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  1. I'm not good for mods, so I came here to see if some modder sees my publication and decides to carry out the animations, the truth is that I would like and many people besides me, animations such as dark souls (walking, running, sprint, attack, block, magic, etc) would be very good to do such a thing, would make me super happy and many people. -If someone comes to do it please let me know through my email: [email protected] a small video of what I mean (ignore what they speak, the title, etc, it's just a demonstration) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNlPl6Cfe7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAYnTrgAhLU
  2. I upgraded to Ae a few months ago and with SE I didn't have this problem. I thought the unoffical patch fixed it fi I recall correctly. So if a quest sendes me to somewhere I've already cleared out no soul. Pretty unimmersive. Anyone else have this issue afrter upgrading and is there a fix?
  3. The sureai id's for the quest locked out souls don't match. I can't add the missing souls or COC to the location. Can someone post the correct ID codes? player.additem code 1 coc location Thanks...
  4. I know there is already a variation of this request but in mod image format (https://www.nexusmods.com/demonssouls/mods/51). Would it be possible to create a mod of this type but in text format to show the values ​​to the player? Similar to the example of the images that I put below: Mod author link: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/6 If anyone knows what editing tools are used to specifically edit the game's text I believe I could make it and distribute it to the community. If you know and can share the name of the tool with me it would be of great help. Even my knowledge being newbie in this area of ​​mods. Thank you for your attention :wink: --------------------- @edit ~ April, 27, 2023 The request may be closed if any forum moderators see this topic. [delete / close the topic]I researched further and made some changes on my own and the results were satisfactory. Exactly as I had described before.I believe that when I finish the project of all FromSoftware games I will make it available to the public. Anyway thanks for understanding :)
  5. I'm locked out of getting all the souls by "After you complete the quest, you can't access the soul." I need a mod to address. Else, I will have to use the command line to teleport in.
  6. Hello, we all know there are mods that have features where you can upgrade soul gems, but never actually combining souls. For example, lets say you're using Azura's Star, it would upgrade the souls in it until it's a grand soul, so lets say, 5 petty souls would make a single lesser soul, etc.. etc.. Basically combing the souls to make a larger/better soul, up to Grand or Greater. Just something I came up with because Azura's star is practically useless whenever the Black Star exists, and you pretty much will always kill a human eventually in the game. If there is something that actually does this, please link me to it. But I haveve searched around and found nothing.
  7. (( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72365/? )) My idea is similar to the link above mod here. The mod above, makes you use gold in order to level up. I was thinking it would be interesting, however, to use earned XP to level up, in the same nature and UI as World's Dawn, but you are required to go to a trainer in order to do this, similar to this mod. Something that could be changed with World's Dawn is Respecs could instead be done by giving a specific NPC a Dragon Soul, or something along those lines, in exchange for redistributing your stats. You can gain experience from quests and killing enemies, similar to World's Dawn, but also from an option to consume Dragon Souls. In addition, Dragon Priests and some bosses can drop Great Souls, which will be traded in for weapons, a dragon priest mask, or consumed for a large amount of XP (Which is pointless since you still get a bunch of XP for killing them anyways). In addition, implementing the "Dragon Souls - Death is highly overrated" mod, you can get rid of the script that takes all items away from you, and instead trade it for one that will remove your XP. ((Sidenote: It would also be interesting to have to earn specific Words of Power from specific Dragon bosses, rather than just any Dragon, therefore balancing your ability to get OP shouts like Marked for Death, by placing a difficult boss in your path.)) I have been very interested in learning modding to merge these mods together somehow. They would be perfect if they could work together as an ovehaul. I would like to use a mod like this while playing the upcoming Apotheosis mod, which is a Dark Souls style questline that has it's own hub world. It would be nice to have this sort of leveling system while playing it. ((Another Sidenote: A final idea Souls had inspired was NPC Gravestones, and being able to use their services even after their death, with a heavy fee. It will allow you to kill essential NPCs or merchants without breaking the game.)) Things like this might just make Skyrim just as fun as Souls - Those who played them all know how Souls ruins other RPGs due to it's admittedly fair, yet painfully difficult nature. That is something the beautiful world of Skyrim needs, it will bring people like me back to Skyrim to play more often. - Taylor A. Port
  8. Using souls for enchanting always seemed evil to me, even more so after seeing the Soul Cairn. I would really like to see a mod that implements a new way to enchant without using souls. Of course it would have to have some sort of non-evil reagent to replace the soul gems, one that gathering or making takes roughly the same time as filling soul gems so that enchanting is still balanced.
