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  1. Guys, I wasted a few hours on trying to find a way to replace a collision box for my scaled nif. It happened so that I just accidentally found a way to copy it really quickly without any need to delete and paste any branches and blocks and I decided that it might be useful to share as it`s really difficult to find any instructions on using NifSkope with FO4 files. NifSkope: Replacing collision in few clicks. This is a method of replacing the collision box with the help of NifSkope 2.0.0 - pre alfa 5 (earlier versions might not support this function, I did not test it with other versions). It shows an easy way to replace the collision box of your object with some vanilla collision box. You can download the latest NifSkope here. If your object has no collision at all, please scroll down to second part that shows how to add the required blocks. Finding a replacement: You need to find some in-game object that has close shape and size to your object. It can also be smaller or bigger (depends on your needs). Note that replacing the object`s collision can also change some of it`s qualities. It can make the object movable or unmovable, possibly some other parameters, depends of the data you take from another object. Open NifSkope : file - browse archive - data - fallout 4 meshes (or another archive that contains the required object). Find the required nif using the search field. Open the second window with your object( file - new window, choose your nif) Now we are finally starting to replace the collision. Copying and Replacing: In the window with the vanilla object find block named bhkNPCollisionObject, expand this block if it`s not expanded. You should be able now to see the bhkPhysicsSystem block. This is exactly what we are looking for. This block contains binary data and a string that shows some number of bytes. Right click the string and choose "export". In the popped up window choose any folder you want, click at free space and create a new txt document. Choose this document and press OK, agree to replace the document. In the window with your object find the same block (bhkPhysicsSystem). Right click on it`s binary data string, choose "import". In the popped up window find your txt document, select it and press OK. Save your file with another name (it`s always better to have a backup in case you get some unexpected result). That`s it, we have replaced your collision with the collision of another object. Notes: * The data in the text file looks unreadable and this is normal. (I wonder if there is a way to turn it into something readable that can be editted manually.) * When importing binary data the Nifskope can accept a nif file, but it won`t work this way and will crash your game. Adding a collision block to your object. I think I should also add some info on how to add a collision block for objects that have no collision at all. Step 1:Creating the required blocks If the object has no BSXFlags block (that is iusually number 1 and can be found right under the zero NiNode), you need to create this block too. In Nifskope right click the zero NiNode - Insert - Bethesda - BSXFlags. Right click the created BSXFlags block, Insert - Havok - bhkNPCollisionObject. Right click the created bhkNPCollisionObject block, Insert - Havok - bhkPhysicsSystem. Be careful when you insert new blocks, there are blocks that have very similar looking names, but they are different. Check your new blocks, there should be 3 new blocks, each block has a number before its name. These numbers should be like these: 1 for BSXFlags block , 2 for bhkNPCollisionObject and 3 for bhkPhysicsSystem). We have created the required blocks and now we will change them to make it all work together. Step 2: Adjusting the created blocks Select the BSXFlags block and look at the Integer Data string. Double click the string to set the number of flags. It`s better to take the number of flags from some similar vanilla object unless you know what number you need. For example, a wood crate has 130 flags in this block and I used this number for my object. If you click the tiny flag icon next to your value, you can see what this value actually means and what settings it changes. Make sure that havok is checked ( the collision checkbox is used instead of havok in prior nifskope versions). You can use these checkboxes instead of setting the value. In this case the value will be set automatically. Use this way if you know what settings to check. Select the zero NiNode and in the block details find the Num Extra Data List line. Click the line and set the number to 1(if it already has some number , add 1 to it). Press the refreshing sign (green arrows) next to the Extra Data List. Now you can expand the Extra Data List that has "none" data yet. Expand and change the "none" data to the number of your BSXFlags block( 1 in our case). In the same block (zero NiNode) find the Collision Object line, click it and type your collision block number ( should be 2 in our case). Select your bhkNPCollision block. Find the Target line and type the number of your NiNode(zero in our case). In the Flags line type some number of flags. You can take the number from some similar vanilla object. Most objects have number 128 in this block, so you can try using 128. In the Data line type the number of your bhkPhysicsSystem block (3 in our case). Now you can Import binary data to your Physics system block as it was described in the first part of this article. When you are done with importing the collision, save your .nif file with another name. Test it in game.
