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  1. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  2. I'm having a mesh issue in SCK and could use a bit of help. I had just made a body mesh for my race mod, but it doesn't seem to be working. You see, when I add it to the ArmorAddon (SkinNaked) It looks fine. When I set it all up and add it to the race, the body is there, but not the extra things, notably the feathers i added to the body. Also, when I test it in-game, the moment I take off the armor to look, the game crashes instantly. When I go back to look, there's an error block where her body should be. Anyone know what could be the cause?
  3. Hello! I'm attempting to make a race mod and need a bit of help with a few things. I'm trying to connect the mesh of a feathery body/dress with a cbbe body so that they are combined. Problem is when I try to load it in CK it's just the feathers. I'm also trying to make the the body Bodyslide compatible as well. One of the "unique" things about the race is that they are suppose to be despised by other races, practically seen as an omen of disaster. SO much so that they get attacked on sight. Is there a way to make this happen? 3.I'm wanting to make an greater ability, like Nord's war cry, that lets them magically disguise themselves as an average Joe so a player doesn't get done in if they go into town. If not that then maybe a mass calm ability or perhaps an enchanted ring.
  4. Hello there again. Recently downloaded again RACEMENU mod and I noticied there's not opitions to change breasts and butt size. In fact I remember that this mod had those opitions before. I have Bodyslide and UNP installed here.
  5. Simple(?) request as the title suggests, would love to see a playable Goliath race! Here are some of the gameplay features from D&D Beyond if it helps: Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Natural Athlete You have proficiency in the Athletics skill. Stone’s Endurance You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Mountain Born You have resistance to cold damage. You’re also acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.
  6. I've seen many playable monster and undead races, along with flying races. I would LOVE to be able to play as a harpy character for a campaign. Seeing the many other custom races added so far I'm honestly a bit surprised this hasn't been modded yet. If a modder would be so kind to do this, please and thank you.
  7. Putting out an APB for anyone that is good with implementing/creating mods I would like to play Baldur’s Gate as my regular 5e character that I’m in. I have a bit of a problem though… he’s a cat. Not a Tabaxi, but an actual cat that walks around on two legs. His name is Dr. Lupin Coil, professor of religious ritual studies at Neverwinter University with a graduate’s degree in Arcane science. He’s a warlock of The Great Old One with the Sage background. He sounds like Frasier played by Kelsey Grammer Does anyone know of a mod where you can play as a cat? (I’ll even accept a Tabaxi if push comes to shove) or anyone know how I can create one? I’ve never created a mod before and any help is appreciated. Art is by Pinterest: @swampwitchdani
  8. I want to make a custom race follower (Xivilai race). Can someone explain the how to of this. I'm a newbie on this so please explain it as detailed as possible, step by step. Thanks in advance.
  9. I recently returned to Skyrim and I wanted to try the Special Edition, but I have trouble setting my PC with a custom body that differs from that of the NPCs. As far as I know I should use a race with specific folders for meshes, textures, etc.That-s what I remember from Old Skyrim. Is there such a race anywhere? A race like the Ningheim, Succubus or Temptress in the Oldrim... The available races here on the nexus don't have customized folders that I could use, they all use the default settings. :(
  10. Its a common issue for maks and helmets in vanilla skyrim, which cause the muzzles and heads of khajit and argonians to be squashed down to a human size. The mod Improved closefaced helmets fix plenty of these issues, but the modder(s) overlooked the Cultist Mask and the Masque of Clavicus Vile. Would any kind modder be willing to create a mesh for beastraces, so they can use these headpieces without having their heads converted to human standards? Edit: A port of Masque of Argonian Vile would work for the Clavicus Vile Maque, but it seems not even Oldrimhas anything eprtainign to Culist Mask having a beastrace-friendly version
  11. More specifically, it adds 5 presets to Caucasian, and 2 to Hispanic. I really like these presets and I may have accidentally overridden them with another mod. Here's an example of preset 14 of the Caucasian race: https://imgur.com/gallery/pUakG
  12. Hello people! I have created a custom race mod designed for replacing bandits thus becoming the ultimate enemy. However, as I started to change every bandit npc's race to my custom race one by one ( yep, boring as f*#@ ) , I encountered that MOST of them cannot even be changed, plus they are fox race lol Is it a glitch or something, or is there a workaround ? I post a screenshot. as you can see, their race are foxrace which is really wtf as they are humans in game, plus their race cannot even be changed. Any ideas ?
