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  1. Hello, after playing for a while in survival mode I realize that food is not a problem, it is everywhere, it does not expire and it is cheap or free. However, in medieval times, it was just the opposite, it was not dragons or hordes of bandits that decimated the population but disease and hunger, peasants often had to abandon or sell their children to survive themselves and their other children, so seeing in Skyrim such an abundance of food at hand takes me out of the historical immersion. Before starting, let me say that this is a mixed post of search (in case what I indicate is already done and you can tell me which mods implement it) help (since I have downloaded many mods and this community has given me a lot and I want to make my first mod, so if you could tell me how to do some simple things to start and then I will complicate it) and suggestion, in case some expert modder finds interesting what I propose and what is going to take me several months between learning and testing he can have it ready in a few weeks. Next, I will put the points of what the mod should do trying to order them from what I think is simpler (I may be wrong since I have never created a Skyrim mod) to the most complex. 1. All food is expensive, very expensive, it should serve as a money sink (here I would need someone to explain to me how to modify the prices of the merchants' items) and it always has an owner, so it must be bought or stolen, no more serving yourself for free from the farms and having infinite vegetable soups. 2. To control this, entering a farm will be considered trespassing at any time of the day and night, during the day the farmer can see you steal and report you, at night when the farmer goes to sleep there will be guard dogs that will attack if you enter the farm and wake up the farmer who will report you and you will have a nice bounty. 3. No more having a rich vegetable soup in the middle of a fight, to eat you need tranquility and time a meal is not a potion and therefore, you must plan and take it outside of the fights, just as you cannot fast travel or certain actions with enemies nearby, that you cannot eat in those cases either, you eat before or after but not during a fight. 4. Food expires, it spoils, the days of creating 30 vegetable soups and having them tasty and nutritious 200 days later are over, food will have 3 states: Fresh, which will be the freshly harvested vegetable or freshly hunted meat and the one bought from merchants, fresh food will have all its properties and will be safe to eat. Past, the past food is the one that has lost some properties and is not so nutritious but is still safe to eat, this food is the one that is found around, on shelves and people's houses. Rotten, rotten food should not be eaten as it will not nourish the body and will cause diseases. Once placed in the inventory, the food will gradually spoil, that is, the first 2 days for example we will have fresh meat, from the 3rd to the 7th it will be past and on the 8th day it will rot. The idea is not to hoard food and that it has to be obtained constantly day by day in a struggle for survival just as the inhabitants of the Middle Ages had to do. There will be ways to preserve food, salting and smoking which will make it last longer, my idea is that one can salt the food by putting it in a barrel along with piles of salt, just like the fish barrels that are found in Skyrim that have fish and salt, in this way one can put a piece of meat in a barrel and a certain number of piles of salt and after a few days, the meat will be salted and will last much longer until we need to eat it, to put a handicap to this system I had thought: That salt is also expensive and difficult to obtain and that a certain amount of piles of salt are consumed (representing the one that has been absorbed by the meat) and also that if the barrel is not watched or in one of our houses, there is a probability that someone will simply steal our meat and our salt and we will find the barrel empty when we return. Salted food has the advantage that it takes longer to rot but will have lost nutrients (think of it as past food that lasts more than 5 days) and will give us more THIRST which we will talk about in the next point. The other option is smoking which must be done by experts so the player will not be able to do it by himself but will take his meat to a merchant or tavern keeper and for a certain amount of gold he will return it smoked, the meat to be smoked must have been legally obtained as we will see later or not only will they refuse to smoke it for you but they will report you to the guard. 5. Implement separate THIRST system, right now there is only a hunger bar that decreases quite quickly when a person can be weeks without eating but no more than 2 or 3 days without drinking, it also serves as an incentive to consume wine and other alcoholic beverages to quench thirst and thus activate other drunken mods and have a reason to do so, the idea behind this is that in medieval times everyone including children drank wine and beer instead of water since at that time sanitation was non-existent, germs were not known nor boiling water and the safest way to hydrate without getting cholera or parasites was to drink wine as the alcohol it contained made it a safer drink at that time so we should consume alcoholic beverages often to keep thirst at bay, but activating in the process if we have them installed those mods that will penalize us or create "uncomfortable" situations. Thirst will gradually increase over time but consuming salty foods will make us more thirsty, as well as if we are constantly running or after a fight we will need to replenish fluids. 6. Meat is a luxury, all big game hunting is owned by the Jarl, hunting deers and similar is forbidden and you need a special license from the Jarl for each piece, that is, no buying a license and hunting whatever you want, each license only allows you to hunt 1 deer, this point implies several subpoints: 6a. Attacking a deer without a license is considered a crime just like attacking a person and killing a deer without a license is the same. 6b. To watch over the deer there would be a new NPC (elite ranger of the Jarl) that would arise where the deer usually are and they would have sharpened senses to watch over the whole area so they would see you much earlier than you them and if you hunt without a license and without making sure there is no ranger in the area you can get into a mess, because even if you hunt in stealth, the deer will not be in stealth and the ranger will see it die and come to investigate (needless to say that the rangers ride on horseback and in pairs) and it will not be like the bandits that you put an arrow in the head and they surrender saying "it will be my imagination" these rangers do not surrender so easily so run away quickly or face them. Here I would like it to be realistic, that is, if you kill a deer and you are in stealth the rangers see the result (the dead deer) but not the cause (you) then they cannot put a bounty on you, if you manage to escape remaining hidden at all times you will not have a bounty, but if they detect you they will remember your face and you will have a nice bounty when you return to that area. 6c. Even having bought your license, there are requirements to meet, the deers will now have more life so it will be more difficult to kill them with a single shot, also the license you have is linked to the first deer you attack and wound so do not let it escape and chase it and finish it off because if it escapes and you go for another one for that one you will not have a license and you will get into a big mess. 6d. If hunting becomes too complicated you can also buy the meat from a merchant, but this will be more expensive than a hunting license since the merchant has to amortize the cost of buying his license, pay the hunter and his profit, so the price of the meat will be very expensive. 