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  1. I know this has been brought up on the Larian forums dozens if not hundreds of times in hopes of the official devs taking notice (with apparently zero engagement on their part), so I'm probably screaming into the void right now.... but we desperately need an option for making the UI bigger. I know there's mods to increase text size/change the fonts to something more readable, and that's all great, but I'm talking mostly about buttons and icons. This post will be divided into two halves, Part I (the screed), and Part II (the solution). Feel free to skip to part II if you don't wanna listen to my whiny diatribe. PART I - The Screed This is my first CRPG. I can tell that it's an amazing game and I want SO BADLY to enjoy it. But alas, I do not have the ability to play it on a 4K ultrawide monitor, while sitting with my face ten inches away from said monitor. And that is literally the ONLY way I can imagine the vanilla UI being adequate. I think the sheer number of UI improvement mods that already exist, is testament to that fact. Clearly, there's a lot of gamers with less-than-perfect vision, who've felt the need to ask for or create these mods. Yet for some reason, there doesn't seem to be a single mod that can uniformly increase the size/scale of the whole UI. Personally, I am splitting my playthrough between the Steam Deck (with a custom control scheme allowing me to take advantage of the mouse/keyboard UI, because the controller UI has its own litany of issues), and playing docked, on my 65" 1080p bedroom TV. When I'm in handheld mode, at the very least I can hold the Deck right up to my face in order to better read the microscopic icons (still not a pleasant experience) but on the TV, it's nigh-unplayable. The icons are the size of a literal thumbnail. If I can't find a way to change this, I'm afraid that I will be forced to give up on the game, and miss out on the 2023 GotY. Which would really, reeeeeeeally suck. PART II - The (proposed) Solution We need a mod that allows us to scale different elements of the UI (ideally, on an individual basis) both UP in size, as well as down. Currently, there's mods to make it SMALLER, but none to make it bigger, which is wild to me. Having more screen real estate doesn't mean dick if I have to strain my eyes in order to do any kinda of inventory management, or even to organize my hotbar. Ideally, I'd want the option to scale the hotbar up to 200% of its default size. I don't care if the icons end up looking low-res. I don't care how much of the screen the UI takes up, I just wanna be able to look at the icons and tell what they are AT A GLANCE. Same goes for the character sheet/inventory screen. I don't care about overlapping windows. I don't care about containers having a bigger grid size. I'm not averse to scrolling. I want icons that come closer to the size of those you find in games like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc. I don't care if that means I can only see 4x3 icons onscreen at a time without scrolling. I'll deal with that, if I can actually make out what the icons are. The aforementioned feature (UI scaling up to 200%) is the most important thing needed; however, there are some supplemental features that would make it even better. For example, being able to assign a hotkey that will, in the event of having multiple containers/UI elements open, allow you to flip through them, changing which window has focus and displayed as the top layer (basically the same way Alt+Tab works, but only affecting in-game UI elements). A hotkey like that could also be used to switch between the different sections (shutters) in the hotbar, since having the UI scaled that big would obviously make it difficult to show multiple sections simultaneously. This mod would hopefully be compatible with mods like Aether’s Immersive UI, so as to remove the scaled-up UI when it’s not needed. It also hopefully would operate independently from mods that change the font/size of various text in the game (mods like this), so that even with a scaled up UI, certain text could still be reduced (or made even larger) by utilizing a font-changing mod. Lastly, (and this might be the least likely to be feasible), it would be amazing if it were possible to use the keyboard keys to select different icons in the hotbar/inventory (similar to how it works in the controller UI), so that users would have the option of using the mouse cursor OR buttons to flip through their inventory (WITHOUT having the entire UI/control scheme switch to ‘controller mode’). I assume the only way to do that would be something that changes the x,y coordinates of the mouse cursor’s position in relation to the UI window, (i.e. calling the coordinates of [row 1, column 1], [row 1, column 2], etc). I’m no modder, but that sounds like a difficult thing to implement, even to my ignorant self, so I understand if that’s not really a possibility. But damn would it be sweet if it were. Maybe assigning a hotkey that you hold down, to shift WASD’s inputs from camera mode/movement mode to ‘UI mode’ IN CONCLUSION: Again, I’m not entirely sure what’s possible, so all the extra features are just my ideal wishlist. But the MAIN point, which is just straight-up UI window scaling up to a much larger size, is something that I feel should’ve been implemented in the official game, and I’m frankly amazed that no one’s made a mod to do it yet. If some enterprising BG3 modder were to make this request into a reality, I promise you, it would make a MASSIVE difference in the accessibility of countless semi-blind gamers, and allow them to enjoy the Baldur’s Gate 3 experience as much as everyone else. Please, pleeeeaaase, can somebody make this happen? I would literally pay you to develop such a mod.