  13. So, I'm a texture artist who also dabbles in meshing and have been wanting to create a Qunari custom race for quite some time. I've recently started my venture with a custom head, horns, and hairstyle (and plan on making complete custom hair, body, etc) but I am giving up on getting the meshes to work in game. I have watched over 10 hours of videos, read over 50 tutorials, and spoken to over 20 people about this... to no avail. The Nif tools simply don't work for me, or it's beyond my expertise. I work from 2PM-2AM Tue-Sat at a tattoo shop and while at home, I'm also doing homework for work. So I don't have a lot of time to troubleshoot. It's become too frustrating. Sculpting and texturing is like my therapy, so that's something I love to do and can work on between everything in my normal life. Basically, I'm reaching out to see if anyone would be interested in partnering up with me to do all the technical stuff... get everything game ready. Convert to NIF format, export the UV maps, add collision & bone weights, physics, morph/tri files, etc. Anything that isn't sculpting and actually creating the meshes. I can prepare the race in the CK, I just can't get NIFs to even show up in NifSkope. I'd do the sculpting, textures, and CK work. You would be considered a partner in this, and have access to the published file, as well as whatever assets. I just really need help with this. I appreciate whatever advice anyone has to give, however I've probably tried it many times over, and at this point I'm just looking for a partner in crime. If this is something that interests you, shoot me an email or PM. [email protected] If emailing, give it a practical subject line like "Interested in helping with Qunari race" or "Help with meshes". Thanks in advance! I've attached some images below of what I've completed thus far. http://i68.tinypic.com/k2fxc5.png http://i66.tinypic.com/qrgfoo.pnghttp://i67.tinypic.com/24xpe06.png http://i67.tinypic.com/2guxq54.png http://i64.tinypic.com/14cgx8z.png
  14. Howdy ! I am using a mod which have a regeneration spell from doctor who. The spell itself is script based ( hope its the right word for it lol ), and at the end, it brings up the racemenu. I looked into it, it brings up the racemenu by : Game.ShowRaceMenu() Is there a way to change this to bringing up not this race menu but the race menu the face sculptor use ? The only reason I wish to do this because I have created a race which use that regeneration spell and it is useless to change race anyway lol plus I don't wish to retype my name every time. I hope you guys can help me, I have tried to look for the code in the internet but I just couldn't find how to refer to the face sculptor's racemenu instead of the basic racemenu. Thanks for the help in advance. Edit : I have found it, for anyone who have trouble with the same issues, it is Game.ShowLimitedRaceMenu()
  15. I'm surprised this doesn't already exist given that we have tons of aliens roaming Tamriel now thanks to our modding community, so I thought it was time to have the Asari bioticaly smash their way into Nirn. What I'm requesting for the race is, Custom race, CBBE compatible, custom head, body, hands, and feet cause they have a almost geometric "scales" pattern to their skin from head to toe, as well as a very subtle shine or slick appearance to their skin, It's a lot of work, I know, but I hope someone will rise to the challenge of creating this incredible race. Seems it will go well with a mod I recently noticed that adds Biotic "spells" to Skyrim. I have included a image to show the once primitive and tribal Asari that shows they do sorta fit the Skyrim old world theme, and sadly the full 3d renderings of Asari online that showcase their unique skin and head mesh is to large to upload to this post, but a simple search will bring up plenty of them. Good luck, I'm hoping to see a response for this soon!
  16. If its possible to do with only Enhanced Character Edit i would like a Woodelf with what i guess you could call Nord-like characteristics. Such as if her parents were Bosmer and Nord. Moslty the round face like the picture. I had made this originally using the Ningheim race but i really want her face for SSE but it seems that the Ningheim Race mod (installed via nexus mod manager's "add mod from file") is incompatible seeing as it is from the original Skyrim. If all else fails maybe she can be recreated as a Nord? Ive tried playing with the Ningheim Race mod installed but i can only get so far in the game before it crashes or starts having buggy issues that make the game unplayable ( this last time it wouldn't save the game, and when i tried the game would just completely freeze.) I have the preset saved already in Oldrim but under the Ningheim race. Could i at the very least get some advice on using faceparts or porting the mod myself? Ill play as a Nord if i have to, i just thought it would be cool and different to play as a Woodelf, but ill take whatever i can get to be able to use the face i made. Thanks in advance :) ps, i also have a side profile picture if anyone needs it.