6e. If you manage to steal a venison or hunt a deer and escape before the Jarl's rangers arrest you, do not sing victory yet, as you can still be caught, if you think of cooking your piece in some city the peasants can smell your cooked meat and out of envy they can warn the guard to check if you have a license to possess that meat, either having hunted it legally, or having bought it, if they catch you cooking illegal meat they will take you to prison, so if you have obtained your food in a slightly legal way, better cook it in places away from nosy noses. 6f. If after all these inconveniences your reaction is: I pass on the meat, I feed myself on carrots and tomatoes, the idea is that later on it will be necessary to eat meat to have an adequate intake of proteins, that is, if you are a skinny mage you may not need meat, but if you are a warrior who is waving a heavy mace over your head with 2 hands you need muscle, a lot of muscle and to create and maintain that muscle you need a diet rich in animal protein so either in your daily diet there is meat or your level progress can be slowed down or penalized losing levels that represent the loss of muscle mass due to lack of adequate nutrition. 7. Food sources outside the cities. In old ruins forgotten for centuries, you might be able to find wine and drink but never food, as it will either be rotten or have disappeared over time, you will be able to hunt and find berries, but you will have to look for a place to cook the meat. The most likely way you will have to feed yourself during your journey will be looting enemies and bandits that you come across who probably carry some piece of bread or some vegetable or raw rabbit leg, so if you avoid confrontations to not waste energy and resources you can find yourself short of food, obviously the draugrs and other undead will not carry food on them just like the dwemer animunculus and the falmer will carry a disgusting food that should only be consumed in case of extreme necessity. At the moment this is all the idea is to do this little by little and I don't know if everything can be implemented, I would like to know if of everything I have put there are already mods that do some of this and as I would like to start with the basics if there is not already a mod that does it how can I use the CK to make the food from the farms the property of the farmers and change the price of the food. Thank you.
  2. Vehicle Headlights after the 1.5 update no longer have the option to be switched between Normal, High-Beam(or Auxilliary) or OFF. Now it's just ON/OFF. It would be so cool if there's a way to retun that removed functionality, as I've seen quite a bit of posts both on Nexus and Reddit addressing that issue, breaking immersion for some, me included. Thank you in advance if someone is willing to do it!
  3. I want a load order with the most realism, immersion survival and horror elements. I want a load order that has been plenty tested over and over again and never consistently glitches or crashes in any area. what I mean is if there are any crashes or glitches I would like them to be rear. I just don't want any crashes or glitches to defeat the purpose. I would love to have TTW and all the FO3 mods that fit what I am looking for but most FO3 mods are not compatible with NV so I am thinking I will just skip TTW altogether.Please feel very free to ask questions and thank you.
  4. I want a mod that makes walk and run speed for the character more realistic. Please if something like this already exists port it to Xbox one
  5. So, I just recently got the house at Megaton (hooray for not blowing everyone up), and decided to buy the Vault theme from Moira. It looks amazing, at least for me, and I noticed that I have a typewriter in the bedroom. My mind went '**** YEAH LET'S USE IT' but then got disappointed when you can't use it. So, I thought 'Hey, this could be a mod of itself!'. And here I am, requesting that someone make a mod to make the typewriters functional.
  6. This is going to be the main base of operations for W.A.R.M. (War in America Realism Mod). A total conversion mod for Fallout 4, this mod aims to marry the fantastic open-world RPG style of Bethesda games with a realistic, near-future setting. It will also attempt to deliver a more realistic, gritty combat feel and challenge players mentally and strategically more than their ability to mash buttons, creating an extremely difficult game play experience. In theory, this mod will be a conglomeration of many smaller, individually released mods and tweaks but all in one big package to create the ultimate immersion in the W.A.R.M. experience. Currently, there is very little else to show besides simply rough ideas and a list of features that will hopefully take form over time. This is an extremely ambitious project and will take years to complete. I am going to update this topic whenever there is progress to mention or if new ideas pop up as it goes. As mentioned, this project is hopefully going to be a conglomerate of many smaller mods which I truly hope will come borrowed with permission from the community and if not, created by me from scratch and released separately as well. If you want to skip all of the lore and jump right to it, feel free to scroll right down to the section titled "Features". So far, here is what this mod plans to be: Note: As I will be editing this post repeatedly to include the most up to date changes in ideas and achievements, I will be putting an asterisk (*) next to anything new that has been added in since the last edit and highlighting it in yellow. This should make it easier for any interested visitors and myself to identify recent changes. When I visit again to edit the post with newer ideas, I will delete the old asterisk and only leave the newest ones for each visit (probably each week). The Story: The year is 2028. After decades of polarizing American political parties engaging in a massive tug of war over control of the presidency, senate and congress, the nation has witnessed a departure into its own decline. While the nation population divides deeper into the grips of only 2 parties, politics become increasingly monetized and government impose policies favorable solely to global corporations. After two extremely controversial presidential administrations, the median household income of the average American drops to the lowest rate since the 1930's great depression (accounting for inflation). Unemployment