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  1. I have seen some mods that change how to use the Tree perk Skills, other that while not related directly. could be tied as it's relate to the sma end goal. In general, the speech perk is mostly used for trade and some other rare ocasions. but as a menber of the mod BUVARP. some ideias started to pop up. some as.: Realist Followers.: -Some follower will no longer be acessible after one quest, if they aren't your housecarl, they may refuse for being busy at the day. -Followers might auto unfollow the player based on amount of time spent + actions (not interacting with them, crime, etc, based on type) -Hirelings will stay regardeless, giving now a benefit, but will from time to time auto engage with the player after some time to renew the contract -Followers will auto relax ( A message will appear at the top to inform the player that follower moved to X place to relax for a while ) -Followers will now send the courier to ask help from the player, this improving the relationship and easier acess to them. -A additional Rank beyond friend or lover wold work as an extra variable to define that. -Ability to teach an aquired ability or sugest new behaviors for followers based on location and time. some concepts that has been done by cloudedtruth and the mod Outfit NPCs. Utility.: - Pretty much like Immersive Speechcraft, but now will require location, time and relationship Immersive marriage and simple romance.: - It's now required a little more than the amulet of Mara for a NPC to say "yes", now having to visit the chosen NPC and redo their quests a few times + speech for better chances. - Bard or writer skill to conquer faster. - possibility to conquer new npcs based on speech skill - Love confort can be given by wench, bard or flower girl based on relationship and fame. (This concept being propely done by MannyGt, but being abit outdated. Trade and barter: kryptopyr has done it already. Realism.: - Fancy NPCs may not be interacted easly based on race, time of the day and location. requiring events in proprer places in other to work. if the player bother a NPC during a dialogue, will trigger for example the guard to interrup the player. - Tweak the time until a npc can use a pharse, so to be less repetitive.
  2. Good day all! I am going through the process of designing and beging the work for a new large scale mod. The idea is that the NCR is expanding up into the Oregon/Washington region. The courier was hired to bring a message from Sandy Shores up to the expedition regarding a new and potentially threatening faction in the are known as the Canadian Republic. It will the couriers job to run the message to the unit through the overgrown cities of the northwest(or not) and resolve the new hightened tensions against a new faction and fight against new enemies. I am just looking for interest at the moment, if you truly would like to work on this project with me please pm me otherwise leave a post for interest that includes your talents related to modding. Thank you and I hope to work with you soon.
  3. Im gonna start a race mod project based on the tv series: The Strain If youre interested in knowing more about and helping with this project, please message me! Needed modders: 3ds max Skyrim creation kit Scripting Animation Etc.
  4. Hi i try to download the HD project for 4k texture but the site says : under moderation. What happens?
  5. Hello some may know me under the name "GLArt". I am author of the mods Into the Depths and the fifth gate. I have returned to modding, one last time. I am working on my nearly finished quest mod "Into the Depths: Bloodsucker" I am looking for a translator GER to EN As well as a male voiceactor (Vampirestyle) This horror-mod will include - round about 1 hour quest - about 20 animated scenes and a huge amount of animated events - A unique and challenging bossfight with different Stages and difficulties, depending on the players decisions - A vampire themed player home If you can help me finish my project please let me know. Many thanks in advance :)
  6. Hi There, Im looking for a translator from german to english and a male voiceactor (Vampiresytle) for my nearly finished mod "Into the Depths: Bloodsucker" Mod content: - A round about one hour quest (in the style of my former quests (GLArt) Into the Depths, The fifth Gate - A unique bossfight with four difficulty levels wich will depent on the players behaviour inside the "Gold-Bane mine" - A vampire-themed player home
  7. Hello everyone! Especially to those of you who have been hobby modders before, but maybe did not have an interesting topic to work on for a while: The "Expedition to Atmora" project has nearly completed writing, level design, 3D-art and audio work, now we are very much looking for people who implemented quests before. You are very welcome to our team! This is our public recruitment discord, lets meet and we can show you the opportunities in completing this interesting project with us. Small contributions can have a huge leverage effect here. https://discord.gg/aHMpsCC Looking forward to meet you! yours sincerely Hannes821
  8. Hello, everyone! I'm currently creating an immersive comic strip in Fallout New Vegas. It is almost ready, however I require a couple of sound files. Can someone please send me the sound of the vault door openning in .wav or .mp3? Two different sounds of alarm and the door itself would be preferable. I hope to entertain you soon enough!
