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  1. Hi all, This is my first post in these forums, hopefully it's okay to put here! I'm having a bit of trouble with a mod. I'm trying to make a few custom enchantments for Skyrim Classic (actually working on a patch/expansion for Enchanting Awakened), but I'm having trouble getting the armor enchantments to scale. Strangely enough, the weapon enchantments I made work fine. However, the armor enchantments have the same magnitude regardless of skill, perks, or soul gems used. For completeness, I'm trying to make three armor enchantments: one that increases weapon swing speed, one that increases experience gained, and one that bypasses a portion of the opponent's armor. I managed to get the weapon speed MGEF working, but even with the "Power affects magnitude" flag, it's always the same %. I confirmed this with the console. Interestingly, it always seems to be double the base magnitude when I enchant it onto another item. For the other two enchantments, I had to use the MGEF to apply a perk to get the desired effect, though that doesn't scale naturally. I looked inside the Wintermyst mod, and tried using the same method used there for the Increased Experience enchant - using the MGEF as a Value Modifier to an unused (by my understanding) actor value ("Restoration Skill Advance" in this case), and then using the "Add Actor Value Mult" function in the added perk to apply scaling. However, when I tested this, the enchanted items don't seem to change the AV or apply the perk. Even stranger, the perk didn't affect my skill gain even when I modded the AV and added the perk manually through the console. So, here are my problems/questions: * How can I make an armor enchantment scale properly? I'm sure there's something simple that I'm missing, but I have no idea what it is. * The armor enchants I make don't seem to be applying the perk listed in the associated MGEF record (tested with 'player.hasperk' in the console). How can I make it add the perk when I equip the item? * Is it possible to make an enchantment scale when the effect must be applied through a perk, rather than a MGEF? As far as I'm aware there's no way to use the MGEF record directly to apply increased skill gain or armor piercing. Are the "___SkillAdvance" actor values truly unused now, and can they be used they way I'm trying to use them? Or are they soomehow broken? I'm also using tes5edit, btw. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me up my modding skills all. :smile: EDIT: Well, oddly enough, the armor piercing perk seems to work if I apply it manually and change the relevant AV via console. The MGEF itself though still isn't doing either of those, like it should. I'm at a loss. :(
  2. Hello! I want to scale all my weapons to maximum, giant size (pic 2). I set overall weapon scaling to maximum size in Race Menu (pic 3) and I like it that way, but every time I load a game or respawn, weapon on my back is rescaling to its original size (pic 1). However, weapon scaling works good in combat stance. The only solution I found so far, it's to enter Race Menu every time I load a game. Then all my settings are automatically fixed, but it's annoying and boring to do it every single time. Also, I'm using Elin Race Mod and my ears and tail keeps rescaling to the deafault size just like my weapons. Is there any way to fix all these scaling issues?
  3. Patch 1.20 (1.21) introduce zooming for item detail descriptions (pressing left analog stick on xbox pad). Playing the PC version on TV is quite hard. Now it's definitely a little more usable. But this would be nice for several things like books and long texts in general. Does anyone know if it would be possible to add the same scaling/zooming to other assets like book texts?
