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  1. Hey guys, I already searched the Forum for a similar problem but it seems like I'm the only one. My problem: Since a few days the weapon switch animation is bugged. Whenever I change from one weapon type to another, the arms go back to the stance of the previous weapon (switching from bow to 2h sword -> holds Sword like the bow). This only occurs while running, other movement animations are not affected. Like I stated in the title I'm not using FNIS or other animation mods. I even did a clean install of Skyrim without any mods and started a fresh save game. The bug still persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Steparu
  2. If you are near Cal spaceship on Koboh Cal is using a running animation that is pretty similar to the one in the first game. If you get away from the ship Cal is automatically switching to the new goofy uptight animation. It would be awesome to have a mod when Cal always uses the more "chill" fallen order running-style animation. <3
  3. Hello modders! I am looking for a mod that makes your character bend (place his hands on his knees) when you run out of stamina. Just like the mod "feminine pickup animation" does. Thank you!
  4. Hello! I recently searched for mod that prevents player from running and sprinting and found idea, that it could be realised via SKSE and controls. So I tried to make a script, that checks if user equipped specific item (my script is attached to ebony boots), it then checks if player is running or sprinting and if so, holds shift button with player controls. The problem - nothing is happening in game. I think I made something horribly wrong with code, so I need help. I made only "Forward" for testing purposes, later I want to extend script for other controls. Scriptname ForceWalk extends Form ;Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ;Armor Property EbonyBoots Auto int bEquipped = 0 Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == Game.GetPlayer() bEquipped = 1 RegisterForControl("Forward") endif endEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == Game.GetPlayer() bEquipped = 0 UnregisterForControl("Forward") endif endEvent event OnControlDown(string control) if (control == "Forward") if Game.GetPlayer().IsRunning() == 1 || Game.GetPlayer().IsSprinting() == 1 if bEquipped == 1 Input.HoldKey(42) Debug.Notification("Forward") endif endif endif endEventPlease, help.
  5. Hey everyone, I have ran into some trouble with an activator, and whilst I can see the text to activate the object, the script doesn't seem to be running. The script is also saving with no errors and I am using GECK Powerup. Here is my script: SCN TVItemChoiceVertibirdScript Begin OnActivate If GetObjectiveDisplayed TVQuestM01 12 == 1 SetObjectiveCompleted TVQuestM01 12 1 SetObjectiveDisplayed TVQuestM01 13 1 SetStage TVQuestM02a 10 Disable MarkForDelete Endif End And here is the activator, in case I'm missing a setting there: http://i.imgur.com/kXIjyIV.jpg Hopefully this is a simple fix, as I need this part to work to advance the main quest. Cheers, BayK.
  6. right, i don't even know what to call this problem, so im having no luck with google. first, i use a 360 controller. recently when i run forward its like the game can't tell if im trying to run or walk. so it kinda rapidly switches between run and walk. and when i press A once the game responds twice, so equipping things is irritating and shopping and looting is a pain. i don't know enough to tell weather this is a game issue or a controller issue. but it seems to be exclusive to skyrim if u have a solution then i love u, but just identifying where the problem is would be great. EDIT- i should also note that its inconsistent in doing this. it won't happen every time i move or press A.
  7. I finished the main quest and traveled with Deacon to get his affinity up. After having his final talk about his past, he will no long run when he's a companion. He always follows me with a walk similar to how the characters approach you when they have something to say. When he does finally reach me he only gives one of his generic greetings. I've tried rolling through all his chat dialog and dismissing him and rehiring him but nothing works. I finished the game using the Minutemen workaround with the three factions alive.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWeLMnE_rbk this is a video i took of my game. ill provide more info as needed but it seems to persist even though i disabled all my mods i tried to use FNIS and idk if that contributes to the problem but how do i fix this? cant find anything online that helps thank you! : it seems I stutter like my character is alternating between running and sneaking speed, i attempted to crouch repetitively but it still persists
  9. Disregard. This issue has been fixed by deleting the female run right animation.
  10. I haven't any mods that alter the animals behaviour in Skyrim, but when I encounter the lesser prey type animals, foxes, goats, deer, elk and the like, they try to run away from me and get two or three strides away, then the running animation stops and then starts again, like the script is having bother firing and is constantly being reset to begin the whole process again. It's not a smooth running action or animation, it's very glitchy with starts and stops every couple of seconds. I was wondering if anyone has seen this behaviour as well, while not game breaking it can break my immersion in the game. I have the Unofficial Lengendary patch, the predators are fine plus the lesser creatures have no bother running or interacting with the predators, they run away from them just fine. It happens when I get close to them or get spotted by them that this occurs, it's not causing my game to crash or anything like that but it just jars your experience with the story playthrough, immersion that word again, if you will. I use LOOT and have cleaned my master files with TES5Edit. Like I said predators are fine they attack fine, it's just the prey animals that are having this glitch. Here's my mod list.