  9. I am using the most recent version of DSfix (2.4), and although the game launches just fine with the DSfix file, it does not Launch when I add the DINPUT8.dll file to my Data folder. I am using the Steam Works version of Dark Souls [-dsptde-2.0-]. As for the settings I have for DSfix, the only things I changed were these two things shown below. # Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!) # 0 = off # 1 = low # 2 = medium # 3 = high ssaoStrength 3 # Set SSAO scale # 1 = high quality (default) # 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance # 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance ssaoScale 1 # enables texture override # textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals # will cause a small slowdown during texture loading! enables TextureOverride 1 All the other settings have not been touched, and are set to the defaults. I heard turning off Anti-Aliasing in the In-Game PC Settings helps, so I did that as well. I also heard unplugging your controller helps before Launching the game helps as well. Nothing seems to be working though. I have already tried Reinstalling the game twice, also reinstalled DSfix. I am at a loss at what else I can do to solve this issue. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. PC Specs Below Running on Windows 7 64 Bit Processor AMD FX-6300 Vishera 6-Core 3.5GHz Memory Team Dark 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 Motherboard BIOSTAR TA970 AM3+ AMD 970 + SB950 Graphics Card: ASUS R9270-DC2OC-2GD5 Radeon R9 270 Here is a Link to my thread about this on the Dark Souls Steam Forums so everyone can get up to speed on what has been tried to resolve this issue. http://steamcommunit...n=1422625799#p1
  10. I can't absorb the soul of Mirmulnir, the dragon that appears at the western watchtower. The problem has most likely to do with some mods i installed. I'm using LOOT and have SKSE. I already deleted 2 scripts: dragonactorscript.pex and mqkilldragonscript.pex I dont have any DLC, except for the HD-texture pack. My load order: Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1RSkyrimChildren.esm=1FunctionalHomes.esm=1HighResTexturePack01.esp=1HighResTexturePack02.esp=1HighResTexturePack03.esp=1Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1WondersofWeather.esp=1vwr Wet Eyes.esp=1TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp=1PalistovSpinningArrows_CloserQuiversLongerArrows.esp=1NoLeveledItemRewards.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Light Weight).esp=1Unique BOOZE Bottles.esp=1Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0 non glow.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Light Weight).esp=1Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp=1JaxonzRenamer.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1AchieveThat.esp=1getSnowy.esp=1Beards.esp=1Headtracking.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp=1CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp=1Weapons and Armor fixes.esp=1Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp=1Stronger Daedric Artifacts.esp=1DarkbroSanctuary.esp=1RSChildren_V.esp=1Masters of Death.esp=1The Fancy Flagon.esp=1ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp=1Skyrim Sizes.esp=1FunctionalHomes.esp=1Helgen Reborn.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp=1Civil War Repairs.esp=1BetterNordicRuins.esp=1wizDynamicThings.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp=1Cloaks.esp=1Run For Your Lives.esp=1UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp=1Superior Rorikstead.esp=1fallentreebridges.esp=1buildablehouse.esp=1QaxeWinterholdRebuild.esp=1ORVAR.esp=1AnIdealSkyforgeMineFREE.esp=1Provincial Courier Service.esp=1The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1DragonPriestMaskQuestMarkers.esp=1BorderSense.esp=1BooksOfSkyrim.esp=1MineVendors.esp=1Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer.esp=1PlayerHomeMapMarkers.esp=1FCKagrenacsInstantFortress.esp=1TheEyesOfBeauty.esp=1LydiaPrettyFace.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp=1Better Skill and Quest Books Names - BS.esp=1better_torches.esp=1FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp=1Convenient Horses.esp=1Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp=1Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp=1Archery Perk Mods.esp=1Bounty Gold.esp=1BlackHorseCourier.esp=1Brawl Bugs CE.esp=1Dragon Stalking Fix.esp=1Balanced_Magic.esp=1AHZmoreHUD.esp=1BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp=1sandboxcylinderheight.esp=1AMatterOfTime.esp=1Brows.esp=1Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp=1Farmers Sell Produce - Skyrim.esp=1PP_OgmundsTomb.esp=1 Sorry for grammar errors English is not my native language
  11. Hello, I haven't been able to absorb dragonsouls ever since recently. I don't know why, but I just can't. I don't have the Dragonborn DLC, either. I am running mods.
  12. Below are some small mod ideas that I would like made and then merged. 1. Upgradable Soul Siphon Upgrade the perk Soul Siphon from 5% to 15% 2. Treasure rooms Most fortresses have treasure rooms guarded by traps and guards 3. Chance that bandits will rob you in the night If you are a werewolf you will wake up to fight them 4. A new spell that teleports you to the Soul Cairn (Dawnguard DLC) Uses up one grand soul gem 5. Use weaker soul gems to craft stronger ones Probably a mod already but I have no time for getting permissions Thank you :) ​Please respond, comment or suggest in the space below!