and poverty rates skyrocket. GDP dwindles resulting in increasing national debt. Last-ditch "fiscal austerity measures" are passed by Congress to stem the gushing wound that is the U.S. economy. These austerity measures include massive budget cuts to education, welfare and military spending across the board. The passage of these laws coincide with a sensational scandal involving the President, and tension reaches a boilng point. Riots spread like wildfire and light up the map across the U.S. in the inner cities of NY, LA, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia and many more. Looting and violence in these riots quickly prove to be too much to handle for local law enforcement agencies. U.S. Army National Guard units are dispatched to hot spots in an effort to return the rule of law and settle the situation. After an accident involving lethal munitions being mistakenly used by troops on a protest march, groups of civilians begin arming themselves. Some of these groups join into anti-government secession movements and begin fighting the U.S. military with guerrilla tactics and begin an insurgency. Congress enacts a measure replacing National Guard units with regular, active duty military regiments deployed on domestic soil with a clear mission; impose martial law and neutralize the threat of any persons deemed "domestic terrorists". More frighteningly, foreign governments begin to see an opportunity within the anarchy and officially recognize the sovereignty of certain separatist groups. These foreign nations then use this as a pretext to invade the U.S. mainland and support the separatists. Due to the close proximity of these military units to large civilian centers in U.S. cities, nuclear munitions are not an option. As an officer in the U.S. Army's 183rd Airborne Division, you are relieving the current commander of a company of soldiers upon your arrival in the AO. On its last deployment, the unit moved into occupy a small city where rioters and separatists created a stronghold. Your troops experienced heavy resistance resulting in high casualty rates, specifically high numbers of MIA. Intelligence suggests that this is due to the company's FOB (forward operating base) being overrun and several squads at OP's (Forward Outposts) being cut-off and scattered in the area. Orders: Your primary objectives, effective immediately, are to rendezvous with any remaining troops in the AO at a pre-designated rally point, set up a suitable defensive position, reconnect with cut-off OPs and occupy the city awaiting further orders. Intel suggests OPFOR will consist of separatist domestic terror groups, known criminal gangs, paid foreign fighters (international mercenary groups), and foreign military regulars. BLUFOR will consist of friendly military law enforcement units and non-combatant civilian refugees. Standard Rules of Engagement apply and in accordance with international conventions, you are to give asylum to the best of your ability to any persons seeking refuge from the combat within the AO. Heavy assets immediately allocated to your disposal include CAS (close air support) including 2,000lb JDAMs from A-10 Warthogs and supply drops containing food, weapons and ammunition from a CH-43 helicopter. Infantry assets within your company will consist of small arms, light machine guns, infantry level anti tank rockets, and 60mm mortars. Any other assets scavenged from the battlefield are free to use. Features: (Realism and Immersion): - Damage multipliers go way up. No more bullet sponges. A single shot to an unprotected area is going to do some damage if not put you out of the fight. -Body Armor values go way up. Current SAPI plates worn by military can stop a round from an AK-47 as close as 15 ft away. Plate carrier vests protecting only your center mass will do their job. -All weaponry in the vanilla game will be replaced and supplemented by real world weapons and gear and distributed appropriately (U.S. Army will primarily use M4's) -Fast travel will not be possible. (Hopefully this will be able to be balanced by useable vehicles such as Humvee's) -The number of followers you may choose to have will be increased to 3 to simulate a 4-man long range reconnaissance patrol. Also the pool of your potential followers will come from a finite number of NCOs("Non-Commissioned Officers" <- usually Sergeants) special NPCs. -Carrying weight will be lowered to a more realistic level, and if possible the number of items regardless of weight will be limited. This will force the player to prioritize during scavenging runs. -CH43 or UH60 models will replace the vertibird (Setting): -Specific location TBD -AO will be similar to the vanilla map and will consist of a small city surrounded by rural residential areas with natural fixtures such as river(s) and forest(s). -The heart of the city will appear to be consistent with a city that has undergone areas of heavy rioting, looting and intense combat and sections that have miraculously been spared. (Ammunition) *12 ga. 00 Buckshot *12 ga. Birdshot *12 ga. Slug *9x19mm Parabellum *.45 cal. ACP *.22 LR *5.56x45mm NATO *7.62x51mm NATO *7.62x39mm AK *5.45x39mm AK -Ammo is not craftable and must either be scavenged, received from supply drops or bought from Quartermasters at your FOB and OPs. -Ammo will quickly become a scarce commodity and must be strategically supplied to your troops as they expend it during firefights. -Ammo types will be realistic and correspond true to life with the weapons. (e.g. M4s, M16s and M249s all use 5.56mm NATO rounds. AKs all use 7.62x39mm. Specialty weapons such as Sniper rifles may use .300 WinMag or .338 Lapua and therefore ammo will be much harder to find for it.) -Infantry level anti tank rockets such as the M136 Aka AT4 and M72 LAW (specifically excluding RPG7s) cannot be easily reloaded in real life and are therefore dropped after a single use in-game. (Settlements): -One main settlement becomes your FOB and primary base. -Smaller settlements become your outlying OPs and must be reconnected to the FOB through supply lines. - "Patrol Squads" will replace Provisioners -Vendors within settlements such as traders and doctors will replaced with Quartermasters or Cooks, etc. -Settlers spawning to join your main settlement, the FOB (or rally point) will exclusively be formerly MIA U.S. soldiers, wandering back to rejoin their unit at the rally. Friendly troops will not spawn anywhere else, forcing you to distribute your troops to your OPs wisely. -Settlers spawning at outlying OPs will be civilian refugees which will need to be provided for (food, water, beds) and can be defended either by your troops garrisoned at the OP or by arming the refugees. -New defensive settlement building pieces such as small sandbags fighting positions with mountable machine guns and 60mm mortars will replace the vanilla sentry platforms and artillery pieces respectively. -Supply Crates (containers) periodically dropped by helicopter at your FOB will generate minimal Food and Water valued for your settlements and will always contain some of the following items: ammunition, MREs (food), and medical supplies. They will also contain a certain number of random items ranging from specialty ammo to building