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  1. I am running steam version v1.634.818.0 of Forza 5 and am attempting to use Reshade v6.0.1 for visual enhancement. The game does not load after installing Reshade and I've narrowed down the problem to dxgi.dll. I've tried doing everything below: The game does start after renaming it to d3d11.dll or dinput8.dll but it doesn't load Reshade. Interestingly, the game doesn't load if I rename it to d3d12.dll. I've tried replacing dxgi.dll with downloadable versions online and while that does load the game, it doesn't load Reshade and the game loads for only a few seconds before crashing. I've tried placing all the Reshade files into the reshade-shaders folder but while that loads the game, it doesn't load Reshade. I've tried using older versions of Reshade all the way back to v3.2.0. I've tried using both add-on and multiplayer versions of Reshade. I've tried renaming the Reshade.ini file to dxgi.ini. I removed the steam GameOverlay.dll in case it blocked Reshade. I've tried rolling back my GPU drivers. I've even reset my pc while keeping my personal files but that hasn't fixed the problem either. The dxgi file and all other Reshade files are located where the game executable file is. Ultimately, I believe the problem lies in how Forza loads dxgi.dll because I'm using Reshade on MCC and can confirm that it's working there with dxgi.dll. Another interesting bit is that I used to be able to run Reshade on Forza v1.484 and am only facing this issue with newer versions since v1.619. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me get to the bottom of this and fixing it. I've tried Reshade's forums and Reddit too but I've not gotten any real help so far. My GPU is an RTX 3060 Notebook version running NVIDIA Gameready driver version 551.23. My Direct X version is 12 as per dxdiag (RTX GPU runs DX12 Ultimate, but my Intel GPU does not). This is the log from Reshade v6.0.1 with addons using dxgi.d11: 16:59:34:536 [20000] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) loaded from "D:\Forza Horizon 5\dxgi.dll" into "D:\Forza Horizon 5\ForzaHorizon5.exe" (0x3c98315f) ... 16:59:34:538 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ... 16:59:34:538 [20000] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 16:59:34:538 [20000] | INFO | > Found 14 match(es). Installing ... 16:59:34:557 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput.dll" ... 16:59:34:558 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:558 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll" ... 16:59:34:558 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:559 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ... 16:59:34:559 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:559 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ... 16:59:34:559 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:560 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ... 16:59:34:560 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:560 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ... 16:59:34:560 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:561 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ... 16:59:34:561 [20000] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 16:59:34:561 [20000] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ... 16:59:34:581 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ... 16:59:34:581 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function. 16:59:34:581 [20000] | INFO | Registering hooks for "vrclient_x64.dll" ... 16:59:34:582 [20000] | INFO | > Delayed. 16:59:34:582 [20000] | INFO | Initialized. 16:59:38:130 [20000] | INFO | Exiting ... 16:59:38:130 [20000] | INFO | Uninstalling 22 hook(s) ... 16:59:39:166 [20000] | INFO | Finished exiting. Below is the log from Reshade using v6.0.1 addon for d3d11.dll: 17:52:43:148 [04060] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) loaded from "D:\Forza Horizon 5\d3d11.dll" into "D:\Forza Horizon 5\ForzaHorizon5.exe" (0x3c98315f) ... 17:52:43:177 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ... 17:52:43:177 [04060] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 17:52:43:178 [04060] | INFO | > Found 14 match(es). Installing ... 17:52:43:205 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput.dll" ... 17:52:43:205 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:205 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll" ... 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ... 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ... 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:206 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ... 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ... 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function. 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ... 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 17:52:43:207 [04060] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ... 17:52:43:235 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ... 17:52:43:235 [04060] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 17:52:43:235 [04060] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ... 17:52:43:263 [04060] | INFO | Registering hooks for "vrclient_x64.dll" ... 