  17. I would simply like a mod to remove the dumb face flaps on male khajiit. I love the khajiit but those face flaps look very ugly to me.
  18. I have not seen anyone make this and i think that he would fit in the elderscrools universe well. i tried my hand at atepmting this but i lack the skill to bring my idea to life... :sad: everytime i try the Cretion Kiy crashes on me and it has gotten on my last nerve. hopefully one of you ever so awesome mod creaters could make my dream come to life. thank you for reading.
  19. I've solved this. If you have the same problem, read on. at the end you'll see the solution. Hope it helps. Hello again. I've created a levelled race of armoured skeletons already and other than a hiccup with scripting them to unequip their armour on dying, dragon priest style, I had no problem with the new race, levelled actor, levelled character and encounter actor system. I thought that it would be the same for a new draugr race but I've come unstuck because they refuse to fight. I'm thinking that I haven't grasped the system as well as I thought. My understanding of the system is like this.. Levelled actor: the only tabs used here are those that are not checked in the template data, which specifies which levelled character list to use. Levelled character: Contains either a list of sub-lists or a list of encounter actors. Mine was just a list of encounter actors. These are sorted and selected according to the levels allocated to each. Encounter actors: May again use a template but mine didn't. Every tab is used here except what has been used earlier in the process. So for my case, the tabs that were checked in the levelled actor template data.As I said, this worked perfectly well for my skeleton race. Here's what I did for the new draugr race... I created a new race based on the vanilla draugr race, set both the morph race and armor race to draugr . All I altered in the race tabs was stuff in the general tab such as starting health and stamina, healing rate etc. I added text into the text tab. That's it. The original body data was left as the standard draugr. Next I made a set of new EncDraugr templates based on a vanilla item to ensure that all the animations, sounds and ai packages were correct, which I left alone. My draugr use the packageDefaultDraugr, just as the original draugr do. I edited everything else except Base data. Attack data is based on my new race but is essentially the same as the basic draugr from my race menu. I had my own combat styles and encounter classes but even using standard draugr ones doesn't solve my issues. The inventory tab selects weapons and head outfit. The traits tab uses the vanilla draugr skins. I made my Levelled character lists for males and females each pointing to the relevant templates. I have female melee, female missile and female mage character lists plus the male equivalent. I made the levelled actors. The reason I left the base data unchecked in the template data, here, was that each draugr is named. Freydis Helgadottir, Torhild Porsi etc. I've tried ticking use base data in the levelled actors and this has no effect...they still don't fight.The result is a set of draugr that wear their clothing, equip the appropriate weapons, are the right sex, use their spells, make suitable draugr noises and animations, follow the player around threateningly, seem to have the right amount of health for their difficulty and can be looted for their death items...they just don't fight. What the heck am I missing? I should add that I checked the esp file out in SSEedit and there were no conflicts at all, except for the ones around the exterior navmesh (which I'll probably need help with at some point, because I can't see how there wouldn't be conflicts since I had to alter the mesh around the tomb entrance and statues I'd placed outside) Edit: Hold on! I lied! (Not on purpose, your honour, I swear...please don't sue me.) My lie was that I stated that there were no changes to the new draugr race other than the general tab and text tab. I certainly didn't deliberately alter anything else but it seems that I've inadvertently altered the entire set of attacks in the attack data tab. It's completely weird because they've all had skeever attacks substituted for the draugr ones that were originally in there. Now that is beyond me because in the entire process of creating the race I never once looked at anything to do with skeevers... ...anyway, I've decided to erase the race and do it again from scratch...this time keeping a close eye on the attack tab to make sure it doesn't get infested by skeevers! If this works, I'll be delighted of course...I'll also be right royally ****** to have wasted two nights trying everything under the sun. Yup! As they say, "Never trust a skeever in draugr clothing". I went in and got my backside kicked all round the room by my first draugr, Freydis. She hasn't even got her new combat styles and encounter class yet, so she's going to be one heck of a tough kitty when she's properly sorted. Edit 2: I'm adding this because I've found out what went wrong originally. I set up the traits tab in the levelled actors to set the skin and sex of my draugrs. When I found that this would not work and they appeared naked in game, I ticked the traits tab in the actor template data, resetting the traits in the actor to the default 'fox' race. This in turn causes the race to lose its attack data for some reason. It is easy to cure by going into the attack data tab in the race and clicking the 'update' button below the data. This resets the values to the proper ones again. I'm sorry if you all know this. I'm writing it in case someone else has the same issue and reads this post. I wasted two days on this...nobody else should have to!
