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  1. I'm looking for mods that increase the amount of resources and ingrediencies that we gather for crafting. When I mine, chop wood or pick ingrediencies, it just seems like I should be able to get more then two. I'm not asking a lot. Just a slight increase in the amount I usually get. I also want to be able to go up to a tree and cut at with an axe for firewood. So, if you know of any mods that fit what I am looking for, please leave a comment a link to the mod. Thank you. Your help is appreciated.
  2. Hello everyone, So I'm trying to import Sotha Sil's .NIF from the Tribunal DLC of Morrowind into the Skyrim Creation kit. I've extracted the Nif and textures from the Tribunal BSA and placed them into the Skyrim Data folders then I make a new static object in CK and add the Nif as the model but it comes up as a red error in world when I place it. I'm guessing there is more steps involved in doing what I'm trying to do. Can anyone help me? Thank you :) TL;DR How do you convert Morrowind .Nifs to Skyrim?
  3. I'm trying to get new LODs in Skyrim SE. I have SE on my desktop and updated Ae-ified SE on my laptop. Anyway, I've loaded the newest DynDOLOD resources and the latest iteration ofDynDOLOD 3 Alpha , and EVERY time I load it, it gives an error. I tried using a different resource pack, and it says the resources are outdated. I use the "outdated" resources and a different version of DynDOLOD, and get another stopp error. Can someone please post detailed instructions of how to make this incredibly frustrating program work? I have Happy Little Trees and want a matching LOD. I also want grass LODs. The current stop error is "Required resource file not found" "Meshes/Creationclub/eejsse002/architecture/eej_towerroof.nif." I wish I knew language vulgar enough to express how frustrating this is.
  4. If possible, it would be convenient to have a zip file available containing models (obj, fbx) of the characters with their movesets and keyblades with their effects respectively. This should allow anyone to be able to access the models and the moveset animations to be able to customize and reinvent them, also facilitating the work of modders. A character model or keyblade can also be customized by a newb for example, and then inserted as a mod or mod fix in the game with the help of an experienced modder
  5. So I've been playing as a raider who set up in the Red Rocket near sanctuary. At level 16, went out to hunt for resources. Upon returning I found there was no power. It wasn't just one generator that was down... it was both. Went to repair them and found I was suddenly missing hundreds of steel, copper, ceramic, no telling what else. I loaded a save game just before I left to go hunting, and all those resources were there. Settlement bug, or did my raider get raided? O.o
  6. I'd like to have an in-game encyclopedia, where I can look up a resource type (even if I don't currently have any in my inventory or cargo hold), and see what planets I've found it on (if applicable), what vendors I've visited that carry it, and for manufactured resources whether I have the necessary skills and materials to craft some myself. Even better if this can be sorted by distance from my current location (idk if that will be possible, though). As it stands, if I need a certain material to complete a mod or some research, I have to either 1. try different vendors arbitrarily looking for it, 2. keep my own notes for what vendors carry what materials (which I should probably start doing in the meantime), or 3. look for an internet wiki with information about the different vendors, but afaik these details haven't been thoroughly updated to the wikis yet.
  7. We need paper as a resource. We have trees. Many of us use Boston Natural Surroundings, A Forest, or the like, so they have LOTS of trees. More of us use Immersive scrapping, assigning sane returns for scrapping things... like trees. Trees give wood, especially for Immersive Scrappers.Wood is pulped in industry. This is used to make paper and paper products like cardboard. NONE of this is cloth. Publick Occurances is not cloth, either. I can understand a lot of paper substitutes during the great Pre-War conflict... there was a lot during World War II. Wood exists, a lot of it. Barring massive deforestation, it's a very renewable resource! Industry's a DLC just about all of us have now. Piper is printing a *(^*&()*&^ing newspaper. Not a newsrag. We. Need. Paper.
