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  1. Could someone please make a mod that just restores content cut out of the final games by Bioware/EA such as dialogue and extended cut scenes? Project Variety https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1481 restores a lot of cut content from LE3, but also adds a whole lot of stuff I would prefer not to have to deal with
  2. Is it at all possible to reintegrate the original Peter Parker model into the PC port? It's a long shot but is he buried in the files or something?
  3. Hi I am trying to work out what I would need to turn the Draugr Overlord at Bleak Falls Barrow early on in the game. I am coming up with conflicting data saying that dual casting restoration turn undead spells do/do not affect higher undead levels. Lot of posts around but not always clear. I have heard only Circle of Protection gets such a bonus from dual casting - not the turning undead spells? http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Circle_of_Protection "Restoration Dual Casting, affects undead 220% levels higher. These perks stack; thus the levels of undead that will be affected are:" Can anyone who actually knows, maybe done it themselves, comment to this? Would appreciate it. Thanks.
  4. So... I was thinking about character, who uses some kind of weapon not for fighting, but for healing allies. To do such a thing, we would need either: - Set Weapon to 0 damage (If it's a bow - also prepare arrows with 0 damage) and prepare enchantment wich will heal target you hit with that weapon - Set Weapon to negative damage wich maybe would heal stuff you hit with it (this I'm not sure if it's possible, never tried do it myself) In first case there is no way to buff enchantment, unless you write a perk wich will make your character make better use of all enchantments by level of enchantment? I guess? Ordinator introduce perk wich makes your character have bigger benefit from all enchantments and are stronger for him/her by 10% (only for him/her and already placed enchantments too, if you found ring wich give 60 health, everyone you give ring to will get 60 health but you (with that perk) 66 health because of that buff). That same mod also introduce several perks wich becomes better as you gain experience. In second case you actually get stronger heal if you are better at archery, as all buffs for damage now will multiply on negative base number - that means even smaller number, and even more heal. If that make sense... You could also then buff weapon with restoration enchantment/enchantments. While I don't know if Skyrim suports negative values for weapons, first idea can be already made using SkyTweak and Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim mods. First mod allow you to set basicaly every aspect of game - from damage you deal (wich you can set even to 0) to gained experience, how dificulty levels work, you can also set resistances you have and set amount of perks, stats, dragon souls your character have... basicaly every aspect of the game. Also small cheats like how much plants you get from harvesting, how many enchantments you can place on item... Second mod basicaly give multiple interesting enchantments, including one wich heals target. I really liked idea for enchantment, because you could sudently create healer wihout any magica investment... non-mage healer. Archer who don't care for kills but more care for his companions, or maybe heavy roleplay character who have a bunch of followers, you pretend they are some sort of robots and you "repair" them using mace... Why not... The problem was the fact that even with that enchantment you still deal damage... It doesn't need to be big damage, but as long as you damage something, it can become aggresive towards you. Even followers can turn hostile. That problem desapear once you set both right enchantment on your weapon AND set damage you deal on all weapons to 0%... Well... that creates another problem... Maybe you want to heal allies only sometimes and other times you wanted just use other weapon to deal actual damage? The only way to make that work is to swich back and forth from passive healer settings, to normal settings. You also need to somehow train your battle skills for stuff like rapid attacks, so you heal even more in shorter time as you aply enchantment more often. Also because that healing enchantment is a part of Restoration magic (I mean - destruction based enchantments are buffed by destruction school, so this is buffed by restoration school), and because you don't get extra experience from just healing targets that way, to make this enchantment stronger you basicaly need to grind both Restoration and Enchanting to make miracle set of healing warriors. So... I wanted in general ability to negate all damage choosen weapon deal, so you can then put healing enchantments on it while not making NPC new enemies, or as alternative set of weapons wich would be dedicated for healing only (all have 0 damage or negative damage) - the best would be in both enchanted and not enchanted versions. Thanks for reading such long post. Have a good day/night.
  5. i have been looking for a mod to cure followers and npcs of poison, disease, and perhaps other effect, but to no avail. why do we not have this already? and as someone who runs a lot of "Zombie outbreak" type mods i can say without a doubt that it would be vary useful having a spell that could cure them. for example SkyrimZ, Lore Friendly Zombies, and similar mods have some sort of "Virus" or infection that acts as a long lasting poison, having the ability to dispel magical effects, or cure poisons that are effecting another, not just yourself, would be vary useful. PS: it would be awesome for those who want to do a plague doctor character.