supplies. -Once constructed, "Cook" vendors and "Mess Hall" structure will permanently generate Food and Water value to the settlement. -"Comms Center" model of computer and radio equipment will replace the Vanilla Workbench. -FOB & OPs can be attacked by parties of any hostile faction including separatists, foreign military, gang-bangers, etc. (Quests): -new lore-friendly quests will be generated by talking to NPCs, entering specific zones and generated by overhearing conversations. (Weapons): -U.S. M4A1 Beretta M9 M249 M240B DMR M24 Sniper Weapon System AT4 rocket -Separatist *Civilian AR-15 (Semi Auto Only) Mossberg 500 shotgun Remington 870 shotgun Remington 700 rifle SKS semi-auto rifle S&W .38 revolver Glock 17 pistol *Ruger 10/22 .22LR rifle -OPFOR AK47 AK74 AKS74u carbine RPK light machine gun PKM machine gun SVD Dragunov RPG7 *Weapon modifications will be found on NPC's weapons as they will spawn with random variations, as well as throughout the game world as whole mods in boxes. High end modifications such as scopes and internal upgrades cannot be "crafted" from random scrap. This is to aid realism as it would be nearly impossible for someone to just make a working precision firearm optic out of random trash. It will also add a sort of value to the modifications that the player will come across, as they cannot be as readily replaced. Armors: Reskin of combat helmet to resemble kevlar helmet with camo cloth cover *MOLLE plate carrier vests. A civilian version with no MOLLE pouches, just the armor as well as a US Army version with triple mag pouches on front, med bag and utility pouch on sides and a hydration system on back. BDU varients of pants and 8" combat boots with either BDU jacket or combat shirt (both clean and dirty variants) Various civilian attire (jeans, t shirts, hoodies, winter coats, etc. *Music: So, I personally grow very bored of the repetitious "wander" music that Bethesda generally puts on an hour or so loop. I've made music mods in the past for Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, and Fallout 3 but never released them for public use due to the work that would have been involved to convert mp3's to .ogg's and then somehow make dozens of these music files .esp package-friendly. Not to mention that all of the music was copyrighted commercial music. That being said, I think it would do well to actually include a music change into this suite. Vanilla FO4 music won't really go with the vibe of a non-apocalyptic, non-fallout universe. Therefore, I am also beginning a search for royalty-free music files to include into the mod, trying to find a middle ground between the genres that would be agreeable to a variety of situations in the game. Tough. The struggle iz real. Hopefully this mod project will make the game much more realistic and create a tougher, more strategic experience. I really enjoy games that are challenging mentally and not just a button-mashing crap shoot. In any case, I hope this will be as fun for others as it will be for me. Of course, if anyone sees this and wishes to lend a hand, that is very welcome. Even constructive criticism will be appreciated, especially if someone spots a major issue in the plan of this mod. I'm looking for feedback and collaboration, Any help is good help!
  7. Hi there, At the moment I'm working on collecting a number of mods for FO4 that increase the realism of the gameplay on top of what survival mode has to offer, such as: Crafting ammo, more armour crafting, health and damage rebalancing, bullet time instead of VATS, Protected (not essential) NPCs and companions, portable sleeping bags, Chem adjustments, Combat enhancement... (you get the idea) and fitting them all together to provide a more realistic and challenging experience. The only problem is that some things I see as being crucial to this are either not yet developed or not developed to my liking. Some of these ideas are not particularly cohesive with Bethesda's style of game production, but that is all part of the project. I have taken on a few of these challenges in modding myself but I am a rookie and can't do much beyond the basics of what the creation kit offers (stat changes, manipulating actors, etc.). My "big" idea at the moment is imposing a numerical limit on the amount of particular items a person is able to carry. The first objective of this is to limit the amount of weapons able to be carried to: one sidearm and two primary weapons, possibly with ammo limits as well. The second is to cap the amount of stimpacks and chems able to be carried, and the third to limit the amount of caps able to be carried at once. HOWEVER, I have no idea where to begin. I don't know how to do anything more than apply carry limits at this point and I would really appreciate some help with this. If this idea becomes popular enough, I might make another thread for suggestions, mod consolidations, and any other useful things I can use to package this together and make an "Ultimate Survival Mod" (or something more creative). Anyway, thanks in advance, I welcome any support or advice :smile: TL;DR: Is there a way to limit the amount of a certain type of item in the inventory (ie. two primary weapons, one sidearm, one melee weapon, ten stimpacks, 5 food items) in creation kit?
  8. I don't like these "legendaries". They are immersion-breaking for me. Why can legendary robots "mutate"? Why does some random molerat have a sniper rifle? The "legendary" items are a topic of their own, but this thread is not about them. I'd like a mod that at least attempts to make legendary enemies a little more realistic. - At least rename "mutated" to "enraged" or something. - Legendary NPCs should have the item they drop equipped and use it against you. - Legendary Animals could drop something else instead of items. Sure you can assume that a deathclaw ate a rader and has his pistol in it's stomach, but getting sniper rifles out of molerats is ridiculous. So, animals could drop "legendary" resource items instead. For example, carapaces which give you bone, fresh bones which you can cook for glue (and bone, of course), poison glands for acid, lard for oil, stuff like that. - Legendary robots could only ever drop weapon mods. Like, you kill a legendary assaultron, take it's advanced capacitor and put it in your laser gun. - Some sort of a category system. Legendary raiders should only ever get raider, leather or metal as L. armor and mostly pipe weapons, Gunners only combat armor and pre-war guns, Synths only synth armor and institute weapons, etc. While a raider would probably wear anything, they definitely wouldn't outfit a synth with some old leather chest piece at the Institute.
  9. I absolutely love modding Fallout 4, in fact a little too much. Every time I start a new play-through I start with a few mods, the the number of mods steadily goes up from 20-50-100 and my most recent Playing went up to 200+ mods with small cheats and weapons that break the immersion. If anyone could create a very large "Mod Pack" that emphasizes realism and lore friendliness in a simple, one click, download and play mod pack with compatibility the DLC. Kind of like this "http://www.nexusmods.com/mbwarband/mods/3489/?". That would be much appreciated.