  2. Hi, I've never made a request before. But I was wondering if someone could make a replacement for the god awful looking tanks and apcs that are littered through out the commonwealth. Previously abandoned military vehicles in fallout have shared some real life counterpart such as the B29 in NV, the M4 tanks in Tactics or the P-80's in Fo3. I think that replacing the nameless tanks with something like the American M47 medium, M48 MBT, M41 light or even an M4 would be far better. As far as the APCs go, an M113 would do the trick just fine. The link attached were just some flaws I could point out at first glance and the replacement I think would be best, judging by the time period and technological limitations that exist in fallout's universe. http://imgur.com/a/mA7l8
  3. Could someone make a mod that replaces all of nick valentines lines with the Microsoft Sam?
  4. Yes. Just that. ._. I can't reach total immersion and gameplay pleasure without a flyswatter in my arsenal. Can someone, please, make me one? Just... Please? http://www.promo-wholesale.com/Upfiles/Prod_r/Plastic-Fly-Swatter_20090705130.jpg
  5. Hi! For the beginning - sorry for my non-native English:) Okay, so... I'm animating the player character via script OBSE command "ToggleSpecialAnim". All was going well until I've got to fight anims. It seems that game engine, or something else, is trying to "mix" my own animations with the default ones. And it looks like this happens totally on random - there may go few my anims in a row, then one or two defaults, then my anims play again... Here is TDT output for this magic: http://image.prntscr.com/image/eb6c6c56a506406183e227a0b3e0d486.jpg - when game plays default animation http://image.prntscr.com/image/d3dfe5b3f7254bf7b0331f08327ac809.jpg - when it plays my animation, as it should be always Responsible animations are this four(for 1H weapons): onehandattackleft onehandattackleft_chop onehandattacright onehandattackright_chopTrying to change/delete text keys a:R or a:L from anims done nothing to solve this issue(excepting breking my anims if deleted :smile:). This happens only when standing; when character runs attacking - all work fine. So, if somebody knows more about such mysticism, or just has any idea of it, please answer here about it:) ========================================================================================================================================================================= UPD 29.07.2016 I found first "dependence" about this behaviour: http://image.prntscr.com/image/4623c6b0808c4d9189ffeab02cc1d0f2.jpg But now i can't figure out, what this "count" parameter actually is... Google finds only general descriptions of debug text. ========================================================================================================================================================================= UPD 31.07.2016 I figured out that this "Count" means the count of armature bones, involved by animation file. So, this is useless thing for me:)
  6. Can someone make mod to replace wyverns with dragons ? Wyvern - 2 legs, wings as "hands" Dragon - 4 legs wings on back its not that big difference but it can trigger alot xd
  7. Reloading in Fallout 4 is simple and easy. Just pull the mag out and quickly replace the ammunition in to your next mag like that, right? Nah, I dispise of this and want something more "realistic" and honest feeling. Maybe something, say like Rainbow Six Sieges reload tactical system or a system that is similar to Escape From Tarkov. Basically, ammunition in Fallout 4 survival mode and especially Horizon is very scarce and requires much attention to finding ammo. But wisely using that ammo in survival is easy though but with what I imagine this mod request to be would make it even harder to ration ammo. Honestly, I prefer this over easy ammo reloading mainly because I want a realistic feel of survival in my playthrough and this simply would just make it even more better. Please consider this to becoming a real mod as I would enjoy and love to use it.
  8. I would love a mod that replaces every human with a ghoul. So no normal human around, only feral and non feral ghouls, except obviously the protagonist, since he/she was in the vault the whole time, the people living in the Vault 81 and the people in the Institute. And maybe also except the Brotherhood of Steel, i don't know about them. Is this even possible? The main characters can even be just random ghouls, they don't have to be their actual "ghoul version". Like, Preston can be a random ghoul, his ghoul version doesn't have to necessarily resemble him. Can anyone do this?
  9. I had a face preset mod enabled and downloaded another however I try to switch to the newer one, it goes back to the old one. Is it possible to install multiple face presets?
  10. Do someone know where the "Press any button to start" text at startup is located? I have been poking around in the interface files but have not found it. Have I not looked hard enough or in the right place?