17:52:43:263 [04060] | INFO | > Delayed. 17:52:43:264 [04060] | INFO | Initialized. 17:52:43:274 [06512] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:43:274 [21584] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:43:274 [21716] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:43:324 [04060] | INFO | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, ppFactory = 000000188D7FBC98) ... 17:52:43:325 [04060] | INFO | Redirecting D3D11CreateDevice(pAdapter = 0000020195BABAE0, DriverType = 0, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 000000188D7FBE10, FeatureLevels = 4, SDKVersion = 7, ppDevice = 00000201947BD668, pFeatureLevel = 00000201947BDC0C, ppImmediateContext = 00000201947BD670) ... 17:52:43:325 [04060] | INFO | > Passing on to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain: 17:52:43:325 [04060] | INFO | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 0000020195BABAE0, DriverType = 0, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 000000188D7FBE10, FeatureLevels = 4, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000, ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000, ppDevice = 00000201947BD668, pFeatureLevel = 00000201947BDC0C, ppImmediateContext = 00000201947BD670) ... 17:52:43:328 [04060] | INFO | Installing export hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ... 17:52:43:328 [04060] | INFO | > Found 3 match(es). Installing ... 17:52:43:349 [04060] | INFO | Using feature level 0xb100. 17:52:43:350 [04060] | INFO | Searching for add-ons (*.addon, *.addon64) in "D:\Forza Horizon 5" ... 17:52:44:115 [04060] | INFO | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 000000188D7FCC10) ... 17:52:44:154 [04060] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("gdi32.dll") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:44:667 [04060] | INFO | Redirecting IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForHwnd(this = 0000020180616E70, pDevice = 00000201957B9980, hWnd = 0000000000080AEC, pDesc = 000000188D7FE4D0, pFullscreenDesc = 0000000000000000, pRestrictToOutput = 0000000000000000, ppSwapChain = 000000188D7FE4A0) ... 17:52:44:667 [04060] | INFO | > Dumping swap chain description: 17:52:44:667 [04060] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ 17:52:44:667 [04060] | INFO | | Parameter | Value | 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | | Width | 1600 | 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | | Height | 900 | 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | | RefreshRate | 0 0 | 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | | Format | DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM | 17:52:44:668 [04060] | INFO | | Stereo | FALSE | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | ScanlineOrdering | 0 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | Scaling | 0 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | SampleCount | 1 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | SampleQuality | 0 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | BufferUsage | 0x20 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | BufferCount | 2 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | Windowed | TRUE | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | SwapEffect | 4 | 17:52:44:669 [04060] | INFO | | AlphaMode | 3 | 17:52:44:670 [04060] | INFO | | Flags | 0x800 | 17:52:44:670 [04060] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ 17:52:44:730 [04060] | WARN | Skipping swap chain because it was created without a proxy Direct3D device. 17:52:45:311 [21680] | INFO | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 00000018933DF120 { "WoodstockWebView2ServiceWindowClass", style = 0x3 }) ... 17:52:45:311 [21680] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to "WoodstockWebView2ServiceWindowClass". 17:52:45:314 [21680] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("SHELL32.dll") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:45:315 [21680] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("shell32.dll") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:45:316 [21680] | WARN | Ignoring LoadLibrary("GDI32.dll") call to avoid possible deadlock. 17:52:45:323 [08876] | INFO | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 00000018937DFB10 { "WCTM_LIBAPI", style = 0x3 }) ... 17:52:45:323 [08876] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to "WCTM_LIBAPI".
  2. Video of issue: https://imgur.com/a/HH0DhDA Hi, I'm all of a sudden getting this weird blur effect when going from a light to dark lighting and vice versa. Not sure if it's one of my mods causing it. The mod adds the berserker armor from berserk, and you fight a boss in the mod that has a transformation that causes the screen to blur and has a bug where the blur stays on, and I have to use the command "sisme 0". But if I go to a save before that boss fight, I still have the issue. It doesn't happen in the video, but sometimes I'll get like a very heavy film grain type effect. I use Nolvus modlist with bjorn enb and reshshade but even if disabling those the effect still happens. Added some mods that remove blur, so the blur is mostly fixed, but the lighting still stutters and changes very drastically. Would really appreciate any help.
