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  1. Hi All, I have been trying to make a very simple custom object for Starfield (just a dice, which happens to be a textured version of the default cube Blender starts with). As a kind of test to see if I can get it working. I am having difficulty getting my mesh into a format that Starfield accepts. My workflow so far is: To create the .nif Install Blender 2.83 Open Blender 2.83, get rid of splash screen Install Add-on to Blender: Import/Export NetImmerse/Gamebryo format support Delete light and camera Add texture to the dice/cube (add a vertex colour to the cube) for some reason the Import/Export addon requires this Set scene details for Nif Version Info to Fallout 76 then manually change the 'User Version' and 'User Version 2' variables to 11. Export as 'cube.nif' To alter the nif I am using NifSkope 2.0 dev 9 Open cube.nif The shape of the cube now appears in NifSkope but it is represented as a NiTriShape All the models I have looked at thus far in NifSkope for Starfield seem to use BSGeometry meshes to display shape information but I see no way to convert a NiTriShape to BSGeometry mesh. Any help would be graetly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Sam
  2. I'm a brand new modder. So I edited the player damage values and the enemy damage values through CK. I edited them, save the plugin and I start the game through my PC and tested if my edited values are working, and sure enough they work as intended. But then I upload my mod to Beth.net and tested if the mod is working on my Xbox, and long story short it doesn't work.. So this is how I upload my mod to Xbox: 1. Start the CK 2. Go to Data folder and set my mod as Active Plugin 3. Login to Beth.net through CK 4. Go to Upload Plugin and select Xbox 5. Pack files (But there were no archivable files here tho. CK can't find any, me neither) 6. Push the Create New Mod button 7. Name my mod, describe it, choose category and then upload it to Beth.net So yeah, that's what I did. I watched a ton of tutorial videos on Youtube trying to pinpoint where exactly I went wrong with my upload and none of them provide me with any answers.. So yeah.. I need a little assist here, guys.
  3. As the title indicates, I have a number of mods installed and activated in BG3MM. I use Vortex to download, install, and update mods (at least for those that can work with Vortex, which is most of them), and then I use BG3MM for my Load Order and to export my modsettings.lsx file. But when I try to load my most recent save game file (after updating a small handful of mods), the game now reports that *all* of the mods used for that save game are disabled. I have checked, and re-checked, and they most definitely *are* enabled in BG3MM, and are also present in the modsettings.lsx file. This only just started happening after the Hotfix #10 patch. Did Larian change the location of the modsettings file so that it's reading the wrong one? I would very much appreciate any help and insight that can be offered in order to help me resolve this issue. Thanks, Drake
  4. I apologize in advanced if I end up breaking some forum etiquette, this is my first time posting a topic. Hello, I’ve been having a small problem with race menu and how it interacts with cbbe, specifically with the nude body. I’ll try to explain to the best of my ability in as much detail as I can so please bear with me. I recently got Skyrim AE on steam and wanted to see how the game would handle a few bodymorphing mods before I started my modding journey in earnest. It was mostly smooth until I got race menu working. At first it was fine aside from a few clipping issues due to not getting an alt start mod and thus having my hands bound. But when I removed my clothes to see how my characters textures looked, I found that the naked cbbe body wasn’t affected by my race menu sliders. The clothed body was affected just fine but the naked body was only affected by the preset I made in bodyslider. I tried again after checking the build morph option but no dice, the nude body still wasn’t affected by race menu sliders. I tried searching around online to see if anyone already found the problem but nobody else seemed to have ran into this problem, or at least nobody else asked about it. So I figured I’d ask here, does anyone have a potential solution to this problem? Here’s some extra info in case it could help. I think a mod that could be causing this problem is the 3ba mod for cbbe, as I was using the cbbe 3bbb amazing model for the naked body and it’s possible that it isn’t affected by racemenu’s body morph sliders. I’m also using the Flawn’s argonians and Flawn’s argonian overlays mods, and while I doubt those specifically are what’s causing this issue I was trying to make an argonian character when I found this problem so I think those mods should be taken into consideration when figuring out the cause. I’m sorry if this was a bit long winded, and thanks in advance for your time.