  6. So as the title says, a mod that allows Wards to block physical damage and not just spells. I tried to look around the creation kit, but I've no idea where to look (I examined greater ward, but don't know what to do). So if anyone knows what to do, or wants/will do it. Please let me know.
  7. So, I created a mod for Dark Souls 2 a few years ago that fixed the tiling textures that plagued that game to the best of my ability and the ability of the modding tools. Now, while Dark Souls 3 doesn't have any problems with tiling textures, what it does suffer from is missing textures, which appear silvery, as if the specular map is present but the texture itself is absent. I am willing to create the mod myself, but I decided to wait until I have played both DLC before risking getting myself softbanned by modding the game, since I was banned from Scholar of the First Sin for using either ReShade or DS2Fix (SotFS edititon), so I am being more cautious than usual. Luckily, I found that my SotFS ban disappeared when I checked on it recently after leaving the game for over a year so who knows what happened with that. So, I wanted to know if anyone can confirm that the missing textures can indeed be replaced/fixed using iGP11? Or, would anyone be willing to attempt this themselves, or to send this kind of bug report to a FromSoftware/Bandai Namco bug report service (interesting to note that the missing texture in Wolnir's room WAS fixed in today's update). I'll provide a list here of all missing textures that I discovered: -1: In front of the Cathedral of the Deep when viewed from the Undead Settlement, especially visible near the Taurus Demon or on the tower next to the Giant Archer. -2: On a root on the Road of Sacrifices, near a Corvian early on. -3: On the top of the building you enter the Road of Sacrifices through, on the little spires. -4: Along the whole side of the bridge where you fight the Stray Demon. -5: On little spikes along the side of the bridge where you fight the Stray Demon. -6: Three pieces of rubble on the Stray Demon bridge. -7: On the distant bridge visible from the Cathedral of the Deep. -8: On two trees visible in the Undead Settlement visible from the Cathedral of the Deep. -9: On part of a broken roof in Castle Lothric Dragon Barracks above some Lothric Knights. -10: Along the arched bridge above the two dragons in Lothric Castle near the two dragons. -11: On the side of a building after the Dragonslayer Armor and before the Grand Archives. -12: On rocks at Archdragon Peak, along the path at the start. I will continue to update all known missing textures I discover and provide screenshots of all locations. I have likely missed or forgotten a few things that I observed in my past playthroughs. Here is a dropbox containing screenshots of all texture issues I noticed so far: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/faonkulrmurz0xm/AADqFGqRm3iLKdtrwl_mUKgMa?dl=0 Additionally, while not a missing texture, there is some ugly z-fighting on the lilly pad clusters in the Crucifixion Woods, especially to the right side as you descend the path from where Anri of Astora and Horace are. I thought it might be possible to fix this by "trimming" the lilly pads along the edge of the cluster where the z-fighting is present. While also not a missing texture but still an environmental glitch so I thought I'd include it anyways, I also discovered seams in the world in various spots. I found one at the Road of Sacrifices just outside of the Cathedral of the Deep in the area occupied by an Evangelist and two Undead Footmen. There are also two seams in the Mountain Pass area in Ariandel, near the wolf ambush before the Millwood Knight with the bow on the narrow cliff. There are also two seams at the roots of two trees in the Crucifixion Woods. I also found a seam on a pile of bodies in the crypt beneath Ariandel Chapel near all the flies. Finally, I found a box clipping through three other boxes in the Undead Settlement. Screenshots of them have been included. I'd appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions, requests, or help! But, again, I will personally not take active action in this until all DLC or all patches are out, both to ensure that a softban doesn't hurt my experience with the game significantly and to not bother fixing something that FromSoft could fix in a future patch anyways.
  8. Requesting someone to make a ward spell (and corresponding mesh) that protects full body, witcher style Edit : Apparently there is already witcher quen sign by kittytail, full body ward but its not simple ward, heavily scripted Also ward function redux does this by implementing 4 individual ward at angle, which also different.
