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Showing results for tags 'realistic'.

  1. A mod that allows realistic book reading, compatible with language translation patches and the touring carriages mod, would be worth gold for nerds like me who love reading books with views and long roads. Instead of a blur effect in the background and a book floating in the middle of the screen, A book that can be held with both hands on the right and left sides, and which follows the center point like a weapon when you turn the screen would be better. So I wouldn't miss any mountain sight. Even if it wasn't that detailed, it would be great if there were at least hands on the left and right and the blurry effect in the background was gone.
  2. I hope for a mod which makes it so that armor adds a slight reduction to magic damage, in a non-additive fashion. Essentially, if I have 80% magic resistance without armor, and I have an amount of armor which gives me a non-additive 40% resistance, it would go like this: I am hit by a spell which does 100 damage. Firstly, that spell damage is multiplied by 0.2, turning the damage to 20. Now, instead of the armor resist adding regularly, and just bringing magic resistance to the 85% cap, the 20 damage is multiplied again but now by 0.6, leading the spell damage to be 12. Thanks to the person who may make this mod. Please ask first before deciding the armor magic resistance cap, or add multiple versions. If you make the mod and upload it, don't worry about crediting me.
  3. Ok, i seriously need some help... For some reason the latest release of RLO doesn't seem to be working at all...the interior of caves are still really bright, i'm really running out of ideas here. Im using Mod Organizer but it just won't work, i've tried using loot to order, manually move both the "archive" and .esp around from top to bottom to no avail, it just doesn't seem to work....wich really has me confused since one of the previous versions ( works with no problems at all...so i guess there's something different between that one and the newest? same files, same load order, just different version but it won't work....Heck, i've tried loading only RLO on a Vanilla game, no other mods and still it won't work... im sure theres something really minimal and stupid behind this, but i can't find it myself...so please, help. Here's my load order: Sorted by LOOT, i'll try to upload some screenshots... need to work on it uwu"
  4. "A man with no family, no hope, and nothing to lose...... is the most dangerous kind of man there is" So it's been a while since I've played or modded Fallout 4, but I recently saw a video by shikakimushrooms (Link to video and channel in the Dob ble do down below) and it inspired me to re mod fallout 4 and do a minute men based play through. The gritty story of a man who has no reason to live but lives to find a reason. I'm looking for mods that will make the game feel more like a metro title. A better break down is..... Looking for improvements to the Minute menLooking for improvements to combatLooking for Improvements to the Weapons/ weapons( or weapon packs) to add inLooking for more armor/cosmetic choices for male charactersLooking for improvements on the survival modeLooking for improvements to the CompanionsLooking for other Quests/Quest packs, items, companions, yada yada, to shake up the game a bit this time aroundAnd any other type of mod that helps make give this a gritty realistic atmosphereI've cleaned out all the mods I have and verified the game runs as intended because I didn't know if new better versions of the basic necessary mods so if you have anything you consider necessary go ahead and mention it to. I have all the DLC and know a decent bit about modding I've never really tried to do a specific theme with my mods so I thought I'd seek some help Fallout 4- A fathers Plight (Inspiration video) shikakimushrooms (Video Creator) https://www.youtube.com/user/shikakimushrooms/feed
  5. Greetings fellow Skyrim fans, Following the release of Enderal i have come to realise the capabilities of modding and creating skyrim content. As an avid Skyrim fan, and a gamer so desparate for a good, enjoyable survival game, I wondered why it has not been done?. The capabilities are there, i have seen many amazing survival mods for the game and even a multiplayer mod that appears to work very well and it is still improving. Although when i say survival, i dont mean the enraging, stressful and actually boring gameplay of games such as Rust and such like, where the community is poisonous. I've played many survival games and i know what is good and bad about them. My idea of a great survival game in skyrim; Realistic, real location, viking/medieval etc era based role playing with all survival aspects of mods already created such as camping, crafting, hunting, fishing, finance, faction based, with ever changing scenarios and world events based on faction actions or even player actions with diplomacy and all that good stuff. Where consequences and actions really mean something and overpowered players are non existent. where the character really feels like its yours and when you work hard you reap the rewards. Ive seen what content creators of skyrim are made of, ive seen what they can do. It just needs to be sown together to create and really great survival based skyrim adventure with its own story and layout. I know many people will start to reference games with most of these things, but i think skyrim has real potential for this sort of game style. I dont have the time to fully explain my vision for a survival skyrim, but i genuinely think it could be done. It may seem like a lot, but most of it has already been made. I hope im not the only one with this urge!!.