  8. So I have been scrounging the web to try and find some kind of active Elden Ring modding community/resources for new people looking into trying to learn how to mod the game, but can't seem to find any. The ones I have found seem to be highly inactive. Even this forum, from a preliminary glace, seems to be mostly inactive. So I'm wondering, if this post ever gets responded to, if there is an active community, whether that be discord, reddit or whatever, where people can go to get help and or learn how to mod the game. If there isn't then I feel like one really should be made as having an active place for people to discuss whether they be player or modders only seeks to improve the community and even possibly speed up the modding scene and the type/quality of mods we get. More minds working together will often be able to get more done and in a shorter time.
  9. I've noticed that many online resources on Banished are rather old and outdated, so I thought I'd share a few that are up-to-date and prove interesting perspectives on the game. Fun ways to build a community, with tips and instructions on the build order.Most common animals in the game and everything you need to know about them.Map seeds that are useful or fun or both, depending on what you're looking for in a map.Hope you'll find them useful!
  10. HI I'm doing a mod that tries to optimize by removing and adding Skyrim LE stuff under the programming concept of Don't repeat yourself and I wanted to know if there is any way to know for example: The time it takes to put a vampire skill on the playerThe time it takes to register aptitudes in a raceThe time it takes tu put de magic effect in the spellAmong other thingsI don't know if debugging the object can give me the time it takes to run, to give me an idea if I'm going on track or not and also what actions are necessary to not use so many resources and which are not
  11. Might be simple, might not, but an auto-pick up for everything that otherwise requires a button hold would make the gameplay loop even smoother than it already is. Can't find one similar to this anywhere so I need to throw it out there!
  12. I like to have Altmer Weapons to be recolored to snow elven style colors on those weapons since Snow Elves are a bit similar to High Elves. Possibly recoloring Gelebor's unique mace to make it more unique and more lore friendly to Snow Elves. Also want to use them for resource for my future projects in case I make Snow Elf NPC soldiers or characters.
  13. Hello :smile: Does anyone know how to make playable magic ore veins in skyrim ? Someone can share appropirate resources or tutorial?
  14. After reading about those "make new settlements anywhere" mods, I thought, I don't want to go that far, but, there is so much raw junk out there which I could use. All those old cars, for example. If I only could tow them to some settlement to scrap them... Well, I think towing would be pretty much impossible (and even if, very time-consuming and annoying). So, why not some sort of tool to scrap them in the field? I'm thinking about some sort of a "weapon", which you equip and then "attack" some scrappable item. It then disappears, and you gain the scrap. Of course it shouldn't work on everything what the game might consider scrappable, I suspect that might do some serious damage. Or, alternative idea: make some things, like old cars, "mineable". Like the Ores in Skyrim. You activate them, get that blowtorch or hammering animation, and then you have harvested some components, like pieces of steel, screws or ciruitry. The car itself remains where it was.
  15. So I've been at my wits end on trying to figure out why it seems to be impossible for me to be lazy, and just drag and drop the downloaded modding assets I have right into creation kit. When I try to drag and drop it into the object window, nothing happens, at all. I've looked through the forums and in the comments of videos about it, but nothing comes up. Other people seem to be having this problem also but with no luck either. The only lead I've found was that it seems to have to do with whether or not you have creation kit set to run as administrator; but setting that differently in my case does nothing. I have a windows 8.1,and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem. But if anyone has any advice or any clue at all on what to do with this problem, it'd be super appreciated.
  16. Settlement fishing/ hunting. The main idea and purpose of this mod would be to incorporate a fishing/ hunting system into settlement mode as another way to get food, and other resources such as leather, bones, etc. The way i thought about doing this would to be able to assign settlers to an area where they would fish, and have the player be able to construct a port around a body of water to store the resources at. The idea i had for the hunting aspect would have the player assign settlers to a hunting party at a craftable hunting post in the manner you would assign a settler to a caravan, then select and area on the map for the settlers to go to hunt at, and then return at a random amount of time later with the resources gained from the trip. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to consider this idea, i would attempt to do this myself but i do not have any knowledge regarding this task, which is why i am reaching out to the nexus community for consideration of this request.
  17. When I try to build certain items in my mod (internal cell), the resources are massively restricted. I'm guessing it's because it's an internal workshop. Apart from the console, is there a way to add a script or keyword or something to the workshop, so that it allows the player to build anything they want? Appreciate any feedback, thanks.
