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  1. ENBoost stutters when I sheath or unsheath duel wielding weapons. It only happens if I'm using Duel Sheath Redux. I tired changing values in Enblocal.ini but nothing helped. Then I set "ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false" to true, which did the trick but now it's crashing in 10 seconds of gameplay, and giving me the error that basically says that set that one to false and bla bla... Anyone experienced something like this? Any idea?
  2. Howdy, So I have tried to make a go at the Creation Kit and other modding tools to try and create a weapon repositioning mod. There are plenty for dual sheaths and such, but I have yet to find one which focuses on Daggers. I am sure my fellow Assassin Role Players would agree that having a drop leg sheath for their Dagger(s) would be pretty tasty. I know there is the like of the XP32 which combined with Racemenu should allow you to change some weapon positions about, but I am having no luck. I spent a total of 7 hours trying to get everything to marry up well (along with downgrading SKSE). If there are any modders out there who would be able to assist or think this might be a nice addition to bring to the community I would greatly appreciate any and all support/advice! Many thanks!
  3. As the Title suggests.... There are no sheaths or holsters in the game... You sheath your weapon by inserting it in your ass or somewhere... Is anyone currently making this? It totally breaks immersion. I can understand it causes problems with power armour or whatever... but... who cares, I'd rather have sheaths than power armour. :D
  4. Who can make dual wield sword sheath animation similar to this " click ".
  5. Hey guys, I've ran into a problem. I'm trying various mods in order to get my dw daggers to properly stay on my character's back. However, no matter what i seem to be doing, only one of the daggers is visible. I'd be very happy if someone out there could help me out troubleshooting or redirecting to a solution. Atm, the mod i'm using that could affect this is XP32 maximum skeleton and (CBBE if that counts?). Best regards, Balder
  6. Hi all, I've recently been configuring my mod list for a new playthrough which Im hoping to start in the near future. Now normally I follow STEP and then add on some mods of my own choosing afterwards, complete with any necessary patches obviously, and it all works fine. Specifically the Dual Sheath Redux part has never thrown up any problems, until now. Basically my shield appears under my feet constantly and when any weapon is assigned to the left hand or two swords are equipped one in each hand, the weapon sheath also appears under the feet pointing forwards. I have consulted a host of different sources which suggested this must be because of missing skeleton (the Dual Sheath Redux nexus page suggests this) but I have installed XP32 Maximum Skeleton along with realistic ragdolls and force and made absolutely sure they are installed in the correct order and then ran DSR afterwards. I have both Helgen Reborn and Gray Cowl of Nocturnal installed and am using patches for them and DSR too. So I am finally posting here in the hope some kind fellow on the Nexus may be able to at least suggest something else that I try before such a pesky little thing threatens a rather extensively modded potential playthrough that I was highly looking forward to. Perhaps a mod on my modlist that I didn't think of could be the cause? My current modlist can be found here.... http://www.modwat.ch/u/tjtempsy Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  7. It's always bugged me how bows are sheathed in most games. They just float/stick to your back. Where are the bow scabbards. Like these: It should look like this: Would anyone be willing to figure out if this would be possible?
  8. Hello guys, I wanted to instal Dual Sheath Redux, so I followed those instructions. However, when I have to patch it (8:48) I am asked to locate the "plugins.txt". The problem is that I can't finy that anywhere. Those paths (%localappdata%\Skyrim\plugins.txt and C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt) dont work for me since I have winXp with non-english language. I also tried searching for it, nothing was found. Where should I put that and what should be in it? Please guys, I'm a newbie to modding stuff that isn't just "download via manager-->install-->succes" :)
  9. Hello readers!! Well recently I've had this weird urge to start a new playthrough with every realism mod possible fortunately I've found all the mods needed in this link http://arwenevecom.ipage.com/Skyrim/Skyrim_Mods04.htm But what I didn't find is a mod that replaces every armor in the game into an armor that was used in the medieval times of our universe even so with weaponry.. but I looked and I looked deep and couldn't find such a mod and I would be pleased if you readers assist me in this search for these relics! :blush: :excl:
  10. I like the Sword of Ancient Tongues: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52700/? But I would like to dual weild it and show up on both sides of the body. So, can someone please make a patch for Dual Sheath Redux? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34155/?
