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  1. So, some Thalmor soldiers spawn with weapons but no armor in their inventory. It never happens to the Thalmor that randomly spawn as patrols in the world, and it doesn't happen to named Thalmor npcs. I've only seen this happen to the Thalmor that spawn in the Ratway, the soldiers at the embassy (not the wizards though), and the ones at Northwatch. It's only Thalmor NPCs that seem to have this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have a lot of experience with modding Skyrim, and I'm using Mo2. Are there any glaring issues with my load order? Everything else has been smooth so far, no crashes or missing textures or any other issues I can think of. Could the "remove empty sublists" button in wyre bash help? I do not want to see naked elves. This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm ccbgssse001-fish.esm ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl ccbgssse037-curios.esl ccbgssse025-advdsgs.esm _ResourcePack.esl Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Landscape and Water Fixes.esp Occ_Skyrim_Tamriel.esp Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm Campfire.esm HSResources.esl SurvivalControlPanel.esp SkyUI_SE.esp Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp Obsidian Weathers.esp Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp AI Overhaul.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp Bandit War.esp Lore Weapon Expansion.esp ArmorFractionReplacer.esp Immersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.esp Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp hearthfireextended.esp Guards_Armor_Replacer.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp Prvti_HeavyArmory_TDWT_Patch.esp HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp Draugr Upgrades and Improvements.esp Guard's Armor Replacer - WACCF Balanced Patch.esp artefake.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.esp Cloaks.esp moretodo.esp DMWinterholdHaus.esp Immersive Patrols II.esp moretosayfalkreath.esp Killable Children.esp SunHelmSurvival.esp moretosayrorikstead.esp AI Overhaul - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp moretosaywhiterun.esp moretosayriverwood.esp moretosayshorsstone.esp HFE-CRF-Patch.esp Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp Mannaz - Integrated Races of Skyrim.esp prey animals overhaul.esp simplefollowerextensionae.esp CBBE.esp RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp Faster Respawn Plus - 3 Days.esp Extended Encounters.esp Ars Metallica.esp SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp moretosaycityguards.esp guardencounters.esp moretosaygeneric.esp moretosaykarthwasten.esp moretosayriften.esp moretosaywinterhold.esp mtsfollowerbanter.esp priestsgrantblessings.esp secretofrorikstead.esp DIS_RealisticArmor.esp Bandit Lines Expansion.esp Extended Guard Dialogue.esp 50 More Perk Points.esp KhajiitsStealToo.esp VioLens SE.esp Project ja-Kha'jay- Khajiit Diversity.esp JKJ - AI Overhaul Patch.esp AI Overhaul - Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patch.esp Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp XPMSE.esp DifficultArchery_50.esp moresmeltables.esp ClassicClasses.esp Nyr_ArmorRatingOverhaul_full.esp Nyr_ARO_full-ODN_patch.esp PrvtI_HA_DraugrWeapons.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory_RareCurios_Patch.esp KC - USLEEP Patch.esp Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion.esp Vampire Lines Expansion.esp Civil War Lines Expansion.esp SoS_Obsidian_Patch.esp SunHelmDiseases.esp SunHelmCampfireSkill.esp Salt Pinch not Pile.esp Rings2Hands.esp MoreVanillaBandits.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp Unlimited Training.esp HOR_AlchemyXP30.esp Skyrim Reputation Improved.esp Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp FPSBoost.esp UIExtensions.esp FDE Mjoll.esp Sleep Spells.esp FNIS.esp SkyHUD.esp NMNEB.esp Wintersun - SIC Patch.esp TailRemovalKit.esp Northerner Diaries in Skyrim.esp Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp Dynamic Activation Key.esp HeavyLegion.esp CuttingRoomFloor_WACCF_Patch.esp Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp HSPlayerHomes - Vlindrel Hall.esp HSPlayerHomes - Proudspire Manor.esp HSPlayerHomes - Honeyside.esp HSPlayerHomes - SeverinManor.esp HSPlayerHomes - Breezehome.esp Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp CFTO.esp CFTO - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp Convenient Horses.esp SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp CFTO-Lanterns.esp CFTO-CoveredCarriages.esp HFE-CFTO-Patch.esp MLU.esp CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp CWIOpenCitiesSEPatch.esp CWISPOPatchSE.esp MLU - Immersive Armors.esp ZIA_Complete Pack.esp MLU - Summermyst 2.0.esp MLU_HeavyArmory Patch.esp MLU - Lore Weapon Expansion.esp MLU - ZIA.esp Arena.esp MLU - Ars Metallica.esp MLU - CRF.esp MLU - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul.esp CWICRFSEPatch.esp Occ_Skyrim_Immersive-College-Winterhold_patch.esp Wintersun - ZIA Patch.esp Trade & Barter.esp Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp Odin - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp Nyr_ARO_full-ORD_patch.esp