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  1. Please.. there are a lot of mods to help players have a relationship with no romanceables characters... but no way, no for the X6-88 people who like him ): Would be nice if someone can work to help with that, i would apreciate it so much Thanks a lot for read and the support ^^
  2. okay folks this tread is simple state your favorite ship currently. The posting of photos of your ship and stating why you like the ship is OPTIONAL but RECOMMEND! my real example: Ruby Rose X Weiss Schene a.k.a white rose or a military or sci-fi ship like my INQUISITOR from star conflict. http://star-conflict.com/upload/image/media/artwork/T5_Inquisitor.jpg or you could have a friendship like marth and tiki from fire emblem. http://img10.deviantart.net/5d2a/i/2012/308/5/6/marth_n_tiki_by_shun_one-d5jyxyq.jpg Btw and don't forget credit the artists. mine is by http://kumafromtaiwan.tumblr.com/ and SHUN-ONE on deviantart. GO AND SPREAD THE LOVE NOW MY FELLOW MODDERS AND NETIZENS!
  3. Wondering if any of you would be interested in working on a companion relationship / influence framework. For those who haven't played KOTOR 2 (play it if you haven't, it's probably one of the best AAA-style RPG's ever made), characters have Influence scores that are incremented/decremented when the player says or does things they agree/disagree with. That in turn changes what dialogue is available to the player, triggers intermittent conversations and allows the player to bring characters along with them to the light or the dark side. In KOTOR 2, influence points are hard-coded along with the dialogue. Which is well and good for KOTOR 2, but with the modding ecosystem for Skyrim as large as it is, it'd need to be quite a bit more robust and dynamic in order to be useful for the community. Basically, there are three parts of the idea: there are a number of axes (more subtle than good / evil) that can classify decisions (dialogue choices, quest decisions) each of these actions has a certain magnitude NPCs (and companions, in particular) have preferences for and against particular types of actions. So what would the mod itself entail? combing through vanilla dialogue and adding influence hooks to dialogue and quests allowing mods to register with the framework and offer their own influence hooks allowing characters registered with the framework to access the context, axis, magnitude and influence hit/boost from these hooks Modders could then register a character's preferences with the framework and focus on dealing with how a character reacts to influence hits/boosts/levels instead of hunting down situations to add reactions to - in other words, they could spend more time writing a character that reacts to the world and player and less time coding the sort of influence system I imagine several of the more intensively-coded ones are already using. I'm a good writer (though ideally this would be content-light or content-less as a framework) and decent programmer (with some experience in the GECK/Creation Kit), but would definitely need some people who know their way around Papyrus's quirks and the nitty-gritty of modding API creation to make it as lightweight and easy-to-use as possible. Let me know what you think, especially if you have concerns about technical viability. I don't know myself, and that'd be something I'm hugely interested in discussing. And of course, a happy new year to all of you.
  4. Just a simple idea though I'm not too sure as to how simple it may be to execute, however; I believe a good idea would be to allow us to mail items to the villagers via our mailboxes for a small fee set at a flat rate or based upon the item. Either would work. Further, the item would send the next day and not the day of. So if its a villagers birthday is the next day, you'll want to send their gift the day before so they receive it the following morning on the day of. Maybe their default text that they'd say based upon the gifts value (neutral, like, love) would basically just be copied and used in a letter format to imply they got their gifts, though not really necessary. I feel this would help on days when there is just too much going on and you don't have time to run all across town to deliver a gifts to everyone, or maybe you missed closing time and you have to wait the next day so why not just mail the gift and move on? Any further ideas or opinions to help further along this or help it get noticed would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
  5. I'm currently thinking of creating a relationship overhaul and have many great ideas, the mod will feature heart warming quests along with heart shattering ones. The quests will not be centered around one NPC but the player will have choices with many different characters and with each character having her own unique personality. I'm planning on doing most of the work by myself but for some of the ideas i had i would need an animator. The animations created would help immerse and pull the player in, help to make an emotional connection. Animations included would be things such as a woman crying over a lost siblings. Other animation ideas i'm uncertain of people wanting to do them because of complexity issues but animations such as hugging, kissing etc. For the first release I plan on working only on a male player female NPC combination. Working out all the bugs then depending on what people want a female player male NPC combination. If anyone is interested it would be greatly appreciated if you could PM me. :biggrin:
  6. Ya know, I'd really like it if, in the next TES, the designers would incorporate gameplay which would make possible a relationship between player and spouse that was much more in depth and meaningful. By this I mean enabling the toons to develop a strong emotional bond similar to that developed between the player and Morrigan(?) in DAO. It would be so much more interesting than the two or three lines of dialogue currently on offer. A mod enabling expressions of affection such as hugs and kisses would be nice as well. Not that I've anything against sex. I'm just as testosterone burdened as the next guy, but there is a lot more to a hookup than that. I've tried the hugging mod that's currently available but it was just a bit too glitchy on my comp. Sorry if I come off all soppy and sentimental but I really liked the interpersonal emotions to be had with DAO. Lol! In the real world I've often turned away from a woman if all she had to offer was a hot bod. Now, a hot bod, brains, good conversation, and a warm heart...!!!
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