  3. I am trying to install the 50 Shades of Rudy - ReShaded Rudy ENB for CoT https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10759 But to get reshade to work i have to change the name of the dxgi.ini and .dll to d3d11. This makes it not possible to install enb series... since that has a file called d3d11. when the the reshade file is called dxgi, it crashes on startup.
  4. So even when i do find my presets and choose them, they dont seem to actually do anything. However when i click the effects they work fine? What am i doing wrong
  5. I've recently started MHR I've installed REframework and the scripts I've installed are shown in the link below and I use reshade but disabled that and it's still happening but I've provided the reshade settings in the link. The issue I'm having is flickering shadows and textures the youtube link below shows the issue (I know the video is terrible but it still shows the issue) Framework scripts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b72XD0Iv4WwEST-WBG-LnKU2ORMYegBt/view?usp=sharing Reshade settings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1goSeds-50__vmm5SGxrfXBwO7s-7e6iG/view?usp=sharing Video of issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvDvEv_yhbk
  6. Hi there, I recently started research on raytracing in skyrim. The only thing out there (as it seems) is Marty McFly'S Raytracing Global Illumination (RTGI). Several months/years ago I already heard about it, but I hadn't the time to further research, but i catched up now. So in my understanding it is unfortunately just able to use screen space information (as it relies on Reshade, which is a only-post-processing(!) framework, with a strong focus on wide compatibility). (This results in light flashing&disappearing when a light source is not visible on the screen (e.g. behind the back or sidewise of the player -> turning the cam/view a bit leads to illumination of the previously dark(er) space) Thinking (or dreaming^^) about a new implementation/framework of raytracing for SkyrimSE/AE, there would be 2 options as a basis: ReShade or ENB. Comparing to ReShade, ENB has a more specific/optimized approach (regarding Skyrim(SE) - there are also the 'general' versions for not explicitly adjusted games). Furthermore there may be already some points to tie in with for catching geometry information from the game ('preprocessing')(?) (From my understanding ENB delivers much more options/features - and also not only post-processing options when it comes to Skyrim) see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOPgXRZSvzQ (RTGI) see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93_2NekAgPA (differences how ENB and Reshade work) So concerning SkyrimSE&Raytracing, wouldn't it be a better approach to create something that uses ENB? Creating a framework that provides access to the engine/game geometry (or using/modifing an alredy existing one)? And then raytracing shaders, that make use of those informations, which would eliminate/bypass the problems of the Reshade version? (I'm not talking about RTGI here, as I know, that this one has a different aim -> wide compatibility & ReShade... I'm aiming at the (current fictional) new implementation/framework for raytracing specifically for SkyrimSE/AE) Let me hear what you know or think about it. Regards
  7. In case you're struggling to install Reshade in AVP2 follow the linked video, it will show you how to install it with the help of dgvoodoo2. It also works with the latest version of Reshade !
  8. New game added to the website : - One mod ...Then... - ULTRA REALISME ReShade - Realistic Reshade - True Real ReShade - "The [insert game specific word] ReShade Project" - [instert pompous word] ReShade - Simple ReShade - 100% saved game (yeah, didn't follow the trend) - Colorfull Reshade - Better than raytracing ReShade - HDR Experience Reshade Did I forget any?
  9. Wondering if anyone has made a custom uimask for ReShade for Hogwarts Legacy yet? Tried making it myself with poo results.
  10. Hi. Last time I used enb+reshade I used this nyclix enb reshade one. But then I was away for smth like a year or so. Now I'm trying to rebuild my setup. I checked AE things and don't want them so I will build SE one. Checking mods for some updates, specifics I find that nyclix is away and this reshade preset no longer compatible with newest reshade. And I find that nyclix is not active for 4+ month on site at this moment, so no quick update will be here. Maybe someone knows if there's some fantasy-looking enb-reshade there that is compatible with latest reshade? Or new reshade is just bad and noone is going to use it, so I should use 4.9.1 one?
