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  1. Could someone make a mod that adds terrifying sea monsters like the Kraken and Leviathan, as well as Lovecraftian Horrors like Cuthulu to the game? The sea just needs those intense terrifying moments where if you venture too far into the depths you'll find a massive horrifying monster that will one-shot you. These creatures also need custom sounds that are like a distant ominous echo that acts as a warning that you're getting close to one or are being hunted by one.
  2. I have been looking around and there are several mods that allow you to create a settlement in the Glowing Sea, however a few seem abandoned, and others seem to create all kinds of bugs, so I'd like to ask, which one do you guys believe is the best mod to achieve this?
  3. I have always liked the lore behind the Sea Elves. They are one of the only known living races of mer that do not live in Tamriel in even small numbers and are so little known by those from Tamriel. I was excited when I found out their were Maormer in ESO, and found their look utterly unique. Seeing as Zenimax probably won't add Maormer as a playable race any time soon, I looked at the various race mods for Skyrim and was disappointed. Many of the mods looked nothing like those in ESO, and were largely copies of other mer with strangely arranged stats and powers. I seek to help remedy this. Before I start listing off ideas, here are two references on what they look like. As you can see, their facial structure is between Altmer and Dunmer, yet smoothed out like a human's face. Their skin is pale white, like that of a brightly colored dunmer. They also only have pale eyes among their entire race. Now, here are my ideas for them They are good with Light Armor, One Handed, Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, and ArcheryTheir racial ability allows them to turn invisible and be muffled by 50% for five minutes as long as they move very slowly (Walking). Moving in any state other than walking or walk-sneaking breaks the effect.Their racial passive grants them a 40% resistance to shock damage, seeing as they have a history of conjuring up powerful storms and storm atronachsI don't know about the possibility of followers or custom armor, honestly I would prefer it without any followers in Skyrim. If anybody could possibly tackle this request, It would be truly amazing to have a lore-friendly Maormer race here on the Nexus.
  4. Hello everybody. I`ve decided to create a realistic sea battle on Skyrim`s engine. That`s what I`ve got in my test chamber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMjrW5kebc8 So, what do you think about it?
  5. So i was revisiting the Katariah after finishing the Brotherhood questline, and i had an awesome idea for a mod: Stealing the Katariah! So the idea is that after you finish the dark brotherhood and the thieves guild questlines, you can recruit sailors by doing special contracts/thievings. You can steal the Katariah, sail it to some place/island, sell it to some pirates for an awesome new pirate armor and a buttload of gold. Thats the idea, it involves around 30 new NPCS: -20 recruitable Sailors -A pirate contact from the brotherhood -A pirate contact from the guild -6 actual pirates, including a captain -A corrupt guard from the Katariah who informs you (optional) -The ghost of the emperor who gets really mad at you and adds humour to the story. I would make it myself, but I'm not really good at making mods and I think this could become something great if a talented person were to work it out. If you decide to make this, feel free to add any ideas. (Note: If you make this, all credit goes to you, just name one of the contacts or the pirate captain Rhidos and thats enough)
  6. I have a huge favour to ask the community o.o I have started working on a mod but have to start again as my ck won't let me generate a simple LOD for an Island sea. Is it possible that a modder who is in a stable relationship with their ck would be able to generate a simple LOD for a distant sea for me? This way I can use the landscape tool to drag the land above sea level and when I place my character on its shores I can stare out at an endless oceans and whoever takes liking to my mod can also. I'm sure a few other modders would benefit from this too as a lot of people have the same problem as me... I would credit you for the fantastic 10min LOD and there would be cookies and no arrows to the knees! :D Thank you in advance!
  7. Hi, I started playing the Jaws of Hakkon DLC today and encountered an annoying graphical glitch. The waves go on endlessly and they clip through the landscape. Can anyone help me fix this please? I disabled all my mods, this did not solve the problem. Cheers
  8. Hey everybody! Me and my friend are making an extremely atmospheric Skyrim horror mod with a completely different universe and storyline.Here is a teaser which can bring you the overall mood of the project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7undHpnbwA If you like it, feel free to subscribe to our MODDB page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/demented-evilThe music in the teaser is completely original. It was written by me for this project. What can you expect in our mod:Very detailed worldspace, photorealistic forestsTons of dialogs. God help us translate them into English.Twisted plotlineDifferent beginnings.Complicated side quests.Completely vanilla objects (maybe we will add some new monsters though) Thank you for your attention!
