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  1. The Sofia follower mod is one of my favorites. My single concern is that Sofia ALWAYS bumps into me. When we're out walking. When we're sneaking. When we're on horseback. Stop my horse, look over there at the - BUMP, I'm now looking at something else. Ready my bow, aim... BUMP. Godammit, Sofia! If I open the plugin in CK, what should I look for to change some values so that she never gets closer than a certain distance to me?
  2. First time posting, hope this might be good enough. I have a bit of a problem with female bodies. I currently have CBBE, Physics, Flower Girls, XPMSE, FNIS, and 7base remodeled armor installed (on which I chose the Pure body option during installation). I'm guessing the nude female models of CBBE, 7base and Pure body are conflicting with each other, which causes a messed up body (breasts, specifically) like: https://prnt.sc/jf6irj. This only occurs when wearing revealing armor (some armor doesn't fit as well, as seen in the picture). However, everything becomes fine when the clothes are removed, like this: https://prnt.sc/jf6jbm. The only downside is that it is CBBE's body, not Pure body's, and the HDT Physics is for some reason not working when fully nude. Here is a list of the mods I currently have installed: Unofficial SSE Patches Skyrim Project Optimization SMSkyrim.esp Falskaar.esm SkyUI_SE.esp XPMSE.esp alternate start Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests ordinator sofiafollower SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp SoS_ELFX_Patch.esp FNIS.esp SMSkyrim - Meshes SMSkyrim - Encounters FlowerGirls SE FlowerGirls SE Maids II Deception SuperbSerana 7Base Remodeled Armor - Replacer I hope it will be easy to find the issue for you guys. This is my first time modding skyrim and Im really happy everything is working well, just the textures of the female body.
  3. So I'm using the Sofia Follower mod along with her additional customizer redux thing. I don't mind her default appearance, but I actually downloaded it to see if there was a height changer. There isn't. I've been using EFF's tattoos function to modify her height, but it seems to reset her height to default every few cell changes. If someone could find a work around for this or some other way to make her shorter (around 0.81) that would be fantastic. Thanks in advance. To clarify, I want her shorter so that I don't look at a giant compared to my own height.
  4. Could we get Sofia (Follower from a Skyrim Mod) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? into Fallout 4? Obviously change her lines so she says she's not a Nord and does the Skyrim references, unless the backstory is she is the Sofia from Skyrim and she's found herself in the Commonwealth. Probably need to get premission from the original creator to use Sofia though... then there's the whole finding a voice actor to redo lines... any way i can help i will help.
  5. So I basically have both the mods: "Blackjack - A Thief Weapon" and "Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower". Now when I use my blackjack on someone, Sofia becomes an enemy and starts attacking me. Both mods work perfectly (besides this bug). Anyone knows why this is happening and how this could be fixed? thanks.
  6. Would Vilja and Sofia be compatible if run together as my followers?
  7. I tried to change the hair of Sofia and everything works except her eyes are creepy as hell. See for yourself. Any idea on how I can fix this ? :smile:
  8. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? I have redownloaded this mod more than 20 times and keep on getting this... Also there is no dialogue audio... Yes I have sent a PM to the maker of the mod and he has not responded.. Thanks for the help in advance :laugh:
  9. Okay. For some reason Sofia's now much less erratic than I originally experienced. The last couple of new games she's settled down a lot and has become mostly supportive and predictable. Also much less inclined to show up nude. Got no idea why all this is happening. I've not changed my mods since I started running her. One interesting development stems from my decision to go ahead and marry her. That's, to an extent, a bizarre experience. 'Ya see, with Sofia's character what you see is what you get...she really is rather heartless, pretty much self absorbed, and totally okay with doing what she wants to do when she wants to do it. If one marries her, don't expect a lot of affection, though there will be a small amount on occasion. The main problem I had with her in regard to game play is that she's programmed to randomly find and spend septims...in anywhere from 100 to 1000 septim chumks. So, if one is running with a small cash surplus(I tend to spend a lot on gems and training.)and she randomly hits you for a couple of big expenditures in a row, you can wind up broke or at least so close to that state as makes no difference. I don't cheat on cash so this is a serious consideration if married to Sofia. BTW, in her dialogue with the player, on the odd occasion she'll flat out tell what she intends to do and makes the comment that "...I almost feel sorry for you." (That's not an exact quote.) Anyway, if marrying Sofia be warned. She is a really mercenary gold digger, though very good in combat support, great with the wisecracks, and can be modded to be very hot when unclothed...as in no undies. I don't plan to marry her again but I will keep her around as a regular follower. She's fun, wicked with a blade, and a great pack mule. Just don't expect much in the way of fellow feeling. She's the quintessential companion for an assassin player...as in the real deal when it comes to being totally uncaring about human life, theft, breaking and entering, or any other kind of underhanded activity.
