned out a few powers/lesser powers and need help with balancing, tweaks, ideas etc. Here's what I have so far, I hope it's understandable. Movement ability(lesser): For moving quickly Costs 100 health Armour rating 0 condition Physical weakness 100% 2.5X speed Sprint+forward key activates invisibility and 100% whirlwind cloak(IsSprinting condition) WaterWalking(isSprinting) Slow time(Day): Slowing everything down, huge advantage during a battle. Armour rating 0 condition Drains health(8p/s) 0.0001 time speed Toggleable Dash bash(Lesser): Small dash Costs 50 stamina Armour rating 0 condition Knock down effect Quick Reaction slow time(lesser): Pulse of slowed down time, used for dodging. Not sure about this one. Armour rating 0 condition Lesser power 0.5 slow time, lasts 1 second They're all powers, no spells. Not sure how the player will obtain them. Need names too. Ideas and mods that will work well with this mod(name?) are welcome! The poll is just for fun.
  9. I've been doing some digging on the matter but not much progress towards a less anoying reading in skyrim... First of all in the game there are notes and books basically, notes having instant page turn while books have the absurdly slow page turning animations (is there any mod speeding that up?). Adding to that the opening animations... So I've been looking for a way to make a book be a note and have instant page turn, the best thing would be faster page turning but at this point no page turning is better than a slow one for me. Other than the actual nifs themselves there is a piece of data in every book/note accesible with tes5edit called "Type" which is "Book/tome" for most books and "Note/Scroll" for most notes, and i say most because its not 100% consistent. The setting is not accesible with ck and doesn't appear to change anything ingame. The only other difference is that all notes have a pickup sound while books don't and this does seem to be consistent, the logic behind that escapes me.. Also there is an ini setting:"fBookOpenTime:Interface" which speeds the opening animation and zooming but doesn't affect page turning and for me below 400 starts glitching and books don't open properly sometimes, might be fps related. Any ideas? Am I really the only one anoyed by it?
  10. Hello! As the title states, I need to know if there's a way to control the animation speed of objects, such as vault doors or fans, by scripting. I know I can obtain it by editing the model's frequency parameter on NifSkope but I'm interested about an alternative way working on CK.
  11. so theres one thing i find really annoying in the next mod of no mans sky is when you hand in your mission and you wait about almost 10 seconds to 30 to actually get the rewards and then go back in the menu.
  12. Okay so I actually have two requests for mods specifically tailored to work with the Split Screen mod. I've been able to use Split Screen along with a program called WinSplit Revolution to achieve a really solid split screen configuration. There are just a few annoying issues which I would like to fix but I don't know how. Firstly, because the menus seem to rely on the mouse cursor to function, we run into an issue where we cannot both use our inventory/menus at the same time since the mouse cursor is basically being split between the two instances of the game. What I need is a mod that can disable the mouse completely in the game and use only controller inputs to navigate menus. The second issue I have is that since I have two 1920x1080 windows forced to take up half the screen, the aspect ratio is naturally going to be halved on the x axis. What this causes is any movement on the x axis (side to side) on the screen feels MUCH slower than movement on the y axis (up and down). I know that it's not actually slower, but it feels significantly slower and really odd when you go 90 degrees and suddenly you're hauling ass up or down the screen. So what I need is a mod that will only increase the player's walk speed on the x axis by something like 1.5 - 2 times speed so that the x speed will match the y speed in the stretched configuration. I think the speed fix should be relatively easy. I don't know how to solve the issue with the shared mouse cursor though. I'd appreciate any help with this.
  13. Hello, I went Premium a couple days ago to take advantage of a higher Downloadspeed. My average speed is roundabout 5MB/sec (50K), but since roundabout 2 days the whole website takes ages to load images or even downlopading mods. Are there any known issues taking effect currently that are preventing the speed to increase or what might cause this reason? I already checked everythings on my side incl. restarting of the router, but I experience this tremendous lack of speed just here on Nexus. Its even slower than the non premium Membership (currently its 500Kb/sec. Whats up there?
  14. Hello Dear modders. I would like to see a mod or even working Cheat Engine .ct (Cheat Table) file which will modify player character attack speed. I don't care about Pawns, me, like many other players prefer to play DD solo. It would be awesome to change player attack speed - with access to that, we could do many cool stuff, for example something like that (with help of Cheat Engine) as I've done with Dark Soul's (no idea how to change speed in DD) Thank You.
  15. I've been using Nexus for games for a few years now and I've encountered slow download times before, but never anything like this. I'm trying to download some mods for Fallout 4 and my average download speed right now is 1-5kbps. I can stream videos on youtube and use facebook just fine though, so it's not my connection. I've tried running NMM as admin, I've added it to the firewall exceptions, re-started the modem, re-started the PC to no avail. Are the servers particularly bad right now or something? Tried to change download servers/regions but the only option available is "Default (CDN)".
  16. Spell speed mod for projectile speeds to increase from 1.0 vanilia to 1.20 on apprentice level and climb by .20 each perk.