  9. Hey everyone its Mace, I have another request for some anxious modders out there. If anyone has every played Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna, by microsoft games, around 2002 I think? They had an awesome little system for mages that the skyrim candlelight spell reminded me of. Basically it allowed you to cast a buff spell that was treated as an orb, floated around you and sort of thought for itself, while you could do other things at the same time. It allowed for some diversity, a fan favorite was orb of healing, which cast a constant, slow and steady heal over time on any single nearby allied target at a time, priority on caster, second to most injured ally. In addition there were typical offensive orbs as well, orb of fire, frost, energy, lightning, and I think the base system would be a great addition to the skyrim magic line. A buff based spell like an orb, being added into spellshops and loot, to the various magic trees with a variety of effects, treated just like a cloak spell, except beyond just the destruction skill. Those cloak spells would be a good one to advance on as well, bringing them into other magic lines but perhaps a request for another time. What I'm looking for specifically, would be seeing spell trees incorporate an orb spell that follows the same ideas as above, perhaps your typical elements in destruction. Using a reasonably low spell like frost, sparks or flames, a restoration one casting a constant healing or heal other, perhaps with cure disease on a pulse sometimes. It could stop there but maybe if it was able to be primed with a basic spell, tier 1 or tier 2 spells, it could expand to other trees as well just to try keep things balanced. Like orb of fear, courage or frenzy for illusion, alteration elemental shielding buff, just armor, for yourself and others, or maybe soultrap. Anyways I'm sure the idea has got the point across, hopefully it gets some bites. Happy modding! :)
  10. Hey everyone its Mace, I have another request for some anxious modders out there. If anyone has every played Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna, by microsoft games, around 2002 I think? They had an awesome little system for mages that the skyrim candlelight spell reminded me of. Basically it allowed you to cast a buff spell that was treated as an orb, floated around you and sort of thought for itself, while you could do other things at the same time. It allowed for some diversity, a fan favorite was orb of healing, which cast a constant, slow and steady heal over time on any single nearby allied target at a time, priority on caster, second to most injured ally. In addition there were typical offensive orbs as well, orb of fire, frost, energy, lightning, and I think the base system would be a great addition to the skyrim magic line. A buff based spell like an orb, being added into spellshops and loot, to the various magic trees with a variety of effects, treated just like a cloak spell, except beyond just the destruction skill. Those cloak spells would be a good one to advance on as well, bringing them into other magic lines but perhaps a request for another time. What I'm looking for specifically, would be seeing spell trees incorporate an orb spell that follows the same ideas as above, perhaps your typical elements in destruction. Using a reasonably low spell like frost, sparks or flames, a restoration one casting a constant healing or heal other, perhaps with cure disease on a pulse sometimes. It could stop there but maybe if it was able to be primed with a basic spell, tier 1 or tier 2 spells, it could expand to other trees as well just to try keep things balanced. Like orb of fear, courage or frenzy for illusion, alteration elemental shielding buff, just armor, for yourself and others, or maybe soultrap. Anyways I'm sure the idea has got the point across, hopefully it gets some bites. Happy modding! :)
  11. I decided I'd try something new and make a priest-like crusader character who focuses on alteration, two-handed, and restoration, maybe a bit of illusion as well. I'd spend a bit of time in the Imperial army to train, then rely on followers to assist in combat. It all turned downhill when I bought healing hands and tested it on a nearby guard, he attacked me! I was able to save myself by taking out my hammer and sheathing it, but as you'd imagine that was just to show that my healing was messed up. Everyone I try and heal with ANY kind of healing magic goes crazy. My old pal J'Zargo leaves my service and paralyzes me, my dog chews my crotch, both Empire and Stormcloaks alike work in unison to gangbang me, and it ruins my whole plan. Does anyone know why this happens and how I can fix it???
  12. I would love to see a mod that combines a health, stamina, and magicka potion into one little senzu bean. It can even have different levels of bean, like the current potions, but a restorative for all stats. They would probably have to be less common, and more valuable than potions though.
  13. For some reason my restoration spells on my character all have a magnitude of zero, e.g. healing heals 0 points ward protects up to 0 spell damage turn undead up to level 0 even if i buy new spell tomes it is the same thing, but on a different character it is normal is there a way to fix this?
  14. Hello Have you ever wonder Why Vampires can use the normal restoration spell, don't you think the light should damage your vampire skin? My Mod Request its about to make a dark and I mean dark like black spells for Vampires, that's all I wish I can make it but I need to learn how to make mods. Thanks, for read and I hope someone interested about Vampires and immersion would like to make this mod :smile: Maredark3d
  15. I'm not nearly savvy enough with modding to know how to do this, so I would appreciate some input: As a roleplay aspect of my current character, when I kill someone or otherwise find a dead body, I use a reanimate spell on them twice in quick succession. This is to turn the body to ash, so no necromancy can be used on their bodies, and also because it kind of gives the nice effect of their body rising into the air and disappearing. However, I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to do this- to have a Restoration school spell that turns a dead body to ash straight away. Bonus points if it still does the animation having the body lift into the air and vanish as the ash pile appears.