  11. I discovered a reshade years ago, from a Brazilian channel that is simply amazing, but the preset link simply got lost over time. Supposedly the creator of the preset is "LEXAR's GAMES", but I never found anything on his official channel and he never responded to me either. Below is the link to the video showcase, I wanted to know if anyone knows where to find it, or if they can recreate this very interesting preset.
  12. For some reason, I can't get ReShade to load on my Microsoft Store install of Starfield. I used the gamelauncherhelper.exe, and am using the DX10/11/12 option, but it just doesn't load. Here's the text from the ReShade.log: The game loads absolutely normally (nothing to indicate ReShade is even installed), and pressing home does nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. this is specifically with cyberpunk 2077. it never crashed with reshade when i first installed it but all of a sudden it started crashing before i even get to the menu. i downloaded an earlier version of reshade and it works now but its annoying because a lot of newer reshades i cant use. i know i shouldve technically but this in the reshade forum but i cba to make an account lol. anyone know what might be causing it or is having the same issue? idk if its an issue with the game, the current nvidia drivers, reshade or what but help is appreciated.
  14. Looking for someone who is interested in making a YouTube video showcase for the brand new Wild West 2.0 to gain an outside perspective. The video would showcase one of, or all 3 versions of the mod, and possibly a before and after example if you'd like to do so. Credit would be given, and it would be featured. Again this is so an outside perspective is shown on another gamer's rig, and to get opinions. Please let me know if you're interested! https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/992
  15. Does anyone know if there's a plugin or something for Reshade that hides the filters on the UI layer only? For example, when using ComicToon Reshade, we can tweak the Outlines.fx to make the UI like maps, inventory, journals, etc, more clear, but then you lose a bit of the point of the mod, the strong comic style. Is there a way to move the UI layers on top of the Reshade filters, or to lock the UI layers from being modified by the app?
  16. I installed X4 Foundation and try to install a reshade for this game during the installation process, I choose Volcano and everything seems to go without errors, but nothing changes in the game itself ((I press Home and nothing happens! In version 5.0.2, there were no checkboxes to enable the Volcano globally. Please help me with this problem!
  17. Hi, sorry if this was already asked but whenever I play with Reshade's dxgi.dll on my Skyrim SE, it CTD even before the bethesda logo(instant). I tried renaming it to d3d11.dll and it does work, but I was planning to do the ENB+Reshade thing and so ENB is already using d3d11.dll. (I even tried to set reshade's dll(renamed it to Reshade.dll) as proxy in enblocal.ini and it just crashes instantly as well.) Does anyone know a solution for this? Is there some kind of System requirement to allow dxgi.dll to work? Or am I just missing something? Using: MSI GE72 6QF Apache Pro CPU: Intel® Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: 16 GB @ 1066 MHz - 8192 MB, DDR3-2133, SK Hynix HMA41GS6AFR8N-TF - 8192 MB, DDR3-2133, SK Hynix HMA41GS6AFR8N-TF Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 530, 1024 MBGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M, 3072 MB
  18. -Running- Im running ENB series v0.345 I have two shaders I'm trying to use and have watched a full video on how to install the three items. It starts up glitchy with the logo bouncing around and stuff. But then loads fine after waiting. -Question- When starting up, does everyone get the message saying Skyrim not responding would you like to kill or wait, along with a glitchy start-up?