  5. Alright, so I've been digging around through the files and I can't seem to find the texture files for "HUM_F_SharStatue_Headwear.GR2". The closest I've gotten so far is a line in "Shared\Public\SharedDev\Content\Assets\Characters\Humans\[PAK]_Female_SharStatue\_merged.lsx" that reads: <node id="Resource"> <attribute id="DiffusionProfileUUID" type="FixedString" value="" /> <attribute id="ID" type="FixedString" value="4de72362-a0fa-0114-a9e3-89094adcdb4e" /> <attribute id="MaterialType" type="uint8" value="6" /> <attribute id="Name" type="LSString" value="HUM_F_SharStatue_Headwear" /> <attribute id="SourceFile" type="LSString" value="Public/Shared/Assets/Materials/Environment/ENV_Base_TileBlend_Test.lsf" /> <attribute id="_OriginalFileVersion_" type="int64" value="144115207403209030" /> <children> I searched through "Public/Shared/Assets/Materials/Environment/ENV_Base_TileBlend_Test.lsf" and hit a dead end. I know vaguely that I'm looking for environment textures but I have no idea where to look. Any help would be much appreciated EDIT: The tile textures work, but they're not the textures that appear on the statue headwear. These textures appear on Shar in the cinematics. My new question is this: Is there an easy way to transfer the UV map from one model to another that shares the same geometry? To clarify, the DEC_GEN_Statue_Shar_Normal and the DEC_GEN_Statue_Shar_Huge are identical. The only difference is the "normal" sized one has less detail. EDIT 2: Okay, lesson learned. If you have a model with a normal map and mask, but no basecolor map, it's easier to create one from by combining elements of the normal/mask. They hold most of the texture information already. Digging through files for days for a non-existent texture is a huge waste of time (and sanity)
  6. Creation Kit: How do you remove deprecated, ie no longer needed, Parent masters from a .esp file?
  7. Looking for a function that will create an Actor given its refid.
  8. Every time I try CBBE for Skyrim SE it gets up to 10% before stopping and saying that the installation failed. Any idea how to fix? It is saying there's a problem with 7zip Sharp
  9. SOLVED: I missed a flag. This is my Config menu. I'm writing a script to allow the user to choose which skin to put on a (specific) helmet (and materials and slot sizes). It's almost ready to go, the numbers all work, but there is one small problem. ... equipping it makes the character's head disappear. For the first time in about five days I haven't got my computer saying, "you're doing it wrong". No more compiler errors, no more crashes in modmanager. Now I have no feedback at all... Does anybody have any experience with this sort of thing?
  10. On the page for the Robert's female body replacer, it says that all the stock armor and clothing replacers are included. When moving the files into data, i can see that they are all there, and have all been put in the right place. However, the vanilla body is still shown when wearing armor. It causes a pretty terrible seam, especially because I am using Slof's better bodies retexture, on a khajiit character. It's not the BSA redirection because other texture and mesh replacements are working just fine, the nude body looks fine. But as soon as any armor is worn it's all messed up, at least for the part the armor covers. Vanilla texture from neck to wrists when wearing cuirass, just on hands up to wrist when wearing gauntlets, etc. Why is this? Installation also includes cobl, cobl races, ooo and mmm, some other things as well though i can't think of anything else that could potentially change the armor meshes, don't even think any of those would... but i'm loading robert's female replacer, and slof's better bodies, at pretty much the bottom of the load order anyway, just to be sure. Still vanilla mesh when wearing armor. Any help is greatly appreciated EDIT: I'M WRONG. They're working fine, the missing meshes in question are ONLY for the "Rusty Iron" and possibly "Rough Leather" sets at the beginning. I saw the missing mesh for rusty iron while first testing my mod setup with a new character, and jumped to conclusions that none of the armors were working, mistake on my part. The beginning sets are used for such a short time it's pretty inconsequential but if i find a fix i'll edit here again to post it for anyone else who's bothered by this. EDIT 2: Quick fix! For Rusty Iron anyway, Rough leather doesn't really show anything so it doesn't matter. Just in case anyone is as bothered by little things as I am, haha, and in a similar boat where you don't know how to make or edit .esps and all that fancy stuff. 1. MANUAL download RustyItems https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7190 2. Extract to a temporary location, NOT your data folder 3. Copy ONLY the RustyItems esp into data. 4. Go to Data/meshes/Armor/ 5. Create a new folder named "rust" 6. find Data/meshes/Armor/iron 7. copy the data (should be f and m if you're using both replacers, or one or the other) into /rust/ 8. rename all the .nifs in rust/f and m so they have rust on the end, cuirassrust.nif, greavesrust.nif, etc. 9. activate RustyItems.esp and you're good to go :3 You could probably keep the rest of Rusty items too, as long as you overwrite it's armor .nifs with the ones from Robert's replacer iron, but the steps above will get the vanilla rusty iron items to fit Robert's with as little other changes as possible.