  2. Hi all, This is my first post in these forums, hopefully it's okay to put here! I'm having a bit of trouble with a mod. I'm trying to make a few custom enchantments for Skyrim Classic (actually working on a patch/expansion for Enchanting Awakened), but I'm having trouble getting the armor enchantments to scale. Strangely enough, the weapon enchantments I made work fine. However, the armor enchantments have the same magnitude regardless of skill, perks, or soul gems used. For completeness, I'm trying to make three armor enchantments: one that increases weapon swing speed, one that increases experience gained, and one that bypasses a portion of the opponent's armor. I managed to get the weapon speed MGEF working, but even with the "Power affects magnitude" flag, it's always the same %. I confirmed this with the console. Interestingly, it always seems to be double the base magnitude when I enchant it onto another item. For the other two enchantments, I had to use the MGEF to apply a perk to get the desired effect, though that doesn't scale naturally. I looked inside the Wintermyst mod, and tried using the same method used there for the Increased Experience enchant - using the MGEF as a Value Modifier to an unused (by my understanding) actor value ("Restoration Skill Advance" in this case), and then using the "Add Actor Value Mult" function in the added perk to apply scaling. However, when I tested this, the enchanted items don't seem to change the AV or apply the perk. Even stranger, the perk didn't affect my skill gain even when I modded the AV and added the perk manually through the console. So, here are my problems/questions: * How can I make an armor enchantment scale properly? I'm sure there's something simple that I'm missing, but I have no idea what it is. * The armor enchants I make don't seem to be applying the perk listed in the associated MGEF record (tested with 'player.hasperk' in the console). How can I make it add the perk when I equip the item? * Is it possible to make an enchantment scale when the effect must be applied through a perk, rather than a MGEF? As far as I'm aware there's no way to use the MGEF record directly to apply increased skill gain or armor piercing. Are the "___SkillAdvance" actor values truly unused now, and can they be used they way I'm trying to use them? Or are they soomehow broken? I'm also using tes5edit, btw. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me up my modding skills all. :smile: EDIT: Well, oddly enough, the armor piercing perk seems to work if I apply it manually and change the relevant AV via console. The MGEF itself though still isn't doing either of those, like it should. I'm at a loss. :(
  3. I'm just posting this here so I can access the picture in "Messages", however if someone knows how to scale the HEAD node properly, feel free to respond.
  4. im wondering if anyone knows how this works and how to edit it i normally use a custom armor mash up so the scaling was never an issue but since installing the pip pad the armor around my wrists is huge
  5. I've seen that there is no guide for the bows' scaling, I'm a little confused I created a legendary daedric bow but it does only 90 damage...on ps3 I had one that does 427...i would like to now how bows scaling based on smithing perk and marksman perk, I kinda need to know if I did something wrong or it is totally ok and I'm missing something thanks to everyone guys
  6. i have tried signs overhaul and proper sign scaling but none of them work http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1868/? http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/373/? is there any working mod that makes signs damage scale properly ? spamming igni all the time is boring :sad:
  7. Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to the technical side of Skyrim modding, and am working on an update for a mod which includes a giant creature. I didn't make the original mod myself, so am figuring out what's what, but I've run into a snag in that while the creature is scaled up (using SSEedit's "Scale" value), and it appears large in game, its hitbox appears to be the original size and I can't for the life of me make it bigger. It uses the vanilla werewolf skeleton and animations (with a new skin and mesh), so I tried making a new copy of the werewolf skeleton and scaling that up with Nifskope, resetting the "Scale" value for the NPC to 1. Once again, it appears the correct size, but its hitbox is still the same size an ordinary werewolf, somewhere between its legs. I found a post by Trainwiz five months ago suggesting the creature scaling function doesn't work properly in SSE like it did for Oldrim. Has anyone come up with a cunning plan to fix this? Thanks in advance :)
  8. Is there any mod for workshop mod out that delivers fitting types (concrete / wood / whatever) with EVERY size? (32 x 256, 32 x 128, 32 x 32) of floor / roof / etc? Is there a technical limitation? Wasteland Workshop for example delivers 128 x 128 floor tiles, but no 32 x 128 or 32 x 32. Many workshop mods deliver pretty "new" content like homemaker. But there is always something lacking. Either there are holes, or it looks stupid (or navmesh gapes). Sure you can scale it down via console. But because you cannot separate scale down X and Y scale, you have to place a bunch of them, and cause performance problems. For people who didn't know: 1 standard floor tile / wall has a size of 256 x 256 units.