  10. As we all know, at the end of the game there isn't much to do. Unless you're an avid poker player that loves sitting through an hour of.... Nothing, really, let's be honest. With that, I want to propose some features and new ideas. 1. A realtor service where you can buy up to 4 houses (a villa, a mansion, an apartment, and a standard house), one per each main chunk of land. (Pawnee, Central, etc, etc). 2. In addition to these houses, you can purchase a plethora of upgrades from the realtor service in those respective regions. Upgrades may include: 2nd story, 3rd story, basement, vault (for placing money), hidden armory requiring hack to access, a 3-car garage (space upgradable), pool perhaps, den, arcade room, etc. The list is endless. Hell, make an underground tunnel for fast escapes. 3. In regards to the armory: I was thinking along the lines of Payday 2. Weapons on the walls and tables, etc. In which this shall change the loadout to be more realistic, (instead of pulling weapons out of your infinity-coat). You can only have a weapon per direction. Makes the game slightly more challenging, spacing more realistic, etc. But more weapons required. 4. In regards to vault: Need to hack it to access, of course. We all have been in that position where you've millions and nothing to spend it on. A vault that changes with each transaction would be a nice detail. We can watch our wealth grow or shrink, literally. That and you can choose how much you want to keep on your person. Realism sake, max being... I don't know, 100k. (Changes when inside house, where you can purchase 100k+ items). 5. Quests add-ons. For these. All of these. (Not the upgrades individually, but perhaps in tiers?). You want an armory? Go to some police station or military base. Or gang hideout. Want a vault? Only obtained through robbing a bank. 6. After all that, create a circulating method of dealing with gangs, currency, etc. If you want to become a gang lord (bad noteriety), allow a way to hire thugs, arm them personally, tell them where to guard, etc. Of course this means you'll have to pay them... or you know, steal drugs. Either way. Whatever. Or, (good noteriety), do the same for police security. (Whichever path you choose is permanent and the opposition will attack randomly every other few days). What I'm proposing is by no means any easy task as there's a s#*&#33; ton of content. But essentially what is in mind is smashing together Watchdogs with... Payday 2, and some other game. 7. Just thought of this. Legitimate car customization. 8. Oh, and gun customization. And a way to use the attachments for the guns... Yes please... Scope on shotgun? Sure. (Obviously since it's over the shoulder you won't see it, but your character will act the part anyway). Watchdogs is meant to be a real-world game, and failed to deliver... We can potentially change that. Pre-assuming Watchdogs 2 is a flop as well. 9. Ability to buy random, pointless s#*&#33;. (Most of which from the pawn shop, and select location after purchase). Want a helicopter for looks? Go for it. A submarine? Sure. Priceless art and artifacts for your mansion? Done. Guitar? Piano? Huge-ass TV? Computer? Fine. 10. Realism Overhaul: Need food to survive. Need sleep. 11. Outfit overhaul. The ability to change whatever Aiden is wearing to any other form of clothing. Ecause it's all different variations of the same s#*&#33;... It gets so, so boring. 12. Ability to toy with people. Send them a phoney message to go in a wild goose chase, or manipulate them to go on a rampage. 13. Why isn't there a zoo? Or a grocery store you can walk in. (For realism overhaul). Or other locations that are life-like that people flock to? .... I'm asking for way more than initially thought. 7-13 just popped in my head while writing this. Anyway I hope someone does this... More end game content that repeats itself and gives more choices and control.
  11. So this is going to be kind of a strange request. There's a certain perk (Strong Back) which gives you the ability to burn AP to 'run' (which is more like a jog to me, but that's beside the point.) I would like to see a perk or mod made where that's kinda the default, and flip it. With Rank 3 of Strong Back, it no longer takes AP to Run/Jog. After all, it seems to me a little insane that a man/woman carrying 300 pounds can jog all over the Commonwealth and yet only Sprint like 30 yards max. I think a setup like this would bring this disparity into equality. Conversely: No/reduced AP drain from sprinting. After all, if the man/woman has never skipped leg day/cardio to the point that jogging across the entirety of Boston doesn't even leave them winded (even more so when carrying the equivalent of a small horse), they would have no trouble sprinting for a fair distance.
  12. So a little while ago I read an article on an old JRPG that talked about immersion in modern games (or lack thereof), and I haven't been able to stop thinking about how well I think this idea would work with Skyrim. The article talked about how the JRPG did absolutely nothing to communicate how much damage a weapon would do or any other stats about it, only giving you the name, type, and weight of the weapon. In order to find out which weapon works best for them, a player would have to use the weapon and go off of feel and experience rather than say "well this sword does 14 points of damage and this one does 15, so I'll use the one that does 15." It makes the player think a lot more about weapons beyond comparing numbers. I'm a huge fan of immersion and making the game world of Skyrim seem as realistic as possible, and I would love to have a mod that does this. I think it would make weapons feel more special and like they're more than numbers, and I think it would even work well with simplifying enchantments, saying "Inflicts moderate frost damage" or something rather than saying "Does 15 points of frost damage". I would make this mod myself and I may have to, but I have zero experience actually making mods myself and I don't even know where to begin with this (can I do it in creation kit, or is this more a job for SKSE?), so even guidance on where to start would be really appreciated!
  13. If you are familiar with the mod that adds Glocks into the game then you know what I mean if not, I'm speaking about the ability to modify how much damage your weapon does at weapon workbenches. I have tried for a long time to find a mod that doesn't make enemies sponges. It's pretty frustrating shooting a guy in the head 15 times while he's just standing there shooting you... f*#@ing absurd. One shot kill on cheat terminal is a little to op. A mod that takes the easy functionality of modifying damage to all your weapons could be very useful.
