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  1. This is worth it...Worth the community. We all can do it. This is not a request, this is all of our desire. We dream of it, we sometimes try to make it, and now we should combine to end this lack and need. I came onto the Nexus to be corrected. I thought we had four and a half attempts at making Skyrim Multiplayer in some way, shape, or form. Truth is, we now have Five. It is time. All must choose... We can support it, encourage, long, volunteer, code, cooperate, plan, and do what it takes to organize all the attempts to this moment so we can finally be a community in Skyrim, and not one just based around the land and game. It is possible, proven 4 and a 1/2 times on record. We have millions of players, hundreds of game awards, and thousands of modders who have shown enough to be able to complete this project. It must be unanimous for the entire communities for Skyrim and modding combined. Then, there can be a proliferate number of working multiplayer mods once the first is made. For the sake of True Needs, we should let be those modding projects we currently are working on, mention with pride what is taking our time, and help each other. We organize. The fans, the modders, the game itself with us. Encourage the coders and capable you know to read and think about it. Read this thread for more. Meetings will begin when it is determined enough skill has been reached and full planning can begin. Anyone who wants to gather their colleagues or those who make the mods you use, feel free to ask them. http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/535152511362743333/ And please be ready to help support the uniting of Aftermath, Tamriel Online, and others who have made progress into Internet connection or the deep coding of Skyrim to consult at the least on this project. I am but an instigator, but history proposes the outcome. We only need to move towards it. It is to be a universal mod, for everyone, everything... Fus Ro Dah! I hope to see you in Skyrim soon. And I hope to see this community finally committed as a whole to a single task. If for nothing else, it will allow you to see the strength of this Nexus and what can be done when it happens. Remember it has never been done before, and there is no proof it cannot accomplish anything. For Skyrim...Lok Bo, Thuum Tuum...
  2. Hear me out, I've brainstormed this for a while, and I've wanted to make something very similar to Dark Souls's PvP system. But where do I even start? Here's what I have for ideas so far: - I'll certainly have to use blender A LOT more, to model anything that's needed. What other programs do I need to learn? How many are free? - I'm not sure what I have to learn in order to create a server (?) for players to connect to? - Applying blue, red, and white, perhaps golden auras to players (depending on their status) There'd have to be areas where players cannot be invaded, and if they are being invaded, they wouldn't be able to leave. I'm planning on making Area Bosses to certain places, but only for vanilla areas. I'd have to heavily consider integration of existing mods. - How can I get everyone to see each other's separate armor mods on their own characters? (i.e. Forbidden armor on the host, Iron Maiden on the Invader) What about different body types? - I think I'm going to make Deadly Reflexes v5 a requirement (NOT V6) - How will I make Gestures (pose animation mod basically)? - Make a backstabbing system? Does anyone know where I can start? I know it's a HUGE up taking, but I want to make this so badly. Thanks for your time. P.S. How can I work on Deadly Reflexes V5 in order to improve it myself?
  3. SLG Game Earth 2037-2 for Android http://www.aungame.com/public/game/earth2037-2/20130412-news-banner.jpg 2037-2 is a SLG network game. While offering wonderful PVE, it enhances PVP part, which will let players who love alliance battles get great fun. Earth 2037-2 includes various aspects such like military, diplomacy, science and technology. Players could select camps like Human Alliance (Both in attack and defense), Rising Sun (Powerful defense) and sharp Hawk Horde. These three camps have their own troops plus their own features and strong points. Especially in an alliance battle, the troops will play different roles. In PVP settings, the game offers perfect failure protection, so you will not feel upset when one battle was lost. Fast recovery of the wounded troops and speedy building repairing help you establish wonderful power system. Sparkle features of Earth 2037-2: Specially developed for Android playersSmooth and accurate game screenLow power consumption and calorific valueSimple interface and easy operationsTroops in 3 camps have restriction for anotherVersatile teamwork to completely display your wisdomPerfect failure protectionCompatible with Android 1.6 and later Updated: April 15, 2013 Size: 15.7 MB Category: Free SLG Requires Android: 1.6 and up Company: JTG INC. Forum: http://en.earth2037.com/ Download: http://www.aungame.com/game/earth2037-2/
  4. We launched on Kickstater and asking for your help and support. I will be very grateful if you share our game with motivational words for your friends. This aid will be sufficent to project to get green light and become popular, and also hit the favorites "staff picks" from the administration of Kickstarter. Please participate in the life of our project, support us and share success with us! Thank you in advance for responsiveness. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/madsword/angry-farmer-real-time-strategy-cross-platform-soc
  5. Me (VeeroRith) and Hydralyca are trying to set up a themed video for dark souls. Link textures already exist, so we really just need Zelda stuff. I would totally just do this, but it would look terrible. I am no artist, and have never really delved into the land of texturing stuff. Hydralyca will be link, and I will hopefully be Zelda This is a link to the mugenmonkey build so far - http://mmdks.com/3a5k I am open to suggestions on the cosplay as well as possible textures to use. -The black manchette is chosen specifically because the gloves go far up the arm, and the maiden robes are because of the pattern on the front being usable. Also because the shoulder bits on the antiquated chest or maiden chest could possibly be goldified and made to look kinda like the shoulder pads. -The antiquated gloves could be used probably, as well as maybe the witch chest piece as it has that pointy bit below the waist for possible hyrule insignia thingy. -The weapon zelda uses looks rapier-ey, but its not really fully decided yet. I just love the velka's moveset and stuff :tongue: Thanks for your time VeeroRith Example picture of both a possible zelda and the weapon. http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/36033a56edbaf7ec8d4bc1811cd912fd/http://www.zeldawiki.org/images/9/95/Princess_Zelda.png http://thumbs2.modthesims.info/img/5/9/3/1/1/MTS_CaptainRC-918574-SwordofZelda.JPG