  11. Hey all I have a bit of a conundrum, see I am trying to get this mesh I have attached to glow animatedly, and in nifskope it does, but ingame it won't. I have copied the bslightingshaderproperty from another similar mesh which does work ingame however. In fact for about half of these tree meshes it works the way I want it to and for the other half it doesn't. I'm really not sure why... So if anyone can give me a hand and take a look at the nif I have uploaded it to my dropbox here https://www.dropbox.com/s/jggqyqnp987wogv/TreeMere03.nif?dl=0 Nvm, found the issue. Was lacking a BSXflag under the ninode of the actual mesh, had to add that and then toggle on Animated. Thanks anyway :smile:
  12. Hey all So I haven't touched Skyrim in about 3 days, and the last time I did it was working fine. Trying to load my save instantly ctds during the load screen, as does starting a new game. I have now disabled all my mods, tried starting without skse, reset my ini's to default. Still nothing. What's really frustrating me is that I have done nothing to it since I last played and it was working fine and stable. What could've changed since then? File corruption? Creation kit still launches fine and I can use that program all the same. Anyone have any ideas, as I'd like to try and avoid having to completely reinstall the game. There's gotta be a reason why it'd do this, and beyond mod conflicts of which there are none, especially since they're all disabled and ghosted I'm at a loss. Edit: Verified my cache, unsurprisingly did nothing. Think I have no choice but to reinstall, though I am making a backup of my skyrim folder first. Solved: Well it's embarassing and highly infuriating, but after completely reinstalling and filtering in one folder at a time from my old data folder, I found the issue. I was modding Fallout 4 the other day and since the 2 folders are next to each other on my desktop, I must've accidently dropped a hud.swf file into the interface folder of skyrim, which unsurprisingly was causing it to ctd. So there we go, no interesting problem to solve just my own stupidity. Bleh.
  13. Hi, I have infinite loading screen since installing Racecompatibility for Dawnguard ( USLEEP and Sacrosanct patches included ). They do not appear when I start a new game, however. My Bashed patch, RSPatch, Dyndolod.esp are up to date and the load order is from LOOT, with a few minor correction ( VampiresTakeNoSunDamage loaded after Sacrosanct, Holds lowered down as advised by the author ). Here is my Papyrus log0 : http://pastebin.com/edQUETZx Here is my load order : http://pastebin.com/EsPRWPaz ( the last ligne disturbs me ) Does anyone know what's going on ? I'd be very appreciative Thanks SOLVED : It was in fact a basic memory error. I though I already had SafetyLoad installed, but I did not, for some reason. Anyway, check your Skse.ini and if it's still broken, use safety load.
  14. Since this is a common issue, I figured I would see if there were any helpful helps out here on the 'ol interweb afore I went 'n bugged folk about my bugged setup. So, I only recently got back into playing Skyrim, having lived in a truck since before the first DLC was released (although I think SKSE was already out?) which naturally means I've only just-as-recently started trying to mod Skyrim. Followed the organic approach: 1. Figure out where to get and how to install mods; bork Skyrim 2. Learn about NMM, un-bork Skyrim after reading helpful helps from other folks. 3. Re-un-re-un-re-bork, total-reset, run stable for a few weeks. 4. Finally decide to make the switch to the big-boy Mod Tool. Wipe everything off, and reload with MO. So now, I've been trying to get skyrim to run with Mod Organizer. It will! For almost exactly ten minutes. As an experiment, I loaded up my backed-up just-out-of-helgen never-modded, pre-any-DLC generic troubleshooting save from the desktop-launched vanilla skyrim button. Ran perfectly for over an hour? I didn't time it, but I know it was a good long time. So I figured I'd try loading up in MO and continuing from that point. Ten minutes: Desktop. My ENTIRE Load Order(no spoiler block because I'm a sadist :wink: ): Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm HRTPs1,2,3.esp I even turned off MO's BSA management, since it was injecting stuff like partial SkyUI fragments, and I figured that might be a bad thing. Everything I have installed/active, but not loaded (Hope I remember the instructions for spoiler blocks for this one... Nope, had to look it up.) That entire list, and more (I didn't think to take a before/after list-shot for comparison, but I know I had over 200 files in my load order at one time) were working as flawlessly as a community project can... when nobody is talking to anybody else in the neighborhood. I had over 200 hours of stable laytime in over the last month (as long as you don't count having to re-start my PC to re-load the game as un-stable). I'd like to be able to provide SKSE's most recent crashdump, but MO is somehow preventing WriteMiniDumps=1 from functioning, CrashFixPlugin did output a log file, but it's one line and says "This is useless", and though I'm going to include it, I doubt my last Papyrus log will be useful.