  10. Sofia Download: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? So who is Sofia? She is a fully voiced follower with tons of dialogue and she will be fully scripted with advanced AI and functionality and social interactivity. Including high quality voice acting by the talented Christine Slagman (finalCrystine) who has done some top notch voice acting in many top mods including Interesting NPCs (as the loveable Misha as well as others), Falskaar and Helgen Reborn and more recently a main role in Spellmaking: The Last Altar to name a few. So you won't be subject to boring, predictable and poorly acted dialogue that sounds as though it was recorded with a cheap karaoke mic. Sofia also has a totally custom dialogue system that allows advanced dialogue of any length so you aren't subject to short, uninteresting dialogue that has been seriously cut down to make room for Skyrims pitiful 150 character limit. She has quite a unique personality. She likes to be inappropriate and make witty or sometimes silly remarks about pretty much anything. She is tough and knows she is good looking and is very boastful about it. She has a particular like of the player although she tries to hide it but often ends up making the situation a lot more awkward. She is neither good nor bad really so can be used for any type of playthrough. She enjoys violence and killing and has a bit of a wild side whilst still maintaining a bit of a conscience and compassion if she happens to like you enough. She considers herself a bit of a social outcast as everyday life to her is boring and she often ends up annoying or upsetting people for her own amusement or saying inappropriate things either intentionally or unintentionally. This can make for some very awkward but amusing situations. She also has a very adventurous side and has travelled most of Skyrim and has many amusing tales to tell. She favours one handed and ranged attacks but combat style can be set by the player and she can do some basic magic due to her previous experiences with the College Of Winterhold. Do you find some followers annoying? If the answer is yes then she is fully customisable with her own MCM menu where nearly everything can be set. She is programmed to not talk over the player if the player is in a conversation or in a quest scene and you can set how often she makes random comments or they can be disabled entirely. She is not repetitive and can be told how to react in combat. She will only do stuff when told so the player will initiate conversations not the other way round and she will also only make remarks appropriate to the current situation and surroundings. She is fully aware of everything, including current location, the weather, the player, the current quest and so on. She has many fun side activities such as giving her alcohol to get her drunk (fully animated) and not only hearing some very funny dialogue but also watching total random chaos ensue. She also has her own twist on some of the popular features included in other top follower mods such as being able to tell her to lead the way where she can end up taking you to some rather interesting locations. She of course also has the kind of features you would expect in any advanced follower mod such as extra storage that she cannot touch and riding her own horse when the player is riding a horse (I mean seriously who in their right mind would try and run to keep up with a horse?). She also has her own custom follower system so should be highly compatible. Also she takes advantage of SKSE but it is not required even further adding to compatibility and features. If you are fed up with overly serious followers and looking for someone fun whilst still remaining relatively lore friendly and full of features then Sofia is the perfect companion. She is currently expanding everyday in terms of dialogue and features so be sure to check for updates and watch the videos below (they are in spoiler tags to avoid clutter). Also be sure to leave comments and feedback below and if there is something you would like to see then don't hesitate to ask :smile: Check out her diary here to get a further insight into her character: http://justpaste.it/e0uk and also check out some of the example lines below. Official Trailer http://i60.tinypic.com/28s0u9c.jpg http://i60.tinypic.com/2comq90.jpg More Images (click spoiler tag): Created and Written by John Jarvis Voiced by finalCrystine (Christine Slagman) Also thanks to Christine for additional help and support Beta Testing Christine Slagman Arleen de Bruin Other Cast Whiterun