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Showing results for tags 'sfx'.

  1. Ever since Storm Revolution, the sound effects for some attacks in the combo, has been mistakenly replaced or straight up removed even though you can still hear them in other parts of the game. An example I like to use is sometimes characters with swords had a heavy slash sfx in Storm 3 (https://youtu.be/Y9cKEOM5F-k?si=MFxQgBu0gEEbYh0g) but in Storm Rev (https://youtu.be/P3Z1YPtH2-g?si=tRLMOmaw-MloB6lg) it's replaced with a weird clang for all characters. (A good demonstration is Jugo's Air combo in storm 3 vs Rev). Everything else (regular and ultimate Jutsu) can be left alone. I also tagged older games so people can use as a reference source
  2. So I'm wondering Is it possible to add a visible reload effect when reloading the drops the used / old magazine from the weapon after reloading, and makes a sound when doing so? Think of when reloading the Tommy gun or others, you hear the drum magazine clatter to the ground. I'm wondering, will this be possible? Will it be possible to add sfx to the mag drop as well, or just the reloading sound of the weapons? Thanks!
  3. Hey, I had a thought and after some digging i turned up no leads. I am just trying to find out if there is a mod that replaces the vanilla critical sound with the mysterious stranger sound. I wasn't able to find anything myself but I may have just missed it. I can't make it myself as I have garbage mod making talent or I would undertake this most arduous of tasks. Anyway thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!
  4. My skyrim audio seems to be bugged and incredibly echoed while using 7.1 surround sound on my rig500e headset. I was wondering if it has anything to do with the audio files being bugged or not set up correctly. I have no Issue with FO4 or any other titles just this one which is forcing me to use my stereo speakers in order to have a decent experience. Anyone having similar issues? *UPDATE* For my headset and I'd assume 7.1 or even 5.1 surround sound headsets you can fix any audio echo, quieting or abnormalities by: Selecting your device > properties > Effects > Disable Dolby Pro Logic IIx virtual surround may also cause issues. Hope this helps
  5. Hi, I'm a post graduate sound technician looking to make my first foray into the modding scene. I have significant experience in manipulating sounds and creating original sound assets as well as music. I want to offer my skills to any modders who are looking to set their mod apart with original sounds that fit the character of their creation. NOTE-I have limited knowledge of the actual mod creation process but I'm very interested to find out more if anybody is patient enough to give me a quick explanation :) If anybody's interested in working with me or has any related advice please PM me or reply on here. Cheers
  6. Hi Guys, i got a Question, i wanted instead of the Vanilla Music lets say by Pickmans Alley, my own spooky Music, but i dont know, how to get it, what must i exactly do, so i can put my own Spooky Music there, so it works later for all INSIDE Buildings, Houses or Basements and Caves? Cause i got realy some awesome horrific Music Titles, i would like to add. If anyone can help, pleeeeeease let me know, what and how i have to change it. Tysm
  7. Can anyone make a mod where, whenever a character wears a helmet, or anything that covers their head fully (face and everything) it gives them a muffled voice or have the same voice effect whenever you wear a power armor helmet? Like if you put on a gasmask with goggles it will give you a muffled voice. Its purely for immersion purposes. cause when I see my character speak while wearing something like that gasmask or the Sentry helmet and yet he sounds like he's not wearing a helmet. It breaks that immersion that you are wearing a full-helmet. I think in fo3, fnv, and skyrim if you wear anything that covers your face it muffles your voice, I don't know why they got rid of it for FO4.
  8. Hey there. I've never made or attempted to make a mod until now. I got fed up with that horrid lock on sound from the missile launchers computer. So I decided to attempt to do a sound replacer. Problem is I can't locate the file sound of that ugly lock on clunk. I thought I discovered it in the reload folder for the missile launcher. On test it was not it. Was hoping maybe a super skilled & experienced mod magician such as yourselves could help me locate this audio file for changing :confused:
  9. Hello! I am not sure if there is a form to do this requests, so I'll just explain: Please, someone make a mod, that will either automatically makes Post Game sky normal blue and bright, instead of the original dark ugly one, or a mod that lets you switch it between the two options. I am only waiting for such a mod to pick up the game!
  10. Would it be possible to remove all of the water ambience from the Project Purity chamber? I have a disorder that causes painful reactions to certain trigger sounds, and water flowing like in the Project Purity chamber is one of those sounds. I know the request is strange, but it really hampers my playing experience.