  16. Before I begin, I know there is a mod for rebuilding Winterhold's ruined houses called "Winterhold Rebuild". This is a nice mod as it keeps with the era and timeline to rebuild the place after the city's hardships, thus keeping it canon as well as immerse that the jarl would make an effort to have these structures rebuilt. But I'm wanting to see the city before the turn of the Fourth Era... before the Great Collapse. I want to see how this city may have rivalled that of Skyrim's capital the way Archmage Shalidor intended it to be. So this is the mod request I'm looking for. Bridge restored, any land that was broken off into the sea replaced, any structures or roads on said land restored.To keep with the lore, you could also easily have the guards favor 2-handed Axes. Maybe a nice way to bring it back to the way it used to be, a quest would be involved. Say, something found in Shalidor's Writings or apparition of Shalidor himself appearing (perhaps both) to you that allows you to magically restore the entire landscape and city through various quests. Perhaps you will need to help of Urug Gro-Shub and the all-too fascinated Tolfdir to restore the place. Even the Augur of Dunlain, with his infinite knowledge, aid the in the restoration of the college. Restoring the Middin to seem a bit more flamboyant with the more adept students, as if seeking Augur's wisdom, would be a nice touch. Say the first quest restores the city's foundation, the land that was broken off. The next in the chain could be to restore the entry to the college, etc. etc. That way it could work WITH the already available "Winterhold Rebuild" Mod which would be even better! I'm sure its been asked before. I'm not sure if anyone's attempted restoring Winterhold to its former glory, but it would be one grand and appreciated mod to behold!
  17. Hello everyone. I know there have been other suggestions of more powerful ward spells but I have a more carefully described idea. Master Ward spell-Magnus Ward School of restoration Casting animation:master spells spell effect: an aoe ward that will block spells and projectiles but not melee attacks. It provides no armor. An optional is increased magicka regeneration for allies inside the ward. Position: the ward will be fixed to the position where cast, similar to the blizzard spell. Spell animation:eye of magnus ward cast by Ancano. Quest linked:yes, it can only be obtained after finishing the college quest line. The spell is overall similar to the spell cast by the elf in ''Lord of the rings:War in the North'' This spell would create a safe heaven while not being OP due to not blocking enemies from entering and perming melee attacks. Powerful when combined with other master restoration spells.
  18. Hey everyone, This is my idea for a new angelic race for ESV Skyrim. We have seen mods that create dremora races or demon-based races, and some of these are actually kinda popular, but I was looking at the succubus race the other day and was thinking that there needs to be a "good" version of this race. There is one mod that attempted to make an angel race but it kinda failed since the modder was banned from Nexus. So here are the ideas for the race: Name - Angel (this is totally up for change to make it more lore friendly) Appearance - standard Nord/Breton/Imperial/Red looks for male and female Racial Abilities Passives - Your Angelic blood gives you 100% disease resistance ; Restoration abilities are 50% more effective ; You avoid death once a day when health is low and restore all health/magic/ and stamina Active - increased Health/Magic/Stamina regeneration by 250% for 120 secs once a day Transformation - No extra perk tree for this but you can reveal your wings and fly Just some ideas!
  19. What the title says. I'm on the quest to get the Master-level spell Bane of the Undead from the Augur of Dunlain, after having leveled my restoration past 90. That quest. I do the quest, and after it ends, I get the spell and cannot equip my torso armor. I can equip everything else. No torso armor- I dropped it, picked it up, doesn't work; I fast traveled, changed cells, tried to equip different armors, waited. Didn't work. Pieces of info: -- When I "equip" a torso armor, Frostfall says "this equipment provides standard exposure protection" etc etc. So there's that. -- The Augur doesn't say "you are worthy" before I get Bane of the Undead. He just floats there and will not be activated even though there's an option for it if I move the crosshair over him. -- I've completed the 90lvl Alteration spell quest where you get Dragonhide. I saw something about this in a few forums where people had problems buying the other Master level spellbook from Colette. Apparently it could be a problem. I haven't checked Colette for Guardian Circle spellbook yet, I'm more concerned about my armor. That's it. Can't equip my torso armor after fighting the Restoration test and receiving Bane of the Undead.