  9. Hey, hoping someone can help me with an issue I encountered today. I downloaded this mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31774?tab=description) as well as Amazing Follower Tweaks and upon entering my game, I noticed that all children have now been scaled to 1. I'm not blaming those mods for causing the bug in any way, it's only coincidence that the bug occurred directly after installing those two mods. I left the game, uninstalled both new mods and made sure to delete any extra files from the Data folder. However, the issue still persisted once I went back in game. I exited to desktop, re-entered, loaded a prior save and the issue is still there. I'm only commenting here because I left a comment on the mod's page but still haven't heard back. Has anyone else had an issue with children scaling to 1? Is there a fix for this? I even tried starting a new game (using StartMeUp) and the children are all still scaled to 1. I'm kinda at a loss here. Any help is appreciated!
  10. I looked around online for a mod that would make enemies such as Raiders, for example, that are constantly fought in many locations in the game, use upgraded versions of their armor. So many Raiders at high levels especially just use combat armor pieces or perhaps one stock heavy armor legging or arm piece that is barely noticeable visually and doesn't effect their stats by much. I think the Raider Overhaul mod does this, but I don't like the new armors added since it makes way too many Raiders spawn with skeleton costumes and such. I am requesting a mod that makes Raiders have a higher chance (or a chance at all) to use sturdy and heavy Raider armor and leather armor more often at higher levels, and use things like the buttressed versions of all armors (standard, study, and heavy), since I think they look cool and would make Raiders less of a pushover at later levels and add visual variety to enemies with just a leveled list edit. Thanks to anyone who offers info or feedback on this!
  11. Looking through various overhauls for enemy scaling, it seems none are really for me. They add a lot of item that I do not necessarily want or hand place enemies in specific places and make you have to follow a set road or get killed. For example I remember using Francesco in the past but giving up after about 10 or so hours of constant running away from enemies that were way over my level. Some others seem to simply randomize encounter, which is just as bad in my opinion. The closest to what I was looking for was a mod that changed the enemy list so that bandit stopped scaling at a certain point while making low-level enemies spawn regardless of player level. But that mod also affected loot and seems to make it nigh-impossible to get anything over chain/steel. I had this idea of using Francesco with a mod that makes the player take more damage, which would in a way let me control my own sponginess and the enemies' sponginess with two "different" sliders in a way (one being the mod, the other the in-game slider). I have no idea what the results would be though so I'm curious if anyone uses a similar setup. Or, if not similar, I'm curious how some of you are dealing with the whole thing. Especially if the end-result is something that doesn't necessarily changes the whole game as much as just fixing the problem. If it helps, I usually play as an Archer that uses stealth at first and defaults to melee when the enemies are too close.
  12. Hello, I am currently making a mod that makes companions have better accuracy and damage. And then I want to make them scale with level. Changing them with FO4EDIT, but I don't know how to make them scale yet. Can any one help me? Thanks very much! Another question, changing melee weapon score multiplier doesn't seem to help for companions to switch to melee in close combat, any idea? Dueling or flanking doesn't work for this either...