  4. Hello all, Is there anything that can something like Lightwave's TES4Scale (a program Lightwave never released)? It was able to resize landscapes (and consequently all the objects in the landscape as well). Lightwave had a few examples on his website: http://www.oceanlightwave.com/morrowind/Tamrielx2/index.html http://www.projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/Tamrielx3/ I had thought about making a program to do this myself before I found out about that on Lightwave's website. I thought maybe I could make a batch processor that would go through game records and scale the coordinates by the desired factor, moving objects to the correct relative locations as well. Of course, I have no idea where I would start with that. I know nothing about how to have a program read and edit ESP and ESM files. I sent Lightwave an e-mail some time ago, but never received a reply, so I assume it's either an old e-mail account or went into spam or something. Lightwave's example double size version is here on the Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13911/? I thought it would be interesting and more immersive to have a 3 or 4 times larger worldspace, all the problems of practicality aside. ^.^; If anyone has any information on how I could do something like this (short of recreating Oblivion in a new engine), I would love to know. :) Razzy
  5. Dragon animation and size scaling issue Not sure if this is quite the right place to ask this but just in case it is heres my problemo: I've looked around on the webs to see if there is a fix for this problem but unfortunately I haven't found anything so I decided I might as well ask myself So i'm working on a little mod, pretty simple adds a couple creatures here and there. Anyway i wanna add some new dragons, give them new textures, modify the mesh, etc, etc. Ive done all but I also wanted to scale down the dragons as well, make them smaller. Unfortunately I'm encountering a problem that has happened to me whenever I first got the game. Whenever I increase or decrease the scale of a dragon from 1.0/base the legs and wings get put into strange odd positions whenever the dragon is landed. I've seen this happen to others in videos but i'm still completely in the dark on why it happens and how (if even possible) to fix it. What i'm hoping to get out of anyone reading this is a possible solution to the issue, i'm comfortable with editing the skeleton of the dragon if necessary and i'm always willing to try out other methods to if it fixes the problem. In the end I'll definitely live if a solution to the problem cant be found, hopefully though one can be found and all will be well! I've also got a couple pictures of what i'm talking about when I say "put into strange odd positions", please ignore the goofy looking feathers I've shoved onto the dragon, still trying to get the textures and mesh right :tongue: http://imgur.com/vehgNi5&vIBIFTv&UkvDh3y In the pics you can see pretty clearly that dragons are extremely flexible, a bit too flexible to be honest.
  6. All my scaling transforms in animations exported to Skyrim from Max through HCT are ignored. Scaling a bone in skeleton works, that's not an issue here. Just animating it. I'm using the correct tasks in HCT. I'm having no problem with neither exporting or playing anims, nor anything else related to skeleton or animations whatsoever. No skew warnings. I'ts just that any scaling I do is omitted in Skyrim. I've tried both Max 2010 + HCT 2010.2 and Max 212 + HCT 2012.3 + hktcnv. I've tried omitting the spline compression and checking the content of hkaInterleavedUncompressedAnimation and the scaling transform vectors are defined there correctly. I've tried adding Bake Scale task into HCT. Nothing. There seems to be no problem on Max side or Havok side, just Skyrim. The child bones are correctly translated, as if the parent was really scaled. But it isn't scaled. F.i. scaling clavicle makes the whole sub-hierarchy elongated, but there's no true geometry scaling. Scaling bones with no children has therefore not even indirect effect. I'm not using a skeleton with exclusive scale-bones, because I'm not really sure it has any meaning animation-wise. What am I doing wrong? Is it even possible to use scaling transforms in hkx anims in Skyrim?
  7. I need to scale an object, a skull specifically, so that it is very, very big. However I can't scale it beyond 10.0000. I was wondering if there is a way to remove this restriction and make the object even larger?
  8. I need to scale an object, a skull specifically, so that it is very, very big. However I can't scale it beyond 10.0000. I was wondering if there is a way to remove this restriction and make the object even larger?