  9. Historic Whiterun Lore-friendly City Expansion Mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4nTVJZq4bQ&feature=youtu.be Introduction to the Lore Skyrim's history is mostly that of the Nords. The Nords believe the sky, Kyne, breathed life into them at the summit of the Throat of the World, which is now considered the tallest mountain in Tamriel (the Red Mountain was acknowledged as the tallest before its eruption during the Red Year). While historians tend to portray Ysgramor as the first Nordic settler of Skyrim, ushering in concurrent waves of immigration from Atmora, this is not the case. While their exact origins are unknown, the most widely accepted theory is that the early Nedic peoples (a now extinct culture) settled in Skyrim after arriving from Atmora well before the arrival of Ysgramor, and from there spread to the rest of Tamriel. In ancient times, Skyrim was ruled by the malevolent Dragon Cult. This early society revolved around the worship of dragons through intermediaries known as dragon priests, who ruled as gods above men. Sometime in the late Merethic Era, the mythical Dragon War saw the overthrow of the Dragon Cult when Alduin, Akatosh's firstborn, was defeated atop the Throat of the World. The veneration of animals gods was eventually replaced by the Eight Divines. The many mountain ranges in and around the province resulted from unknown cataclysms in the Dawn Era. The only known relic from this time is the Skyforge, an ancient, powerful, and still-active forge built into the living rock in modern-day Whiterun. Who built it remains a mystery, but the Elves feared it, and this led the invading Atmorans to claim it for themselves. The Aldmer and Snow Elves occupied Skyrim until the late Merethic Era, when the final wave of Nordic immigration from Atmora, led by Ysgramor, finally established Nordic supremacy in modern-day Skyrim.Settlers from Atmora crossed the Sea of Ghosts and made landfall here many times, often clashing with those who had already established themselves.These early settlers called the land "Mereth", after the Elves that roamed the untamed wilderness. While the Nedic peoples were generally peaceful, the arrival of Ysgramor and the proto-Nords sparked a long, antagonistic chain of conquests that ultimately expelled the Elves from Skyrim. The instigating spark of conflict was the infamous Night of Tears, where the Elves attacked the human settlement of Saarthal. According to Imperial scholars, the Elves realized that this newer race could outpace their relatively stagnant own. Others posit that the human inhabitants had discovered a powerful artifact, the Eye of Magnus, that the Elves desired. Nonetheless, Ysgramor escaped the carnage, returning to Skyrim with his now legendary band of Five Hundred Companions, slaughtering the Elves and establishing man as the foremost race in Skyrim. Ysgramor's clan expanded their territory, and it continued to expand and contract by winning and losing territories in Morrowind and High Rock during the First Era. Elven rule of Skyrim is thought to have ended under the reign of King Harald (1E 143 - 1E 221), though pockets of Snow Elves hid away in the wilderness. It is during King Harald's rule that Whiterun is known to have been divided into four districts: the Plains District, used as a marketplace where all the merchants, stalls and inns are located; the Old District, as one of the most old parts of town, where the entrance to the Vaastefold Mine is located; the Wind District, used as a residential area; and the Cloud District, where the palace of Dragonsreach is. The area used to be referred to as the "Imperial City of Skyrim", before it underwent several acts of chaos, including a dynastic feud, attacks by Hörme bandits and frost trolls, and a series of annihilating winters of alternating floods, droughts, and fires. During 3£ 221, Jarl Kettilson II and his advisors lowered all the taxes