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  1. HEAVY SPOILERS ABOUT THE CAPPY IN A HAYSTACK ENDING Since I discovered that Bradberton was still alive but immobile, I found it a real shame we couldn't fit his head into the chassi of a Workbench robot just like we did with Jezebel, for whatever reason my twisted brain has. Caleb's voice is really easy to emulate and I can do that, however, I'm dumb as a door when it comes to moding stuff and don't really have the time to learn it (unfortunately). I have all Ada's transcripts and I could make those in Bradberton's voice (or the closest snough to it) provide someone help me with the rest: Modify the game in a way we get Bradberton's head and outfit it in a robot body built at a workbench. The lips and eyes doesn't even have to move, just basically make a copy of Ada and make it as a new NPC companion/settler with the new voice lines. Anyone willing to help?
  2. Hopefully possible to mod normal, human clothing and armor to be wearable by assaultrons? I'd love to play through with ADA (or another assaultron) trying to hide her robotic appearance by dressing like a human. The assaultron body looks human-shaped already so it shouldn't be impossible to believe they could wear human clothes, right? This is similar but only uses one outfit: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25946 This is close but seems to be a new race that requires all new clothing types to be created/converted and only wearable by the new race: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32801 Like this but as an assaultron: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13212 Think Nick Valentine but with an assaultron.
  3. I'm currently trying to add mods to a custom companion I've created in the CK. I'm trying to add the hammersaw and axe mods to an assaultron companion, does anyone know how I can do this from the CK?
  4. It occurred to me that a lot of people enjoy cybernetic mods, and the good modders at nexus have supplied a plethora of them, albeit most are female-only. SO why not make everyone's life easier and create a compendium for all of them? Feel free to add/suggest mods for this thread. Android - Synth Girl 2.5 Bodysuits (Male version in the works) Augmentation (Male Version) Be A Machine - Playable Handy Bot Be A Machine - Playable Robots Commonwealth Prosthetics - Synthetic Arm Courser Ghost-Spectre X-92 Mashup Crimsomrider's Accessories (AWKCR-AE) CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics Cyborg - Metal IQ Edition Evil Detective Synth Arm(or) EXALT Cybernetics LooksMenu Synth Body Replacer (EVB or vanilla male) Playable Synths Robotica Enhanced Body Sol's Six Thousand Implants SynthGirl iCompanion Framework
  5. Hi, I want to make a new companion mod. I want to make R2-D2. I know the basics of the creation kit and would consider myself an intermediate user. I can also make a static mesh in 3dsMax, texture it and export it and have it work in game perfectly. I basicly dont know much about animation, or about how to set up a new npc model in the creation kit. Furthermore, I feel like if I make a static mesh, there might be some way to mesh it in with the automatron robot mechanics, but I cannot seem to find any tutorials anywhere about how to edit settings involved with automatron and I cannot even seem to figure out how to build a custom robot :/ Could anyone lead me in the right direction to figure out how to do these things? I would love to be able to make this mod and release it for everyone! I would also leave open permissions so anyone else could make a fallow you around robot mod xD
  6. K-2SO from Rouge One. It just popped in my head and I couldn't live with myself if I didn't put it out somewhere for someone to see. I have no idea if it is possible but damn it would be cool.
  7. I found that I can in creation kit add a robot fine, but what if I wanted to make him able to be modded on the workbench ? The Keyword DLC01ModdableBot but that only allows me to bring him up on the WorkBench and I dont seem to have any options but rename. How can I get it so I can add mods or remove them on a robot that I already created in creation kit ? Any Takers ?
  8. so in fallout 4 all settlements have a happiness rating made by all settlers. now as an oversight robots have a maximum happiness of 50 rather than 100 the same as the human settlers. so any time you have too many robot settlers it can tank your settlement happiness. and with robots being the most efficient at certain tasks and the only ones available at certain locations this can cause false negatives and impede human settler growth. if possible just setting their max to 100 would be best. but other solutions to fix this issue would be great.
  9. Genesis A Custom voiced Dwemer robot follower. You'll be able to find him in an undecided Dwemer ruin. Backstory: Genesis was once a prototype for a cutting edge Dwarven foot soldier before the Dwemer mysteriously dissapeared The mesh was provided from Vicn Creature Pack! Thanks to Vicn for this awesome mesh I then decided he needed a lil somethin somethin to make him stand out above the rest of the followers. He needs a weapon, hes a robot after all! Dwemer Arm Gun This arm gun was provided by Mahty I added the gun as like a cosmetic along with the mesh as well. The way he shoots is pretty much an invisible staff that you cant see at all! It even has its own projectile also made by Mahty! Genesis with Dwarven Armor I then decided that I hate lookin at his face and wanted to see what happen if I added the Dwarven armor to him Then I wondered what it'd look like with dwarven boots I then decided that he needed a way to protect him self since hes strictly range Class and just to make him more badass I have him a shield
  10. I've been trying to find an answer to this subject for some time and I was hoping someone with a better understanding of NIF nodes could help me out here. What I'm trying to do is make it so that an NPC pulses their mouth's glow map (and, preferably, their diffuse map, as well) whenever they talk, similar to how robots like protectrons blink their eyes or other glowing parts whenever they talk to simulate lip sync. I've tried copying some of the nodes from robots onto my NPC's mouth mesh, but I've had no success so far. Is there anyone who could give me an education on this from the ground up?