  20. By using racemenu and a few other mods we have the ability to use character presets. However I noticed that alot of presets found online require that the race be set to Nord first. Is there any way to change the player race without changing the appearance of the character at all? When you change the race (like through the console for example) the characters appearance changes slightly and the preset will not look right. I have found some mods online that might help but I think they only prevent racial skills from changing; I have not found anything that prevents appearance change.
  21. So I am attempting to make a large story/location mod, but I would like one aspect of the mod to be the choice of adopting new powers. By this, I mean something similar to werewolf/vampirism, where you are usually normal (with possible buffs/debuffs), but you can transform into a new "race" with new powers and such. Where would this fall under in the CK and where could I find help/tutorials for this? If not, my mod will be pretty cool still, but much much less so as it would require a change to my storyline.
  22. The idea I have is a mod that adds a playable race consisting of anthropomorphic rats to the game. It seems to me to be a neat idea with a lot of fun role-play possibilities, not necessarily a furry thing. It's something I'd like for myself, but it's not exactly a request, I don't expect anyone to sit down and make it just for me. This is mostly going to be me explaining what I'm thinking of and why I think it could be a good idea, on the off-chance that someone cares, I hope this idea could be compelling enough that others might like it as well. The idea came from stumbling upon the Vulpine Race mod. I thought it was neat, but I think that making a similar kind of playable race mod based off of something like a rat would be a much more natural and immersive idea in the world of Fallout. Why? Well, for one, it's slightly more plausible that a rat would be bipedal, they can already stand on their hind legs and use their paws to hold things better than a fox could. But more importantly, we associate rats with adaptability, scavenging, deformity, and mad experiments. This I think would make it easier to accept the idea of an anthropomorphic rat, without it seeming too outlandish. From a lore-standpoint, the rats could be the result of implausible rapid evolution, boosted by radioactivity and ecological turmoil after the war. Or they could be the freaks of the pre-war labs or the mad Think Tank. Or the FEV could be involved somehow. It wouldn't be much crazier than the rest of the Wasteland. I also think that such rats would fit in pretty well in with the themes of the Wasteland. We often project lowly human traits onto rats, so with that cultural perception it would be easy to accept them amongst the scavengers, cutthroats and chem-addicts of the Mojave. Not to mention, I think there would be a certain poetry to the idea of there existing human-like rats in the post-apocalypse. Since rats have been looked down on as vermin beneath our civilization, it would be fitting if they were to become our equals, once that civilization fell. The elevation of the animal could be used to emphasize the downfall of man. So that's why I think it could be a viable idea with some appeal not just for people who like anthropomorphic animals in general. I don't know if it would be possible to do, or how difficult it'd be, but if the Vulpine Race was possible, I guess this could be, I imagine it'd be done in a similar way. If you've read this far, feel free to leave your thoughts, and I thank you for your time.
  23. Hello, after using the console to make my epic elf female character weak in sunlight, all of my regular Breton, imperial, and other race vampire characters all have epic elf eyes and are not red. Please help me solve this irritating issue. :sad:
  24. Hey all, I've been trying to create a new race based on a old iconic Star Trek 'love slave'. I have been following this http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_a_custom_race_for_Skyrim However I have hit a snag near completion where my new ArmorAddon models do not show up on my race preview. I have noticed that whenever I try to select my new race under "additional races" in the ck, after saving and opening back up... it is no longer highlighted. I am under the impression that this may be the cause, I would TRULY appreciate any help with this issue, I fear it may be an error inherent to my installation of the CK, but it has always done everything else 'fairly' smooth. Here is an example of my ck opening the ArmorAddon entry AFTER I have already selected and ' ok'd ' the box. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/roburito/RaceModProblem1.jpg yes, I have tried using "DefaultRace" the meshes still won't appear in preview, I did not test using "DefaultRace" in-game though, as EVERYTHING else I have ever done in CK ALWAYS is preview-able. Thank you for your time.
  25. Hi, this is my first mod, and before I upload it to the nexus, I'd just like to know if there's any advice any of you have that I could use to make my race mod better and more popular. Currently the mod adds the Unblood race. A rogue-like race that has no blood. Due to their sneaky nature their race power turns them invisible for a short period, and passively they're immune to disease and poison.
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