Guard - Temperance10 Example dialogue: So have you ever read The Lusty Argonian Maid? It sounds like my kind of book. What? Just because I'm female doesn't mean I can't enjoy a nice classy piece of literature. I've heard it's quite intellectually stimulating... Actually I just heard it was stimulating although I don't think it was the intellectual kind. I’ve always wondered, since when people die they take their final form as they were when they died. If you die naked does your spirit remain naked. I can’t say I fancy roaming around either in Sovngarde or as a ghost without any clothes on. Well at least not all the time. I always miss the people I break up with... I need to learn to aim better with my bow. Is it just me or does it sound a little inappropriate when the guards tell people to stop lollygagging. So you like to go feeling around peoples pockets looking for valuables huh? Well make sure you don’t grab the wrong valuables or you may get arrested for touching someone indecently. The Drunken Huntsman. I once tried hunting whilst drunk it was hilarious. I shot some wood elf in the bottom and he squealed like a skeever... Oh no I think I just saw him. After a few drinks one night I couldn't pronounce my 'I's properly and they sounded more like 'A's. I got a few strange looks when I started asking about the Winking Skeever. When someone told me about the Pawned Prawn in Riften I thought it was some kind of sleazy shop where people go to buy…naughty things. I was rather disappointed. Have you seen that woman selling fruit at the market stall. Apparently all the men in Whiterun fancy her... she wishes, if that's true then the men of Whiterun must be desperate either that or she is selling more than just fruit and vegetables. Hmm... Unrelenting force shout, tallest mountain in Skyrim. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We should fetch our good friend Lydia and show her the view and at the same time you could show her your new shout. If she accidently falls then I suppose it's no big loss. What? Don't give me that look. Shall we give some of our hard earned money to the poor? Nah, let’s waste it all on mead. Do you think the Sabrecats and Khajit are somehow related? They do seem similar except the Khajits are more human. You don't suppose a human and a Sabrecat... no I'm not going there. People get a little touchy when I say that. So you're good with your shield? Yes my parents always said to use protection. That must be what they meant. I do love causing a stir. Once I started singing at the top of my voice and someone told me to stop shouting, then I replied do I look Dragonborn or like one of those creepy old guys who live on the mountain tops to you? *laughs*. The guards in Skyrim are a miserable bunch. We risk life and limb slaying wolves, bandits and a lot worse all day and they complain about a single arrow in the knee. Progress Videos (click spoiler tag): Latest Video Added 19/04/14 (Sofia Generic Idle 2) Current Progress: Dialogue: General follower lines added.Non-specific idle comments added.Location specific idle comments for Whiterun, Solitude and Riften added.Combat lines added.Player skill comments added.Comments related to basic player action or interaction (e.g bumping into her or knocking stuff over) added.Player socialisation dialogue - Ask how she is feeling added.Drunk dialogue added.Environmental dialogue added.Main quest dialogue added.Player clothing comments added.Intro lines added.Bard songs added.Sneaking lines added.Miscellaneous quest lines added.More general idle comments added.Dungeon lines partially added.The remaining location lines started recording. Functionality: All standard follower functions are implemented.I have added custom storage that does not get touched by Sofia.I have scripted a custom comments system that removes all restrictions of the standard comments system and allows dialogue of any length and much more flexibility.I have also scripted a catch up function where Sofia will silently teleport behind the player if she falls too far behind and is out of view of the camera.07/11/13 - Started adding MCM menu support.08/11/13 - Sofia will not talk over you when you are in a conversation with another NPC or during quest scenes which the player is part of.Added a stats page so you can view all of Sofias current stats as well as other important info.Added the ability to turn off random comments and set how frequently they should occur.15/11/13 - Started scripting a gift system allowing for her to receive items and react based on what she is given. At