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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/728 This is my favourite UI mod for vanilla DS2 and since iGP11 is out now, we can start modding SOTFS too. Problem is, the texture file names for SOTFS are way different compared to vanilla, otherwise I would've just renamed the files myself. SO, I request any able modder to find out the filenames of the UI textures for SOTFS and rename the original mod files for SOTFS so that we can use this mod in SOTFS. Even if anyone can find out the UI texture filenames, that would be enough so that I can rename the files. Thanks in advance and Praise the Sun! \`[T] /
  2. So i purchased SOTFS on steam knowing that i can not run it normally until i upgrade my pc. however i was able to get it to run with a mod i found on steam for shadow of mordor (dxcpl https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-in/windows/hardware/hh852363.aspx) that basicly converts or downgrades the directx 11 to directx 9. see my steam discussion http://steamcommunity.com/app/335300/discussions/0/343788552547721784/ however frame rate is so slow that the game is unplayable. I see no reason why SOTFS cant be down graded to effectively run with directx 9 as it was intended to. any ideas on how to fix this as bandai and steam have no solution as of yet?
  3. Currently i'm trying to delete some parts of the Archdrake Helm textures, but as far as i know SOTFS uses at least 4 textures for lightning, colours, etc... But as soon as i find them, there's a fourth one that is a 0KB .dds file, obviously when i opened it nothing showed but empty space. I'm asking for help cuz i really can't find it. I'm using iGP11 to dump the files, and PS CC. It's name is 524288_15949838471942325915.dds
  4. I know that there is a mod in the community in Java format to partially accomplish this task. But I believe that there is still nothing within the game itself to help the player. Link to the author of the aforementioned mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/219 Would it be possible to create a mod of this type but in text format to show the values ​​to the player? Similar to the example of the images that I put below: Mod author link: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/6 If anyone knows what editing tools are used to specifically edit the game's text I believe I could make it and distribute it to the community. If you know and can share the name of the tool with me it would be of great help. Even my knowledge being newbie in this area of ​​mods. Thank you for your attention :wink: --------------------- @edit ~ April, 27, 2023 The request may be closed if any forum moderators see this topic. [delete / close the topic]I researched further and made some changes on my own and the results were satisfactory. Exactly as I had described before.I believe that when I finish the project of all FromSoftware games I will make it available to the public. Anyway thanks for understanding :)
  5. As the title already says and going straight to the point: I think it would be interesting for From Software games in general to have some details to share with your friends list on Discord. Perhaps showing the location of the map you are currently in, the percentage of life, which area or boss you are currently facing, among some other details that could be really cool with images and some simple texts on each profile. If it were possible to make a secure integration with the game's online mode on Steam, it would be a plus, but not mandatory of course. Some games already have something similar and I think it's really cool to see visually, such as: Hollow Knight (with mod), HADES, The Messenger and many others. I think that an extra affection for these Soulslike titles would certainly be welcome. :happy:
  6. There seriously needs to be separate Nexus pages for Dark Souls 2 - Scholar of the First Sin & for the original Dark Souls 2. Just like there is for Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition & Dark Souls: Remastered. the original DS2 game's textures do not work with SotFS and vice/versa and it leads to multiple complaints and requests for help on almost every mod's "posts" section for either version of the game. when searching for mods for either version a lot of the time there is no determination which one it is designed for so if the author doesn't actually distinguish which version in their description, it takes the Nexus member's own searching through posts or trial and error inside of the game to find out if it may be compatible with their version of the game. Please make it easier on every member searching for Dark Souls 2 mods and create a separate page for Scholar of the First Sin content.
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