  11. I know this is a very specific request, but I just loved the firing noises in starcraft 1 (Marines, Goliaths, Ghosts, etc.) and I'd love to see them in Fallout 4! If anyone with some modding experience is bored, pleeeeazzz make this happen :D:D EDIT: In fact, as many sounds from starcraft 1 as possible would be awesome. Listening to the video below I see (..or hear, i guess...) a lot of potential sounds that would fit in well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip9MmzpRYcs Victory level up sound... Some nice laser noises... explosions.. there's plenty of options i'd say^^
  12. Hi All, I've posted this question before in the general mod section, but no one ever responded. So I'm hoping that someone here may be able to help. This is related to my WIP: Carry On Skyrim WHAT I WANT TO DO: Basically I've created a Dwarven Centurion NPC who talks, walks and will follow. The only problem being that his animation SFX (Fullscan etc) are louder than his dialogue. I would like to alter these SFX for him independently, without affecting all centurions. I know how to alter SFX Levels , but I don't know how to do so without affecting all centurions. In the past, I have received help to alter his footsteps independently, but could not workout how to do the same with the rest of the animation SFX. Question: Does anyone know how I can point my NPC animations to exclusive audio? Any help given would be truly appreciated and duly credited Here's a little clip to demonstrate my issues Thanks in advance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9eAuNT6_Js
  13. A good quality version of this sound effect to replace the "hit enemy with butt of gun" sound would make my day; below link is to a short clip of the sound effect being used on the show ed, edd n eddy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3fe7jHzX9s
  14. Can someone replace the boring level up sound to the legendary TF2 achievement sound? . :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NnF0vpdlJo
  15. I see that there are a few sound replacers for the energy weapons in fallout 4, but what I cant seem to find is one that gives them the high pitched 'pew' noises like in star wars. I would personally love this, not a huge fan of the vanilla energy weapon sounds.
  16. I have a request for a mod that changes the perk chart music (when selecting a new perk) to that of a level up form fallout 3.
  17. So I was watching the Walking Dead earlier and it spawned an idea for a mod. I double checked and it doesn't exist yet! In season 6 episode 8 Eugene says "Lock picking is within my skill set". Now what I'm wondering, and I'm honestly not sure if it's even possible, is if when you successfully pick a lock in game this sound byte would play. If it is possible, would someone with the know how I lack PLEASE make this happen?! Keep up the awesome work modders :laugh:
  18. Sombody should extract or try to make a sfx like this for the laser minigun. Skip to 0:28.
  19. So I was using VATS far too often and playing pistol-only playthrough and I was thinking "maybe the dead eye sound effect will be awesome for replacing VATS' sound" If someone willing to make a VATS Dead Eye replacer sound mod, I'd be grateful =D
  20. hope everyones having a good day! ive been wanting to set this sound as a notification sound but i couldnt find any sound of it on the net nor youtube, i tried recording, but there is ambient noise everywhere in the game i asked in sekiro discord and they said try asking the mod commujity so here i am! i really hope i could find it, the bell sounds very beautiful IMO
  21. I tried to make my own sounds for automatic laser rifle, but ended hearing continous shooting sound after shooting one time
  22. This is a pretty simple question, so I'll cut right to it. Is it possible to make sound descriptors pull at random from folders? Without specifying every individual file in those folders? I could swear I remember this kind of functionality being available in New Vegas, but I can't seem to find it - or any examples of it - in FO4's Creation Kit.
  23. I have this huge issue with CP since day 1 and that is, whenever I enter a club it feels dead and that is, music is way to quiet. Wherever you go in clubs IRL you can barely talk that's how loud it is and it often leaves your ears ringing for a day after. Can someone bring up the levels in clubs to feel realistic and "full", soaked in bass as it should be when you're in an area with large membrane speakers. For gameplay convenience of course there should be a compressor/limiter whenever you strike a conversation. Secondly I think car sounds should be much louder. We're talking 300-1200hp beasts that should be LOUD! I never feel like my car is that powerful mostly because of the sound. These and maybe some other sounds would need higher dynamics in game. On it's own CP audio dynamics is quite narrow imo. I've tried most of the audio enhancing mods out there, didn't really do that much difference imo. If someone could take a look into this, I think it would be a great addition to the modding community.
  24. I'm customizing my sound effects but there is only a sound description for sneak attack
  25. I'm wondering if it would be difficult to swap the rage sound effect for voice 1 with voice 3. Voice 1's rage is so good but I feel voice 3's idle dialogue works better for a barbarian, even though the rage sounds effect are very underwhelming. Just me nitpicking a little. If it's a difficult change, then let me know please and I won't bother with it. Here is a video showing all the rage voice lines that play:
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