  11. I just installed Armed to the teeth - Easy version and, even though I love the way my character looks now (with all his weapons and all), I am incredibly frustrated by its main bug. In essence, if I change a weapon without sheathing it first, a weird bug occurs, where I am holding both weapons. Now, I know that this bug will probably never be resolved, but it can rectified in other ways. 1. If the animation speed of holstering/sheathing your weapon is sped up during combat 2. If (through a script) the player is forced to first sheath his weapon before changing. Since I have no experience in creating scripts and/or anything to do with modding animations, is there anyone else here who can help me out? Thank you in advance :blush:
  12. Hey forums, im trying to install Dual Sheath Redux but i can't seem to get the patch program to work. I keep getting an error. I attached a picture of the error that pops up everytime i run the DSR patcher. idk what is causing this and i hoping someone smart would kindly tell me how to fix my problem. (pretty please) EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED. I set the permissions for my entire Skyrim folder so that i have full control. The patcher has full access and now runs as expected
  13. EDIT: please see my update post directly below my original post to better understand my problem, as it's changed since my original post. Thanks! Okay, so I've watched about 50 billion tutorials despite being no novice at modding, and I've never had a problem getting dual swords to work either on my back or my hip, but for the first time I decided to try daggers on my character's back and to no avail... I'm using the XPMS Skeleton, Immersive Animations and Dual Sheath Redux-- each installed properly. I believe that somehow (no idea how though...) I'm screwing up the options when installing each one. I'm running the Dual Sheath Redux patch, then the FNIS patch, the esp is activated, I've VERY carefully read each option in each installation thing that should be giving me my daggers on my back, but nothing works. I've been at this for hours and I'm very frustrated at this point. Thing is, the ANIMATION for the daggers on the back is working just fine! However, I only see one dagger equipped on one hip when both daggers are equipped. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, can somebody please help? ; n ;
  14. I've installed everything all the recommended /required mods and this mod aswell no error at the patch no nothing i used the FNIS.exe all animations seem to have loaded quit fine I enter the game and the mod just doesn't work no shield on back and yes I use vanilla shields... There is something strange tough whenever i acess the dual sheath redux menu under the tab start/stop "reinstall" button appears i press it and it tells me that the mod has reinstalled and i should exit the menu but then nothing happens I reopened the game still nothing I repatched the .jar file and it still doesn't work plz help
  15. Good day to you all, can someone please help me what mods I need to carry two swords on the hip (like in the picture below)? I'm kinda lost right now. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/26800-1-1370123309.jpg
  16. Is it someway possible to achieve the effect you see here at 2:40 and keep it active while weapon is sheated ? I can use CK , I need hints on what variables should I look inside there
  17. Hello, i was wondering if anyone is able to make a mod for dual wielding (if its possible) where like if you have one 1-handed weapon out it would put the sheath on your belt like normal but if you have two 1-handed weapons it puts them on your back.
  18. Hey, so I'd just like to start off this thread by saying I know how to use Dual Sheath Redux, I've been using it for a couple years no problems I haven't fixed before. However this problem has triggered me to no end. I use my swords and daggers on my hip and the sheathed location on my characters body has changed, the dagger is now where the sword goes and the sword has moved towards my characters back ever so slightly. So when I'm using the Equipping Overhaul Mod (which I have also used for ages) the dagger and sword clip into each other and look horrible. The Axe's sheathed location has also changed so that it is basically pretending to be a sword, it's angled weirdly and pushed back hanging nearer my character's back than my waist. This really annoys me as it wasn't 2 hours ago everything was fine and the weapons didn't collide with each other and look awful. It started with the weapon equipped in my left hand appearing on the floor between my character's legs when it was sheathed. Then I started reinstalling mods, like DSR, Equiping Overhaul, XPMS, and Immersive Animations. After hours of having no idea what is going on, how I'm supposed to fix it, I ended up installing XMPSE and using the race menu to manually adjust the positions to how I like them. Does anyone have any idea of what might have happened? It's hard to explain exactly what is going on but I hope you kind of have an idea. I'll post some pics of what it should be like, and the problem. This is what it looked like before it all happened: This is what happened: Sorry about any punctuation and grammar mistakes it's 3:30am and I have work in the morning but I couldn't let this beat me so I stayed up all night.
  19. Hello everyone, after a while of search I couldn't find a fix for my problem. In some mixes of weapons and animations a sword or sheath/scabbard may appear like just floating around the body. In my case it is Insanitys Celtic Katana and Pretty Combat Animations (although I'm not sure if the problem appears in vanila animation). I'll be very obliged for a link to a mod that may help with my issue or a good helpful sould that could provide a fix to this. Cheers, GurU
  20. I can't get 1H swords to sheath on my back. I just got XPMSE, Dual Sheath Redux, and HDT Craftable Weapon Sling, and I can't seem to get the sheath for the sword in my right hand to appear on my back. The animation shows me sheathing my sword as if the sheath was on my back, but the sheath is stuck on my hip, so it just magically teleports. The left sheath on my back works just fine. Strangest of all, when I have the game "paused" (I use the Unpaused Gameplay Menus mod) or I'm in RaceMenu, the sheath and sword appear where they should be, both left and right. However, the instant I press Esc again, the sheath teleports to my hip. Could anyone offer some advice? Here's my load order, copied from LOOT. Edit: I have determined that the cause of this issue is most certainly HDTPhysicsWeaponSling.esp. For whatever reason, it doesn't like having two swords on the back, no matter what I choose in the FOMOD. If anyone knows why this is happening, I'd appreciate the info, otherwise, I'll just disable the mod and move on.
  21. Weapon is Invisible in players hands,, in 3rd person it acts like its in ur hands but u can see it on left hip,, works fine in 1st person,, but I like playing in 3rd,, any ideas on how to fix this problem? Thanks!
  22. Hey, I love dying my witcher gear all white. It looks awesome. But one thing bothers me. You can't dye sword scabbards. That's why i'm asking if someone could look into this, someone with the skills and knowledge. Thanks for reading.
  23. i was wondering if some1 could do a mod to add a few missing weapons to the ''holstered weapon library of mods'' xD there are a few that can't be found no-where those are for example the minigun. the laser gatling, the harpooner and such, and maybe with the approvation of its maker the WH-MK.22.
  24. So for some reason, after properly following the uninstallation instructions on the Dual Sheath Redux mod page, my characters in all my profiles and saves, new and old and even without any mods installed (all plugins and nmm mods disabled) still sheath their swords on their back, but also use the vanilla animation / whatever animation I have installed. I'm out of ideas as how to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue and does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks.
  25. Er, I meant "long sword and/or Anri's sword" in the title... sorry :x Just as it says... I would love for either/both of these weapons to not have a scabbard! I'm so close to a clip-less character but for these two weapons. Thanks for reading! Changed the title to reflect what you intended. :) - KunoMochi
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