HOR_OrdinatorPatch.esp Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp Skyrim Reputation Sacrosanct Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound.esp Skyrim Unbound - WACCF Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - Trade & Barter Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - RDO Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosaywinterhold Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosaywhiterun Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosayrorikstead Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosayriverwood Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosaygeneric Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosayfalkreath Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp Skyrim Unbound - moretosaykarthwasten Patch.esp nwsFollowerFramework.esp nwsFF_NoTeamMagicDamage.esp nwsFF_NTMD_Apocalypse.esp RealisticWaterTwo.esp Bashed Patch, 2.esp
  2. I have no clue whether this is a hardware issue, Vortex of Skyrim but if it is Vortex this is probably the best place to ask right? Detailed Description of the Problem: So I started going over my mod list recently and I have this weird problem that I have never seen before. I have all my mods installed and enabled, sorted that whole thing. All extensions have been run and are working. Along with updating the mods I also installed the new SKSE version for AE (preliminary). And now I'm having this problem where everything seems to be installed properly, and is enabled but it just doesn't take effect in game. For an example I use Arthmoor's 'Live another Life' mod, but even with it installed and enabled I get the default Helgen start. And the same goes for all my other mods, nothing seems to 'activate' (for the lack of a better term). I also checked the load order in the Bethesda mods section in the main menu and none of the mods are enabled. So i tried enabling them there to see what would happen and the game just crashed to desktop. And for each time I tried to activate the mods it seemed to be different plugins each time that caused it to crash. The first time it was "Lore weapon expansion - Goldbrand", followed by: "YOT - SWIFT". So I tried to only enable my absolute core plugins (Alternate start, LotD, Unofficial patch, that kind of thing) and enabling them worked fine. But when I tried to start a new character it just loaded endlessly. I just left it and it went uninterrupted for a solid hour with no change. I tried verifying the game files which didn't do anything, so I tried to reinstall the game which also did nothing. So I started to google on the issue and found nothing that actually fit the problem I was having. So I decided to write this post to see if anyone has encountered this before or has any idea what could be causing this (because I am completely stumped). I did ask this question (albeit in a bit more of a TLDR format) in Heavy Burns' discord but all I got out of that was that I should use MO2 instead. I have been thinking of completely removing Vortex, all mods and Skyrim completely and do a fresh install on another drive, but I have hesitated a bit with that since just writing down the mods would take several hours, not to mention actually downloading them. One thing I did note is that after I updated Skyrim to version '1.6.342.0.8' all my previous saves got corrupted. Going as far back as 2016 to a playthrough that didn't have anything installed other than the base game and the DLCs. But that was the only weird or unusual thing that I noticed really, but any help, suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. TLDR: Everything seems to be installed properly and seems to be working in Vortex (Is enabled as mods and plugins) but the mods does not take effect in game and everything seems to be running vanilla with a few random tweaks here or there that has nothing to do with the mods. I have not found anything on Google and I'm completely stumped so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Drakefell01


    Make a poem whether it's a good one or a bad one and it also doesn't have to follow any rules either!
  4. Greetings all, if there is either an existing mod that I am overlooking that does this, or a friendly modder willing to create this I would love to hear about it: The problem: Spread over serveral houses I now have plenty of bookcases that I would love to fill with certain books. I have some books that I would love to display in multiple different houses as well. My proposed solution: a printing press-like device, be it magickal or technological (something Dwemer-like in construction perhaps?), that would allow me to create a copy of a book I already have in my inventory. Perhaps for a certain cost of ink and rolls of paper? If anyone could point me to either an existing mod that does this, or is willing to create this, I would greatly appreciate it!
  5. I'm looking for a mod that would simply apply bleedout state on player in same way as it happens to NPC's, nothing more. Afaik there are no mods which do that without any death alternative shinanegans. I don't have any modding experience so idk how hard/easy this would be to make, but if it's simple enough and there is a guide which would help me do that, i would appreciate if someone would link it, thanks.