  15. EDIT: The txt file showing my mod order listed them backwards (Bottom of this list is actually the top priority). Just as title says. I use Mod Organizer this is my mod list in order: EDIT2: Solved it (Idk how to change the title so sorry!)! It was the Wenches mods causing my crashes. -mofu_1Hand Sword Power attack forward -2H katana attack animations -Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim -Cloaks of Skyrim +Crash fixes +Project Flintlock Rifle - Sequel to Musket Mod +Return To Sender +Kafollower_01Chloe +Judgment Wenches +Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services- +Dragon Stalking Fix +Daedric female armor replacer +TD_MaleHousecarl_Replacer +Blackreach Retreat +Younger Delphine and Smaller Ulfric and Tullius +Blades Bikini Armor +aMidianBorn Blades Armor +Better Shield Position (fix) +Chao's Redesigned Lydia +The Housecarls - CBBE variants +Females Of Riverwood +Deadly Wenches +Immersive Wenches +Vogue Rogue Armor +Man Those Borders +Better Vampire Lord Transformation +Resplendent Armor and Greatsword +Shield protect from magic +Sexy Loadscreens 3 +VictoriaG Load Screens 1 +Main Menu Background Replacer +Floating Healthbars +No bethesda Intro +Customizable Camera +Age of Aggression-Oppression - Main Menu Music +Ultra Realistic Crossbow Shoot Sounds +KUNOICHI female voice +Smooth blades draw and sheath +Skyrim Sizes +KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat +VIGILANT +Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice +The Notice Board +The Paarthurnax Dilemma +Akaviri Player Home - No Load Doors - Danya's Retreat +Summon Skeletal Horde +Colorful Magic +Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim +Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim +Legendary Skyrim Crossbows +Zerofrost Mythical Armors and Dragon +TK Dodge +EstrusForSkyrim +Phalanx Stance - Alternative Block Idle +YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander +Nordic 2handed attack animations +Gravelords- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - dark souls - sithis) +Immersive Soulgems +No More Glowing Edges Mod +Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul +Real Shelter - Full Release +LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer +Equipping Overhaul +TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - Male and UNP female +Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE +Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood +Helmet Toggle - Show Hide +More Perk Points per Level and Dragonsouls to Perk Points +ãDSAMGãDragon Soul Absorb More Glorious +KS Hairdos - HDT Physics +Thane Weapons Reborn +OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim +Follower Saige The Purger +Unique Uniques +YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight +New Animation - Power Thrust +Realistic Animation Project - Idles +Realistic Animation Project - Movement +FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (dynamic) +Immersive Armors CBBE and UUNP Refit +Immersive Armors +Wearable Lanterns +PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions +Immersive Patrols +Multiple Floors Sandboxing +UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul +Weapon Parry Standalone +The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod +HDT HighHeels System +HDT Physics Extensions +Alternate Start - Live Another Life +XP32 Maximum Skeleton +Realistic Ragdolls and Force +RaceMenu +Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS +ApachiiSkyHair +ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer +A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads +Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer -Work In Progress- by Killer Keo +Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- +Play Random Idle +SkyUI +High Poly Project +Enhanced Lights and FX *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03 *Unmanaged: Dawnguard *Unmanaged: Dragonborn *Unmanaged: HearthFires *Unmanaged: FNIS
  16. EDIT: I figured out what happened, leaving this up for posterity I almost got new vegas off the ground and running, but now I'm having a weird problem. I created my character, walked over to the vigor tester... but the only button that works is the minus button, and that button makes the stats go UP. Since I can't go left or right, I can't just up one stat all the way and leave (since I can redo special stats after I leave Goodsprings) Some googling shows that one other person had the same problem, but they didn't list their mods, and they solved it by deleting EVERYTHING and reinstalling, which I really.... really don't want to do Here's my Load Order, and I can't remember how to put it in a cut so for now I'll just paste it: 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm11 b Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm12 c FreesideOpen.esm13 d ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm14 e NVInteriors_Core.esm15 f NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm16 10 Tales from the Burning Sands.esm17 11 oHUD.esm18 12 FCOMaster.esm19 13 Project Nevada - Core.esm20 