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  1. hello first time posting here been a nexus user for a long time, however i feel the ads are getting out of hand when the mod page tabs, download links are covered by hidden links to off site ads. the latest one was when i was trying to download buffout 4 to my modmanger, i hit the link and got redirected to this site https://dougale.com/KHqCJhnSFddhKkYr2UeYDZLgz7n5pbqgSP9H89kIjgM/?cid=6209f258b9b33c00015215c6&sid=4_5301391-174200537-0. now i don't know what company's your working with for you ad campain's, however i feel its a big secutity risk and takes away form the user experince. yes i understand a ad block will help but when its come from a site that's got https one would think its safe. please consider the words from a user that uses your site.
  2. Sometimes, I stumble upon these spam posts on the forums, which the most recent ones contained one or more links that lead to live streams, mostly associated with major sporting events. Whenever I find one, I click the report button and send in a message to staff informing them of the spam post. Out of general curiosity, where do the moderators send these spam posts to after they caught the spammers and banned them? A spam post that has been removed shows an error message stating that the viewer doesn't have the permission to read the post, which makes me wonder: There must be a restricted staff-only area on the forums which the moderators use as an archive, which contains spam posts that they have removed from the main community area.
  3. I'm devastated, I don't even know where to start. OK here we go... This was my second time playing trough the storyline which also means my second character. I wanted to maximize the pleasure so I installed huge amount(imo) of mods, which are(or were) working perfectly!(again imo) I'm not gonna share my modlist because I don't know how to do it. (Don't expect me type their names one by one) Anyways, lately I started having CTDs more frequently than usual(ABOUT 1 per hour), so I decided to check the papyrus log. There was "VM is freezing and VM is frozen" error mostly after these: "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" and "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.psc" I know that palace thing causes CTDs because mind of madness is a buggy quest but I love Wabbajack. (Console commands are NO NO! I don't use them to add things to my inventory, breaks the immersion) The problem was the other one since it was more frequent. Then, unfortunately, I came across this solution. Speeding up... 1. I downloaded the so called fixes > 2. let them overwrite > 3. played trough Tending the Flames quest(Ran all the way to Dead Man's Respite from Morthal), no CTDs but there was a conflict with iHUD(Crosshair wasn't disappearing after a little while) Also the fight with the draugrs and Olaf was buggy > 4. replaced the fix files with originals > 5. loaded an earlier save(before the fix) > 6. 2 exterior CTDs (in the step 3 area) > 7. Completed the quest again, 1 CTD (fight wasn't buggy) > 8. 3 more exterior CTDs after completing the quest(near Crabber's Shack) > 9. I checked the papyrus and it was CRAWLING with this!! "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Bottom part of the log was full of these and now I feel terrible for trying the fix and ruining my game. I don't think there is any solution to this(except re-installing), I just wanted to let you know. (By the way it didn't crash the last time I tried to go near the shack but the log was still full of dustdrop) EDIT: The reason of the buggy fight was the Locational Damage mod. Probably scripts were overloading or something like that, no buggy fight after I set it to freeze mod. If you are using Locational Damage too you should also do that when there are too many enemies around.
  4. Hi there, I thought I'd ask help for my problem here, because could not find solid answers or topics about this anywhere else. Long story short, I get a ctd every now and then and the reason, i think, is Requiem, well, a certain script in it, called; "[02/20/2014 - 02:12:46PM] warning: (0002E1DE): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells.. stack:[ (336B203A)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 4 on (0002E1DE)].REQ_StaminaBlocker.OnUpdate() - "REQ_StaminaBlocker.psc" Line 14" Now, I've read posts about other ppl having this problem and the only post I've seen someone with someone fixing this, has been finding the cause, killing it, deleting and spawning it. Tried it, but didn't help. In my case the "0002E1DE" is a solitude guard moving around with a bunch of other guards and patrolling. I believe the cause to the crashes is this, because, well, my papyrus logs and FILLED with it. My last playtime I tried was 11 minutes and the script thing above started from line 144 and ended at line 14803. The size of the log was 951KB. I'd like to know if this is fixable or do I need to start a new game yet again? Thanks
  5. Hello Guys, I'm completely green in the meaning of how modding works in Skyrim. Which mods have compatibility problems with other etc. is a black magic for me. I was playing mostly on vanilla Skyrim, then used some minor mods. Now I would like to start experimenting with those more demanding mods (better-looking graphics mostly). And here comes the problem, I don't know which mods are highly recommended for "Sunday players" and which are which are highly customizable but difficult to grasp. I've seen a lot of lightning mods, ENBs, texture packs etc. but I can't decide which to use. I would like to get the look similar to those screenshots I've attached. I presume those shots are further processed graphically but at least something similar. I know I might be asking for too much but I would like to get more precise answers than "check those mods you would like to test and just use the one which you like the most". It might look like I'm asking for a ready load order but I'm only asking for advice. Thank you for the reading of my scribble and have a nice day :happy: <3 I'm not sure if it's even the right subforum so If it's the wrong place just point it out.
  6. How do I stop fake adverts that originate from Nexus website? Every time I click a mod for Fallout 4 to look at, that within 30 secs the page is redirected to a fake 'you won' advert... Only happens while I visit Nexus website.
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