  6. Fallout 4 now has tons of skin texture mods. Which one is most realistic to you and why? From what I can tell, there are three body mods, CBBE, EVB, Wonder Body. I want the most realistic skin. List of skin texture mods: Natural Female WB CBBE M-skin for CBBE (female body and face texture) CBBE Ida Body Texture Valkyr Female Face and Body Textures Pride of Valhalla - HD Skin Set for CBBE Oni face and full CBBE and JB nude re-texture SO NUDE Glorious Female Nude Mod (CBBE Compatible) The Perfect Body Natural Woman
  7. I am in the process of making a mod with over 10 common mental disorders, their effects and urges, ways to alleviate the effects and urges, and cures (I am making them as realistic as possible, although in real life these disorders do not have cures yet, just medications) for the various disorders in mini-quests. I will also eventually add a few full quests to help the added NPCs of Skyrim afflicted with these mental disorders by going through their respective quest (one for each mental disorder) and helping them find the cure. This mod may take months but I am a part time college student and have a lot of free time. If you are interested in voice-acting, please contact me at [email protected]. I will need quite a few voice-actors for this mod. Anyone who has a decent microphone and speaks English (accents are fine, even choppy English is fine) is welcome to email me. WANTED: People who understand scripting. This is my first mod ever and I decided to make a huge one with loads of scripting. I could use the help if anyone is interested. Please email me, email is above. THANKS!
  8. Does it slightly weird anyone else out that the eyes in this game are glowy white? There's no shadowing as would be normal in real life. Does anyone know if there's a mod that changes that? Or one addressing that already? If not does anyone know how one would be made?
  9. I'm fairly new to mods and suchs so I don't know if what I'm asking as already been done. I did search the sse nexus and original skyrim nexus but couldnt find anything that match what I'm looking for; I like my female warriors to look sexy, but not slutty, if you know what I mean.. so I'd like to find a female vanilla armor overhaul like the Sexy Vanilla Female Armor for UNP but with actual armored pants/shirt/skirts or whatever would fit nicely. I like the 'sexyness' of the tank tops and the high boots but it just seem silly to me to have female warriors walk around in what looks like to be a bikini. It feels like it could look a lot less cheesy if they we're actually wearing something for the bottom part of the armor. If this already exist, or a similar variant, can someone point me to it? If not, is it something that could be made in the future? ( not in rush, just asking as I don't really know how much work that implies, but I imagine it's a lot )
  10. I was wondering - since a mod exists to make realistic lighting from such things as windows, firepits, torches, ect - if anyone would want to make a mod that provides realistic lighting from Masser and Secunda, like what we get from our own moon, with pale/viridian light for secunda and red light for masser?
  11. As much as i love spiders, especially giant ones seen in movies and video games, the ones in skyrim are pretty lackluster, they don't even look like real spiders and look more like a cartooney cactus monster too me. I was hoping if any talented modders out there could make a mod that replaces the vanilla spiders with up scaled spiders modeled after real life ones, or add them as variant species alongside the frostbite spiders. if anyone out there would take up making spiders based on real life ones, i would like too see at least one of the following Wolf Spider https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_spider Huntsman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntsman_spider Rose Tarantula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilean_rose_tarantula goliath spider https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliath_birdeater now i know none of the species are web weavers/spinners like the frostbite spider so if anyone wants to be realistic i think any breed of trapdoor or tunnel (funnel web) spiders will do
  12. Hello, and welcome to this little request of mine :) Intro Since I started playing fallout 4 (By release), I've really been annoyed by the minutemen default look. I mean, they look more like cowboys, than minutemen (Old school militia). So would someone please be kind to do this request, please? Request What I have in mind, is to make the default minutemen outfit look more like Hancocks outfit, in BLUE though. I'm sure you get the idea of what I mean by looking at this picture in the link below :) https://www.google.dk/search?q=revolutionary+outfit&biw=1280&bih=860&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiIm4LduY7MAhVBXCwKHePpCCsQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=american+revolution+&imgrc=eYabiu8unpySvM%3A I really hope someone would take up the task to do it! Pease out.