  9. So correct me if i'm wrong but every character should be the same height based on race and gender, so every High Elf male should be the same height while also being taller than High Elf females. Nord men should be shoter than High Elf men but taller than the men of the other races etc. And all character should be set to Scale 1. The problem is that I noitced my character was taller than other Nord men for no reason, I set my scale to 1 and that fixed that, but as I travelled more I found Nords men who are still shorter than mine, I found Ancano from Winterhold was shoter than me and Faralda. I went around checking their scales and some NPCs were set to 1 but I found Ancano at 0.93, Faralda at 0.97, Enthir at 1.07 etc. First of all I don't know what's causing this and I don't have any mods which should affect scales. 2 there are pleanty of NPCs who's scales are off, such as the Nords in Windhelm and I don't really want to go around each individual character using Prid *#* getscale, setcale 1 etc etc. Is there a way to setscale en masse? Thanks. Just in case, I use Mod Organizer this is my Loadorder Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm [JmV]LTTF.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp ApachiiHair.esm ApachiiHairMales.esm WM Flora Fixes.esp RaceCompatibility.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp WM Trap Fixes.esp IShdr1bloom0_All.esp SkyUI.esp MarcurioGB.esp No Dragon LODs v2 full.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp Beards.esp Onmund.esp Onmund by CrimsonFairy.esp Undeath.esp PowerfulDeadThrall.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp BlueSkys.esp SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Brows.esp nocommentdangermagic.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp Tribunal Maskes by Zairaam.esp Tribunal Robes by Zairaam.esp When Vampires Attack.esp posesivecorpses.esp CrownoftheWitchKing.esp FS_UltimateAssortment.esp milklegendary.esp konahrik_accoutrements.esp konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp Gildergreen Regrown.esp Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp Undeath Immersive Lichdom V2.1.esp Miraak's Mask Fix.esp RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp TwinSouls3.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp And this is my Modlist +Twin Souls Max is 3 +Better Dialogue Controls +Miraaks Mask Fix +Cell Stabilizer +No smoke +Landscape +Snowfall FX +Rainfall FX +Pine Needles FX +Underwear - Default -Revenant Necromancer Robes - Crafting version +Possessive Corpses +When Vampires Attack +Skyrim - Undeath 1 +Wiseman303's Trap Fixes +Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition +RaceCompatibility with fixes +Undeath Immersive Lichdom UPDATE +Undeath Invisible Scrye Fix +Invisibility Eyes Fix +Bashed Patch - Profile 1 +Milk Drinker - LEGENDARY EDITION +Wiseman303's Critter Fixes +Wiseman303's Flora Fixes +BetterTurnAnimationOnlyOnePose1 +Ultimate Assortment - Core Files -Nazgul -LOTR Weapons by Isilmeriel +Lotr - Crown of the King Elessar +Crown of the Witch-King +SkyFalls + SkyMills +BBlodd Half res +No heavy muscular idle +XCEWD +Unofficial High Resolution Patch +Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch +Tribunal Robes Version +Tribunal Masks Version +The Ruffled Feather +Stop Comments on Dangerous Magic +Standard Resolution +Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings +SkyUI +ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller +Run For Your Lives +RaceMenu v3-2 +Powerful Dead Thrall +Onmund non-warpaint version +Onmund by CrimsonFairy +Normal Resolution +No Spinning Death Animation v1 3 MERGED +No Dragon LODs - full +MarcurioGB3 +Konahrik's Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory +IShdr1bloom0 All +High Quality Eyes +HD Miraak Remake +Hair-Specular Fix - Loose Files +Glowing Ore Veins 300 Less Glow +Glowing Ore Veins 300 +Gildergreen Regrown +Faces - GeonoxFaces +Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 High Stars +Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Color Galaxy +DragonbornMagesRobesRetexturePack +BlueSky +ApachiiSkyHairMale +ApachiiSkyHair v 1 6 Full *Unmanaged: Dragonborn *Unmanaged: HearthFires *Unmanaged: Dawnguard *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03 +skse 1 07 03 Scripts *Unmanaged: Bashed Patch, 0 http://i.imgur.com/i8VXlae.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/gc6z4HS.jpg
  10. The game becomes completely dull after you reach higher levels, I can see what Bethesda was trying to do with some enemies being higher than you in certain area and I like that, but the challenge is non existent eventually, in previous Bethesda games enemies in general where always challenging no matter where you were and no matter what your level is, what I propose is making some areas still scale higher than others but every other area still has enemies around your level, would this be doable with out the GECK
  11. With the amount of potions that the Dragonborn and other NPCs gulp down, they'd all be in danger of over-hydrating, not to mention frequent toilet breaks. But jokes aside, I think it's strange that the potions in Skyrim are so massive; the largest of which being nearly 4 Litres (1 Gallon) in size. There are already mods out there that change the potion weight, but I was hoping for a mod that either changes the scale (and even the proportion) of existing potions to be more test tube or vial like, or even a replacement mesh (and texture) to make potions into literal vials. For the minor potions, I'd almost expect them to fit on a necklace like shown in the image. Some things may need to be taken into account, like the placement of potions in game. But if new meshes are being made, perhaps there's a way to "align" or "position" the mesh so that the base of the new bottle is in line with the old, and the bottles are simple shorter and skinnier. Thankfully, things like Skooma bottles, and the other drinks found in Solstheim are of the right scale. TL;DR: Potions in Skyrim are massive, I want them to all be scaled smaller, or to even have their meshes (and textures) replaced to something more "vial" like.