  20. Ever since I first walked into New Vegas, I felt a bit disappointed that only 4 casinos had survived the great war and test of time. Visually speaking, the strip lacks the neon glamor that had once adorned the Vegas streets predominately between the 1950s and 60s. I know making a mod adding the casinos of the period would be quite a challenge so instead, I am requesting that someone with modeling/ texturing knowledge restore the neon signs that had once helped light up the night sky and add them to the strip and freeside. Ideally, the signs would be those belonging to The Dunes, Stardust, Sahara, Sands, Thunderbird, Tropicana, Frontier, Algiers and the Mint. Maybe even Sassy Sally can be thrown in too. Any one of these would surely add the intended rat-pack era vibe and a real sense of preservation/ elegance to the game. Cheers :blush:! http://oi60.tinypic.com/2w23soy.jpg
  21. Anyone ever see the potential in the story,"The Exodus"? It is a restoration skill book, and tells a story of necromancy, located on an island off the coast of winterhold. I was wanting to request that someone look into this and begin creating a new Mod or Questline bases off the story.. i have no experience or skill in making mods or using CK in any advanced way, so natually i am interested to see if anyone will take thsi project.
  22. I thought it would be cool if you could mix spells from different types into one dual cast. Ya know, like having Fire Ball in one hand and Ice Spike in the other, thus making a FrostFire Bolt that has both spell effects. Or a Flesh spell with Circle of Protection. You got the idea. Anyway, I hope someone picks that up. It's gona be a blast for the Skyrim community! P.S. I looked everywhere for such a mod but failed misserably, so if there actually is one, please let me know. :whistling:
  23. Note: This idea isn't originally mine. I found someone on the internet speaking out this idea, and I thought it sounded pretty cool myself. Whether or not this idea has already posted here, I'm unsure of. Nonetheless, I'm still gonna make a request for it here. As soon as your character dies, you basically respawn back at your last save point. This is the classic form of "rebirth" in RPG. But what if you could make a mod, in which when you die, you can either go to heaven(That would obviously be Sovngarde), or hell or the underworld that is described in the Elder Scrolls lore, depending on how your character contributed during your gameplay(Good - Bad). Here are 2 examples for each scenario: SOVNGARDE SPAWN: After you die, you spawn either outside or inside of the Hall of Valor, maybe get greeted by Tsun and is pleased to see him again. I could imagine here, that there is a small customized conversation, in which Tsun wonders if it's too early for the Dragonborn to arrive at Sovngarde. Then here, the Dragonborn could choose to be sent back, and undo that mistake that had gotten him killed in the first place. Or, the Dragonborn could just simply choose to stay (for a while) and enter the Hall of Valor where all the other Nordic Heroes are. Maybe some additional content could be added here such as: Customized conversations with the NPCsSmall tasks like...Idfk, learn more of her and him, bring some food and drinks, friendly brawl fights?Then, when the Dragonborn feels like it, he can go back to Tsun and be asked to be resurrected, thus bringing the player back to their last save point. UNDERWORLD SPAWN: Okay, so I'm not sure if there is some sort of underworld in the Elder Scrolls series, so excuse me if I'm not that deep into the lore. After you die, you spawn at what could look like a place filled with maybe Daedras or just some NPCs that represents what Hell could actually look like, like typical beings with devil horns. In this case, a cunning person comes over and welcomes you. But the friendly greetings wont last long. Since this is hell after all, and you've done some evil things, you would probably be punished and have to go through tasks to undo what you've done, before you can choose to be resurrected. In this case, maybe you'd have to pay your way back, or something, since the beings there would probably not be so friendly like those in Sovngarde. I know that it could be a small waste of time, given that you just can simply respawn or have to go through all of that each time(maybe you could get the option to either go to Sovngarde/Hell or just spawn back immediately), but I think that it would give more of that, "adventurous" feeling so it isn't just like a casual "Don't worry, try again".
  24. So i did the Resto Loop glitch, and out of curiousity i went to see what happens if i casted Healing and Equilibrium, that caused my Health and Magicka to rank up to 17 billion points, i tried reloading to an older save, but the health and magic are still billions of points. Is there a way i can fix this, like go to a save editor?
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