to the inhabitants of the city. While this choice had an unfortunate effect on the city's treasury, the fortunate consequence was that many foreign merchants began to take advantage of the excellent economic and administrative situation to import and export goods of primary necessity throughout the Empire. From a small population, which suffered from the Great Plague of 2£ 881, it was that toward the Oblivion Crisis the entire region began to record new migrants and new families moving into the walls of the Great City of Ysgramor. Like many towns in the northern border area of the Empire and its and adjacent regions, Whiterun suffered from the War of Succession, including a devastating siege from Jarl Sigfrid the Black of Riften who burnt the town in 2£ 107. By 2£ 312, Jarl Harald III of Solitude, the acting High King, demanded and received tribute from the town in order for them to be spared a similar fate. In 2£ 346 the town was sacked by unknown bandits. By 4£ 5, a census done by Legate Caius Veram, the acting commander of the III Legion, noted that the population had been growing costantly for the last 350 years, and it is an ideal recruiting ground for the Imperial Legion. Features (Added as of now) - A completely redesigned city - Featuring over 13 new traders, all of which have their own trade - Guards have names, and they have their own homes outside the city walls - Being thane of the city, you can improve it - Dynamic prosperity - One new tavern, the Black Cat - Olamund, the Barber - Census and Excise Office - Player and NPCs pay taxes for residing in the city (Taxes are paid to Proventus Avenicci) - Rentable house 1 week / 2 weeks / 2 months / 4 months - New exterior - Each NPC has a job - New district - New outside appearance - Barenziah's House (Located on the Marketplace) Looking for support, and for feedback. No ports for Legendary shall be done, since it is quite impossibile to make it work in Oldrim.
  10. I’m planning add variants to ever weapon tier of the game and add unique effects for each material type. I know a mod that does roughly that but if you try to match all the weapons with all of their materials you end up with a huge amount of assets to make and nobody have time to spend to make each item look like as good as they should. So, what is my solution for it? Each weapon tir will have its very own procedure and may even have unique maps and passes. There is an example of how it should look like one of the software inputs/output. I will make each weapon high poly meshes. bake the normal map to vanilla meshes. separate the base meshes by pieces and classify then using the name or vertex color by what will processed by Houdini fx and how. make a procedural modeling of each weapon tier unique aspects in houdini fx. (im pretty rusty in houdini but i'll learn it again) create tier based reusable smart materials in substance painter/design. create a id map for each possible combination. mostly using the paint bucket tool. batch all the models/textures. add them to the game. create leaved lists that the most exotic the weapon are rarer it is to find. add some hand picked ones to specified locations of the game. if possible: upgrade the crafting system to better accommodate the weapons variants (you chose the weapon that you want to create then the material like the enchantment system).
  11. Hello guys ,I want to create modpack bigger than "The journey" in a little bit another style of playing (I want more "Skyrimish Skyrim" huge modpack). Now I am spending time ,on picking mods from Nexus ,and in the future I want make from them huge modpack ,including just a few files (f.e leveled lists.esp ,world.esm and .bsa ,items.esm, and .bsa ,races.esm and .bsa, gui.esm .bsa ... something like this) . I want to connect all of this together. It may be work even for years ,is there anybody who want and can take even a small part in this? I Request for help.