  13. Hello everyone, with the recent release of the Witcher 3 expansion Blood and Wine, I thought that I would return to the Witcher 3 series after my third play through with a brand new character to experience all the new changes added to the game. However, I am wanting to take a little bit of a different route then the usual go to Velen, then to Novigrad, and then to Skellige. While I understand the story was set up this way, it feels boring being locked into a certain route of progression and I'd like the option to take a different route if I so chose. I know there are some scaling mods out there but sadly the mods are not up to date with the current version of the game and not to mention they don't work with the expansions. So if someone knows of an up to date version or can make one that would be great. Thanks for your time and enjoy the brand new world of Toussiant has to offer.
  14. Patch 1.20 (1.21) introduce zooming for item detail descriptions (pressing left analog stick on xbox pad). Playing the PC version on TV is quite hard. Now it's definitely a little more usable. But this would be nice for several things like books and long texts in general. Does anyone know if it would be possible to add the same scaling/zooming to other assets like book texts?
  15. I am having issues with a custom race that has incorrect helmet scaling resulting in some really annoying clipping, a few floating meshes, and much larger than necessary helmets/hats/hoods. I am trying to fix it, but I have no idea what files actually contribute to that. I was replacing the default Khajiit race with a khajiit-human hybrid, and the head shape is a bit more human-like. However, the helmet's scale to the same size as the default Khajiit, instead of the new, smaller head-size. Whenever I try to use it as it's own race it works fine, so I'm not really sure what the deal is. I'm willing to figure out how to fix it on my own, if someone can just point me to where the problem is located. I've tried changing the race's head.nif and head.tri files, thinking that was where the problem was, but it just messed with the look of the head mesh itself, not the actual scaling of attached head-related items. Thanks.
  16. As far as I know, enemies are set to level of the main character, at which he is when enters location for the first time. Also, there is level range for each location. Enemy's level can't be set higher or lower this range. It would be perfect to have a mod, making enemies to continue scale with main character's level even after first location visit (Which already exists.) but still not to go lower or higher location's level range (Which as far as I know does not exist.). I don't even know if it is possible to create such mod. If it is impossible or so hard that no one will do it most likely, tell me.
  17. I'm having an issue in which the hairstyles added by Mikoto's pack don't fit the PC head. It's not a universal problem, but it's common on a lot of them. I've tried installing through the mod manager and manually, and there's no difference. It seems to be an issue with each "type" of hair by designer. Pictures attached. I don't even know where to begin, honestly.
  18. As many of you probably know, the setscale command doesn't just affect size - it scales run speed, jump height, and melee/arrow damage output. At low deviations from the normal 1.00, the effect isn't too noticeable, but at more extreme values it dramatically alters the gameplay. Small characters are very slow and weak, while large characters are extremely fast and powerful. I'm looking for a way to use the Setscale command to get the aesthetic of a very huge/tiny player character without the associated game-breaking power/crippling weakness. I've been able to find a mod that allows me to manually adjust run speed & jump hight to approximately normal levels, but I can't find any way to get melee power to normal levels. Preferably, I'd like to have a way to adjust all three back to normal levels, or disable the stat scaling outright. I've looked into trying to make such a mod myself, and although I have a few years of coding experience, I was unable to find anything relating to the setscale command other than a function prototype in ObjectReference.psc. Given access to the setscale function definition itself, I could find out how the scaling works and make a mod to disable the stat scaling or counter its effects on stats. Ideally, I would want a separate setscale-like command that sets the scale without affecting anything else. However, since I have methods to pretty much fix run speed and jump height, all I really need is a way to scale the damage up. If anyone knows of such a mod, or can make a mode that allows manual damage scaling or disables the setscale stat changes, or can direct me to what I need to know to make the mod myself, please let me know. Thank you.