  12. I don't know if it's possible but if someone could build a mod containing scaled settlement objects like floors and walls. I'd love to see half and double sized versions of the basics. TIA
  13. i want to resize an ammo backpack mesh- i've changed the scale value of every block from the list, but when i launch the game, all of it results in either the backpack staying the same size, or just disappearing does anyone know how could i resize it?
  14. In mods like gojira, there is like a 20 ft tall deathclaw. How would I go about making a 20 ft tall mirelurk for instance? I know there is player set scale or actor set scale, but that is local to my machine and that specific game , isnt it? How do I get the actor/object model to just be big? Like a human sized bottle of nuka cola?
  15. As the title suggests, I'm trying to resize most of the weapon models in nifskope so they appear smaller in game. Why ? I'm making a 7ft tall player character :pirate: and would like to scale the weapons so they don't appear comically large when equipped. Luckily enough, the game already uses separate weapon models for NPC's and the player character so I dont have to worry about affecting the weapon sizes of NPC's (NPC's use low poly models and player character uses high poly models). In Nifskope, I've been trying to use TRANSFORM -> SCALE to 0.83 then TRANSFORM -> APPLY on the "0 NiNode" for the "44_1.nif" for the .44 magnum receiver just to see if it's do-able. In game, everything "almost" scales properly, even the weapon attachments (like barrels etc) have oddly scaled and snapped into their correct positions. The problem is, certain animated parts of the revolver like the trigger and cylinder still retain their default scale and position (so clipping and ugliness galore). I've been poking around in the dark trying to get these bits to scale correctly. The only barely useful piece of information is a Nifskope warning when I hit TRANSFORM -> APPLY that says; "On animated and or skinned nodes Apply Transformation most likely won't work the way you expected it." ...no kidding poindexter :geek:. I've had a look at this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19446 and have determined that T41NT3D has accomplished what I want by re-scaling each individual BSTriShape for the 10mm pistol. What I don't understand, is how he managed to "precisely and correctly" re-position the BSTriShapes after they've been re-scaled. That method has also required T41NT3D to go and re-scale EVERY weapon attachment .nif for the 10mm pistol, where as my (albeit broken) way of just re-scaling a weapons receiver .nif negates having to do all that extra work (my current way oddly re-scales the weapon attachments automatically). Now in theory, I could re-scale the BSTriShapes and painstakingly "eyeball" them into the correct positions through trial and error... ...but that would take a RIDICULOUS amount of time to accomplish something so seemingly simple, I would also need to do the same for ALL the .nif weapon attachments too :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:. There must be a faster way... Does anyone have any idea how I can make this work? Or How T41NT3D re-scaled the 10mm and its attachments without taking a bazillion years? :confused: I don't remember how, but I did do something like this years ago for New Vegas, but I had to create unique weapons specifically for the player character to use because NPC's and the player character use the same weapon models for that game (fallout 4 is probably different anyway). I've been searching high and low for information, but it's like there's a tutorial drought for this particular topic. Cheers!
  16. Is a particular leveled item actually scaled when you get the quest where the item is, or when you actually enter the dungeon? In other words, would Valdemar's Shield be scaled after getting the Blood of the Divines quest or when you actually enter Sancre Tor? In other words, if you get the quest at level 14, but don't actually enter the dungeon until level 20, would you get the level 10-14 shield or the level 20 shield?