  11. Hi, i'm not a newbye on this game, but i have installed only 2 Mods, the only 2 Mods i thinks was "must have". But recently i'm wondering if there is some cool replacement mods for the equipmet i use, i only want to change how it looks, not the stats. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/c2pufpe6jf7ubsq/Tempo%20Fallout%204.jpg?dl=0 If someone know about coold Mods for this pieces of armor tell me plz.
  12. I tried to replace trees meshes, but it doesnt work. In game all trees are still a vanilla ones. Any suggestions?
  13. I wanted to make a mod that changes the ammo of all plasma weapons to fusion cells instead of plasma cartridges but just it physically using fusion cells didn't satisfy me, so I tried to change the visual plasma cartridge in the gun to look like a fusion cell by replacing the meshes for the plasma cartridge with the ones for the fusion cell, it almost worked, but the fusion cell seems to not be in the right position, especially with anything other than the standard stock, (see screenshots below) And when I reload, the character doesn't grab the fusion cell and put in a new one. Any ideas on how to fix this? http://i.imgur.com/DEabE1h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DLwRCKl.jpg
  14. Does anyone know of any modification that changes the old clothes for clothes (sexy) of all female NPCs in Skyrim, without the need to use a program? (obs) my pc is weak and skyrim runs on low-resolution medium, and I prefer a mod that just need to put in Skyrim folder to work. Alguém sabe de qualquer modificação que modifica a roupa antiga para a roupa (sexy) de todos os NPCs femininos de Skyrim, sem a necessidade de usar um programa? (obs) meu pc é fraco e skyrim é executado em resolução low-medium, e eu prefiro um mod que só precisa colocar na pasta de Skyrim para o trabalho.
  15. I'm making a shout mod that replaces the generic male argonian shout voice with my own custom shout voice. I have all of the audio files I need, but I can't figure out how to replace existing audio. If anyone knows how or knows of a tutorial, could you tell me please.
  16. Hi. I really, really dislike Skyrim's vanilla swords, and despite better-shaped weapons and immersive weapons (which is great for some weapons, not for the others), I can't help running across fancy, unrealistic and nasty looking weapons. Now' I'm aware that Skyrim is in sort of a fantasy-like world, but I'd much prefer if there was a medieval(?) style sword replacer for the vanilla weapons, kind of like this mod for Oblivion: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11451/? Some weapon mods that I personally love are the Albions, like: Though I've attempted to replace them myself, it's not easy to find matching models that include both one-handed and two-handed variants, and mismatches between the two are jarring when you run across a two-handed ebony sword that looks totally different while holding a one-handed one. I was wondering if anyone would be interested, or maybe already undertaking, or better yet, already done something like that? I'm actually pretty surprised that I couldn't find something that does this after so long... or maybe I just suck at searching, lol. Anyways, would appreciate any help here.
  17. TLDR: Post your ideas for what perks I should make to replace Silence and Shadow Warrior because I hate those two perks. I've always hated the two perks in the sneak tree, Silence and Shadow Warrior. They both seem to ruin stealth gameplay by making it too easy because the whole point of a stealthy character is to be careful and slow, not to be able to run around without being detected, then when you are detected just run away and crouch. I've been searching a lot for mods that change these two perks or add new perks that could act as replacements but I can't find any that I like. I know that the a few mods including Stealth Skills Rebalanced does this but the perks that replace Silence and Shadow Warrior in that mod just aren't really what I'm looking for, and I don't want the other changes/additions that that mod offers. I'm new to modding but I'm capable of adding new perks to the game so if anyone has an idea for a perk that can replace Silence or Shadow Warrior please post it here because I'm having trouble thinking of a good idea.
  18. TLDR: Post your ideas for what perks I should make to replace Silence and Shadow Warrior because I hate those two perks. I've always hated the two perks in the sneak tree, Silence and Shadow Warrior. They both seem to ruin stealth gameplay by making it too easy because the whole point of a stealthy character is to be careful and slow, not to be able to run around without being detected, then when you are detected just run away and crouch. I've been searching a lot for mods that change these two perks or add new perks that could act as replacements but I can't find any that I like. I know that the a few mods including Stealth Skills Rebalanced does this but the perks that replace Silence and Shadow Warrior in that mod just aren't really what I'm looking for, and I don't want the other changes/additions that that mod offers. I'm new to modding but I'm capable of adding new perks to the game so if anyone has an idea for a perk that can replace Silence or Shadow Warrior please post it here because I'm having trouble thinking of a good idea.