14 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm21 15 ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm22 16 domecity.esm23 17 NVWillow.esp24 18 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp25 19 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp26 1a Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm27 1b D.E.I.M.O.S..esm28 1c SomeguySeries.esm29 1d Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm30 1e NevadaSkies.esm YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp31 1f The Mod Configuration Menu.esp32 20 Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp33 21 DarNifiedUINV.esp34 22 Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp35 23 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp36 24 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp37 25 Vurt's WFO.esp38 26 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp39 27 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp40 28 ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp41 29 ILO - D.E.I.M.O.S.esp42 2a ILO - NVWillow.esp43 2b ILO - YUP Patch.esp Roberts_NewVegas.esp ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp NevadaSkies - Blueberry Nights.esp NevadaSkies - Brighter Nights.esp44 2c Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp45 2d OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp46 2e OWB-Path Lights.esp Improved Sound FX.esp47 2f EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp NVWillow - Project Nevada Rebalance.esp48 30 Tales PN.esp DeadMoneyFemaleTuxedo.esp FCO - Beyond Boulder Dome.esp49 31 FCO - GlowingOne.esp FCO - NPC Changes.esp50 32 FreesideOpenPatch.esp51 33 Uncut Wasteland FSO.esp52 34 vault22FloralOverhaul.esp53 35 tmzLODadditions.esp54 36 CourierCacheWSE.esp55 37 lexx_brahmin-variant.esp56 38 NewVegasBounties.esp57 39 NewVegasBountiesII.esp58 3a ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp59 3b ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp60 3c TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp61 3d 1nivVSLArmors.esp FCO - Roberts Patch.esp62 3e FCO - Willow.esp63 3f Conelrad 640-1240.esp Improved Sound FX - Project Nevada.esp64 40 NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp65 41 Primm Reputation Restored.esp66 42 NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp67 43 mapmarkers.esp68 44 WastelandCourier.esp69 45 Courier Vests.esp70 46 DragsCasualCourierAndMore.esp boa ncrpahelmet.esp71 47 Boacombat2glove.esp72 48 tmzLODadditions-NVInterriors.esp FNVLODGen.esp73 49 Nouk's Hairs.esp74 4a [ARMOR]-NCR_Freelancer_gear.esp75 4b NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp76 4c Bashed Patch, 0.esp If anyone has any ideas on what's wrong or how to fix it, I'd appreciate it!
  17. Ok, so I really need help with an issue I've been having for a little while now. Every time i try to enter the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth my game will go to the loading screen but then CTD with no error message and i can't finish the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy". :confused:
  18. Hey all As said in the title, I'm after a way to stop the player from leaving furniture when taking damage. Even if the furniture has no exit animation, what will happen is that the player will lose control of the camera and then shortly after the player will appear nearby or on top of the furniture. Alternatively, I have used the animation that the furniture normally uses with debug.sendanimation(animation) to mimic using the furniture, which stops this from happening however the player still gets pushed about when taking damage. I thought setvehicle worked, but only seems to do so for certain sources of damage like the useweapon procedure, which I am no longer using due to its randomized and uncontrollable attack animations. So if anyone knows a way to make either of these methods function I'd be grateful ^_^ Edit: Discovered my error, setvehicle only works with actual objects, like a static mesh. I was trying to bind it to an xmarker and then a furniture marker.
  19. As the title states, I cannot seem to download the 32bit version of the CK from steam. I need this for my mod in order to generate the lip files to my dialogue, and so far all alternative methods I have found still need the 32 bit version. When I go into my Library>tools list it's simply not there as an option. I have the option to download the geck for new vegas and CK for skyrim but not fallout 4. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks Nevermind, Turns out I had to validate my 64 bit creation kit files via the Beth Launcher which created the tools/lipgen folder with the 32 bit CK inside.
  20. So I've created a mod. The mod works as expected, with one little issue... I can't get objective markers to show up! I'm not trying to make a scavenger hunt here! I've read every reference and watched every video I can find, and I've tested everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work. Am I missing something obvious? I'm trying to mark a building, not a specific item in the building if that makes a difference.