  11. Can someone make a mod that adds more robot paints in the robot workbench? Like a brighter pink or a lighter green?
  12. I'm not sure if this isn't just too silly of an idea, but here it goes: Remember F:NV, where E-DE could cook food for you? (I think he could do even more, but I forgot) Now, what I suggest are special robot modifications which would allow you crafting on the go. Cooking is the simplest one, maybe make sentries actually have it for free, with their overheating problems :D Other crafting mods would then reduce the robot's carry weight, maybe also armor and movement speed. Even better if the robot's inventory could be used for the crafting. Of course, a robot could have only one integrated bench. I think the greatest problem would be to actually access the crafting option, with the dialogue having only 4 options and all. Maybe something similar to the "E) talk, R) hack" thing could be done? edit: damn. could a kind mod fix the typo in the title? Of course I meant "Robots with integrated workbenches"
  13. I'm surprised that I didn't find anything about that in the forum here. Apparently it happened before. Anyway, after the patch 1.6 and the whole CTD crap around it, I noticed that all my robots except Ada and Jezebel reverted to basic protectrons. Well I guess there is no saving for those robots besides of cheating back all of the crafting materials to rebuild them, but, is there any known cause for that? Something to avoid in order to keep the bots? Are some mods known to do this? My load order:
  14. I don't know about anyone else, but I was extremely disappointed in the limited number of voice options available for automatron robots. More specifically the inability to use vanilla robot voices for them. That is what I am hoping for, for some kind modder to let me add the vanilla robot voices to my Automatrons. Most particularly: - Mr Handy - Miss Nanny - Mr Gutsy - Gen 1. Synth If that can be done, expansions could include Liberty Prime, Whitechapel Charlie and all those nutters aboard the USS Constitution. And perhaps even some new voices created by willing modders down the line. For the meantime though its primarily Mr Handy that I want, I am still flabbergasted that they left out the most basic and obvious voice of them all. This would be a must have mod for many players I believe. Thank you. Goatcha Manderallion.
  15. So I am currently doing a play through of a totally antisocial mechanic of sorts, and don't want anybody in my settlement. That being said I am playing on survival mode and would really like a doctor. If I don't want any settlers, the doc you get after getting the upgraded clinic isn't an option. My character is going to be focusing heavily on robots and the automatron DLC. I know that there are "autodocs" of sorts in the lore, and I'm pretty sure I remember even seeing a model for one so it probably wouldn't be that hard to do, but I don't know the first thing about modding so I really can't do it. Anyone out there willing to take up this project?
  16. First off, while I'm playing survival mode with various mods (only a paint mod for robots), the game behaved in the exact same way on a separate vanilla non-survival save. At the robot workbench, when modifying/upgrading a robot the workbench will select an entirely different part than the one I wanted. It will even come up with "Make Leg Left Hydraulic Frame?" dialog that the parts. When I press enter/e or left click to accept it will build something random like a serrated, actuated, voltaic, etc. and then the parts are consumed. This will repeat if I try again, creating that same incorrect part while the correct one is selected, until I leave the workbench or reload the save/game. Alternatively, I will get a CTD. It also will show mods that I have the parts and perk requirements for, but disallow me from creating them. I will attach a picture as an example. I had the requirements for the one side, but the other is inexplicably grayed out. http://i.imgur.com/MyIuW9A.jpg It's a very frequent issue. I have to save at least and reload seven times while creating a robot from start to finish. It's at the point where I am having to place a bed next to the workbench to save after every limb. Search engines haven't helpful, all I'm getting is the XP crafting exploit, unrelated things like that even when searching for exact phrases so I've turned to you guys. Has anyone else found a solution to these bugs? Is anyone else experiencing them? Thanks in advance. Has anyone else found a solution to these bugs? Is anyone else experiencing them? Thanks in advance.
  17. How hard would it be to create a Customizable Roboscorpion with the unique scavenged armor of the Automatron robot armors?