  14. I was wondering if it would be possible to make animations for non-human beings. I like realism, and it bugs me that only human characters sleep. There are a lot of different creatures in Skyrim. But none of them seem to need sleep. Bears are the only creatures that appear to ever sleep. Even Falmer (which are still technically Mer) do not sleep. You'd think they'd all die from exhaustion/sleep deprivation. Giants, mammoths, foxes, wolves, deer, elk, sabre cats, skeevers... none of them sleep. I think it would be pretty cool to go dungeon delving and be able to sneak past sleeping skeevers or falmer, go hunting in the early morning mist and catch a deer off guard, or raid a giant camp of their treasures while they slumber. I'm not sure how one would go about doing this, whether it's an AI thing, an animation, or an idle thing, or a combination of them. Either way, I think it would be an awesome addition to Skyrim's immersion mods. Even if you don't have the time to do it, but know how it can be done, please let me know.
  15. This is a mod that I have been dying to see implemented for a short while now. One of my favorite things to do is to mod up skyrim into an RP style game and fully immerse myself into the world. However, there's no penalty for forgetting to properly equip what you need when you need it, and as such I find myself charging into combat wearing my street clothes, because I simply forgot to switch equipment. Also I find it strange that you can openly switch armors in public - which means you are undressing and dressing in public - and have zero repercussions if you are seen by a guard. Not to mention how inappropriate it would be to just start stripping in a crowded pub when there is a perfectly good room to rent just down the hall that has privacy and no prying eyes. So, here's my concept design, and if anyone would be willing to be a go-to teacher / consultant on how to do some of these things, I could crack open the Creation Kit and take a shot at it myself - I'm completely lost as of right now, and doubt my capacity to do it myself with no help. All equipment would be locked on the character - you cannot equip or unequip from the menu (Not 100% sure how this is done, but I have seen this in other mods. I'm guessing keeping track of what you have on you and making sure that it is auto-equipped or auto-unequipped when there is a change would work. Perhaps running a script only after the item screen is closed or the favorites menu is opened would work to reduce stress on papyrus.) Instead, you use a hotkey to open your "Wardrobe screen" which is essentially a container menu with just your equipment listed. In the wardrobe screen, it will ask you to select one item to take off or put on, and depending upon your choice one of the following will happen: removing a piece of equipment would play an animation that cannot be cancelled (to penalize doing it in combat or public areas), and then you would be left with no clothing in that slot until you opened up the wardrobe screen and applied a new piece. equipping a piece of equipment would play a reversed version of the 'remove animation' for that slot, which also cannot be cancelled (for penalty sake again), and would only equip the item after the animation is finished (so if doing it in combat, there's additional time to be caught with your pants down, and take an unarmored hit. Very bad situation to be in if playing at higher difficulties.) All primary armor types would have their own short animation. This is supposed to be slightly tedious, but to cut down on the amount of tedium, it would just be very simple animations, possibly speed up slightly - crossed arms raising and going up followed by bending over for armor (both chest and pants). Grabbing at the neck for an amulet (similar to the eating animation, just without food and perhaps lowered and extended a little), a modified version of the bound-hands animation for a ring, bending over and grabbing your head and moving your hands out for helmet, bending down and grabbing each leg at a time for boots, unequip animations while equipping weapons to make it appear like you are placing them on your person, grabbing each wrist and going up the arm for gloves. Just for ideas. The idea is to make it take a little bit of time to add to the danger of doing it at the wrong time or place, but not so much time that it's just simply irritating and a death promise. The goal is to have it be possible to at least have a chance to survive a surprise attack if caught off guard, but severely reduce -to the point of removing- the odds of walking away unharmed. Perhaps the optional (MCM) feature to be forced to either pay for a room or leave if you are in an inn (good business idea for the innkeeper), or to have certain areas add a small (25-50, etc. - configurable) bounty added if you are caught changing armor due to Line of Sight from any human NPC (animals wouldn't care, of course). Guards would approach you immediately upon LOS in these cells and try to arrest you / get you to pay the fines. It would be a lot more slack outside of these areas. If you are removed from an inn, there would be a trespassing flag on that inn for a certain amount of time (2-3 in game days or so?), to prevent abuse. If caught by an NPC there would be a short delay (the length of time to put another piece of clothing on at least) before an additional bounty would be applied. Multiple NPCs catching you at once would increase the amount of gold on the bounty (doing it in a crowded market would be a bigger crime than in the back alley way at night and a passerby catching you off guard.) A small window of time between the bounty being applied and the LOS check would allow the check to see how many NPCs can see you during that animation, and the bounty being applied before the delay kicks in. This could also reduce NPC's attitude towards you if you are caught for a short time (or perhaps some of them are a bit more... provocative towards you for a certain time, depending on personality.) I'm not sure if it would be possible to auto-close a container menu after a single item has been selected, but I'm sure keeping track of what item was selected first (via papyrus / temp .ini or something) would circumvent any issues that would arise from being able to select multiple items at once. Do any experienced modders either have some insight on why this cannot be accomplished using the CK / or are willing to stand up to the task of creating this? Or are simply willing to share contact information and be a sort of guide / teacher to show me how to do it myself?