  21. Solved, I hope. If you'd like to know how, go into NMM, Plugins, and search for red highlighted plugins, they have missing ESPs. Stick around for a story. I found out what it was, after restarting NMM and fooling around with the ENB, CrashFix etc. I finally found what the problem was: MineVendors.esp Apparently, NMM thought displaying a red text now was a good idea, instead of making it orange like everything else. The ESP called for an Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp, which I have a legendary patch, not whatever this is. Let me just remind you again: The text wasn't red before, however, I dealt with this exact same problem before, so it is kind of an objective idea whether it was a stupid mistake of mine or not. [/line] I use SexLab mods, and if you don't want any wanted sexual content, just don't search it up, and don't ask about it, I have my gameplay habits, you have yours. I just want to play my game, you just want to do "you", which I hope is helping me. Thanks. It won't load the menu really, just flicker after loading for about 10 seconds. Load Order: Paste.ee ENB: Tetrachromatic ENB I use NMM, Loot and CBBE body, no HDT physics. I sorted, ran as administrator etc. I'd rather have some quick support so it isn't like some kind of 3 hour wait time between each message, which 90% of the time never ends up fixing it. If you would like to use Skype, Discord, Steam etc. just ask, I'd be happy to give you contact info for it.
  22. Greetings, all! I have a problem that has been randomly manifesting itself since I started playing Skyrim. I've done numerous searches looking for a solution, found many others with the same problem, but not a single post with a solution. So far, the ONLY solution I've found was to go to a previous save. Problem: Followers enter sandbox mode and for some reason never leave it even though they have been given other commands. Details: This problem has eventually occured on almost every follower I've ever used in the game, including vanilla followers, Inigo, Vilja, Selene Kate, MInerva, etc. Whenever I go to a location that has ANY ilde markers, be they a chair, a rail-lean location, a forge, even the tankard/drink animation, and followers are set to sandbox for any reason, eventually one of them will get stuck doing so. By stuck, I mean that they will take commands, but only partially act upon them. For instance, if I tell them to follow me they will do so, but at a distance and ONLY walking. They will immediately try and use the nearest Idle marker again. They will NOT stealth--In fact this is my main indicator a follower is broken, when they will not stealth for any reason. I suspect that the problem has something to do with saving while they are in sandbox mode. This problem seems random in who it effects, they only requirement is that they were in sandbox AI mode. NONE of the console commands fix it, including toggling off/on AI (tai), combat AI (tcai), resetai. I even tried killing them with the "Kill" command and resurrecting them (they were STILL sandboxing after a death!). Recycle actor has no effect other than stripping the follower. Disabling the .esp for the effected follower, loading,saving, reactivating esp doesnt work. I've been suffering from this issue with numerous mod loadouts, and even NO mods--the Vanilla game with no mods does this to me as well. Over the years I've tried AFT, UFO, EFF, Immersive AFT, MHIYH 4.3, Simple Multiple Followers...and more importantly, NO mods! Followers break eventually regardless of framework used. As a result of this issue, I've never actually completed a full playthrough of all the DLC as I eventually encounter the issue and break my game further trying to find the source of the problem. Serana has broken in this way EVERY time. After facing this issue for so long, I'm about to throw in the towel and just delete Skyrim and everything associated with it. Any help would be appreciated. Although a means of clearing the stuck sandbox AI from a follower would be enough for me to keep playing, a solution to prevent them from getting stuck in the first place would be Ideal. Thanks in advance, Bug
  23. NOTE: This is an authentic help request, even if the tone is a little tongue-in-cheek. UPDATE: A partial workaround to this issue has been found. It looks like whatever resource limit triggers it Skyrim tracks two banks of them, one for ESPs and one for ESMs. When you hit the limit because you have too many of one (typically this will be ESPs first) you can continue to add content by changing one file type to the other until you're breaking both limits. This is far from a perfect solution, but it does provide some breathing room for extra heavy load orders. Just make sure you understand how to change those file types. HINT: you shouldn't be changing the Windows file extension. Not only doesn't that work, but it will break yourgame if the file is a master. You have to use a utility like TESEdit to change the file type flag inside the file and leave the Windows file type extension alone. UPDATE: another "member" was found a couple of months ago who also initially ran into the issue after installing DynDOLOD: Dunc01. Working together with Sheson it seems the culprit has indeed been narrowed down to the game hitting a maximum number of persistant references per worldspace, with that maximum number being 65 535. What exactly contributes to the offending total is not yet completely clear however. For example, duplicates do