  12. PS.: i'm starting this ideia out of the paper, nothing big yet. but plan to make an alternative to OBIS. One ideia that i didn't see done yet, is a mod aimed to make vanilla bandits, chief, and so on more unique, having better abilities, a new improved look to bosses, to make it apart from the commom ones, a unique variety for some unique quests. (Dawnguard, Dragonborn) Imagine a mod that mixes ideias from Legendary Bandits, concept design (Or at least something similar) and so on. There is something that has always bothered me in all my experience by playing Skyrim, meanwhile many mods reduced this problem, it was still a issue until it became tangible with works like Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul and RDO relationship Dialogue Overhaul. that revitalize vanilla NPC. and make them not feel so much like robots. For now, there are mods as engaging as Beast of Tamriel, Revenge of the Enemies, Immersive creatures and OBIS (and others, the two cited being the most know, the last cited, the only that focus on bandits unless someone corrects me) that offer more diversty to the game, but no change on how the vanilla enemy behaves, its own nature, it's strategy and how it interacts with it's own universe,(I don't mean Combat or emeny IA) it's like they are just bandits who are there just for being, they do not have classes/hierachy nor unique durties (having the Eyersee, the Keeper, The chief Right hand, Bundler, etc.) than just bandit, bandit chief. The game itself offer so many points/plots that can give immersion to vanilla, like the war/conflict, the world it's in risk, and Tamriel, you know, is not a place full of rainbows and flowers, where everyone can live forever happly after. that it would take a long time to list all the possiblities. :laugh: but now returning to the main point.: Has you even, been playing, and felt, sometimes like rambo, by just passing trought wanever was on the way, and saw a camp, like you was just killing zombies and Clones? not criminals, a cult, or a gang or whanever? so yeah, the point of the Project is mainly that. reimagining the origins of the vanilla enemies, what they do, and how they relate to the world. in some ways, some imoral things should be taken in acount, like age, class, race and gender. Bandits can have a lot of classes based on location and organization, instead of being just placed by the player level. Some are maded for lower criminals who are just making a living without trying to raise to much attention, to places where people fear and simple avoid by having the local settlement to pay a bit to keep them in peace. It's purpose and time invested also determinate the level of dificculty and not just to have a 16 Teen Thief as the same level of a 48 Exiled Baron Dealer. The basic goal, is to make a enemy title mean more than it's level. but it's nature, location and background where they will be found. What it's the main goal? -No potato face Bandits -No clones/+300 new Bandtis -Bandits titles mean more than level, but it's location/crime/style -Levelist is less linear and more organic -New Bandits Ranks and titles -Victims and Neutral/Gray Enemies -Especial Bandits and Encounters -Reworked/Expanded Camps/Forts/Mines -Bandit Loot/Better progression The proposed change is to expand and give meaning to bandits while being split into four natures.:Each group have a unique trait and will have a unique behavior towards the player. The reason, is to fix some inconsistencies within the world. (Bandits being 3 times bigger than the native citizens) (Criminality and economy inconsistencies. etc) Wanderers Crime: Small thefts, disturbance, illness, people falsely accused of crimes. Identity: Sub class citizens, the kind who commit small crimes, rejected from cities in general, are formed by beggars, unemployed, the sick, disturbed and the poor people. Location: At isoled or safe places?, villages and roads, rarely at forts, mines and dungeons. rejected by higher criminals and greater Factions Behavior: Lazy, don't care for much stuff and work only for it's well being near small fire, relaxing at one place, drunk or sleeping Agression: Avoid combat unless in group, cowards in general that run when outnumbered Skill: Unarmed combat, One handed and Two Handed, short weapows and no use of shields in general with afinity for magic. can sometimes pass a disease to the player in some camps. Campsiters Crime: People who work out of the law, abuse the land and commit passional crimes, bad behaviour and conduct, where the self interest reach danger. Identity: Individuals and bad people in general, of Skyrim and from other places out of it who take opportunity of the current state of the land and it's affairs. where the line may not be perceived by the player. Location: Near cities, villages