  6. I have always loved Skyrim, and all the craziness...well, maybe not all of it. Skyrim modding has got to be some of the craziest I have seen for games, but I wanted it to be a little more interactive in a way. I already know that Skyrim has an online mod, but I thought, why have an online mod in which I have to use a seperate service for it to work on a generalized server that someone else hosts? I personally loved the idea of online skyrim, but I personally don't have enough bandwidth to play online. I have plenty of friends that I know who would love to play, but it will never happen as I will always get kicked because I lag out. So I figure, for those that don't want to use an internet service and instead want to use their rigs as a server for a LAN of their own friends (virtual LAN would be supported), why not do that? grant it, it would be very small, like 5-6 characters max, or depending on your rig system specs would determine your player cap. can it be done or not? I am just curious, cause I spitball: I do not create content, so any input is appreciated.
  7. Here's the idea: when you die, certain items from your body are lootable by other players, and other items aren't. For example, I could configure it so that equippable and hotbar items can't be looted but everything else I'm carrying can. This could take several forms: 1) All the lootable items drop onto the ground on your death, instead of being secured in your grave, and other players can't loot your grave (this sucks if you die at sea). 2) Two graves spawn when you die. One has your unlootable items and is locked from other players; the other grave has the rest of your inventory and is lootable by anyone. 3) Your grave is openable by any player, but only certain items or item types are able to be taken. Tombstone Secure accomplishes a part of this by locking your grave from being looted, but that's all it does. Gravekeeper allows you to modify which items go to your gravestone on death, but all the undropped items stay with you rather than being dropped on the ground, which takes away any incentive to ever go back and get your body. It would be awesome if someone could make a mod that allows this function somehow. It would be awesome for a dedicated PvP server to allow consequence and reward for dying to and killing other players, without all of your gear being at risk.
  8. If someone with some knowledge could help me please.... I'd love this game to have a pvp feature. Would literally pay for this mod to be made :smile:
  9. Wanting a multiplayer experience without the jarring red, white, or blue boys. Just want the normal colours on players and gear. I tried to search for remastered mods to turn this function off but without success. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks boys :)
  10. Hello people, is someone possible to do a server side forced pvp mod for bepinex? So that people have to PvP on PvP Servers? That would be awesome, also hit me up if u want in direct message.
  11. Hey guys, I have been running a dedicated server for my friends and I for a bit now. One thing that we are eager to experience is a pvp server however; I'm concerned about base raiding leading to griefing. I have searched for a mod that implements better mechanics for the "Ward" item and there doesn't seem to be much out there. ValheimPlus gives you the ability to turn structural damage from players off, but that's not necessarily what I'm looking for nor would it fully solve the issue. I have a few ideas for how something like this should work and I am curious if anybody else has any thoughts in addition.| Unfortunately I'm not a C# developer and cannot implement something like this myself so I'm not even sure the plausibility of such a mod . I encourage discussion if nothing else. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST IMPLEMENTATION: Similar to ValheimPlus in the case of structure invulnerability, but "Wards" will instead apply the indestructible status to any structures built by players in that area. - Applies an aura in the area of the ward that makes structures indestructible - Applies an aura in the area of the ward that prevents the manipulation of terrain - The aura preventing terrain manipulation would prevent players from griefing your base by digging underneath it. - Would be able to be turned on and off by activating/deactivating the ward - Maintains the same functionality the default ward offers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND IMPLEMENTATION: Inclusive to the functionality of the first implementation however; it should instead apply a damage reduction aura to structures rather than an invulnerability aura. - An amount of damage done to structures from a source is equal to the default amount of damage done to a structure multiplied by a percent value. - Damage mitigation could be configurable - Manipulate the values for the amount of damage mitigation applied to structures in the area of the ward - Damage mitigation could be variable depending on the quality of the items used against the quality of the structures built. - i.e. A flint axe may equate to .1% of a wood walls maximum health reduced per swing as where a flint axe may do 0% of a stone walls maximum health reduced per swing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These were just a couple quick solutions I thought of so if you have any additional ideas please feel free to discuss them. If this mod seems beneficial to your game it would be appreciated if you could leave a reply. Thanks!
  12. Tribute to Dark Souls 3 showing the way that the Players will pass over the PvP fights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sXamv23Q_c
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