  17. SOLVED If you're encountering the same Mesh Size issue as I have then stress no more for we at the Nexus forums have got your solution. Simply scale down the object in Blender to 0.1 (NOT THE OBJECT VERTICES!) and export the object once finished. Instead of the over sized behemoth of a mesh you'd get before finding out this information. It will be down to scale correctly in-game like shown below. Happy Modding! - Ech0Chamber So I edited the Postman hat to fit my needs as a standalone personal mod. And I've spent the last week making it, and 4 of those days have been spent fixing the size. If I'm overlooking something or if there's an error I would like to know please. And for anyone else suffering that googled and is reading up on the same issue. I'm hoping this problem gets answered for both of us. If anybody with their amazing error goggles could spot the problem and give me things to try to fix it then I'd appreciate that very much as the noob of modding that I am. Attempts that failed * Scaling the geometry in Blender * Scaling the mesh in NifSkope - Yes I did apply transforms * Restarting my PC * Reinstalling Fallout 4 * Updating Nifskope * De-updating NifSkope * Scaling in Outfit Studio * Stabbing a cardboard box with a screw driver
  18. Simple modification of the Scale Armor to make a third standalone or replacer version. http://image.fvideo.cn/uploadfile/2011/10/31/img32503778623114.jpg A version of the Scale Armor without the chest piece as seen in the leftmost image, fitting for the berserker Nord who doesn't mind the cold. Something similar has been done by Aoki but it requires a nude mod and has no convenient NMM download. Here's the link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4002 Thanks in advance to anyone who picks this idea up. Perhaps it could be done with CaBaL's beautiful Scale Armor textures intact?
  19. CASTLE WARS - RTS/WARFARE MOD Ok guys I have a pretty big project I need YOUR help with.. Well that is to say I would thoroughly appreciate any help thrown my way or anybody who wishes to join me on this venture. So I love games like Age of Empires, Total War, Etc. And something I've always wanted to do was somehow implement this into Skyrim. See where I'm going with this. Now I already made a mod that accomplished this fairly well in my opinion. It was a popular Morrowind mod, Castle Wars. Here are some videos so you can get an idea of what I'm doing Video Walkthrough of Survival Mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iy386E-xc4 This part of the mod adds scaling waves of increasingly numerous foes in a round waves concept. It is split into phases of upkeep/recruitment, reinforcement, battle, and end phase. It is very fun and more casual than the primary mode. Successful implementation of this part will indicate the completion of the battle mechanics. Now as for the other mode, I've dubbed it Conquest Mode. It utilizes similar battle mechanics to survival however this is the full fledged gather, train, construct, and conquer RTS. You are placed into a new worldspace/landmass, there are strategic locations everywhere like mines, temples, villages etc. And your primary goal is to conquer the main cities (4 in the original) Forts like the one you'll start with allow you to train basic units however working your way up to conquer a city will allow you to construct new buildings in that city that provide unique functions such as more units, or naval fleets; naval battles were successfully implemented in the Morrowind version as well. FEATURES TO IMPLEMENT -Surival mode (Successful implementation will indicate the completion of the battle mechanics) -New Landmass (As in the other, it consists of multiple islands and a 'far east' landmass you can reach once you construct a naval fleet) -Integration into game and lore (Originally a landlocked people reachable by a dwemeri train trapped in a never-ending war) -Conquest mode (Includes resources, construction, training, and some sort of radiant quest and encounter system) Now I can handle most of this but to be honest people interested in taking up a little project would be of great assistance. I have just started learning papyrus so I am a beginner with scripts atm. If a more experienced scripter would lend a hand, this project could be kickstarted much faster, I literally have all the basic concepts in Morrowind script form so if you could translate the logic :D Anyone whose good with landmasses too. Well any help would be great :smile: STATUS -Landscaping has just begun CURRENT MODDERS -Me of course
  20. Now first of all I want to let everyone know that I have the rick tools for the Dunia, and a ridiculous amount of modding experience, at least in getting the ones created to work in my games and even making a couple extremely simple ones. But that's mainly on games very simple to do this for. Nothing like Farcry and all this .dat/.fat stuff....I know there are a couple mods out there with the ability to change the timescale, as well as reports on how to add it to your gamerprofile.xml much like you would the oblivion.ini back in the day. Sadly none of this works for me. No added lines do ANYTHING to my gamerprofile.xml and if it's an already written mod it doesn't work because either the mod comes with a BILLION extra things that completely change the game, or (and actually in most cases) it requires me to use the dunia unpacking and packing method which would be great but it won't run on my computer no matter if i try to start it with a command prompt or in any other manner recommended across the web, at least not yet. So if someone who is kind enough and has the time would be willing to simply do the unpacking and packing for me, and add the timescale option that's in the "super file 2.2" or even just add all of "super file 2.2" (it appears all the extra things I talk about not wanting are on that file, but are on a disable/enable basis) then upload it here that would be great. I don't want any other changes tho please, maybe the "better sights" mod but please, nothing else. Even if it isn't done in a manner where you enable me to customize the timescale, that's fine. But if that's the case and someone does this, just make it so a day takes at least 3 or so hours...I just want the time between dusk and dawn to be long enough to experience the night time...preferably about an hour of dark and 2 hours of day..that would be amazing.