the moment she recognises when you give her alcohol. The next step will be to get her to do something with it.The mod also now checks to see if SKSE is installed and will adapt some of the functions to work without SKSE if it doesn't detect it.17/11/13 - Sofia will now drink any alcohol you give her and start staggering about and acting drunk. This will obviously be further expanded upon and dialogue will be added.I have also created a totally separate follower system from the original now so there will be no future mod conflicts with mods that alter follower behaviour and also will now allow for more customisation of her follower system.19/11/13 - Added the ability to set an exact location to dismiss Sofia to.Added the option to terminate all scripts to allow a clean uninstall or to fix problems.21/11/13 - You can now give Sofia a spell tome and she will learn the spell associated with it.24/11/13 - Sofia now has her own horse that she can ride. When the player gets on a horse it will spawn nearby and make its way to Sofia.30/11/13 - Altered her appearance making her more adult looking and more pretty.04/12/13 - Sofia can now lead the way and take you to a random location so essentially you become the follower. The type of location can be specified.Sofia can now be told to avoid combat so she will stay out of the way and enemies will ignore her.Sofia now has a tracking arrow so you can set her to appear on the map like an objective.19/12/13 - Sofia drunk system being expanded on. Dialogue added and brawls being currently added.12/02/14 - Custom main quest dialogue system added which avoids force greets and allows the player total freedom.23/02/14 - Slightly altered appearance.Sofia NPC interactivity system in place. Let me know what kind of stuff you would like to see in the mod.
  11. I'm the type of guy who only download mods and dont understand anything about modding, then just tell me if it takes so long to release a patch and make the new version of Sofia mod compatibility for requiem again.
  12. witch one of this girls are better?Sofia vs mirai vs arissa and witch of the, i can marry with? and were mirai ans arissa lives?plz say this and something else ,ysolda or serana(with the mod) tnx
  13. So I'm wanting to alter Sofia to make her different than other NPCs (and maybe do it to other followers if I can make this work). Unfortunately, regardless of method, she retains the same body as other female NPCs. I'm using NMM as my manager, and Sofia is the last thing loaded. Here's a list of things I've tried: Original BSA mod with Sofia customizer. I've used numerous combinations of options, and nothing changes in game.Uninstalled Sofia, got loose mod, then manually replaced texture and mesh files. Re-zipped and installed through NMM.Went into data folder in Skyrim directory itself and replaced texture and mesh files. With Skyrim and the mod in the NMM having their files replaced, Sofia is still unchanged in game.I'm just confused as to why Sofia would continue to load vanilla bodies when all of her personal files have been replaced. Unfortunately, I don't have enough expertise to check that the mod is telling Sofia to load from those files. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Hi, I've recently been having CTD's near Windhelm. Sometimes when fast travelling/COC'ing, and sometimes i can make to the front gate and then crash once I try to open the door. Even the Carriage fast travel does not work. I think this may be something to do with the Sofia follower mod, and or maybe the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch mod. There may be also a potential leftover set of scripts from the Wildcat mod I had installed for a few days, back when the Special Edition first was released. (I've heard combat mods can be pretty game breaking and infect your save game with leftover scripts) I even tried disabling the Sofia follower mod, but to no avail. Papyrus logs: 00:- 01:- 02:- My load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 Hearthfires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp DraugrslayerGreatsword.esp Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp RealisticWaterTwo.esp ClimatesOfTamriel.esp ShezrieOldHroldanVer2.esp Combat Evolved.esp BijinAIO_SSE-3.1.1-SV.esp Bijin NPCs.esp Bijin Warmaidens.esp Bijin Wives.esp Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp SMIM-Merged-All.esp SofiaFollower.esp Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp Serana.esp Sapphire.esp Valerica.esp AnotherBlackThievesGuildArmor.esp BetterShapedDawnbreaker2H.