  17. Doesn't help to be in hulking power armor if you move damn slow. Could someone who knows what they're doing tweak a file to make power armor move faster than a crawl?
  18. I recently spent 200 bucks on more Vram, which my brother reccomended so I could run Skyrim on ultra settings at a good FPS. However, while it does run fairly well at first, after a few minutes it starts to really slow and get choppy. Alt-tabbing out of the game seems to smooth it out again for another few minutes, but only for it to come back and alt-tabbing randomly causes no error CTDs for me. Any way I can fix this and run the game at high graphics? Info-wise, I have all the DLC and have it installed on my D drive, D/Steamlibrary/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim. I am running quite a lot of mods, mostly immersive ones, but they didn't seem to take a toll on my system before at medium level graphics. I'm using the FXAA post-process injector - I had trouble figuring out ENBs and I like pretty sharp, bright colours. I would like to think my rig is decent, but I'm not super savvy. I basically just copied anything that looked important from DXdiag. I'll post all the information below and the mods under spoilers so there won't be a wall 'o text. Thanks so much for any help! Machine name: ASUSOperating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r9.150322-1500)Language: English (Regional Setting: English)System Manufacturer: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. System Model: G30AB BIOS: 0407 Processor: Intel® Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 32768MB RAMAvailable OS Memory: 32706MB RAM Page File: 4410MB used, 33159MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 11DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: Using System DPI System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.17415 64bit Unicode Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 660 DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Mods
  19. I don't have a great PC, and over time, sometimes only a couple minutes after starting--my FPS drops to slideshow mode. What's odd, and why I'm bringing this up, is that it can be temporarily treated by pressing Tab and opening inventory and closing it again. I noticed this before I got into modding, and I have installed Oblivion Stutter Remover (mod#23208) without noticing improvement. Can anyone confirm this happening to them?
  20. Sometimes i feel roach should be a lot faster, so we can travel by horse faster. Maybe a 2x,5x and 10x horse speed is enough. Thanks
  21. I had an idea for a mod that lets you dash by double tapping which triggers a whirlwnid sprint.Some other things if possible i think would make it even better is being able to air dash or cancel it by jumping. It should resemble this and in fact is probably the inspiration of the mod.
  22. I have a specific issue with movement speed. It's doubled. However, while in combat, it's normal. Whatever the problem is seems to mess with my movement speeds in combat and outside of combat. When in third or fourth stage, the bonuses are applied as normal to my character's speed, but entering combat reduces 100 off the top. Using the player.modav command to reduce it to default puts the value at 0 during combat, which seemingly has no effect(probably defaulting to 100), but in the third or fourth stage, the -100 puts the speedmult at 10-20, which then dramatically reduces my speed to almost nothing, practically overencumbered or less. I have Better Vampires installed. I have tried resetting vampirism. I looked up the frost damage 'group of effects' to use the player.removespell command for each frost spell's corresponding ID variant(includes ice wraith cloak damage). I wasn't sure if that was a solution, but I tried it. I have done this in combat as well. I've completed every step to remove the mod when upgrading(including .bat file). I've done everything short of uninstalling SKSE or Skyrim. I've used the speedmult value with player.setav, modav, and forceav. as the 'getav' command will show me, none of them work and setav seems to do nothing. I am at my wit's end. I can just avoid combat and stay in the first or second stage of vampirism at all times(which I have no trouble doing), but I'm going to want to be at the third-fourth stage when I want have real fun with being a powerful vampire. Mods and load order: Not in list, but bear mentioning: SKSE, Save Game Cleaner, TES5Edit
  23. I just felt it was kind of a waste to have so much wide space and all the vehicles go at so slow a pace. ....I totally didn't intend for that to rhyme lol. Anyhow it'd be awesome if possible to adjust the top speed of the vehicles to something at least above 5 or 10 mph. Joy riding in a soldier infested desert. That'd be pretty sweet. :yes:
  24. Hey there, I'm playing skyrim on a PC that's not too high end but also not too cheap. I wanna play it on the highest graphics settings I can without lag. What are some mods that decrease lag/increase fps? Also mods that stop game from crashing/freezing would be appreciated
  25. So for a brief introduction, I am a free user of Skyrim Nexus for quite some time now, and lately I've been experiencing incredibly download speeds, I am sure it is not my internet connection since I've tested it in every way possible, even by downloading files from other websites as well. What I am expecting from this post, is an answer to the cause of such low download speeds. It saddens me knowing that I have to wait 10 minutes to download a 60MB file, when typically it takes me around 10-20 seconds. My average download speed (On Skyrim Nexus) is of 60-70kb/s now, when before I'd download with around 2-3MB/s. I do not use NMM to download files, I always downloaded them manually, but I decided to give NMM a try , yet the download speed was still the same 60-70kb/s. :confused: I would like to know whether or not this issue that I'm having is happening to others or only to me. Another thing which reminds me is that some time before, when using the manual download option to download files, you had the option to choose from which server you'd like to download the file from, now all that appears is the option to "endorse" a couple of the previously downloaded mods. Thank you very much for the time spent reading this article. I have a picture here showing my problem.
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