  13. http://i.imgur.com/dJYn7Pw.jpg The most important trading center of the northern part of the Commonwealth, heavily protected and with a stable population, Sanctuary Hills has been developing very quickly (with some people nicknaming it as the "second jewel of the Commonwealth" and receiving the name of Sanctuary City), and it will soon rival Diamond City if the growth continues at this rate, with new settlers and merchants arriving every week. It has links to the Minutemen, but is a completely independent and autonomous city. It has made contact with nearby settlements in the north and has trade partnerships with many of them, some of the most relevant ones being The Slog and Abernathy Farm, which supply Sanctuary City with food and resources that are not locally produced. The defenses are strong and are capable of standing against an organized raid of as many as 30 raiders, with gun turrets guarding every corner and a very capable, well armed and well trained militia. The local restaurant is famous for its mole rat hamburgers and its pleasant atmosphere where one can sit down, tune in to Diamond City Radio and listen to some pre-war tracks while drinking a cold, irradiated nuka cola. Sanctuary City counts with a well equipped medical clinic that can supply travelers with different drugs and patch up whoever needs it. 'The Doc', as townsfolk call him, is very capable and has saved many lives throughout the years. There are no conventional taverns in town. Instead, visitors have to pay five caps directly to the mayor to spend a night in a big, shared shack in the middle of the city The mayor oversees the main street of Sanctuary City from his office http://i.imgur.com/bMe1pi9.jpg Full album: http://imgur.com/a/5vbfa
  14. If a mod like this already exists please point me to it! I was playing on survival on my lvl 80 character and i noticed while in power armor that i was getting hurt way too easily. power armor is supposed to have been made to replace tanks as one man armor. But i realized that while taking damage the armor pieces health itself was not affected too much but the player itself was loosing a lot of health. You could die before any armor pieces were even broken off. My Idea for a mod: Make it so you can only take direct damage to your hp pool if the armor is broken. that way initial damage would be taken by the power armors hp pool but once it broke you would have nothing protecting you and any further damage would be taken by the players hp pool. In my opinion this makes the power armor much more useful and realistic as well as Lore-Friendly. Example: if you were getting shot in your power armor and only your chest piece broke off. if you were getting hit on the chest portion you would take damage but if you got hit on unbroken armor pieces then the armor would take damage, not you.