  19. First of all, which is better (easier and quicker) to make fairly simple sword and blade models, Blender or 3Ds Max? Next, while creating the models how would I scale them to be equal with the in-game world and other items? I've made many models and model attempts in the past, but I've never actually made models to use in games or for games, so I don't have a single bit of understanding when it comes to scaling. And lastly, Once I've got a model completed, how would I assign it to my item in the CK? Thanks in advance. :smile:
  20. If there's one thing that bothered me in The Witcher 3 more than anything it'd have to be the lack of enemy/quest scaling. I think the decision to not scale enemies was a bad one becuase it's counterproductive to the whole choice-driven, open world concept of the game. Non-scaling enemies 'force' players to do quests, explore the world in a specific order to prevent 'outleveling' the content. Outleveling the content leads to boring and anticlimactic encounters which was especially prevalent in the later parts of the game. That being said I also don't want to the game to 'downscale' encounters that are supposed to be tough or impossible so I think the best solution would be a hybrid, 'upward' scaling. What do I mean by that? Well, it's quite a simple concept. Say Geralt is level 30 and he comes across a pack of level 5 Wolves, with the 'upward scaling mod' the pack of Wolves would scale up to Geralt's level, more or less, it doesn't have to be perfect scaling. The Wolves could 'scale cap' @ level 25 which would make them weaker than Geralt but not a one-shot pushover that's no threat. (each enemy type could have a 'hard cap', a max level to which it would scale, it could also be slightly randomized, I mean, not every single Wolf in a pack has to be the same level, there's room for variation) Now, imagine a level 10 Geralt running of into the susnset as soon as he enters Velen and he comes across a level 35 Basilisk, with the mod the Basilisk won't scale down, he will remain just as he is in Vanilla,level 35 and deadly. This is what I meant by 'upward scaling'. Enemies only scale UP, not DOWN. Think about it, such mod would allow you to freely explore the world without worrying about outleveling the content. This would make, in my eyes, The Witcher 3, a truly choice-driven, open world experience. Thank you for reading! NOTE: I am not even sure if such mod is possible with our current modding tools so please forgive my ignorance.
  21. First, my 4:3 monitor's native resolution is 1280x1024. I've been playing Skyrim for a long time in fullscreen, using the 16:9 aspect ratio and the 1280x720 resolution in the launcher. I personally prefer the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, and I do this in all my other games (where I can). It was working, 100% of the time, never thought twice about it. For some reason, the 1280x720 (and other 16:9 resolutions) are being stretched to fill my screen, which makes it look horrible, as if my 4:3 aspect ratio wasn't being maintained. --- My specs: Intel Core i3 CPU (3.20GHz) AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1GB VRAM) 4GB RAM (3.87 usable) --- I have 267 mods (most very small details or texture replacers), use Mod Organiser and run my game at a stable 30+ fps, average 40-50 indoors, 30-40 outdoors and in towns. I have tried several things to fix it and a lot of googling to no avail: - Running my game without mods. - In CCC, lowering my resolution and ticking "Maintain aspect ratio" and then resetting it to native. - Deleting Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini in both My Documents and for MO and re-creating them. - Using 16:10 resolutions. - Updating my CCC, Monitor and GPU drivers. Also, Skyrim is the only game this happens in so far (other than games it didn't work in to begin with) but it was literally running fine, and suddenly decides to stretch no matter what I try. --- I can 100% use 1280x720 (and other 16:9 resolutions) in BF4, BOPS2, Shadow of Mordor and Nosgoth, and they all still work fine. The only thing I can link this to would be when I was attempting to use 1280x720 in SWTOR, changing the modes between fullscreen, windowed etc; but if that's the cause, I can't see why it hasn't affected other games as well. Skyrim.ini: Skyrimprefs.ini: Basically, I haven't found and can't think of any way to fix it, and don't know why it's happening in the first place. Halp :wallbash:
  22. I need to scale an object, a skull specifically, so that it is very, very big. However I can't scale it beyond 10.0000. I was wondering if there is a way to remove this restriction and make the object even larger?
  23. I need to scale an object, a skull specifically, so that it is very, very big. However I can't scale it beyond 10.0000. I was wondering if there is a way to remove this restriction and make the object even larger?
  24. Don't know if this has been brought up before because I can't seem to find a mod for it, but I thought it would be interesting to have a way for all the lower level dragons blood, frost, elder, etc. to level up or scale with your character. Fighting the same high level dragon types gets a little old after a while. I'm not a modder so I don't know how difficult it would be but just wondering if anyone else is interested in the idea.
  25. Is there a mod that scales the size of the weapons in Fallout 4? Some weapons are simply too big. Does anyone know how to do this without the GECK?
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