not seem to be counted. Of note, Sheson has already included an option in DynDOLOD to reduce the number of persistant references that it contributes to the game. Also, while Dunc01 was evidently experiencing the same issue based on the symptoms, his CTD was occurring at a different memory address. Based on my testing the address can indeed be DIFFERENT when the number or version of a dll injected into the game by SKSE changes. WHO QUALIFIES Alright, who qualifies as a member of this fairly exclusive Skyrim Modders Club? First and very important, as a Skyrim Modder, you have been able to successfully mod your games to the gills, all the while keeping it stable and maintaining high performance. You have a mix of gameplay and immersion mods, player homes, followers and NPCs, new land mods, quests and dungeons and maybe even a number of mods from LL. Big new land and quest mods like Summerset Isle, Darkend, Beyond Reach, Wyrmstooth, Rigmor of Bruma, Wheels of Lull, Forgotten Dungeons, Forgotten City, etc. are your bread and butter. Also, you do not use any of the mods in the Dangerous mods list and your masters are clean. You are merged, bashed and LOOTed and have taken your Skyrim out for more than a SpINI or two. More than likely, you have a pretty decent to high-end rig or you probably wouldn't have made it this far. Good on you! ================================================================== Mandatory personal specs (I don't have the specs for my current club co-member): CPU: i7 5960x @ 4.6 (water cooled with custom loop) GPU: 980 ti (currently stock reference edition Zotac) Memory: 32GB DDR4 Corsair Vengence 2666 @ 2811MHz Storage: 2x 1TB Crucial SSD in RAID 0 Power Supply: Corsair 1200AX =================================================================== Second, you use Meh's Crash Fixes version 12, or at least have [Debug] WriteMinidumps=1 set in your SKSE ini file and can use an online crash analysis service to get human readable info back from SKSE's .dmp files. Third, and this is CRITICAL: when you add JUST ONE MORE ESP/ESM based mod, Skyrim CTDs within 3 to 4 seconds of trying to load ANY save or starting a new game, systematically generating an error at memory address 0067eeb8, a.k.a TESV.exe+0027eeb8. This will happen exactly when the loading screen would otherwise have its first micro-pause while loading a save (on a setup that does not CTD). What specific ESP/ESM does not much matter, although smaller, empty, or larger but quest/script-free mods seem not to trigger this issue. Your load order does not matter (as far as this specific CTD). The mod you added can have its ESM/ESP at the beginning or at the end (end of the ESM list if an ESM) or you can leave it where LOOT puts it. But you CAN load this mod as long as you SWAP IT OUT with any other mod of roughly the same "weight", for lack of a better word. If your CTD does not occur as a result of an error at memory address 0067eeb8, SORRY, but YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER. (For qualified members please see your membership card here: http://i.imgur.com/csaXNP7.png. Print it, plastify it and keep it safe because this is the specific MOV operation where the engine fails.) Currently we know of two confirmed members of the Club: myself, and DemongelRex/Demonrex and I am looking for other members to share information in the hopes pinning down what causes this particular CTD. WHY THIS MATTERS Well, obviously, because it would be nice to keep modding Skyrim 'til it breaks elsewhere, but there's a little more to it. As DemongelRex has pointed out on the Crash Fixes forum, some very large and highly anticipated mods are getting close to release, for example, Beyond Skyrim, and they are of such size that it may become an issue even for gamers with moderately heavy mod orders. Further, as use of tools such as Merge Script, Merge Standalone and Mator Smash become more widespread the odds increase that more and more gamers will run into this issue. Worse, this issue can easily mimic a number of other problems, in particular: mod conflicts, the string count limit, total memory use or CTDs from memory fragmentation. Instead, though as yet unconfirmed, this appears to be the result of the Skyrim engine hitting a particular limit on the total number of form IDs it is being asked to load when a user tries to load any existing save or start a new game once that user has added enough content to cross the threshold. This may also be a particular threshold such as the number of quest IDs or worldspaces....no clear ideas on this yet. SPECIFICS This issue is 100% reproducible (or avoidable!) once the conditions to trigger it are in place. It is 100% reproducible in terms of predictability, and 100% reproducible in terms of its effects and where the exact failure occurs, EVERY TIME. I.e., this is NOT some type of random crash.This is NOT an in-game stability issue. Your game can otherwise be rock stable. (Mine and DemongelRex certainly are.)This is NOT a performance issue. Apart from the traditional Skyrim hiccups, your game performs well in terms of FPS and does not suffer from any significant script lag.This is NOT a memory issue. When this CTD occurs it will happen while Skyrim is loading, but using still well under 1GB of RAM (750 MB in my case) and/or VRAM. A mod load-out set not to cause this CTD will let you get into game with well over 1 GB of RAM and VRAM.This is NOT some kind of directory thrashing issue. I experience the issue at 240 ESPs