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  1. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help
  2. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help, i need this marker otherwise you can't control where you appear after opening a door.
  3. As the title, my game will Freeze while waiting or sleeping menu show up. Does anyone know how to find out the issue which mods cause it? Also each time when I start the game will have this warning, but I think its fine? Thank you Version: Skyrim SE 1.5.97 https://pastebin.com/Dx2KS6xeskse64.logEngineFixes.logplugins.txt
  4. I'm looking for a SE 3BA conversion of the Dancing Holy Rose Armor, which can be found here: http://jonny0406.blog.2nt.com/blog-entry-197.html It's the first armor set on the page I'd like converted.
  5. How can I make it so that when “activating” an enemy in battle, instead of dialogue, a spell is cast on him (without additional windows)? I want this to work only if the enemy has a certain magical effect at the moment of “activation”, but how to create the condition is already more or less clear to me.
  6. I was wondering if it might be possible to create a mod for Skyrim that could enhance the user experience with Mod Configuration Menus (MCMs). My idea is a mod that highlights or points out MCMs that haven't been opened yet or are new. For example, using red for unopened, yellow for new (just added/loaded), and white for opened MCMs. I understand that adding a color system might be a bit tricky, especially when a newly loaded/added MCM is also unopened. My suggestion for that is to have it show the MCM as yellow only the first time you open the settings after it was added, and then turn red if you close the settings without opening the MCM. Every time I see a "registered X new MCM menus" in the top left corner, I go in to the settings and only see 1 new one if that, and I can't tell if I'm just blind or if the output log made a mistake. This mod would help me finally figure out which one it is (which would probably be that my eyes are s#*!). It would also be super helpful to check all the MCMs you have when starting a new game to see if there are any settings you think need changing. I know it should just be "duh, when you start a new game, just check all of them you dope," but after the 7th or 8th MCM I start to get confused on what I have and haven't opened. I keep a notepad with the changes I should make to the MCM options to make everything work right, but its a bit clunky and a simple highlight would do wonders for my tiny brain. This would also be simpler than having setting loader mods for each mod and be helpful for people who want to change a bunch of settings between each playthrough (I know I do). I'm not well-versed in Skyrim modding, so I'm not sure about the feasibility, but considering the creative mods the community has come up with, I thought it might be worth suggesting. Thanks a lot for your time and consideration!
  7. Pretty straight forward idea. Tastes Just Like Cucco: Replace chickens w/cuccos. When Cuccos Fly: Basically just a cucco glider skin (ideally animated flapping). I don't know how gliders work so behavior may need to be modified. CUCCO ATTACK!: When a cucco is attacked the aggressor is swarmed with hostile cuccos and must flee or die. Should work for players, NPCs, and mobs(?) alike. Pet the Cucco: Pet cucco?
  8. Hello everyone.I am having an issue with my Skyrim Special Edition here.Everytime I click new game the game loads for 1-2 seconds and it ctd in the loading screen.I dont have any mods atm.I had some but I did a fresh reinstall ( Actually 2 maybe 3 fresh reinstalls ).I tried verifying game flies and it didnt work.I cant get past the first loading screen.If anybody knows a fix or two I would appreciate it.Thanks in advance! ( Game file location is not in Program Files.My skyrim SE is installed in C:Games/SteamLibrary2/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition ) My PC Specs: GPU : NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050 TI LP 4GB CPU : Intel Core i5 4590 3.30 Ghz RAM : 8GB DDR3 Operating System : Windows 10 Pro
  9. Someone actually made a mod for this already: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62501/ He even released the source code: https://gist.github.com/Falconerd/3056a78f236523b68c19 I'm too new to this and I don't understand why this won't run in SKSE. Is it easy to convert the scripts or is there anybody that can release this for SSE?
  10. Hey! I have gotten this impossible-to-fix issue. Everytime i load a quicksave, autosave and anything of that sort. The game CTD's. Now if i run skyrim from steam, not using skse loader, i have no issues whatso ever I find it odd, i have like the smallest amount of mods, and i cant play the game. I have tried so many things, i have spent 14 hours trouble shooting this bulls***. And i cant figure it out. Also, there seems like no one has a fix for it either. If i load through steam, create a save and run with skse again. I can open the game and play. But then i cant load autosaves, i cant die and theres a 33% chance it will CTD on loadingscreens anyways. Keep in mind, the saves are not corrupt. If i run it through steam, it works perfectly. Load order: Any help in the right direction is highly appreceated! I am craving to play Skyrim so hard dude, First stage of withdrawals has hit lol.
  11. Ok so the problem is that Vortex doesn't like the symlink I created for the Skyrim - Sounds.bsa file and so the sounds can not load with mods, since it works fine without using vortex. Any workarounds for using something else instead of symbolic links? Or how to make vortex accept my symlink? If I need to add anything else like audio drivers or more specific info I will be responding quickly with an answer.
  12. edit - deleted mod, dont need request. encountered game breaking bug unrelated to request, so just uninstalled. idk how to delete if someone lets me know ill delete asap, or if someone can delete for me thank you
  13. For the love of Mara, are there any mods left in Nexus that actually increase muscle/body mass for females? I just got tired of the "warhammer wielding princesses".
  14. Something very strange happens to me in the tundra home of cc. When I try to select and delete the paintings with Jaxson´s positioner, I experience a ctd, every time. If you have any ideas, I aprecciate the help.