  11. Alright, so I have zero modding experience and this is my first post on these forums but I would love to begin modding so I've contrived a few humble but useful and interesting ideas for a mod. I hope you all could help me implement this. I'd like to make it myself so I didn't put it in the mod ideas section on these forums but, if it turns out to be beyond me I might repost this in Mod requests because I'd really like for this mod to exist. The Problem I'm Trying to Address: For me, the default vanilla Skyrim involves me hammering the Sprint button and draining it all the way down then waiting until the cooldown is off then rinse, repeat. This is actually pretty immersion-breaking for me as no one who runs long distance uses this style of alternating between Sprinting and jogging and I always find myself completely drained of Stamina when entering a battle outside. Also, constantly watching the Stamina bar really stops me from actually looking around the world. The Solution: Enter the Long Distance Running Mod. This mod will simply be to increase your default movement speed which decreases for each percentage of stamina you have missing. For each sustained bout of running you'll gain a debuff that removes 25% of your total stamina which is purged whenever you rest. The idea is that this mod will reward people for not spamming the Sprint button in long treks across Skyrim by making just not Sprinting, on average, to be faster. It will require some testing to figure out what feels right but some numbers could look something like this ------ Default w/o debuff at 100% Stamina: +100% Movement 1st debuff at 75% Stamina: +75% Movement Speed. 2nd debuff at 50% Stamina: +50% Movement Speed. 3rd debuff at 25% Stamina: +25% Movement Speed. 4th debuff at 0% Stamina: Normal Movement Speed ------- Time of sustained running for automatic 25% reduction in Stamina debuff to apply: 30 seconds. ------- Time to wait before debuff level is purged: 30 seconds. Also, I would like to have some sort of synergy with Skyrim Redone's Wayfarer perk toggleable via the mod configuration menu where the skill level for Wayfarer would determine positive values for the above. Also, I'd like for all those potential variables above to be manageable to fit other people's standards of realism or fun (for example, people could make the movement speed -25% at lower Stamina levels if they wanted) but I think toggling the Wayfarer option would I think disable the personal configuration because that seems redundant. I like the balancing of Skyre so I might consult the author of that mod for good variables. I think it would also be a good idea to have the movement speed returned to normal upon entering combat so as not to mess with the mechanics of the game too much. This would be good as a toggleable option. Alright so, any advice for programming this mod? And also, is it overcomplicated for a first mod? Also, do you all have any ideas on what good variables would be for this mod or perhaps entirely alternative approaches that would be simpler/better than this one? The biggest problem I can concieve of happening with this mod is how the debuffs are implemented. Ideally, I'd like to revamp the stamina bar entirely so that the debuffs occur by "shortening" the bar by mitigating by capping how high your Stamina could regenerate up to (so, for example, if you've run for a long time, you could only have access to 50% of your total Stamina but you could run even slower than you were supposed to at that Stamina level if you had Sprinted or used a power attack. Make sense?)
  12. ***SKYRIM MOD REQUEST*** This may or may not be a strange request, but I'd like someone to fix the player's walking/running speed on staircases. When you're running or walking down or up some stairs, you maintain the exact same speed you were moving on flat ground, whereas NPCs go slightly slower, realistically. Perhaps one could change the way the player walks on them completely, by making them take a step on each stair when walking and making them skip stairs while landing on individual steps when running or sprinting? I personally think this would be a really cool mod, and would make mostly people who enjoy RP quite satisfied.
  13. So some of the quests that add dialogue like the dialogue options from "Janus Forebeare's Fighting Words" mod (which is supposed to add a Brawl dialogue option to every NPC) apparently aren't running on start game for some reason. When I look at one of the characters I have where those mods were already active before this problem the dialogue does still show up though, it's only when I start a new game that the dialogue options aren't added. Anyone have any idea why?
  14. I've searched everywhere and I did not find a fix for my problem at all, so I thought of asking here instead: The tail-animation of beast races is rather buggy, as many other players might have experienced. For example the 'sideways-tail-glitch' of Argonians when sneaking. But yet, there's another glitch bugs me more: When running with either beast race, the tail starts to waggle rapidly from side to side; instead of waving smoothly as if responding to the body movement. When walking or sprinting the animations are totally okay. This has gone so far that I can not play as a beast race anymore since this little glitch annoys me that much... So if anyone out there knows how to deal with problem, so please share your answer now! I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm desperate for a solution but I did a great deal of searching for a solution on my own and I did not find a valuable piece information about the problem whatsoever.
  15. So I've been looking for a mod like this for a while. What I'd like is a mod that alters the 3rd person running, so you can look at yourself while running. The end result, hopefully will end of like what you can do in the DayZ mod (different game) by holding the Alt key. This means you can have a look at surroundings without having to stop, or turn around. If this is already a mod, I haven't found it :)
  16. Hi there, Mod Community :) It has been some years since I made some basic scripts (for Morrowind) and wanted to ask if anyone knows how to make a script that disables the ability to run and sprint in Skyrim, when applied to a piece of armor/clothing. I know it's basic stuff, but...