loaded and DemongelRex at 218. (We both have a number of mods merged from many other mods and, obviously, different load ordersâthough he uses LotD and I don't.) Both of us have fewer than 509 TOTAL ESMs/ESPs (active + disabled) though both of us ran tests with Nitpick anyway to see if this would make a difference; it did not.This is NOT a mod conflict issue. Aside from DemongelRex and I having very heavy mod lists our load-outs are very different. In addition, any mod added that causes this CTD will actually work in ANY COMBINATION with the rest of our load orders, AS LONG AS WE SWAP OUT ANY OTHER EQUALLY "HEAVY" MOD.This SOUNDS a lot like, but IS NOT the string count limit bug:Tested with TESV ESS Editor or SkyrimTools (by MarkDF): this CTD can occur while under the String count limit. I initially encountered this issue while close to but under the normal string count limit by over 400 strings (approximately 65 150 strings); I am currently playing the game while over the string count limit thanks to Crash Fixes (string count grows over time) and avoiding this problem quite easily by staying 3 to 4 mods short of triggering this CTD.Adding mods until you break the string count limit never prevents you from starting a new game, you just can't load back the trashed save files the game writes from that point on. THIS issue will also CTD you on a new game start. (One exception: using Alternate Start leaves you at an infinite loading screen (ILS) right after the "page flip" sound and the intro music loops forever...well, over twenty minutes at any rate. But Crash Fixes still produces a crash log showing the game is crashed with an error at 0067eeb8 (TESV+0027eeb8.)The crash from trying to read a save file corrupted by the StrCount bug ALWAYS occurs at the END of the loading sequence (20 seconds for me with Meh's OS Allocators active in Crash Fixes). THIS crash occurs systematically within 3 to 4 seconds into the loading sequence. I.e., the two crashes do not occur at the same point in the loading sequence.I have posted about this problem once before, but this was before another gamer (DemongelRex) experienced the problem himself and more information has become known since. (That initial post was how he found me.) For those who would suggest taking this up with Meh, he appears to be unavailable for the time being, but help is always welcome from any quarter. I'd be more than willing to work with anyone who can deal with opcodes and operands (I'm clueless here) or anything else to work this out. Thank you!
  24. Hello I'm trying to make a simple weapon ability that deals only elemental damage on hit. I've Frankenstein-ed a script together based mostly on Might Blow and the impact damage from Fireball. Below is the relevant portion: float fDamage = Combat_Damage_GetAttackDamage(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.oTarget, oWeapon, nResult, 0.0f); eEffect = EffectDamage(fDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE); ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eEffect, stEvent.oTarget, 0.0f, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);When used, this applies physical damage AND additional fire damage. I'd like it to apply ONLY fire damage. For example, if a normal hit deals 10 damage, I want the damage applied as 10 fire damage without any fire damage. Is this possible? Any ideas? Thanks!
  25. [solution] There is more to a script than just the source and the binary. Apparently the CK adds some kind of input. I had to double click on the script in the armor window in the CK. [/solution] My ultimate goal is to make a suit of armor that can be infused with magic granting penalties to cast and bonus to defense and unarmed strike. For starters, I figured I'd do something a little smaller -- simply add an existing spell to the player's spell list. In this case, Firebolt. Quick bit of back ground: I'm proficient with BASH, Python 2 (and 3 to a lesser extent), and C. BASH lets me maintain my system without stroking out, and Python and C are for scientific computing. In general, not a lot of experience with object oriented programming. I do NOT care for Python and it shares the sentiment, but is a necessary evil. Scriptname ChainmailPowerUp extends ObjectReference SPELL Property Firebolt Auto Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.AddSpell(Firebolt) EndEvent Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.Removespell(Firebolt) EndEvent [edit]This compiles by the way.[/edit] My understanding is that "SPELL Property Firebolt Auto" is calling the property/variable It's not casting it, since it's already been defined. "Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)" is a conditional statement of sorts which also casts akActor as an Actor, and then sets akActor to the object doing the equipping. "akActor.AddSpell(Firebolt)" then is sort of like a bivarient function in that it takes both akActor and Firebolt as input, adding the spell Firebolt to the Actor object akActor. I don't really care much for that notation since it makes me think I'm calling the function AddSpell from the script akActor. Maybe this is a C++ thing? The rest is more of the same. I tried Googling this issue and game up with https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1012129-adding-spell-onequipped/ which was not useful at all. So my question is "What am I doing wrong?" I haven't actually seen any examples of this in action.
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