  15. [Text size 18 for easier reading] One of the things I love about the Fallout games is how the bodies are torn or blasted apart from attacks. However, one thing that has always bothered me is how a body could fall from heights tall enough to kill them thrice over, yet their physical bodies remain unscathed. I'd like to request a mod that enables it so when a body, both alive and dead, fall from a high enough height, they gib. Granted, I don't know how to mod nor do I know what kinds of triggers/conditions are available to modders, but I had some ideas as to how it may be implemented. *Bodies that are alive: 1. For a body that is alive, when it dies from a fall where the damage is less than the victim's total health, only the legs should gib and maybe the head and/or torso. 2. For a body that is alive, when it dies from a fall where the damage exceeds the victim's total health, the effect of the Bloody Mess perk should be applied. *Deceased Bodies: 1. When the ragdoll body hits the ground where the damage is less that the victim's total health, the extremity of the body that makes contact with the ground, the torso, and maybe the head should gib. If the torso is the one that makes contact, only it and maybe the head should gib. 2. When the ragdoll body hits the ground where the damage exceeds the victim's total health, the effect of the Bloody Mess perk should still be applied. I would think deceased bodies that gib from heights would be the most challenging seeing if the games references them differently than living npc's. If they are referenced to as just physics-based destructible props, there may be a work-around via some similar objects. 1. Cars can occasionally be seen spawning mid-air far enough away as they're being drawn by the engine. I've heard in forums that they explode when dropped from a high enough height. If that's true, then perhaps that script could be used for rag-dolled bodies. 2. Vertibirds, when shot down will crash and explode when they hit the ground, yet when they glitch through it, they maintain their tailspin beneath the ground's geometry. This tells me either their crash trigger is physics based or conditioned that it happens when they so much as bump the ground. If it's the former, then perhaps that script too could be used. 3. I was thinking about Power Armor, but since it's a static object until mounted, the fall animation may just be a character/npc animation instead of being a physics-based prop script. *Something I just realized after writing everything else is that from my understanding, there are two main ways bodies gib that should be kept in mind while scripting. 1. Minimal gibs is when the body breaks apart at fixed points being the neck, both thighs, and both shoulders. Though, from what I recall, along the arms and legs, where it is severed depends on where it is struck hard enough to make it do so. 2. Messy gibs is when you can hardly make out what the body used to be. When the body takes enough damage, instead of separating into neatly defined body parts, it explodes into a pile of non-descript bloody/meaty gore chunks. *Another thing I realized, and am annoyed at, is when there are too many bodies/npc's/objects/etc. loaded, bodies won't gib at all. This is mostly seen at settlements and I suppose large towns. Even though it is probably done to prevent a dip in performance, I would greatly appreciate it if the mod had an option to disable this no-gib safeguard. Thanks!
  16. My mod request is simple, yet somehow still doesn't exist for Fallout, I have not a single clue on modding so I wanted to ask.. Can someone make a mod that allow us to throw stuff farther? (As we all know, Bethesda, after many years without such basic needs, they decided to add a Throw Function into the game) I would like if possible a "realistic" version as well as a unrealistic one. By example, I would love to be able to throw stuff farther away than the default, but not to the point they just vanish from the players view. And another that other probably would like, that allows you to throw stuff very far, wich would probably be used for killing stuff with Teddy Bears... Another request would be to allow us to Lift Heavier objects, such as some bodies, those cars that are moveable, deathclaws, Skinny Malone... It would probably be fantastic to have both together, imagine people throwing those tiny cars against a deathclaw! Thos are my ideas for two probably fantastic mods, that by far aren't anywhere to be found! (Now all I have to do is wait till HL3 is released for someone to see this :nuke:)
  17. Hi, I've been looking for a mod that lets me independently change the volume of gunshots apart from all other sounds so I can set it very high so it has the same very high loudness real firearms have in real life for immersion purposes, I've also seen people complain about gunshots being too loud but other sound effects being too quiet already so they weren't able to turn it down, theoretically this should be pretty easy but I don't know the first thing about this kind of modding, just how to mod in basic items and scripts with GECK.
