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  1. As the title already says and going straight to the point: I think it would be interesting for From Software games in general to have some details to share with your friends list on Discord. Perhaps showing the location of the map you are currently in, the percentage of life, which area or boss you are currently facing, among some other details that could be really cool with images and some simple texts on each profile. If it were possible to make a secure integration with the game's online mode on Steam, it would be a plus, but not mandatory of course. Some games already have something similar and I think it's really cool to see visually, such as: Hollow Knight (with mod), HADES, The Messenger and many others. I think that an extra affection for these Soulslike titles would certainly be welcome. :happy:
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/1281?tab=posts Basically I just want this outfit in the original color without the helmet and her hair made ginger, could anyone pull that off? hair style not important.
  3. So i was searching some mods for sekiro and i found a mod including a honkai impact 3rd character in a bilibili video. But i can't find any information about that mod, only that gameplay in bilibili. Does somebody know any information about this that could help me find the mod or the creator? The same as in other video but with genshin characters. https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2047606020?bstar_from=bstar-web.homepage.recommend.all https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2043700386
  4. So, I'm loving Sekiro (A LOT). That said, I desperately wish combat arts could be swapped without pausing the game. I think the gameplay variety suffers greatly due to the current swapping system. There's no real purpose - its not like you can only change them at idols. You can switch whenever, but to do so you have to enter two menus. Who wants to interrupt gameplay by entering two menus? But also, who wants to use the same combat art over, and over, and over again? In short, I wish we could swap combat arts with a dedicated button, just as we can with prosthetic tools. It would add so much more variety to the gameplay, as you could experiment with different tactics without stopping the flow of the game. Is it possible to mod this into the game? To dedicate a button (perhaps the d-pad's down button) to swapping combat arts without pausing the game?
  5. is anyone able to mod the games death sound effect to play the ayaya sound effect, heres a clip of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dukKqDMYvDU
  6. It would be awesome if we get to fight the younger version of the sculptor equipped with his own prosthetic arm in a memory. Also, more of Wolf's mentors.
  7. I am new to the modding experience and have never had much luck doing anything. I followed instructions to a tee when trying any of the top reshade mods available. I have downloaded the latest version of reshade.me and once it is installed and I follow the instructions of whatever reshade mod I am using, in this case sekrio dragons blood reshade/simple realistic reshade/ phoenix samurai reshade, and the game will boot for about 5 seconds leaving me on a white screen. I attempt to hit the home button like the install guides indicate so I may choose the mod I have installed but then the game crashes. Any help would be much appreciated as I am not familiar with many computer aspects. I just like to play the games I enjoy and try to make them look different/ play better to no avail. Specs: Gtx 1060 6gb, I7-8750, 16 ddr4, 144hz, 1920x1080 resolution, laptop. Sidenot: Before I attempt to use another reshade mod, I always delete what I just installed from the main folder of Sekiro and make sure it boots properly. Each attempt after deleting whatever I installed works properly.
  8. Anyone know how to open the DCX file in <Sekiro Shadows Die Twice> game file? I do like to try modding my own weapon and outfit.. (Sorry if this type of stuff is not allow here...)
  9. this post is primarily a question regarding attack power Basically, is there a way to mod the attack power through the use of mods here? like edit it in the number ranging from 2-99?
  10. Hello! I'm sorry about my first post being a mod request, but I'm kinda desperate. I have a very low end computer (no money, rip) and still play the game, even if it lags all the time and I never get even close to 30 fps. (Yes, I shouldn't play it like this, but I enjoy the game way too much.) However, I'm somehow a battle away from finishing it! But the final stage where you fight the Sword Saint has all these moving plants that make my game lag even more than it already does. (The white ones that cover the whole place) It's unplayable and sometimes it lags way too badly and when it doesn't, it still affects the imput of the buttons I press. I notice that if I get close to the edge where there isn't any, I get many more fps, but I cannot fight him in that small area. To make it short, and sorry for all the explanation, I wanted to request a mod that removes/replaces these plants? I don't know if it's possible, but if it is, it would be a life-saver. Thank you for reading!
  11. *This is a repost from Blender forum part. Sorry if this breaks the forum rule. Hi, I want to make my own costume mod to replace Wolf model with other model like 2B or Gray Fox for example. I have an experience creating mods for games like TF2, Gmod and SFM. Can you guys show me the tutorials on how to do it? EDIT: I have the gray fox model from Metal Gear Rising. It's ready to be rigged but I need a proper tutorials to start the progress. If not, is anyone willing to create the mod on my behalf?
  12. Hi, I want to make my own costume mod to replace Wolf model with other model like 2B or Gray Fox for example. I have an experience creating mods for games like TF2, Gmod and SFM. Can you guys show me the tutorials on how to do it?
  13. I downloaded a PARAM assembler from nexus mods, and I just can't figure out how it works, I tried to follow the video but I kept getting my vanilla param file back rather than combined. if anyone knows how to use it please help!! :happy: ps, trying to combine sekiro LMTSR param mod with lightinging of tomoe combat art param mod.
  14. This is my character. When it enters an event movie, it turns white. After that, when it becomes abnormal, it becomes white. I want you to help Do you have any solution?
  15. As the title implores, I need a modder for a sekiro skin, reply so I can give u the details. Willing to pay.
  16. Hello there, I have been doing a mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, just changing Ookamis' model to a Waluigi. The thing is that everything goes well, until I try to rescale the model in the FLVER editor. The tutorial I have been using to guide myself is this, , in which at the minute 4:18, he or she just imports the model, rotates it, and when I use the rescale measures that he or she uses, just makes it bigger, not smaller as happens in the video.Can please anybody help me?
  17. I have been trying to get my own 3d model into the game pretty much all day for the past 2 days. I found a decent tutorial that walked me through the whole process. I have almost everything down. My character is in the game, it moves fine and I got my texture in. The only problem that I seem to be having is that there is this weird black aura around my character. It probably isn't the shadows because they are there wherever I go and there would be nothing to cast the shadow. I also thought that it may have been the area but I downloaded someone else's mod and there was no glow. I have been looking around in my FLVER editor for a while and I can't find what I haven't done or am doing wrong. Another thing I want to point out is that when I turn SSAO to low the aura stops moving and is just static but still on my character. Is there anyone more experienced in modding can maybe point out what I am missing? Thanks for any help in advance.
  18. Couldn't seem to find a Mod to prevent the loss of Sen after dying. I don't want the combat to be easier but man, the punishing loss of half your XP and Sen makes this game more stressful than I enjoy. Is there a mod for this?
  19. I was thinking, after so many replays i would like to test One Mind, Dragon Flash and Sakura Dance in NG in a fresh new game, without buffed up enemies and bosses. There's a mod that replaces some skill tree slots with these ones but it would be cooler if it were some way to just obtain them without losing anything. I really really want a mod like this and im willing to give a little something in return if some kind soul is willing to do this. Thanks for the attention :>
  20. I have had a couple of cool ideas for gameplay mods, but I am not sure where to start learning or what the easiest way to learn would be. However, I have come across a lot of talent in modding and was wondering if anyone could lend me some of their knowledge or at least point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance and cheers.
  21. It becomes like this when using character mod https://imgur.com/aZNmgEn somebody help
  22. Can someone replace effect of mortal draw with black one that Genichiro uses? Couldn't find any made one already
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