  13. From the days of Morrowind it always struck me as strange that we have all of these weird and wonderful creatures' souls to capture, yet the only difference it makes to all of our weird and wonderful enchanting is the size of the soul. Wouldn't it be cool if, for example, a Flame Atronach soul gave hefty bonuses to fire-based enchantments? A Vampire soul gave bonuses to Absorb Health? Spriggans to Restoration buffs? The possibilities are endless. Unique & Boss type monsters would, of course, have their own unique and powerful bonuses. Gotta catch 'em all! :dance:
  14. id like to bring the mask of the father, the giants set, and possibly the zweihander into skyrim. has anyone here got any advice on bringing data from other games into skyrim? has anyone tried bringing stuff in from dark souls to skyrim before?
  15. Good day everyone, I was wondering if its possible to make the armor of Lucatiel of mirrah, a character from dark souls 2, her armor looks very cool and would be a very nice addition to skyrim mods, and hopefully it would function on CBBE body. here are couple images so you can get the idea: http://assets.vg247.com/current//2014/01/dark_souls_2_zzz_Lucatiel-of-Mirrah.jpg http://assets.vg247.com/current//2014/01/dark_souls_2_screens_LucatielofMirrah.jpg http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/kHl9PSFvhiw/maxresdefault.jpg I would recommend looking at it ingame though. Thanks a lot in advance, and let me know if i can help with anything i am very noob in modeling and stuff (as in 0% knowledge about them) but i am more than willing to learn and help. Chaptermaster21
  16. Yes, we've heard it all before in every possible variation. Mine is the minimalism one. I've got fresh installs of Skyrim, Dawnguard and Dragonborn. (Version: ) I've reinstalled Skyrim 5 times, deleted local files through Steam, deleted the Skyrim folder in My Documents and in Steam's directory, and even used CCleaner to clear my registry twice. I have tried absorbing dragon souls with pure vanilla, tried adding the unofficial patches (correctly loaded with BOSS), and even extracted the bsa files to remove dragon-related scripts added by the patches. NOTHING WORKS! Here's my load list: Unofficial Skyrim Patch Dawnguard Un. Dawnguard Patch Dragonborn Un. Dragonborn Patch THAT'S IT! I've tried deleting all my saves, restarting countless times. I've tried testing the absorb with spawned in dragons using ff000a08/ff000a13 (regular dragon) and 503d5bf (ancient dragon). None of them give me souls. I've tried leaving it all alone, in case Dragonborn has made it a thing that you can't absorb souls until you're up to the Whiterun Tower encounter, but it won't let me absorb that one either! And before anyone asks, no, I do not see that soul-stealing douchebag. It just doesn't run the burning animation that usually precedes soul absorption. I have literally been up and down pages of results trying to find the answer to this glitch. I think the next step is to move into an asylum and laugh hysterically to myself for the remainder of my life. Here's to hoping...
  17. Greetings all, First off, I am rather new to the whole modding community so please correct me if I am wrong at any part in this; but, I am surprised that there is not a mod to play as a highlander style immortal! From some of the amazing mod work that I have seen coming out of the forums, it seems like it would be "relatively easy". I imagine something where you can choose "immortal" as a select-able starting race and that races abilities would include an inherent regeneration like it was always under the effects of a low-mid level healing spell. Scattered throughout the game there would be unique npc's who would also be immortal. Some of them would be friendly, others would only be interested in winning the prize. have a few random quests related to finding / friending / hunting / killing other immortals and such. Some of the bandit leaders and other npc's that spawn as part of other quests could also be keyed to be members of this immortal race as well. Immortal type npc's could only be "truly" killed in melee combat, and would have some sort of trigger that when you melee kill an immortal type npc it auto triggers the decapitation kill cutscene. When you decapitate an immortal type npc, you absorb a dragon soul from the corpse as if you had just defeated a dragon. This would serve as "the quickening" one immortal gains when they kill another. I had a few more thoughts regarding watchers, hunters, detecting other immortals, and other franchise friendly fan service, but this is the basic rundown of how I would imagine a mod like this working. What do you guys think? Is it relatively doable or are there some huge problems that would/have prevent a mod like this from being created / enjoyed? Thank you for taking the time to read this and any feedback that you might have.