  18. *NO LONGER NEEDED! FOUND A MOD AUTHOR WILLING TO TAKE ON PROJECT* Okay, so most of the armour mods I find on Nexus are either skimpy or just having "boob windows" don't get me wrong, I have found few female armour mods that I enjoy and seem practical but here is what I personally would like to see. I think an armour like this that is actually protective and still look stylish would be an amazing treat on Nexus. Sadly, I could not find an image that show the back of this character but I'm thinking, if someone does decide to take up this offer, is "we" (well...you) mirror how the front of the armour looks just make it look like a back piece. Also, if anyone decides to make this armour for the love of Mara, she's wearing pants in this image so please don't give her stockings, don't give the armour boob windows or an open back. I hope this was all understandable and not to "harsh" sounding. I realize the chances of anyone that makes high quality armour mods seeing this is probably smaller than me winning the lottery but I'm patience, even if I'm waiting for something that will never come. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. http://media.tumblr.com/a28383900111e60cde6e658a6197feff/tumblr_inline_mgc54yse8k1rnp9q5.jpg
  19. Hi, I want to get rid the ambient light/fog of the game because I want to make it look more realistic. Even totally dark when there is no light. I use mod organizer and I have a lot of mods installed, together with a merged patch. At first, I thought it was a specific mod that ruins my realism, but after deactivating all plugins and all mods, using just realistic interior lighting, I started thinking that this is because of the game settings or whatever. I experimented a lot with .ini tweaks both in fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini, using tweakguides etc. but I can't find any parameter that removes the fog or something similar. Now I have resetted all LOD settings etc to default. The closest I managed to get is by using an enb (just the latest enb v0.267 without presets) and by setting the UseOriginalPostProcessing On and the fogcolormultiplier to 0, therefore removing the fog, BUT there is a point in the viewing distance, beyond which everything is popping up in that blueish color. SCREENSHOTS FOR BOTH CASES ARE ATTACHED!! HELP! Do you think that my approach is wrong? I have really tried everything. I just want realistic lighting at least in the interiors and even at a far distance. The exteriors (the wasteland) are fine at night. Pure darkness! Thanks for reading and I hope you can help!!! -------------------------------------My mod list------------------------------------------------- # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. +Fog remover +DC Moods +Clean-Deluxe +Paradox Ignition presents The Mergers +Realistic Interior Lighting +Digital Nightmare - Music +Fallout 3 redesigned +Knightmares Prewar clothing mod 2 +Responsive Kill Reactions +Faster plasma projectiles +Hi res Prewar Money +Nuka-Cola Hi-Res Retexture +F3R - Fallout 3 Retextured WIP +Nuka Cola Truck HiRes +HI-RES Fission Battery +Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe HighRes Retex +Hi-Res Lunchbox Retexture +Improved Glass Bullet Impact +Better Game Performance +Little Mutant Problem Rus 1 +Arlington Adventure 2 +Vandr HD Creatures +MGs Neat Clutter +Better PreWar and Burned Books +Ghouls Hires retexture +Fallout 3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting +IMPACT FURTHER DISTANCE +SmoothLight - Pip-Boy Light Enhancer +Earth from space +Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured +CRL9000 Sound Modification V046 - DLC Edition +Can Has Recoil +IMPACT +CombatEnhanced-Package +Fallout Stutter Remover update +Fallout Stutter Remover +Realistic Bullet Speed - WMK No Tracers +Night Vision +HT xCALIBR Bullet Physics +Realistic Bullet Speed for xCalibr +eXcalibr Ammo eXpansion Pack +Sprint Mod +Player Animations - Stimpaks +Directors Chair - Total Visual Control +CINEMATECH - Film Grains and Styles +The IMAGINATOR for FO3 - Visual Control Device +DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field +RH IronSights EVE PlasmaRifle Fix +UWWUT - Ironsights +RH_IronSights plus Weapon Mod Kits plugin +Steady Aim +Buyable Slaves Rus +Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera +Helmet POV +RideableCreatureVer2 +GNR Enhanced +Realistic Weapons Damages +Reload Addon +Fallout3 Interface Mod Revelation +Real explosion +CtRStealth +Artorps +Auto Aim Fix +Slower Degradation +Swords +UIO - User Interface Organizer +FO3 Error Fixes +Eyelashes Fallout3 +SlowmotionBulletFlybyInVats +Immersive HUD - iHUD +Destructibles +Realistic Death Physics +UsableCigarettesv02 +Player Animations - Food and Drink +JunkMetalSchematics (RUS) +cigarettes Marlboro +sunglasses collection +Power Armor Footstep SFX v1 +Down and Dirty 1 +HelmetLights +Gas Mask +Armored Caravan v.1.0 +Auto Gates +Height Randomizer Less Variance Version +MMM Rus +Existence 2.0 +Fallout Audio +Ambient Wasteland 2 +Hall Of Face +Lost in Light - An Eye Improvement Mod +Beards of Fallout +Hall Of Equipment V2 All In One +Adjustable HUD - aHUD +MTUI +Color Hi-Detailed map and icons +PipBoy 3002 +HD Terminals +Robot Revolution - Protectron HD Re-texture +Enhanced Blood Textures +Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack +BetterHiResSkillBooks +Precision Collision - Clutter +BetterClutterCollection +Flora Overhaul FORESTED +Fallout Street Lights +NQ Terrain Overhaul +NMC - Distant LOD Rock Fix for NMCs MAXIMUM Texture Pack +NMCs Texture Pack MAXIMUM Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM +Fallout 3 Hirezd +Weapon Mod Kits +UWWUT 1.5 +Hires Weapons +EVE 097 cool UpdateRuss +EVE 097 BetaRus +Updated Unofficial Fallout3 Patch Mod Manager Version +CRAFT +CALIBR -----------------------------My .esm/.esp Load Order--------------------------------------------- fallout3.esm anchorage.esm thepitt.esm StreetLights.esm brokensteel.esm pointlookout.esm zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm Hairday.esm aHUD.esm iHUD.esm CRAFT.esm CALIBR.esm xCALIBR.esm Project Beauty.esm EVE.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp Update.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Dawnguard.esm Skyrim.esm Arlington_Adventure_03.esm RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm ImaginatorFO3.esp CINEMATECH.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp EVE.esp Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp CALIBRxMerchant.esp Sprint Mod.esp Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp GNR Enhanced.esp Existence2.0.esp brokensteel2.esp Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp SniperZooming.esp NPC Height Randomizer Less Variance.esp WeaponModKits.esp WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp WMK-RH IronSights.esp Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp sunglassescollection.esp F3Eyelashes.esp AutoGates.esp jmschematics.esp UWWUT.esp UWWUT - The Pitt Addon.esp UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon.esp UWWUT - WMK Addon.esp UWWUT_WT.esp UWWUT_WT - TP Addon.esp UWWUT_WT - BS Addon.esp UWWUT_WT - WMK Addon.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp UsableCigarettes.esp Slower Degradation (-25%).esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Realistic Death Physics.esp BrokenSteel1.esp CRAFT_Rus.esp Flora Overhaul.esp BeardsofFallout.esp Armored Caravan rus.esp GasMask.esp gasmaskhelmet.esp HelmetLight.esp Down'n'Dirty.esp SlowmotionBulletFlybyInVats.esp FO3 Error Fixes.esp Swords.esp CTR Stealth PwrArmor.esp CTR Stealth v2.1.esp Real_explosion.esp RWD-BrokenSteel.esp RWD-MothershipZeta.esp RWD-PointLookout.esp RWD-PowerArmorFix(BrokenSteel).esp RWD-PowerArmorFix(The Pitt).esp RWD-PowerArmorFix.esp RWD-ThePitt.esp RWD.esp RideableCreature.esp RideableCreature_EN.esp HelmPOV.esp sc_buying_slaves.esp ProperSniping.esp RH_EVE_Bridge_PlasmaRifleFix.esp Player Animations - Stimpak (15s, ignore crippled).esp RealisticBulletSpeedxCalibr.esp HT xCALIBR Bullet Physics.esp RBS -Laser and Plasma Projectiles Optional.esp RealisticBulletsWMKnoTracers.esp CombatEnhanced-Package.esp IMPACT.esp IMPACT RH_IS+WMK+All DLCs.esp CanHasRecoil.esp HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp GunImpactLODIncreased.esp A Little Mutant Problem Rus.esp Faster plasma projectiles.esp KnightmaresClothing.esp Responsive Kill Reactions.esp RubblePilesFix.esp BetterGamePerformance.esp Destructibles.esp DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp Directors Chair - Fallout 3.esp DarkNights-Default.esp HZ_Night_Vision_Power_Armor.esp HZ_PNV_BRIGHT.esp HZ_PNV_BRIGHT_DAMAGE_AP.esp HZ_PNV_NORMAL.esp HZ_PNV_NORMAL_DAMAGE_AP.esp FO3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting.esp FO3 RWL GOTY.esp Player Animations - Food & Drink.esp DC Moods.esp PointLookout Moods.esp The Pitt Moods.esp Clean-Deluxe GOTY.esp FogRemover.esp Realistic Interior Lighting.esp Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp merged patch.esp