  9. I've had this idea for a mod quest line for a while and that would be to have a quest inside a pressurized dome covering the Titanic's bow section. It would be a historical park commemorating the Titanic's voyage, and inhabited by the descendents of the parks visitors from before the war. There could be an attached hotel and visitor center complex along with searchable sections of the Titanic wreckage and interior. I still don't have a good idea for a main mission for the mod, I was thinking of having it be attacked by a giant irradiated sea creature which found its way into the dome. Or something along the lines of a valuable artifact inside the Titanic's state room which could shift the livelihood of the park inhabitants. Transportation could be done by a submarine in the Chesapeake Bay.
  10. I have an idea for a Fallout 4 mod. It would be cool do have a quest mod, where you return to the Titanic. Only this time the Titanic is inside an undersea pressurized dome, which has been turned into a historical park. There could be new weapons to craft, armor and an added quest line; something like helping the decedents of the park visitors fight off a giant irradiated sea creature, or search the Titanic wreckage and attached visitor hotel complex for a valuable artifact which could shift the outcome of the undersea settlement. Maybe even fix leaks in the dome before the whole thing is crushed by the pressure for the outside ocean. Travel to the undersea dome could be done by finding a submarine in Boston harbor which could take you there, and bring you back to the wasteland when finished with the quest.
  11. Hello guys, I think its unfortunate that the dragonborn can no longer enter the island Japhets Folly after the quest Rise in the East. My idea: The dragonborn can also visit Japhet's Folly after completing Rise in the East via the Windhelm Docks or any other location. After completing the quest, the island will be in the hands of the Imperial Army or East Empire Company. There is a trader and mercenaries/soldiers who complain about the arduous service in this remote, lonely place. Maybe this is an inspiration for someone :)
  12. Hi guys, unfortunately, I know nothing about modding, but maybe there is a creative and talented creator out there who can fulfill my long-awaited wish for a mod like this. I imagine a mod that add a sea monster (a kraken or a giant sea snake), that lurks in the deeps of the sea on the edge of the map. It doesnt have to come to the surface. Its enough for me, if its swims in the deep and frightens the unsuspecting Dragonborn. Maybe you are a modder and like this idea :smile:
  13. Hi everyone, I am making a new lands mod and it is still very in development. I am having a few troubles with generic animal wildlife, such as deer, elk, rabbits and foxes. Predators work perfectly fine. The problem is that they don't seem to follow navmesh whatsoever. Whats more, before I navmeshed the island they were still able to move around normally, and navmeshing it hasnt changed anything, whereas for all other NPCs they couldnt move without the navmesh. The reason this is a problem is because not only do the animals just sit there trying to run straight through a wall or cliff, but they also run straight into the ocean surrounding my island. Does anyone know if this is a problem within Skyrim as well, or something I can fix? Ideally I'd just like them to behave like normal NPCs or animals in that they follow navmesh. I have considered copying the races for the animals and unchecking "swims" on their race data which may fix them going into the water, but I didn't bother in the end since the NPC is told where the water is via navmesh, and since they ignore navmesh I didn't think it would make a difference. Does anyone know if this would work? Thanks in advance
  14. At this point, Skyrim's modders have made more monsters for the sea and even mods that have fully functional sailable ships with collision (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37902/). I think it would be great if someone made a new world space up in the north-east Sea of Ghosts area and filled it with small islands with one or two interesting short quests for each island; but I would actually like to sail to these islands in real time instead of just fast traveling on a immobile ship. None of this is impossible, but I do not think anyone has bothered to try something like this.