  18. Basically my idea is a settler that would hunt for wild game (like the scavenger does) Building the Hunter's Camp. (Imagining a Fire Pit with a small tent, maybe some drying racks...ect) Assign Settler to Hunter's Camp. This would generally ad a food bonus to the settlement, but would also place random raw meat in the workshop. Now for the gusto: Make upgradable like the shops lvl 1 would provide 1 food. And you'll get radroach, hound, molerat, squirrel ect. (stuff that takes two to eat to be full) Maybe level two could get ragstag, yao guai, iguana, ect.. 3rd level could get the perk of hides plus rare exotics like Deathclaw and mutant hound, ect. And of course some perks would be required. Ok think you can get the idea. Let me know what you all think :) P.S. Fisherman's Hut for settlements near water :D Hope someone makes it.
  19. I received permission to use models and textures made by a modder who had been banned from the Nexus for using copyrighted content - though he claims to have received permissions to upload it from the publisher. The assets I intend to use are from a different mod that he's made, however he's still advised me not to upload the mod I make with his assets on the Nexus, but rather on Bethesda.net. Would I get in trouble for doing this?
  20. Hey everyone, I'm currently making a mod and am constructing the main settlement of the worldspace. As you know from the title I am looking for someone who can make me some simple scrap walls and awnings to match the aesthetic of the existing alternate wood shacks. (I'll post some images below) I'd like the walls to mimic this design: If someone could make me these assets it would be a huge help and greatly appreciated. Thanks, BayK.
  21. So yeah... I have installed a few mods which probably caused it, but even after I removed them the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated, thx!
  22. I've noticed that i've collected quite a bit of bone, and have no need to make oil out of it. Would be awesome if there was a mod where I can use the bones to decorate my settlements with, with either more spiked poles or certain types of walls and whatnot, or even if just wall mounted decorations.
  23. Okay, so firstly I want to thank everyone who created these amazing extra items for others to use. Problem is even after I put them in the correct folders, (meshes and textures) they aren't showing up in creation kit. Any advice is greatly appreciated. p.s. special thanks to Braly and Tamari? with all their cool items.
  24. Oke, I dont know if you know, but there are a lot of nice looking resources in the Oblivion Nexus (or Morrowind Nexus) which are completely custom, but not available for Skyrim. I read that porting things from Oblivion to Skyrim or Morrowind to Skyrim or Fallout to Skyrim is not allowded since Bethesda dont wont us to do it. But can I port custom resources from Oblivion to Skyrim and use them? For most objects its easy to port them with Nifscope and since the are open for modders from modders I cant see why this shouldn´t be allowded. So, can I use for example a custom tree made for Oblivion in my Skyrim mod by normally crediting the maker? Thanks for answers, Will
  25. I've started gettin ctd's again and I assume it's because I have to many resource heavy mods but I'm not sure which ones are the real issue. I think it alternates between my vram and ram being overused , each causing different types of crashing.I've gone through my mods and I can only assume it's the likes of ASIS, warzones and immersive creatures or patrols. I've included mu skyrim and skyprefs ini's just incase there's something wrong with them (I have no idea) and my boss log and my skyrim monitor log to show the usage. As I say the usage rides up to 2GB ish on the load screen alone and then when I find a warzone or whatever it slowly increases. I would have thought it would just shoot up tas soon as it loads all those npc's though. I'm also using TPC with all the world textures at about 1k-2k and only caves and stuff are higher, I also don't have all the mods maybe 3/4 of them. The Monitor log is just me running around near the shrine of azura, i get similar performance inside blackreach and I was running to a warzone but tried alt tabbing out (I read that refreshes the ram) and it crashed, I assume that log will suffice though. The usage only goes up by 100-200mb in the warzone anyway not sure if that's beacuse it's already loaded or not as it's just over the hill. Could you also let me know which are the most intensive mods and which you'd recommend I drop, thanks. Anyway, any help would be ace. PC specs i7 3770k OC'd to 4Gz GTX 660ti 2gb 8gb ram hybrid sshd
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