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  1. Hi! How are aspens retextured in Skyrim CK (or is it even possible?) ? I have aspen branches in my unpacked skyrim texture files but there are no texturesets for tree braches (that I could find) in CK. Only the tree bark. Also, when I click on the tree, I only get the window that prompts me to upload a model for the tree. All this has me STUMPED... I tried to search for tree retexturing tutorials but I couldn't find them. Is retexturing a tree the same as retexturing a weapon? I have never tried to do that, so I don't know. If you know a good tutorial about tree textures, could you drop me link, please?
  2. Would it be possible to do a retexture of the hood that simply hides the PC's face? I'd love that mod. Alternatively... is there a tutorial I can follow that shows me how to do it?
  3. So, basically i'm working on a Circle of Steel expansion mod, by adding a Perk enabling you to join them, and thus after some hard labor and item hoarding, craft the CoS Infiltrator Suit of The BLACKJACK pack of YanL, which i reworked to feature interactive night vision, a functionnal Stealth Field (a bit more than just the Chameleon effect lol) , new stats, tons of recipes to craft and maintain it and so on. I'm now at the stage where i'm implementing it in the world and i was thinking it could be cool for the mod to feature a unique weapon (like a plasma rifle or a scoped laser rifle, with a whitish retexture and a BoS logo on it) going alongside it. If anyone is interested in helping me (me and weapons retextures are enemies), i would be super happy! (credits being of course due when/if i release it) VoidKing02
  4. Hello, I would like to request a new robe retexture. All we really have right now is Clean and Improved Mage Robes Only - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24255, Armor and Clothing Extension Robes Only - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67458, and Opulent Outfits Vanilla Texture Replacer SE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41079. These are all great mods, but we really need to retexture the different mage robes and robes in Skyrim with a high quality and a approach of realism "what would they actually wear?" Another approach could be to gather multiple retextures and give them out using SPID. That's all. Thank you!
  5. I've been trying with little success to retexture FX0x01 AK74M to look like the Kalash from Metro Redux. Is there anyone else out there who'd be willing to do it?
  6. Good day Everyone, As I've attempted to mod my FNV into something like modern shooters; from animations, HUD to gun audio, let's say I've achieved what I'm trying to reach by browsing the mod archives. But when I've searched for a good "gun smoke mod", I only found one (Better smoke and ballistics) it is not even good; and also not working anymore. Hell, even GTA San Andreas had a better gun smoke. Can someone make a mod out of this without using any ENBs and make some adjustments to the muzzle flashes to make it smaller. Here's an example of how I want it to look like https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20872/? . Thank you.
  7. I spent a couple of hours searching for a tutorial on how to retexture a laser beam but alas I have yet to find one and so I come here. I would like to retexture the assaultron laser for a mod I'm making but I am unsure of where the textures go or even which textures I will need. Does anyone know how or know of a tutorial that can explain how to retexture a laser beam?
  8. Out of all armors in the game, the imperial armor is that one armor set that has no HD, and highly detailed, retexture. You, like the aMidianBorn retextures. I know the light/studded version of the imperial armor has a retexture. But the heavy one does not. Also, someone at the Nexus did start one, but he did not finish it and stopped the project. I have looked at the Nexus, but could not find a good retexture that fits in the game. My request: is there someone who wants to retexture the Imperial heavy armor and the imperial sword? Much appreciated :) Thanks
  9. Hey! I'm brand new to modding - not got the slightest idea what I'm doing - and I'm trying to open the malebody_1.dds file so I can add some tattoos to it. The skin texture is actually from the Tempered Males mod, and I'm able to open the hand textures fine but not the body textures. I had the exact same problem with trying to edit a completely different Fallout 4 skin too, and I'm no closer to solving it now :\ Is there something I have to do with the file before I can edit it? I've tried GIMP and Paint.Net and neither have been able to open the malebody_1.dds file. Thanks!
  10. Can someone point me in the direction of a good male retexture mod that doesn't have too high res and isn't too porcelain? Something prettier but still fitting the theme of the game. Thanks in advance! Eh, Eh, forget it lol. Gonna just stop being lazy
  11. First sorry on my English, not native language. I'm not good in modding, so i have request. Texture replacement for any car in Homemaker mod, just for fun, like decoration in my garage. Thanks. -A
  12. Can someone make a HD coat that work on UNP like makise chris by Nausicaa, black/white or both? just the coat :3
  13. Basically, change the glass textures in the game to a transparent, well, glassy look.
  14. So I was wondering if there's a mod out there that can refit the minutemen into the brotherhood of steel attire? I'm a big BoS fan, but I like to support the minutemen to get them back on their feet, but then I like to think outside the box that once the Prydwn leave's the commonwealth, they'll need someone to watch over the commonwealth. What better way than to I guess fold the Minutemen militia into the BoS. Now i'm not looking for anything serious, just a BoS reclothing mod for the minutemen npcs. If there is such mod, please let me know if not, than I hope I gave someone the idea to try... I'm not really a modding expert so I can't say how it works. Oh and here's an extra idea, after we find a way to refit the Minutemen into brotherhood clothes, we should give the Castle a Brotherhood of Steel look. PS Sorry for misspelling "apparel" in the title.
