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  1. Seductress Seranas nude body does not reflect my default body. That's fine, however it's kind of jarring when her body changes when equipping bodyslided outfits. So I tried to fix it. I followed this guide with 1 upvote on reddit. It seems like the guide is trying to use Bijin Family Bodyslides so he can get bodyslide meshes for Serana, and then he gets a CBBE compatible body from seranaholic and then does some drag and drops. I don't know what I'm talking about, I just do what I'm told. The "conversion" worked, however her facial animations are broken. Is this some .tri issue? I can't seem to figure out how to even undo this. I have the original mod and my edited version separate and it seems disabling both of these mods doesn't even fix this. I have at some other point manually copied the generated bodyslide files and overwritten seductress serana in an attempt to figure this out, I have limited nifskope knowledge (probably just enough to destroy things with no knowledge of how to repair it). I'm just really sad seductress serana isnt supported. I'd love to learn how but I don't know how to do this. Seems there are unending requests for conversions of outfits and I'd like to know how to do that.
  2. i see a lot of followers on the nexus: some are basic unvoiced followers with vanilla dialogue, and others are voiced but boring followers that want to follow you for no reason. i want a follower mod (maybe with a quest involved) where the follower is a seductive, female, evil, spellcaster class that comes with her own voiced dialogues. she would have 100 mainly in the spell classes, like illusion, destruction, and 100 speech since she uses her looks and seductive words to get what she wants. she should wear a custom made seductive robe (like the seductress dress mod from oblivion), and throughout the journey, she tries to seduce you into becoming her servant. unlike other follower mods where you tell your follower what to do, she should refuse every "i need you to something" option unless you join her in the end. you get dialogue options of course, where you either resist her charms or give in to her. this could be like a quest where she has an evil plan in the end and you stop her, or you join her. finally she should be marriageable in the end should you give into what she says. example: she would comment something like "it must be lonely for you out there, dragonborn. no woman to keep you company...." and you respond with either rejection: "i don't need companions. i work best alone" or give in: "you're right. it does get lonely ..... maybe you could keep me company along the way?" etc and this would also work if your character is already married, so she leads you down a dark path to kill your spouse. example: she would say after following you for a time "we have been traveling for a long time together. ever think of settling down? maybe with someone you trust? someone like me?" and you could respond with either: "i'm already a married man. i'm sorry if i mislead you, but my heart is spoken for?" , or the giving in option "i'm married already .... but i ....i don't know how i feel about it anymore." and she would pressure you with either option until you truly give into her: "honestly, i don't love my wife. i want .... i want you instead." and so on.... she would also tell you to do evil things for her once you become enthralled by her: example: she would say randomly: "dragonborn. your mistress grows bored. go steal for me some jewelery" or "go kill some pathetic fool for me." again you could say things like "of course. anything for you!" or "i shouldn't .... i don't do that kind of stuff," whereas she would reply "not even for me? you wouldn't dare refuse me, would you?" and you respond "you're right! i must ....obey you, mistress! forgive my hesitation!" or "i do refuse you! ... i'm .... i'm not your lap dog to be pushed around! ... what are you trying to do to me!?" (this option would break her enchantment over you and she would become hostile against you) you get the picture last but not least, she should have an evil/ sexy sounding name, like sylithandra, or maliserei, etc names don't matter as long as the mod gets across
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