  6. so basically im having trouble with some texts. the image speaks for itself. I´ve downloaded somje mod and engine fixes but it didn´t solve this
  7. hi i'm using the Nature of the Wild Lands - forest and trees improvement mod and have a few frame drops near falkreath no cash or so just a little drop in the fps rate but noticeable. is there any way to fix that via a performence mod or something like that. have seen the developer recoment backported extended esl support whens crashing i will try it and remove that post if that solve the problem, i just ask brfore for the case it didn't help. thank you for any help
  8. Hi! Would someone happen to know how to add my custom worldspace into the "camping allowed" -list? This is for Anniversary Edition's camping (ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl). CK has someting called FormLists but I cannot modify the one that lists all of the places allowed for camping. The ID of it is: ccQDRSSE002_CampingAllowedWorldspaces . It lists Tamriel and the DLC's and some other worldspaces. Right now the game tells me that I am "not allowed to camp here" if I try to click on my camping supplies in my worldspace. Thank you!
  9. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help
  10. Vortex Version: 1.11.7 Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Number of Mods Installed: 1444 Environment: Windows 11 Pro, x64, 32GB RAM Issue: While managing a large number of mods (1444), particularly during downloads and load order adjustments, Vortex crashes consistently. The error log frequently shows warnings about extensions not being available, and the render process eventually crashes with error code -1073741819. Steps Taken: Updated Vortex to version 1.11.7. Ensured all mods are up to date. Disabled antivirus temporarily; issue persists. Monitored system resources; adequate free memory and CPU usage observed. Verified load order using Vortex's built-in tools and LOOT. Error Messages: Log Entry 1: "warn: extension not available {"ext":"{extension details}"}" Log Entry 2: "error: render process gone {"exitCode":-1073741819,"reason":"crashed"}" errors.txt
  11. Whenever I try to enter Windhelm in anyway the game CTD after the loading screen. I'm not sure what causes it and would be happy with any advice. Link to imgur page with all my mods and load order. https://imgur.com/a/db4yr Memoryblocks log says that it goes up to 244 when it crashes. Just tell me if you need additional info and I'll provide it if I can. Cheers. Edit: Skyrim legendary edition. Located: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim LOOT load order: Computer specs: Storage: SSD 120 GB (C drive) HDD 700GB (E,F drives) Motherboard: Gigabyte P55A-UD4 Processor: Intel core I7 860 2.8GHz RAM memory: 8GB Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 200/ HD 7900 series Total available graphics memory 6907 MB Dedicated Graphics memory 3072 MB
  12. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help, i need this marker otherwise you can't control where you appear after opening a door.
  13. I have a mephala worshipping arachnomancer build. But I don't have a player home that compliments the theme. Can someone create a Mephala spider theme player home? I haven't found anyone make not one yet for Mephala spider users. I have some ideas for the the home: - A secret location inside of a cavern away from society since a Mephala follower is secretive. - preferably a dark evil cultist style lair full of spiderwebs all over the walls and ceiling. similar to cronvagr cave. It could also house a frostbite spider nest with a frostbite queen inside. - navmesh walls and ceiling for spiders to crawl on walls and ceilings. - Different sized frostbite spiders in the lair crawling about, from tiny, small, and regular sized. and you can recruit any of them to be an expendable follower. They respawn at the lair. - a couple of recruitable dark elf followers living there. wearing generic black hooded robes, or a custom black or purple robes with the Mephala spider symbol on them. - the cult robes could be craftable too. - a room chamber for living quarters for the player, and a room chamber for followers. all of the furnishings ex the alchemy lab with poisons etc. - and of coarse a Mephala shrine from the daedric statues mod. -items in the lair: 1. A frostbite spider conjuring staff so that I can build a spider army and swarm my enemies. They have no time limit. They shouldn't be apart of my follower limit. 2. A mephala amulet that changes the disposition to a favorable one when placed on an npc. (For betrayal purposes.) 3. An not necessarily for me, but if someone happens to play as an assassin, a spider dagger that poisons people with the venom of a frostbite spider. and finally Spells: - and as far as any spells, I'll leave up to the modder's choice. but If possible, create a spell where I transform into a tiny frostbite spider long enough to avoid detection from enemies when sneaking by them, or to sneak inside of a room without anyone noticing. - and anything else the modder can think of that makes the mod great. It will be much appreciated.
  14. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  15. Hi, I would like to try out making machinima's in Skyrim. Is it possible to make custom NPCs? A lot of the mods I found seem to be outdated? Please let me know if you know anything about this :)
  16. The player can combine learned spells to create their own spells at an enchanting table or a device in the Archmages Quarters.