  15. Dear modders, I'm using AMM mod and the knight arms/legs are RED. Yes, they are soooo red and I know it is because those pieces come from the NPC. So I would like to have a request. Please, retexture the Orange/Green cape into RED so it would match with the rest of the armor. I have seen some cape retextures but they are either brown or black. I know mine is a little odd, but since I have zero experience with modding, I have to ask the bigger community for help ---> Modders. Best Regards, A Witcher Fan.
  16. I recently made a mod that retextures the prydwen and some other brotherhood items. I didn't use the creation kit at all during the process. How do I make it into an .esp so I can port it to Xbone?
  17. Hello, I have a request for a retexture of the Minuteman General armor with the same CBBE body as Deserter X's Courser X-92 Power Suit. I don't mind it being a little slooty, but not overly so that she's just wearing a metal bikini under a jacket. Thank you so much for those of you taking your time to read the requests! You're awesome.
  18. So not only am I relatively new to modding, but I am new to PC gaming in general. So I apologize in advance if some of my questions seem rather obvious. I am an graphic designer by trade and I thought it be interesting to do some retextures of some of my favorite weapons, but I am not exactly sure about how to tackle that. I know that I will need to use a program called igp11, but I am not sure where to obtain the original textures for any given weapon or armor so I can modify it, say in Photoshop. I watched a few videos regarding texture dumping/overriding, but there wasn't really an explanation for where to obtain the original textures. Also, I am curious, if I mod a weapon will someone that summon me see the retexture or does it only appear on my screen? Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Who knows, maybe down the line someday I might be able to put out some awesome textures for everyone. Fingers crossed.
  19. Can someone, anyone, please make a mod that turns ghouls into Hulk Hogan? Please? I'll love you forever.
  20. One of my all time favorite movies is Dragonheart. I've tried to myself, but I could not give Odahviing a reskin that resembles Draco from dragonheart. If someone could do so, please. Draco is one of my favorite childhood heroes. <3 Heres a picture for reference.
  21. Hey everyone, I've been trying to get my retexture mods to work on the PC version of Fallout 4, but no matter what I try they won't seem to load. I have altered the .ini files to include the required edits, I have ensured that the textures are loading into the appropriate folders (both by using NMM, the Bethesda mod loader application, and manual installation), I have downloaded and installed f4se_loader.exe and have attempted to load from it's executable, from NMM itself (leaving it open and closing down after launch), and simply from launching from the standard fallout4.exe. As examples, these are the mods I have loaded that I immediately noticed weren't working: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/1046641 (Pipboy is still default) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/866284 (No visible door) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/894349 (Default textures visible) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/774312 (Old bridge remains) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/1721959 (Trees still dead) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/1291006 (Dogmeat is default) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/945534 (No grass) Mods that include new items such as https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/800988 will load properly, I can find the items, but the textures will be missing, making the item invisible. https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/882303 Will load properly however, I can see and select all hair types. Any ideas?
  22. I have a couple of machete mods, where I have writing on one side of the machete. But on the other side it's like the letters bled through the blade. So it looks like the letters are backwards while using it in the first person view. Is there any way to either make the words look correct on both sides of the blade or to just make one side not have any words? I don't see any part for the other side of the blade in the texture files. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  23. Yeah. The bullets look like this and I have no idea how to fix it. I've tried everything.
  24. All the Witcher gear swords are really lame looking but still the best I have right now. I find a lot of really sweet looking swords all the time that are weak af. I'd love for someone to change the texture of these swords to look a little more unique and interesting. You know, like with unique hilts and serrated, wavy, or some sort of uniquely designed blade.That would be really sweet! Thank you!
  25. Hello. I don't speak English natively so sorry if you can't understand something. I'm trying to make new clothing with retexture of vanilla Miner Clothes. I extracted minerclothes.dds and minerclothesf.dds from .bsa archive, made changes to the texture in GIMP and put them with changed names in Skyrim/Data/Textures/(Mod name) folder. I opened CK, loaded only Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, duplicated Miner Clothes object, changed ID, name, clicked on Edit, next to the path to .nif model, and then changed textures to mine. I went into the game and changes are visible in inventory, but not on characters. I also retextured other clothes before with this video - . It always worked, but now it's the same story. Changes are only visible in inventory. Anyone know what might be going on here? Maybe I'm missing something?
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