  20. Hi all. I am currently quite happy with solving a few problems that before hindered me from playing the game. I have as of yet not done a complete play-through, so please no spoilers =) I am on the look out for an ENB to use with Climates of Tamriel and especially one that is not too over saturated or extreme in it´s coloration. The most important aspects of the ENB i am to use are as follows 1: Realistic colors 2: Dark dungeons 3: Immersive with Climates of Tamriel 4: Not too heavy on FPS I did my first playtest with realvision, but i am sad to say it felt way too colorful for me, and even after tweaking it at the best of my abilities, i could not get it to blend in properly. Also, dungeons became far far too bright, and when i saw that i choose to give up and start over. My playstyle is to keep it realistic and harsh. I will be playing a Nord with the intention of living outside a lot and to use mods like Wet and cold, frostfall etc. The ENB i am looking for is one that will make me "feel" the cold and harsh enviroment, that will increase the general feel of all scenes of nature and also give a lot of immersive feel to interiors. I would love to see early morning fog on the waters, to make the woods feel old and damp instead of brightly colorful and all " too much". I know the ENB´s you see in many videos are a bit extreme on the system and some even are not to be used for playing but rather for video and pictures. In addition to this, the common problem i feel is that depending on what monitor you have, the result will differ for everyone. Realvision for me was far to extreme in lack of a better word. My setup is as follows, and with that i am hoping someone can recommend me to a good and fitting ENB. Thank you and have a nice weekend all. MK Asus P8P67-MSocket 1155, P67, B3 - Intel Core i5 2500K 3.3GHz 6MB - Noctua NH-U9B SE2 - A-Data 16GB (2x8GB) CL9 1600MHz XPG INET EDITION - EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB SC ACX - Fractal Design Define Mini Black - Corsair HX 650W 80+ Modular - Samsung SSD EVO Basic 840-Series 500GB - ASUS 27" VG278HE 144Hz - Windows 8 Eng 64-bit OEM
  21. I did Google search after Google search, and either the forum I found had no answer, or the answer didn't work for me. I've also searched for my problem here on the Nexus Forums, as well, with no luck. The problem is that some (but not all) of the food items with Realistic Needs and Diseases installed don't reduce hunger. Some of my installed mods that might be important in relation to RND would be Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes, SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators, Immersive Creatures, and Better Sorting. I don't think Better Sorting is causing the problem because it's both placed above all of the RND mods and I opted out of the changes to the food it makes. I've tried fixing the problem by setting all the RND mods to be placed below Frostfall and all of my mods relating to Immersive Creatures (though I don't think SIC changes food items or drops at all), but I'm still getting food that don't seem to be affected by RND like they should. I believe that I have all the available patches for RND, such as the ones for the DLCs, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, as well as ones for my other mods, like Pure Waters and USKP, as they're all listed in my load order, all below the main .esp file. One little not that I think I should mention is that on the Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes mod page on the Nexus, it implies that it is compatible with Realistic Needs and Diseases through the 'RND_PatchPack' that's listed in RND's files, but that Patch Pack on the RND page doesn't list RWLaR as a covered mod. Because of this, I didn't install the Patch Pack. Here's a list of all of the foods in the cooking menu that don't have their proper RND effect as they should, along with their effects: It's really aggravating because many of the food items that don't work with RND are very common, like the Venison Chop and Wolf Roast, so most of the meat that I find isn't going to be useful in depleting my hunger. My full load order, if it's of any help: Any sort of direction is much appreciated.
  22. In Fallout you can get skins for cigarettes and etc? But why not smoke them?? Someone should make a mod for smoking, not just an animation! Make it so you can take 1 cigarette every time you smoke, 20 in a pack? Addictive? Gives you +1 Luck and intelligence for 10 min? A smoking interface where you have to get a lighter to lite the cigarette and left click to hit and right click to throw away also, the cigarette burns? Damages you health (very little) option not to hurt you? That's not all but thanks for reading this! I would love to see this happen please kik me (Tankster2002 is my kik) if you want some ideas or anything like that! I have so much ideas for mods in fallout 4!