  16. I've been thinking about this one for a while, and I asked about it on the Bethesda forums way back when. Got some traffic, but no one responded to the idea. I am papyrus-challenged and I think, now that modders have been experimenting with FO4's scripting functions a little more, maybe this mechanic will be feasible. It always bothered me that limb-based armor (a hugely welcome addition in itself) contributed to an actor's total damage resistance value. So the helmet you're wearing will contribute to protecting you from getting shot in the leg. I think it would be pretty sweet to have armor that only protected the limb it was on. Make for more deliberation when selecting what to wear, human enemies have dynamic weak spots, etc. I don't know if there's space within the events that occur when a player is hit with an attack, but I can see an obvious way to approach this conceptually: On an actor's being hit, his damage resistance actor value is modded to the value of the piece of armor on the limb that was hit. Armor piercing rounds "mod target damage resistance," so we would be doing the same thing but retrieving that value from a worn item. In the onHit event, the parameter apMaterial tells the script which limb was hit. That's all I got. There are "perk entry points" that seem to do very promising things - maybe a script extender is needed here?
  17. Hi, i am working on a mod for fallout 4. I want to connect 2 worlspaces/cells (will end up doing both) by having a door that the player simply walks into to teleport them, rather than having to actually click on the door (for realism purposes). I know how to do a door the old fashion way, but can anyone tell me how to do it the way described? *Edit: Sorry for the typo in the title, I meant to say invisible xD I wrote this in a hurry
  18. I HEALTH, STAMINA AND MANA The initial stamina and mana pool is much greater than before. As stamina will act as the hunger bar while mana will act as the thirst bar. -All of those stat are not auto regen anymore. -Each kind of food will provide various amount of Stamina regen for half or full day. -Each kind of drink will provide various amount of Mana regen. -Except for special food and drink, all the restore effect only restore a fix amount, not percentage amount. The more max stamina, the more food you need daily. II RACE: The race feel really underwhelming, and sometime, you just forget what you are. I want to change it by remove or reduce the passive stat and add a unique active spell power(Z key) to each race. -Atmer: Being a race that expert in magic, they can feel the flow of mana, absorb it, use it as they see fit. Mana essence - coldown 4 second: Absorb all incoming magic damage for 0.5 second. -Bosmer: An excellent archer. Years long usage of bow give the the ability to concentrate on their shot in every situation. Focus shot: (bow required) Everytime a bosmer aim with their arrow ready while standing still, they have can slow time around them (same as the "slow time" shout). Each usage cost 20 of their stamina and last for 1 minute. -Dummer: WIth their origin, they have their ancestor protection. Each day, they can summon a flame Archonach permanently and not counting in their summon limit. While the fiery guardian is out , game 25% fire resistance. -Argonian: WIth the power of histskin, they can regenerate health in emergency but require a lot of stamina. Histskin(toggle effect): Recover 3% HP in exchange for 6% stamina each second. If user out of stamina, the power will be turn off. -Breton: Excellent mage and magic researcher. They was able to tune their body to cast spell more efficiency. Mage born: Lose 25% of their current HP to gain the Mage born mode. Magic resist increase to 20%, cast spell cost less 30% mana for 40 second. -Imperial:They know how to inspire people. Voice of emperor: Lose 25% of max stamina. Grant follower 25% attack speed, 30% magic resist, 15% armor for 40 second. -Khajiit: They are born hunter. Hunter blood(toggle effect): They move 20% faster, attack 20% faster but drain 10 stamina per second. -Ocsimer: The bravest warrior in Tamriel. Battle cry - cold down time 10 - activate time 3 sec - duration20: Increase your damage by 40% while increase your damage receive by the same amount. Also, the user will be immune to slow, stagger effect. -Redguad: Adrenaline rush Adrenaline rush: drain 25 HP for 5 second slow time effect. -Nord: Warior of tradtional and marital art. War cry -coldown 30 sec-: Increase attack damage by 25% but receive more 40% magic damage. Last 10
  19. So here's a hipfire bolt charge animation for the hunting rifle, with the bolt on the right side: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4NT1jFMg8Hua1l6RnZLTzFQTGc?usp=sharing. One file is the .hkx. Shite quality video: but check it out in game to see what I'm talkin' bout. Since this is the fruit of my 3D animation virginity, I'm having a few issues: (Of course the receiver texture map is backward, course the animation itself could use some work, course the sound needs work, the shell be ejected better ala nifskope nodes, and of course the reload, sighted, and third person animations are absent - this'll be addressed eventually) -Why does the gun vibrate awkwardly in game even though, as far as I can tell, it looks fine played back in 3Ds max? -Why can you interrupt and mess up the animation by clicking? -How should I go about lining up the left hand from end of the firing animation to the beginning of the bolt charge (you can kinda see the left hand change positions in an ugly way)? I used the Fallout 4 Animation Kit and it's guides. It's a recent breakthrough so these things might be a mystery to everyone. If you know what's up, take this over or give me some advice.
  20. In the game when your reload your laser gun (rifle/pistol) or your plasma gun, in the animation you put in one singular energy cell or plasma cartridge, but it takes up 30 rounds of your ammo, and you pick up singular cells and cartridges as well. I think that in the game when you reload your laser or plasma weapons, it should only use up one unit of ammo, similar to how a fusion core works with a gatling laser. To balance this the energy cells and plasma cartridges should become rarer than they are in the game by default. This mod will make the game feel more immersive as well, since its actually taking up a more realistic ammo count. I don't know if this can be done but if it can it could make a pretty good mod. It wouldn't bother me if a mod isn't made for it, but it would be a pretty cool mod though. This is my first ever mod request so please tell me if I've done anything wrong or whatever.
  21. So in real life, if i shot a gun in the country, or rural/suburban area, you'd hear it at least a mile away as a faint "crack", and within half a mile, you'd be able to distinctly hear it during a conversation. within 1/3 of a mile, you could make out the direction of where it came from. so when i'm firing 40+ rounds against some raiders that are also returning fire, why don't animals, creatures, predators and especially enemies zone in on me? i'd expect that firing a gun in downtown boston would have muties and raiders and ghouls breathing down my neck within minutes! I'm thinking of a Walking Dead style gameplay, where firing a gun is only viable when there too many enemies, a suppressor is used, or you are absolutely sure you can handle a new group/make a fast escape! maybe a script that only runs when you fire an unsuppressed gun (runs once every 3 minutes so you dont have 30+ plusgroups on your @$$) (using keywords) that would have a random chance to spawn 1-10 enemies off of a vanilla leveled list? with larger calibers having a higher chance, and explosives even higher! i can't script woorth a d@mn, but i have the idea down. i use Zombie Walkers mod, and it would be amazing to have this type of mod to make a true walking dead simulator. maybe use a new custom leveled list, that people could edit to make patches for modded enemies?