  17. If you've ever watched Pirates of the Caribbean you know how Jack Sparrow walks. Basically, an animation where you do the whole arm-wavey thing looking all drunk. It'd be interesting to have the PC walking like that.
  18. Hello all I am having a few problems today wondering if anyone can help me(sorry if this is posted in the wrong place) So first off and probably what will help the most is that BOSS is not detecting Oblivion so far i have tried these different steps: Ran Oblivion launcher Ran Boss thru Wyre BashHave boss installed in same folder as OblivionOblivion is starting up and running no problem but this is where my other problem comes is that my player is walking extremely slow so I have always run on but it just seems like I am running at a walking pace. I am wondering if my mod order is messing with things. Here are some screen shots of my Wyre Bash order http://imgur.com/a/iQTBv Thank you to anyone that reads this and helps me out its much appreciated:)
  19. Ok, this is pretty annoying, though not gamebreaking. First, this happens with a clean vanilla install, so mods are not the culprit. When I run up/down a slope, there is a bad jitter. The fps is unaffected, but the location of the player character (Hereby referred to as PC) "pops" up/down the hill instead of smoothly moving like it should. -This does not happen in first person view, when running on a very slight slope or when walking on the slopes. -This means that the glitch only happens when the PC is being rendered or is moving at a fair speed. -I am on Ultra settings, but it still happens on high just as badly. -The angle of the slope effects how badly the PC will "pop" up/down. -To be more clear, this is a visually annoying bug only, not causing me to have any problems otherwise. -To be clear about the nature of the "popping," when going up a hill, I will jitter up the hill instead of just running normally (and same for going down) -I have a theory that this is an issue caused by the PC clipping into the ground slightly, then the game corrects it and puts them where they should be on the slope, but this may be disproven by the fact that it happens when going downhill as well. Can anyone help me? I'm stuck and need the assistance of someone more familiar with the script of Skyrim.
  20. i don't understand why this happens when i'm running with bow. I was try fix them installing mods/animations of "running with bow" but this don't change Sorry if my english is bad , i speak spanish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQLXNoUYAc
  21. New Vegas really, really needs a good female running animation mod, looking from behind the arms and elbows are sticking out at almost a 90 degree angle ! It looks simply hideous, Skyrim has these mods that look wonderful, I just wish someone could port one over to this game or make a new one to replace the terrible vanilla one. I'm fairly certain that others out there would appreciate it as much or even more than me.
  22. Hello all, I have installed the FNIS Sexy move mod and have the SKSE installed, however, when I try to run in the game, while having my weapons drawed. My character will: -Be static -Have hands and legs in a weird stance -Not show any animations what so ever (just static xD) I'm not sure why it does this, but I would highly appreciate it if someone knew the issue here and could explain why this issue occurs. With greatful regards in advance, BeMental Picture http://imgur.com/EZaT0CU,3ar6pAL
  23. Hello, I'm currently working on a mod that will allow players to summon either stormclock reinforcements or imperial reinforcements depending on the player's affiliation in the civil war. I want to have the summoned guards follow the player like any follower(i.e. the follower runs when the player runs, or walks when the player walks). To accomplish this, I've used the PathToReference() function, and set the walkrun speed to 1.0. Nevertheless, no matter how far the player is, the guards only walk to the player. Any ideas? Thank you
  24. Hey, im making a new land mod and im having some issues with the wildlife. My land is all an island, and so it is fully surrounded by water. The problem im having is that the animals keep running off into the water, regardless of if I pursue them or not. I also have a graveyard/crypt type area, and it looks a bit stupid if there are loads of deer in there, as its supposed to be evil. Im asking if anyone knows a way in order to make a sort of invisible barrier so deers, rabbits and foxes etc cannot run into there. Is there some kind of marker, or is there no way to do it? Im open to all help that you give me, as this can get quite annoying Thanks Will :)
  25. I enchanted a legendary glass bow I smithed with soultrap and paralyze, 1 second each, resulting in approximately 1400 charges for both. Before I know it, it's completely drained. What. The. F*#k. So I reload a save, and yeah, after maybe 40 shots it's already half gone. Wanna hear a better one? I started using bound sword, and it's depleting my real sword's enchantment (legendary glass sword with mana drain + mana steal, about 70 charges). Yeah, I didn't even touch my glass sword, and the first time I use it since making it, it's completely depleted WTF I never had this issue before. I had a bow enchanted with soul trap and like 300 charges, and I've used that since I first made it, over 200 game hours. What the hell is this??!! Is double weapon enchanting completely bugged to hell? I've been working the entire game just to get that f#%%ing perk.
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