  18. So I'm debating on if I want to get Dark Souls for PC. I already know that there is a lot of problems in regards to the port and how trying to play the game with a mouse and K/B can be an exercise in frustration. That said, I have my PS3 controller installed into the computer right now so that part won't be a big issue. However, I also have read that there are some optimization issues, as well as rather low res graphics issues with the game (being a direct port, it's to be expected). So here I am now, asking all of you PC Darksouls vets, what you would suggest for a new comer to the Dark Souls PC edition in terms of essential mods to make the experience the best as possible. DSfix appears to be one of them, and I think a few other high-res mods (Though I'm still looking to see if they'll clash with other mods). Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  19. Hi, I was wondering if someone more experienced could change the black cloth that sticks out from the Dark armor set to the colour red. The same red colour as the Crimson Set. If also, could this wonderful being also make the Armor set more in the colours of the Hollow Helmet? So it looks more worn and more grayish. This would mean a lot to me. The armor combination I'm looking for is a Hollow helm, Dark armor, Crimson hands and Elite Knight leggings. This would look so cool with the same colour scheme and the gray helm, chestplate and leggings. Thanks in advance! /LolFlox
  20. As the title suggests, I need some textures for Dark Souls 1 for some mods I have planned to be released on the Nexus, but i currently don't have a copy of the game. So I was wondering if anyone here is willing to help, by extracting and sending me the textures I need? Here's the checklist, no pressure to get all of them immediately though. The ones marked with a * are priority, i already have uses in mind for them. The ones without are still just vague plans and ideas. Also, by textures i mean everything, color, normal, specular, the whole package. -Maiden Set* -Black Knight Set -Silver Knight Set -Black Knight Shield* -Silver Knight Shield* -Black Iron Set -Piercing Shield* -Knight Shield* -Crest Shield -Dragon Crest Shield* -Balder Shield -Large Leather Shield* -Witch Set -Big Hat's Set -Sorcerer Set -Mage Smith Set -Black Sorcerer Set -Adventurer's Set You can put the textures on an image hosting site and post them here, or you can send them to me via email. My address is [email protected] -Thanks in advance
  21. I installed a mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54274/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D54274&pUp=1 apparently I cannot absorb dragon souls, not even Mirmulnir. I'm not 100% sure it's that mod, but I am pretty sure it's not anything else, because I disabled all mods that had the slightest bit to do with dragons. When I got the mod it was a script file, and simply removing the script file doesn't solve this problem. The author told the downloader to organize their mods, and that's what I did, I do it all the time, I organize my mods via LOOT, because I am pretty sure LOOT is better than BOSS. And I'm not sure what else to say.
  22. This happens instantly when I try to run Dark Souls from steam. I have tried completely removing DS from my computer and re-installing. Help appreciated :) http://imgur.com/Rzx6Mxx
  23. I've used multiple magic related mods, and started multiple new characters, as well as starting new characters using mods that have no impact on the magic or enchanting system on my game at all, but for some reason. No matter what changes to my load order I've made I've always been able to capture a lesser soul in black soul gems at least that I've noticed. I currently use Advanced Magecraft mod, which has the Disensouling option for soul gems. When I try to remove the lesser souls from my black soul gem, I get the message that there isn't any soul to remove in it. There's a particular user interface mod that displays the type of soul that is contained within the soul gem in the inventory menu when you hover over it, don't remember what it's called though. I use Wrye Bash for managing my mods. I opened up all my magic mods that deal with soul gems within xEdit to see the scripts of how black soul gems are handled but it seems like they all are focused on grand souls, and within the Construction Set, There's only 2 options for black soul gems, and that's an empty soul gem or a soul gem filled with a grand soul. I don't know what else is going on. I was considering doing a verify cache thing, but I wanted to see if maybe there was another way to go about it before having to do something like that. any help would be appreciated. If a history of my previous magic mods is needed I can provide those.
  24. A placeable sort of Sacrificial Altar with an obelisk or something cool similar that has more glow on it when the the Pit is full of soul. This would be a placeable object to allow the player to do 2 things. One: Sacrifice npcs and creatures standing in the middle. This would replenish the Obelisk. The second function would be to recharge weapons, staves and soulgems instantly. This would add more flexibility and be easier to recharge items like the Staff of Magnus, Mace of Molag Bal ect... The player would be able to place it at his home, stronghold or wherever he want. Maybe we should be allowed to have a few of those. The best way to drag npc to replenish the Sacrificial Pit would be to use tundra defense guards to fill the pool I guess. I don't see how else I could get creatures and npc to walk in the right spot. A tractor beam spell maybe? Does it exist? It would be cool to be able to charge it with soul gems too. That way many small souls could be turned into better ones! Or just keep the pit full of soul for future use and experiments. This mod would be awesome beyond awesome, pretty please someone do it!
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