  21. I've been thinking about making a fun boss mod with the biggest monsters possible, but the only satisfying way I could do this would be to somehow work around the scale cap the CK allows. This just isn't big enough for what I want. I tried opening the standard creature mesh and skeleton in nifskope > transform > edit > scale, but it doesn't seem to actually change the scale in the CK. I admit my skills in nifskope are limited so maybe someone on here would like to make a suggestion to get this idea working? Once I can get a true colossus creature working I can start doing the clever stuff to make some interesting fights :)
  22. A mask (or helmet) based on Alduin's nose. Seriously, it already looks like a mask. http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w354/JustAnotherWebSurfer/134cd8ae-2b3a-4732-b782-c310fec70b32_zps884b6eeb.jpg Could be the mask alone, or accompanied by a hood, or a full helmet. As for acquisition, whatever works. Personally, I prefer console command spawning, as it's minimally invasive on the game world. Could also be a drop from Alduin himself.
  23. would be cool if anyone could make this armor but with a bit darker red :wink: thank for viewing if yu need more pics just ask me :smile: links below http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/276741/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/276745/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/276797/?
  24. So yesterday I dropped my request for a really good extra hotkeys mod nexus community, today it's an in-game clock. There is obviously a ticking number somewhere in the game file of the time of day while you are in game. The timescale has been figured out in the lockedcontentlua or whatever, and you can then set a number to dictate how fact that timescale ticks...ok so SOMEWHERE the actual thing ticking must be accessible because we can set a number that dictates how fast it ticks. So how to show on the HUD, somewhere in a corner or something. It has to be there though, I mean it has to be. And with the timescale in the lua we are placing a number that dictates it, on this I'm just asking for a counter that displays it...if you can modify something about it, there HAS to be a way to just display it surely. So let's see if anyone out there can use some of the information we all have, maybe the lockedcontentlua wehre you can change the timescale in the patch files is a good start to see where the clock and/or counter is and how it could be displayed.
  25. Hey guys! I've got a strange glitch happening, and was wondering if any of the more experienced armor modders have seen it before, or might know what's causing it. I've got a set of custom armor I've been building in Blender for a mod, and it's almost finished. Everything is working great in game, except for this one little glitch. I built the armor on the size_0 body, then imported the size_1 and scaled all the armor components up to match. No verts were added or removed, only scaled/moved to fit on the larger body. I wanted to test the weight slider on the armor to make sure it was working correctly, and found this issue. At size 0, (the minimum on the slider), the armor looks perfect. It also looks perfect at size 1 (maximum). The problem is in between. The armor on the biceps and the pauldrons seem to compress, twist, and flip inside-out when the weight slider is anywhere in between the two extremes. At the mid-point, it looks like he's wearing scrambled eggs on his shoulders. :ermm: The rest of the armor scales up perfectly across the slider though, so it's just this one mesh. Anybody know what would be causing this? Thanks!
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