  23. I would love to see a mod that makes it to when you kill people/ghouls and creatures with headshots using any (non-energy) pistol/rifle instead of their heads exploding in a terrifically cheesy gore-fest, that it instead gives an entry/exit wound with the head remaining fully attached. Pretty much, the only weapons in the game that should decapitate/explodificate heads are shotguns, grenades, melee's, & .50 cal's. I haven't used energy weapons enough to know if they can decapitate, but they aren't my concern. Mainly just want what the title implies; Realistic Bulletholes. Thanks so much to anyone who puts any amount of effort into this!
  24. Hey Forum, So I have played fallout 4 extensively and I enjoyed the game so much. Sure, mods have made it even better, "even" just the ones that were made this early, but in general I like it. I have finished the games main plot and am sort of just now starting with the settlement thing and need to travel a lot, however I am not the biggest fan of fast traveling. Incomes the Vertibird! I LOVE this mechanic SO MUCH! I am so excited to see modders take the potential for this "new" vehicle type and just go crazy with it. Right now though, we, the players, are limited by the signal grenades to call for one. I have a problem with this for two reasons: 1. How on earth is a faction supposed to see the smoke from anywhere on the map and be able to send a Vertibird your way to pick you up? I don't see look-out posts everywhere! So that bugs the hell out of me. 2. The other thing, and maybe even the more compelling reason of the two, is ... well ... these grenades are just simply hard to come by, if you use them extensively for traveling. Only one vendor in the whole commonwealth sells them to you. And the worst part, not every grenade gets you a Vertibird, if for example one throws it somewhere looking rather spacious and the game saying "Well, sorry. This space wouldn't fit a Vertibird, better luck next time." It's infuriating. So not only am I limited by how many I own, but I need to also hope that the place I throw it (making it even harder to exactly pin-point the LZ (landing zone) ) is large enough to actually fit the damn thing. So based on these problems and playing the game through, I had an idea. The brotherhood has these cool looking "distress signal"-packs that a group takes, when they go out on a mission, so in case things go south, they can set it up and receive help. So I thought to myself, why not have a re purposed BoS distress signal handed to the player that, when set on the ground (via something similar looking to the settlement placing system? Just a thought), would act as a signal grenade, just without actually loosing the item. Ok, here is my Idea: Have a "distress signal" renamed to a Vertibird-signal transmitter (or something like that) that has the same functionality of the signal grenade. Maybe you can get it from a NPC of the faction you joined or you could just buy it from a vendor in that faction? To make it "lore-friendlier"? It can be placed on the ground (via settlement system, just with no limitations? or maybe when in the inventory and selecting it a menu poping up asking if you want to place it?) and activates after placing. Then the usual text from the signal grenade appears telling you, if the Vertibird can get to you or not. If it can't, you can just pick it up again, walk somewhere else and then just redo the steps above. If it can, you wait for it to land, pick up the placed transmitter, jump in the Vertibird and travel. It would make more sense from a "realistic" perspective imo, because radio waves are a thing and can be sent further than the smoke of a signal grenade^and it wouldn't be such a pain having to "loose" a paid item every time it doesn't work or just simply running out and having to walk somewhere over encumbered! So I hope some of you feel the same way and I can interest a modder to make this. I lack the required skill and don't have the time to aquire it. Thank you for your time.
  25. I'm currently working on a mod to make a more realistic version of laser weapons, eliminating recoil, unlimited ammo, etc. However, the best I've been able to do so far with FO4Edit is just change the ammo capacity. I haven't been able to figure out how to make it so it either doesn't take ammo or can shoot thousands of times before needed to be reloaded (and only needing to carry 1 or 2 rounds of ammo all game) to give it a false sense of infinite ammo. I know there are a lot of "unknown" sections under the weapon's data in FO4edit, so does anyone happen to know if this is possible yet or stumbled across something yourself that could aid me in my quest? If not, well I will have to wait for the GECK, I'm sure I'll be able to do it with that. Anywho, thanks all! Happy modding!
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