  18. If you scrap everything at Greygarden with, well, Scrap Everything, all the robots stop working and go hang out by the workshop. They seem to have been assigned to specific plants and once those are gone they won't take care of new ones, even when reassigned. I'm looking for something that fixes that issue and lets them take care of new plants once their old ones have been scrapped. Hell, I'd be happy with just an animation marker that they'll interact with that makes them look busy.
  19. Title, i'd like to have more robot weapons, i know about Weapon system overhaul, but its outdated and doesnt satisfy me, i'd like some ballistic weapons such as .44/.38/.308 arm guns or some scrap pipe robot weapons can't find anything :(
  20. Could anyone add in variants of the robot laser and automatic laser weapons (the "standard" models, not the protectron versions) that deal damage on par with the gatling laser? I prefer the look of the normal laser/automatic laser weapons over the gatling laser, which more often than not tends to clash terribly with my robots overall design.
  21. Greetings Nexus community My request is related to automatron, It is one of my favorite six dlc's for FO4. But the real reason for this thread is its potential, Now we can customize robots, switch parts, new armors for them.......BUT! What of new limbs? That's right I'm talking about new legs, arm weapons that take up the whole arm slot (no hands like rail cannons and missile batterys). One good example of robots (okay kinda robots.....THEY LOOK THE PART!) is from the Metal Gear series. I request a modder or modding team to make new robot limbs and animations for them, pictures below for references. PS. couldn't figure out how to upload pictures on here so they will be in sections. 1st. Rex and one metal gear
  22. I wanting a mod where you can play a robot that can be customized with automatron, maybe start as a protectron or something and become stronger by gathering parts and data. New items to help the illusion of being a machine, robot repair kit replace stimpack and scrubber or grinder would clean off rust (replacement for rads) Could maybe get rust resistant metals later on help with the rust. Then maybe Action points stay same. Could have it when it rains rust start to build, walking though water or in moist areas like a sewer where it dripping and stuff. Those are my thoughts for a mod, would love this a lot.
  23. We've got Factory DLC and mods that let us build things automatically as passive scrapping comes in from settlements (especially if you have resource cap removal mods). We have a mod that lets you create synths by using a human character as the prototype. Why not merge those 2 concepts? Create a prototype at your robot workstation, put the robot in the prototype containment device, watch as resources flow from your settlement inventory into the auto factory and your robot becomes mass produced for combat. should be able to tell the actual resources required for the robots specific configuration. Maybe make containment and or manufacturing modular so you can have multiple lines of same robot, or one line producing multiple robots in sequence... I could see this working really well if integrated with some RTS type mechanics for some sort of settlement conquest mod. Build a robot army and fight other game factions trying to capture settlements and other strategic locations. Have your robots from your factory automatically go to a specific location as a rally point, or attack at once when a certain number of robots have gathered, etc. Alas, that is a topic for another day.
  24. This is an advanced version of the standard Assaultron model, made for assassination, infiltration and squad based tactics, but was never fully manufactured when the bombs fell. However, there are enough prototypes already made for them to venture out into the world and find their targets where ever they may be. Targets can be anything they perceive is a threat to America since that was what they were programmed to do; eliminate threats to America with extreme prejudice. Now that's the lore, but my real reason I want these in my game and in other's games is simply because I love Assaultrons and I want to play as one, while being able to use guns and do everything a human can do but better. Perhaps even wear some clothing and armour for full customisation. âHow I imagine this working is if someone took this design I've made and put it on a human or synth skeleton rig and move on to game functionality, then textures, graphics and all that technical stuff I barely understand. But I know it can be done, I've seen it be done. Now I can't make this mod by myself; I don't know how. If I could I would have already made it, but I can't. So I must turn to you guys and girls who have the skill to make this happen, to please take pity on a enthusiastic dreamer, and use your talents to make something amazing. If this dose happen, I hope it can be made for the Xbox. Sorry PS4 but this might not work for that platform since this might have to use external assets. But who knows, maybe someone with the right know and how can work around it. Concept art here, it might be a limited reference but it's a start. Message me to show your interest or thoughts on the idea, I could use some insight and maybe discuss how this could come about. http://pre12.deviantart.net/026b/th/pre/f/2017/127/2/8/assaultron_commando__mod_concept_by_predman1227-db8g9n5.png http://pre01.deviantart.net/0171/th/pre/f/2016/279/6/2/heat_of_battle_by_predman1227-dak4cau.jpg http://pre12.deviantart.net/d6c9/th/pre/f/2016/277/8/5/fallout__what_it_means_to_be_human_by_predman1227-dajwau2.jpg
  25. There a lot of mods about weapon, power armor, defense, etc If i not wrong There isn't a single mods about a new robot (not synth) So can someone make it? Thanks b4 Note : I don't know who is this.... It's just look cool (i think :P) https://sketchfab.com/pa/collections/40k You can use another source too
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