  19. Post your ideas for cool sneak skills and I'll try to make them because I really hate the silence and shadow warrior perks in the sneak tree so I want to make a perk or 2 that replaces those but I can't think of any ideas that are good enough.
  20. Hi there, I'm trying to use Ashara's Elven Knight as a replacement for female Stormcloaks. Where I'm at is that I want to either 1. Replace the Stormcloak cuirass with a mesh than includes most all of the armor pieces in one, or 2. Assign extra mesh pieces to the Stormcloak armor. (Elven Knight armor has seperate pauldron, leg armor, skirt, skirt armor, and collar .nif files) My problem with 1 is, although I was able to rename, paste, and save the extra meshes to the base, set the bones first in ck to match those in Nifskope and then when that didn't work I tried setting the mesh bones to match "body" in Nifskope first and didn't change any of the settings in CK. Either way, I get this: http://oi58.tinypic.com/30lyoti.jpg My problem with 2 is that I have absolutely no idea how to tell the game to load extra meshes for a vanilla set. I took a look at http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_2, and I've come to understand that if I set the Stormcloak cuirass with the extra Addons meshes, when the Stormcloak cuirass is worn, all other pieces will appear as well... Well I tried that, it doesn't work, armor just disappears in game and I get floating heads. I don't know which one is on the right track so I figured I'd ask about both these problems. I'm not at all experienced with Nifskope or meshes, also relatively new to Creation Kit, so step-by-step would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Is it possible to change the meshes and replace ursine armor model for Nithrals appearence? If so it would be nice to see someone do that.
  22. Is it possible that you can add or replace the existing music when you enter combat and even modify how much time it should last afterwards, same goes with the radio stations - it would be great if you can create your custom radio station or in-game music player in the pip-boy. P.S. Cheers to all the modders out there <3
  23. Hello there ^^ I've been looking across various skyrim modding sites and have realised there is absolute lack of remodels for the vanilla foot armor. MAK07s remodelled armors seemed to have some remodelling to make the feet armor look like heels but they do lack changes for a lot of other foot armor in the game, especially cloth armor, nor do they utilize the HDT system. There is nothing of this sort for Cloth armors like the boots you wear with robes so if you play a mage character you will end up even more dissapointed. I also found Kendo 2's High Heeled Boots for 7b and they look really nice and even utilize the HDT system but they don't actually replace the armor (again, lack of something for cloth users). Although the HDT system isn't an absolute must, It would be nice to have some remodels of this sort. The reason for this is it would look a lot cooler if we had npcs walking around with heels. I mean there are really cool armor replaces, but the feet armor ruins a lot them, plus who doesnt love heels?? :tongue: Long story short I'm talking about something like Nephs Stock Shoes as Real High Heels by Nephenee13 which was really awesome back in Oblivion. Which is why I'm pretty confident a mod like this will become really popular really fast as that mod is an absolute must have for a whole lot of people who mod oblivion. Not to mention there is already a demand for high heel mods anyway :wink: I'm aware that there are already demands for way more important mods and that modders are probably busy working on their own projects but I decided it wouldn't hurt to try and posted this idea anyway. Cheers and Thanks for reading!
  24. I don't know if something like this has been requested before, but I would love to see it or help make it. FWE has glow flies that show up on dead bodies, which makes me think my idea is plausible. I want to increase immersion in the wasteland affecting bodies. I'm sure someone out there knows how to write script to make it happen. Imagine you're inside an interior location and you kill some bad guys. They could be raiders, slavers, enclave soldiers, even feral ghouls. Those dead bodies are gonna be there awhile. If you use FWE, glow flies will eventually appear flying around the corpses. Let's make it a little more interesting. Once you kill a human enemy or feral ghoul, the body should be tagged as "dead". Within a few game hours, glow flies appear. Then, within a week or two in game time, the bodies are automatically replaced by skeletons, maintaining the pose the bodies were in. We could even go a step further and make some skeleton variants showing decomposition, featuring some hair and rotting flesh. The body could be replaced by the rotting corpse within a few days. Then two weeks later, the rotting corpse is replaced by a skeleton.
  25. im having an issue with body replacer mods the textures are overly shiny and looks like the mod only partially got processed even though the mod was successfully downloaded
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