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.esp Map Markers Complete DLC.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Differently Ebony.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers.esp DarkerNights.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers - Brighter Nights.esp RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch.esp RLO - Major City Exteriors - No Guard Torches.esp My PC: OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD A10-7860K GPU: NVDIA Geforce 1060 6GB RAM: 8GB DDR3 250gb SSD (where SSE and NMM are installed) 1TB HDR Any help is much appreciated. Ps. If anyone can notify me of a SSE save game cleaner, I will love you forever as I really don't want to have to start fresh again... Edit: loading an earlier save, level 3 instead of 20, allowed me to COC to Windhelm and enter just fine. Going back to the later save and trying to COC anywhere causes crashes now. I'n now more sure of it being Wildcat, since it wasn't installed till around level 10. Thanks, ForgottenEons
  15. Are there any mods that can conflict with Sofiaâs ability to deliver dialogue? Recently after speaking to the greybeards, Sofia (follower mod) hasnât been saying a single thing. Nothing related to the story nor any âhumorousâ side comments and only says stuff when fighting or interacting with her directly. I feel like Iâm missing out on some interesting dialogue and so are there any mods that can potentially hinder her ability to deliver dialogue? Or does she just not have any story-related dialogue after getting to Riften/Rorikstead? I have inigo in my party as well, does that negatively affect anything?
  16. Greetings all. Hope this is ok here as there doesn't seem to be a dedicated troubleshooting area for Skyrim VR. I have played modded Skyrim for years, (LE then SE) and never had to resort to asking the community for help with Mod issues before but this one has me (almost) stumped. Just got myself an Oculus Rift S so of course had to play Skyrim VR, for the most part all mods seem to be working fine, except the two follower mods I always use in my playthroughs, Sofia the funny voiced follower and Recorder the fully voiced follower, the followers simply don't show up, no Recorder at the Sleeping Giant or Sofia at Whiterun stables. I've googled my arse off trying to find anything / anyone with a similar issue or something that would exlplain why to no avail. I'm using Nexus Mod Manager, I know the community generally prefers Vortex or MO2 but I find NMM so much easier though I wonder if this may be the reason because I had to 'pretend' Skyrim VR is Skyrim SE to install non VR specific mods (and yes ALL mods are definatly for SSE or VR... I already made that mistake once when first modding SSE lol) Also, I was originally using the customisers for both but unistalled them to see if that was the issue but it was not, also tried manual install both for BSA's and loose files. I even did a full wipe and reinstall of both Skyrim VR and NMM, including the virtual install. Anyway heres the Mod list (small as I've just started with what I consider my essential mods it was when testing they were working I realised the Follower mods were not). Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp SkyUI_SE.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp EnhancedLightsandFX.esp Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp Book of UUNP - Textures.esp JKs Skyrim.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Immersive Weapons.esp SofiaFollower.esp Recorder Follower Base.esp CiceroFemaleSE.esp FNIS.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp NPCmagefix.esp NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp SINful CBP.esp Saturation Increase by Simtar123 - SSE.esp SkyrimVR - USSEP Patch.esp TMBVanillaArmorandClothes.esp XPMSE.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp vrik.esp Do these mods simply noy work with VR? or is it NMM? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any more info, not used to asking for help as I usually figure it out myself.
  17. So I am very new to using mods but have been getting the hang of it. I've used INIGO separate from other MOD followers, and used Sofia by herself as well. But when using the two together, it seems they both talk less in general. I know they currenty (according to other forums) have no dialogue together, bit will using both MOD followers at same time cause issues? Or atleast cause them both to talk/banter less? Thanks for any and all input!
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