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  1. I want to hide his stupid-looking eyes when he wears a Sarugami helmet.
  2. It disturbs me how the Iron Armor appears rusted, it's suppose to be brand new armor, not ancient armor or anything, so is there or someone can make a retexture of the Iron Armor so it doesn't look rusted, you know, make it more gray-er like in this picture?:
  3. So I downloaded the Animated Dragon Wings and all I'm trying to do is change the color of the wings. I'm using GIMP and Nifskope. I pulled out the texture, made it the color I wanted, put it with the mesh, and I thought that would be all she wrote. In game however, instead of being the electric blue and black wings I wanted, I got a solid purple color. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Any advice would be appreciated. Also instead of creating a new mesh, I just overwrote an existing one to make things easier. I'm not sure if that would cause the issue, but awell. And I noticed upon examining the other wing textures, they have a transparency (the gray and white checker pattern) on the entire image whereas mine only has it in the background. If that is the issue, if someone could explain how to add it to the foreground as well, that's be great.
  4. hi So ive been diging around for a mod that chnages the BOS paint to be silver and blue like in fallout 3 instead of red and black, I know the outcast idology took over But i want to use the mod that lets you become elder via restored cut content and bring the Lyons idiology back, they were the true BOS, roger maxon wanted to protect people, and thats what Lyons does while collecting tech inssead of hiding in a hole or acting like tyrants. Anyways ive seen a mod or two that let the player make thier armor lyons style, but none that change the NPC's, which is what I need. A guy who quit modding made this Lyons paint he made: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2695 open to use so if someone could replace all the in game BOS power armor textures, including the cut knight captain, sergeant, commander, and initiate paints as well as Maxons elder paint with that mod I would love you, Id do it myself but I dont know how or have the time to learn to make mods.
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