  17. We need a SIMPLE AND LIGHT mod that allows us to change the clothes and armor of our followers and ONLY THE FOLLOWERS, without that mega complicated and resourceful thing that covers a lot of NPCs unnecessarily opening dialog boxes that shouldn't exist, isn't there any modder capable of doing that please? i just want to change the clothes of my housecarls without having to add a bunch of unnecessary features that in my opinion break the immersion of the game, it would be better if we could have a special button that allows us to equip our followers with the clothes and weapons we want in the swap box just like it's originally done in fallout 4 that's what's missing in skyrim.
  18. I'm of no use with the bodyslide tools, so I wonder if someone would be up to making some bhunp v4 bodyslide files for this one ? Daughters of Dimitrescu Outfit - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Would love to use it, but I haven't found any conversions as of now. The original seems to be just for BHUNP v2 and some parts such as the torso/coat are not fitting. Seems some others folks kept asking for v4 on the mod page too.. Would be amazing if someone could convert it
  19. Hello So I've been having a problem regarding a bug that I cannot find the solution to for the life of me. Basically, the leather material keeps getting added into my inventory every 1 or 2 seconds, sometimes even longer. So much that I get over-encumbered easily. I made a bat file that removes leather from my inventory in hopes that the bug eventually goes away but no, ever since I loaded my save a day later, this bug started and still persisted. Even though I'm taking a break from the game because of my graphics card causing blue screen issues, I still persisted and looked everywhere for solutions for the leather bug but no one has ran into this problem but me. It's likely a mod problem but I can't figure out which. I have 392 mods installed. Here is my load order here:
  20. Is there a tool, a DLL or a program that makes it completely safe to uninstall scripted mods just like it was with Fallout 3 and Oblivion? This could range from a nearly perfect save cleaner to a SKSE plugin that changes the way savegames work. These are the examples I had in mind. So, anything new?
  21. Hello i'm having trouble with getting my meshes exported to the creation kit. it looks fine in nifskope but when i export to the creation kit it crashes every time i can send the file if you need it. My original topic is here with an image of what i'm exporting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/225861 Hope somebody can help so i can make good quality meshes for my mods
  22. I've been having this issue where when skyrim launches, the screen turns black. The game is still "playable" and the audio can still be heard, but you can't see the screen. This also is happening when I exit to desktop from ingame. This is a new issue, and has only been happening since I started using Vortex to manage mods. I've used the nexus mod manager for years without any problem, and just used the mods from stream before that. Even earlier this year, I was able to play fine before needing to factory reset. (I couldn't move files from my desktop, downloads, etc due to admin rights not working. Unrelated.) Everyone told me for years to switch to vortex, and except for this issue, vortex runs like a dream. Once I actually get ingame where I can see, there's no problems until I want to stop playing. Then it's a struggle to get to task manager to shut off skyrim before the screen turns black again. I do want to mention, I had to change the resolution for the game to run after I got vortex, and didn't actually try running skyrim till I already had vortex installed on this instance of my computer. I had to troubleshoot, and guess at resolution numbers, until I found one that worked. Don't know if this is related or not. Also, skyrim doesn't always open the start game box when launched through vortex. Sometimes it goes directly to the game. After the intro credits, the screen turns black just as I can see the "continue, new game, etc" menu. I don't know if it matters, but the inconsistency of a computer program is a red flag to me. Right now, my current fix is to put my computer to sleep, then wake it back up. Now that the power button is set to "sleep" it's a lot easier. I can survive with this fix, but would like skyrim to just play when I launch it, and just go to desktop when I quit to desktop.
  23. I'm trying to adjust a script me and another person were working on that isn't working. It saved, but it won't activate. Essentially it's suppose to give you a spell at a set level for my race. Maybe some fresh eyes can see what's wrong? Scriptname AAFahrnymphGiveSpellScript extends Quest Spell Property AAConjureWolfIllusion Auto quest property LevelUpQuest Auto Race property AAFahrnymphRace Auto Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel) if (aiNewLevel >=10) endif Debug.notification("AAFahrnymphGiveSpellScript has detected the player has leveled up to level: "+aiNewLevel + "!") if (Game.Getplayer().GetRace() == AAFahrnymphRace) if(aiNewLevel >=10 && !Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(AAConjureWolfIllusion)) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(AAConjureWolfIllusion) endif endif LevelUpQuest.stop() endevent
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