  15. The first person camera bug in AE is drive me crazy, sometimes the first person stop working no matter what I do.. (I don´t have camera mods intalled)
  16. Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create an up to date Playstation button UI for Vanilla Skyrim SE Anniversary edition PC. All the mods I've tried don't have the ''mods'' or ''creationclub'' options on the main menu and some menus still use Xbox buttons and are out of date. Is anyone willing to do this? :sweat:
  17. That and that, I don´t know if there is any mod that solves this in Skyrim SE 629+?
  18. Hey. I'm trying to make sound modifications for Skyrim SE and have noticed an odd problem. With no pattern in particular, some sounds get replaced successfully, and some just don't. Right now trying to replace the footstep sounds of draugr, and it's not working, simple as that. Before you give me the idiot test, my sounds are 16 bit mono wav files, and use the same rate as the original sounds. And some of the sounds I've replaced work just fine, but it seems to be a 50/50 whether something I replace will function correctly or not. I don't have any other mods or whatnot that could overlapping my own. I'm testing my mod with a vanilla build of Skyrim 1.6+. There are no errors in the folder directories. What am I missing?
  19. Good evening, I'm not sure how to perform the upgrade, the version I have in my hands is 1.6318, and I saw in some videos that I must have 1.6.640 to be able to install mods, so how can I do this update from 1.6318, to: 1,6,640 ?
  20. First of all i want to thank all of you modders for taking the time to make the mods that make skyrim fun to play :D The reason im posting here is because I miss my dog very much all the time and i was hoping to persuade one of you skilled modders to make a mod of my doggy, she was like a child to me and was my best friend its been 4 years since she passed away and im still not over it and i dont think i will ever be. Her name was Spoiled i had her since she was a baby pup she died at age 13 she was a medium sized stocky thick dog part Rot/GermShep she was sassy and highly intelligent in tune with human emotions I used to think she had he soul of a human when i looked in her eyes she touched my heart and I will never forget her after she died I paid cuddle clones to make a stuffed animal that looked like her and that is where her cremated ashes are stored clearly I loved her very much and tat has not changed now im asking if one of you could make me a stand alone follower mod of her for me please so i can bring her back to life within my game I would gladly donate for this because I know its not easy and i know it takes time i will upload photos on this so you can see what she looks like i dont want a generic dog that looks similar to her i want it to look detailed if possible thank you please dont reply with links of tutorials that i wont be able to understand because i have already tried to the best of my ability to make this mod myself and im just not getting it :sad: and please do not send me links to other dog mods because i dont want other dog mods i just want my own dog :sad:
  21. Hello! Yesterday morning I was playing my modded skyrim, everything was working perfect. A few hours later I wanted to continue and it just crashed on launch, and I can't get it to work again. I tried reinstalling the game, reinstalling skse64, deleting old saves, updating my drivers, removing mods that could be heavy (even though everything was working). The crash log i got is in the files attachment, but I can't make sense of it. Can anyone help me? I was just enjoying skyrim again and now I can't play it anymore. (I'm not sure if the crash log shows it but I also have enb re engaged installed for obsidian weathers) Also vortex showd the elfx effects weather.esp conflicts with obsidian, so i disabled that esp but still it crashes on launch. If I open it via the normal launcher (not skse64) I get until the menu but then it crashes when loading my save file (probably because of the mods)
  22. Hello, I have a very few mods installed on my AE v. 640, so I don´t know if it´s a problem in the vanilla game, or with the "Go to bed" and "Sit on stuff" mods. (When I press "E" I just get out of bed instead of sleeping). Maybe someone can give me some help.
  23. so ive been getting into modding skyrim as of yesterday and im trying to get it so FNIS works i cant seem to get it. now when i launch my game everyone is tposing my FNIS looks like this and i dont know why. >>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory. If you use SKSE, this can be fixed by starting Skyrim once through Steam.<<FNIS Behavior V7.6 XXL 12/23/2022 11:47:34 PMGenerator: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exeSkyrim SE 64bit: ??.??.?? - Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (126 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)FNIS.ini InstantExecute=1FNIS.ini RedirectFiles=D:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FNIS Data (Default)Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FlowerGirlsSE V3.0.2 ... ChAnims:1618 CTD:7.9% pOpt:0.0%>>Warning: \character\behaviors\FNIS_FNISBase_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<Reading FNISBase V7.6 ... ChAnims:0 CTD:0.0% pOpt:0.0%>>Warning: \character\behaviors\FNIS_FNISCreatureVersion_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.6 ... ChAnims:0 CTD:0.0% pOpt:0.0%>>Warning: \character\behaviors\FNIS_FNISSpells_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ... ChAnims:94 CTD:0.6% pOpt:0.0% NOTE: FNISSpells uses outdated behavior file (may invalidate CTD Load calculation)Reading SexLab V1.64 ... ChAnims:882 CTD:5.6% pOpt:1.5%Reading SexLabAP V1.64 ... ChAnims:142 CTD:0.9% pOpt:0.2%Reading SexLabCreature V1.64 ... ChAnims:177 CTD:1.2% pOpt:0.3%Reading XPMSE V7.2 ... ChAnims:164(164) CTD:2.2% pOpt:0.0% All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files....No GENDER directory maleNo GENDER directory femaleAlternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164 Create Creature Behaviors ...Reading SexLabCreature V1.63 ... 3077 animations for 8 mods successfully included (character).ChAnims: 3077 CTD:19.3% pOpt:2.1% max: 15982 LC: 5037 (max. 26162) 322 animations for 1 mods and 18 creatures successfully included.. 4 Warning(s).Generated files redirected to D:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FNIS Data (Default) Any Help would be appreciated, thank you
  24. Was wondering if it would be possible to make a SSE port for Acalypha - Fully voiced follower I just remembered having it installed on Oldrim way back and noticed that it wasn't available for SSE :sad: I don't know how the port process works at all, I would expect that permission is needed? Education on that fact would be highly apricated xD
  25. I have seen that in some places they talk about a version (1.6.55) but I have not found anything official about this? Does anyone know what this version is?
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