  15. Hello, I've been slightly bored lately and am a huge fan of pirates. So why not play as a pirate in one of my Favorite games ever?? But I'm not entirely sure what mods there are that would be useful for a Pirate. If you know any mods that could improve my Game play as a Pirate, I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me about them. Kind Regards Bilal
  16. Skyrim underwater world : Underwater combat, Ruins, creatures and sea monsters. http://nmancer.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/beowulfpic.jpg First of all i will start with this great article about the emptiness of the underwater world of skyrim: Sea of Ghosts: Skyrim’s Wasted Potential Skyrim lives and breathes, active on every level. The skies, the land and the shallows each accommodate monsters both mythical and actual. Under the shelf of a vibrant sky a medley of colours stretch a restless landscape upon which the elk graze and the mammoth ramble. Salmon soar upstream as the torrent surges below and hawks glide across the face of the sun, casting shadows across the backs of the sleep bears below. Above the surface Skyrim is beautiful. Such beauty is immediate, apparent from the very first scene. Only after time spent exploring will the player realise that Skyrim‘s beauty is only skin deep. It does not extend beneath the surface. There are places not penetrated by light, where the objects do not glisten, where Skyrim neither lives nor breathes. It is ugly, empty and aimless: the water. Underwater, Skyrim is devoid of the life that makes the world above so interesting. Submerge and suddenly the brilliance of the wind swirling across the ice melts into nothing but a heaving vastness of unbroken brown. Beneath the surface, beneath the sea, there is nothing. The lakes, lagoons, rivers and seas of Skyrim are not a deterrent to the intrepid explorer. It’s quicker to swim straight through a body of water than it is to sprint around it. The player can pass through water as if it’s not there, and because there is nothing in the water to impede the player the player will do just that. Skyrim‘s water is empty geography placed only to decorate the world, to make it feel real. While this is necessary, it only succeeds above the surface, above the map, where the water looks and feels as if it belongs. When the player actually explores the water they realise it’s little more than a theatrical prop. It has no substance. In a world inhabited by fearsome predators, a world that places so much emphasis on exploration, the emptiness of the water seems especially wasteful. The destitution of the water oozes mystery. But wading through the obscurity of Skyrim’s waters is perpetually disappointing because no mystery is ever solved. The underwater environments are impenetrable in their ambiguity and offer no encouragement for the player to explore their surroundings because they contain nothing of note for the player to discover. Unless the player is teased with evidence of existence mystery ceases to exist and exploration becomes absurd. Skyrim’s entire seabed contains only a few chests and although a great lack of subterranean treasure is a disappointment it is not the biggest disappointment. It is not items that I desire. It is a challenge. It is danger. Ultimately, it is death. For all its unscripted events and aggressive enemies Skyrim rarely feels like an intimidating place to explore. With feet firmly on the ground, a weapon tight in hand and a throat ready to thu’um, the player is equipped to manage all manner of attack. In the water the player is stripped of all these abilities; the water is the one place the player could have felt truly vulnerable. As it stands Skyrim’s water can bring safety to players. They can retreat to the water when being chased by predators and rest in the knowledge that they cannot be reached. The water needs its own legitimate threat, and in not adding such Bethesda missed an opportunity to bring true fright to Skyrim. I want to feel vulnerable as I swim around staring toward the middle distance at the impervious gloom. I long for a reason to be afraid but it is not there. Assassin’s Creed II‘s final Assassin’s Tomb has the player implement the series’ classic platforming techniques to progress through a watery dungeon. If the player waits long enough at the water’s edge an enormous octopus is seen ominously drifting through the dark water. Of course, the octopus was not physically in that water. It appeared only for a short cutscene. Ezio could swim through the water entirely without consequence. But the suggestion alone was enough to frighten players, ensuring they concentrated particularly hard to prevent from falling into that water, the octopus’ dismal domain. If Skyrim cannot put me face to face with a legitimate underwater threat it could simply suggest such an encounter. Skyrim is a world populated by myths and legends. Introducing the notion of an abominable sea creature would ascribe some genuine mystery to the water and make it a veritably intimidating place while complementing Tamriel’s existing lore. The mere mention of a predatory force within Assassin’s Creed II‘s unclear environment was deeply unsettling. It is a simple technique that would translate well to Skyrim‘s water. But belonging to a franchise with such expansive lore and fantastical concepts Skyrim should supersede simple suggestion and offer the player tangible conflict. While the emptiness of lakes and rivers may be understandable, it seems particularly wasteful to allow the open water — the setting with the most potential for terror throughout the entirety of Tamriel — to remain lifeless. It is here in Skyrim’s Sea of Ghosts that the most horrifying denizens should dwell. Thematically the Sea of Ghosts promises so much that it never delivers. There are no ghosts, no corpses, no danger and nothing to be afraid of. Yet an enormous expanse of frozen water is a concept strong enough to allow my mind to run amok with grotesque Lovecraftian creatures. While players are appreciative of mystery they must be rewarded for their expeditions. If players aren’t rewarded with evidence of a discovery, if not an actual