  19. So I'm having this issue- CTD when Taking Carriage to Falkreath, The game usually loads fast and smooth until it CTD on me. https://pastebin.com/PUZHCke7
  20. Hi all, Recently I have upgraded some parts of my computer and im currently looking to replay through Skyrim. Except this time around I want to help the game feel fresh and look more alive than ever. So im hoping that you all can suggest the best mods. These are the kind of things im looking for. 1. Graphic improvements. So better textures, new props, city & town enhancements, landscape improvements, enbs, reshaders and lighting mods. 2. Bug fixes and gameplay improvements. So basically any mods that will make combat better and fix any bugs and new gameplay mechanics. 3. Misc mods. Something to add more life. So new building/towns/city’s, better weather, new animations, new sounds etc. If possible I’d like to make the game look and feel more fantasy then photo realistic. My computer is rather beefy so it should handle lots of mods. I have 2 GTX 980 TIs, i7, 16GB ram. Thanks in advance.
  21. Hello everyone, first off I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you mod creators and upkeepers. While I am in school I cannot donate what I want to. I have 18months'ish until I graduate. Once I am on my new career path, every mod I use will be receiving a stipend from me. You make my life better so I will be making yours better. Ok, that's out of the way. I am trying to install some kind of injector to W3, When it first came out, prior to all DLC, I installed SweetFX/Reshade and it worked flawlessly. Well I have not played since before the first DLC came out and I just purchased them all and updated my mods. Well I cannot get any kind of Injector to work. The game will not even start my cursor shows a spinning wheel, the button GOG goes grey and then 5 seconds later it goes back to green. My screen doesnt even flash. After this I can remove the Reshade folders and/or the SweetFx I installed and the game will still not start. I have to run a repair/update on the game from the GOG Galaxy app. It will re-downloaded something and re-install C++ software again. I have done this about 5 times since Sunday. Is there some patch that has killed SweetFX/Reshade? Do I need to wait until an update on those before I can use them? I have looked on YT and the latest SweetFX/Reshade install video I can find is from back in June of 2016. If someone can give me a play by play of what I need to do or point me to a current injector install, I will gladly try it again. If its not working at this time can you all let me know. I will stop wasting time and just get on with killing the local monster and human population. Thanks all and luck and loot to you all. Mereinid RTR
  22. Hey everyone, as the title says^, I'm trying to get my custom reshade framework preset mod to work with Fallout TTW, but I keep getting 2 errors (related to the preset and not the game), I uploaded the file HERE, can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE download it, test it, and fix it for me. Well, what I really wanted to do was try to bring the style of enbs to sweetfx/reshade because enbs mess up the performance, transparency bugs, alt-tab issues, etc (from what I heard/experienced). The effects i used from the framework are- Sweetfx.cfg Customfx.cfg I used some code from both the RWLE sweetfx preset and the preset for the old world sweetfx from the old world enb mod page. The color palette texture thing is ALSO from the old world enb (the vanilla version), as I said, I REALLY WANTED to replicate the enb fx using something like reshade framework. The reshade framework is directly from the reshade website, I used the LATEST version which was something like 2.0.3 or w/e. edit- i also included the log file maybe u can take a look at it? so, can SOMEONE please help me, if all goes well, I might do more presets like these and MAYBE (if i get permission) release them on the Fallout Nexus! thank you so much for reading, I do hope you can help me! GOODBYE!
  23. Take a look at this little video, showcasing the ENB mod "Kalicolas Dragon ENB" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n63DZJhRvc&list=WL&index=5 Let me know what you think of this video. I want to get better at making videos like this..
  24. right now im running Mango's Config - ReShade Preset but i would like to add some effects from another. is there a way to do so? also how would i go about making my own?
  25. After 1.5 update of the game ReShade preset started to cause a strange problem: the game simply doesn't connect to bethesda site account with ReShade files in the game directory. Everything else works just fine without them, all installed mods activate and work like before. With the ReShade files preset works as always, but the login menu just "blinks" after entering credentials and shows no connection still with line "unable to connect bethesda.net server". Don't really remember, which ReShade preset from the site I used, but can try to search it if it's significant. I've never used ReShade or ENB before, so can't even guess what may cause that and if there's a way to fix...
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