  22. One thing really bothers me about shooter type video games, every game featuring firearms seems to ignore the reality of magazines (colloquially called a "clip"). Most semi-automatic and automatic weapons use a magazine which facilitates reloading, holds the cartridges (colloquially called a bullets) and feeds them up into the receiver (mechanical portion of a firearm). The shell casing is then ejected from the port after the bullet is fired through the barrel. http://cdn.thewire.com/img/upload/2013/01/08/bushmaster.gif Magazines must be loaded with cartridges before being inserted into a firearm and fired. They have a set number of cartridges, for example this image shows a transparent, plastic, 30 round magazine. Technically, you never reload a magazine fed weapon. You must reload your current magazine or insert one that has already been loaded. This is a huge part of firearms overlooked by the video game industry. http://i.imgur.com/d7TdMDD.gif For example, if you only have 2 magazines which each hold 30 rounds, you can only ever fire 60 rounds before you must stop and reload your magazines, which is a time consuming process unless you have special tools. If you run out of magazines, you can no longer fire your weapon! For this reason, it is important to carry a side arm pistol. This aspect of combat with firearms is extremely important and overlooked in film and games. For this reason, revolvers, lever action and chamber loaded guns do have some advantages to prolonged firefights over magazine fed weapons. In Fallout 4, you can mod your gun to hold more bullets and you seem to have an infinite amount of pre-loaded magazines. In reality, you only have as many magazines as you can carry and can find them in various capacities. Why are magazines completely ignored in video games and most films? An exciting element of a survival game would be to only have a limited number of loaded magazines, knowing once you run out, you are in trouble. Finding magazines in the world would be an important process. Does anyone else ever consider this?
  23. My request is a simple one, but I think many people have been wanting a mod like this one. I would like the El Rey hotel to be converted into a prostetution ring. I think the El Rey would be the best location due to its proximity to Camp Mcarren and its lack of usage in general. I prepose all of the rooms be accessable, and modeled after the Novac hotel. The differences would be the lighting and contents of the rooms and the office should be converted into a saloon. This mod would be considered a quest, you need to track down the key to the El Ray office then you'll find the former resident's journal containing a short story about how he was a pimp and how good and horrible his lot was in life. The quest will then take you across the Mojave to find girls for the business, some are chem addicts, some are homeless, others are just bored and want a little excitement in their lives. Along with finding girls you'll also need to secure a deal with the Great Kahns to supply your bar with alcohol and chems to keep your customers happy, and hire a couple guards to manage the place while you are away. After you have good booze and hot girls you're still missing one thing, horny customers. You will need to pay a visit to the local radio station and ask them to advertise your business. Now just sit back and let your profits roll in. Stick around or go off adventuring just come back every once in a while and check your profit box to get a blend of caps, legion and NCR money. But be warned if you don't check on a regular basis you'll come back and upon checking your box you'll get an alert saying your profit numbers aren't adding up, at which point you need to have a pimp talk with your girls and show them who's boss.
  24. Anyone who lives in the UK, by chance you might have heard of the TV programme 'Filthy Cities'. The mini series that exposed the true light of how 'filthy' cities were pre-modern times. This has given me an idea for a massive project, which I have to say that I could not do alone due to my zero modding experience (I find it difficult to even make a basic follower). I have always felt that Skyrim was way too clean, and with the mods 'Realistic Needs and Diseases' and 'Bathing In Skyrim', this feeling just got more intense, especially with the tanning industry being so utterly revolting, putrid and vile, the fact that tanning racks are just out in the open with nothing to wash anything away is just weird to me. So my idea is to make a realistic, 'disgusting' overhaul for skyrim's cities. I'm talking open sewers and all that crap (hahah see what I did there), as people used to have to walk on mini stilts so they didn't step in the entrails of farm animals, along with urine, excrement and other questionable substances (I'm a bit of a history nerd). As I have realised that non of the cities, excluding perhaps Riften, have had overhauls that make them 'realistic' or just plain gross. I am aware that this would be a massive undertaking but with guidence I would be willing to do this myself (preferably with help, this needs to be done well or it won't work obviously). If you take the recent 'Holds The City Overhaul' version of Falkreath, and stick open sewers and all that is basically what I'm thinking of (with the variety of the cities of course, and no plagerism) I have pictures I have drawn as a reference so if this is to be made then I will share them. To be honest if anyone even contemplates this idea I would be ecstatic. Thank you for reading :) (Sorry if this made no sense, this is just an idea so I don't have an absolutely clear view of this) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1f2oye_filthy-cities-medieval-london-bbc_tech <--- if anyone's curious, this is the London episode (Warning for graphic imagery incase anyone is squeamish).
  25. In the wasteland there are a lot of hazards, accidents, and animals that can tear you to pieces. So why is the worst anyone seems to have is a couple of face scars? People survive incidents where they lose limbs and technology to replace limbs with prosthesis clearly exists outside the Institute and the Brotherhood. The Mechanist shows that the technology to attach nerves to machinery exists in the Fallout world (robobrains). And it wouldn't be unheard of for a traveling doctor to be helping amputees along their way. Would it be possible to add robotic limbs into male and female character presets? Or add it as a wearable piece of equipment that replaces a given limb? If this has already been done can someone let me know?
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