discovery, any semblance of mystery fails and there becomes no mystery at all. I want my expedition to be rewarded and I want terror to be my reward. I want to stand at the precipice of a watery chasm and feel the ice crack and shift beneath my feet above the weight of some apocryphal force. I want to jump and stagger in a desperate attempt to maintain balance, only to fail and plunge headfirst into a nightmare. I want to be disorientated as I am devoured by darkness and panic as I frantically search for the surface. I want to shiver as I realise I am anchored by the wayward limbs of the gargantuan shape slowly emerging from the ocean’s deepest trench. I want to scream as as the creäture pulls me toward it, dragging me deeper and deeper into Cimmerian depths, into absolute darkness, into the void, until I drown staring into its eyes. I want to be too scared to enter the water ever again. In focusing so much on populating Skyrim’s skies with threats, Bethesda failed to address what lies beneath. Dragon attacks occur so often they can saturate the player’s experience. The pang of dread felt upon the player’s first few dragon encounters invariably wanes as play time increases and the player realises they have all the necessary attributes to best the creatures. With the player’s abilities suppressed by water any threat that must be dealt with become doubly dangerous, lending the water a credible quality and allowing the entire world to feel more genuine. For whatever reason, be it technical drawbacks or a critical misjudgement, Bethesda failed to realise Skyrim as well as they could have. Instead of being a frightening and truly challenging hostile environment Skyrim’s water is but a thin veil of decorative pretense draped randomly across an otherwise interesting world, something the game and the player’s experience suffers for. This feature was originally produced for and published on Pixels or Death - 07/02/2012 So this previous article have resumed all i wanted to say, skyrim needs a mod who can turn it's underwater areas to a place full of adventure and dangers with scary creatures and mystical underwater ruins and ghost ships, with the ability to cast spells underwater and using weapons and undrwater crossbows, you guys are great modders and i think something like that will make skyrim one of the most complete open world video games ever. thank you so much, i hope you have the same point of view about skyrim's underwater world. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/36PeCLltT5s/0.jpg
  17. Hello Nexusians. Say I wanted to have a few ships moving far out at sea, to add life to the northern part of Skyrim. Any ideas on how to get started doing this? (These ships need no crew/interiors at this point, and the fact that Skyrims default ships have rolled up sails should be ignored for now. Eventually I'd look into the creation of ships with lowered sails, and even light sources at nighttime. Its too far-fetched for now though.) I really need a few pointers on how to get these objects to move along a certain route. Any assistance would be most appreciated!
  18. The waters of skyrim are very boring. what is the point of a waterbreathing potion when you never need one? A mod that added water bosses like a kraken or sea dragon as random events would add so much! Maybe added water dungeons or ruins because i could not find one reason to explore the sea in skyrim. frostfall does a well by adding tempreture creating a reason to be wary of water. What about adding some life to it or incestive to explore the depths. quests or loot. PLEASE ANY ONE WITH THE SKILLS WORK ON THIS. i would love to reccomend some ideas.
  19. Hi, my idea is enabling the player to fight underwater. Because with mods like "Sea of Spirits" you can always only run away from sharks etc. Is there already a mod for this?
  20. ::trains:: i was thinking it'd be pretty cool to have an ancient dwemer or perhaps steampunk esq railway system in skyrim, above or underground, or both. being able to ride the train for duration x to unlock or travel to major cities, and convient towns. i dont know anything about modding or script work but i think itd be cool, especially if you could just sit and watch the scenery go by ::sea battles:: for this i was thinking it'd be a new area of vast sea accessed through the various ports via a "set sail" or something of the like command. with a ship you would be able to sail to other areas or perhaps dlcs, like dawnguard. it would be awesome if other ships both friendly and foe existed to encounter, trade/with, fight, sink/tank over. again idk how script intensive or time consuming this would be
  21. Hi! I wanted to try make a marine life mod after seeing how barren the sea in this game with almost a quarter of the map cosist of sea along with washed up mutant dolphin carcass. Well it just doesn't make sense to me to have mutant dolphin corpse present but the water is devoid of any life beside wreckage and seaweeds. Given also we have amphibous mirelurks creatures "lurking" around coastal and swamp area (I was bit dissapointed they cannot "swim"). Bethesda did good job having aquatic life in Skyrim and Obsidian give small lake fishes in F:New Vegas. This would be my first time to try big modding, previously I did minor mods with Total War and Cities Skyline. I don't have any experience outside texturing and modelling. But I'm going to try my hand on coding and animation. My current plan at the moment. - Extract, retopo, texture fix and animate mutant dolphin. - Model small fishes based on New Vegas. - Model corals and assorted seabed mutants - Power Armor sub propulsion mod for easier underwater navigation - Underwater combat - Bestowing Mirelurks swimming capabilities (while the crabs will still walk on ocean floor) Challenges - Keeping it lore friendly - Does the game engine have problems with non-humanoid creatures swimming? - High chances that Bethesda will release Underwater DLC in the future which could affect the mod. It's just a matter of overhauling the mod to fit with the new DLC. ========================================= -More to come-
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