and roads, sometimes at forts, mines and dungeons. Can work with or for greater Factions Behavior: Self colected, greedy and brave, as arrogant sometimes. hunt, train and patrol. use tools and are self aware. Agression: Avoid combat unless provoked, easy to be agressive and can assault when in favor. Skill: Good at hunt, good skill in combat (One Hand/Two Hands/Dual, Shield and Bow, Magic only if dedicated user) Keepers Crime: Organized bandits who trade influence and power across holds. domain key places that return profit and knowledge for more strength. Identity: Dealers, Barons, Corrupted chiefs, people of powers in general and it's followers across and out of Skyrim Location: At forts, bigger mines and dungeons. rarely out of dungeons. and generaly far away from big holds. Behavior: Arrogant by nature. study, work and develop it's loaction. Agression: Agressive when detected. possible to avoid Skill: Well trained, use all types of skills. (using two types at once) and tend to use equipament with decent quality. Raiders Crime: Agressive bandits and violent people by nature. the kind who enjoy destruction, suffering and death. Identity: Assassins, monsters, barbarians, murderers, psicopats and people raised as tools and weapows. Location: At desoled places, generaly far away from roads and the commom people. can be at dungeons. and also far away from big holds. Behavior: Violent, train or torture it's victims. don't tend to patrol much. hunt sometimes Agression: Always agressive when detected. never possible to avoid Skill: High Skilled in combat, tend to use skimpy armor in general and use standart weapows. Bandits Types.: Bandit Fledgling- Person that sucumbs to the crime life, always young and bad equipped/skilled. usually out of the main operationsBandit (Vanilla) - Typical Enemy with no unique trait, they are not new as criminal, but not old or experienced. defualt bandit among many placesBandit Peddler - Beggar like bandit, cowards that atempt to intimidate peopleBandit Wanderer - Like the peddler bandit, but stay at isolated areasBandit Paw - Criminal who serve it's clients and other factionsBandit Trainer - Bandit who train animals and creatures to serve it's own purporsesBandit Thug (Vanilla) - Bandid who can attack victims in clear day, prefer safety and easy targets to focusBandit Cooker - Bandit who carry meat and animal parts, skilled in dual wieldBandit Chaser - Bandid who is hard to escape and can detect it's victim at long distanceBandit Brute - Well bodied bandit, tank wise who use two handed attacksBandit Attacker- Bandit that attack from long sight, usually found in cities during the day, but more rare than vampire attacksBandit Shredder- Criminals who destroy places in search of profit, high agressiveBandit Highwayman (Vanilla)- Bandit of long life, usually found in roads and sometimes near cities. likes to work alone in general.Bandit Keeper - Bandit who patrol resourcesBandit Charger- Bandit who carry the weight of the work. heavy tank focused in defense.Bandit Stalker - Bandit who watch targets on the road or near citiesBandit Brawler - Skilled at one hand combat, standart combat and soldier like levelBandit Dealer - Bandit who use resources, carry many poisons and is smarter than the commom onesBandit Outlaw (Vanilla) - Famous criminal recognized by it's hold.Bandit Scraper - Bandit that takes the rest of an empty place, agressive, skilled but bad equipedBandit Watcher - Bandit that protects any given operation. can alert it's allies and call for reinforcement.Bandit Marauder (Vanilla) - Trained and well organized Criminal who work in a solid matter in it's operations. generaly into places of profit development.etc... sorry for my english.
  13. I want help with a task that is herculean for one person but simple for a few. I edited out a lot of the conflicts between Arwens realism tweaks and FWE. In FO3edit when I found a conflict I changed A.R.T. to have the an identical entry as as FWE and I removed an entry when I couldn't do that. I am going to upload A.R.T. with the changes to the FO3 nexus as an alt version of A.R.T.. So can someone download it, help me get rid of the conflicts and re-upload it? Feel free to ask ANY questions and thanks a lot to anyone who actually decides to help me make an FWE compatible version of A.R.T.
  14. Hello guys! I'm very new to this entire modding thing, but I'm trying to make a Atom inspired version of the Home Plate ! No stealing my ideas mate :wink: haha, kidding Anyways... I can't for my life find his throne! Can only find the CoA_TektusSitInThrone :/ Is there a way to get the throne and make the player able to sit in it? And also thinking if it's possible to reverse engineer NPCKneelPrayingSit, so that the player can trigger and do the same animations. If that makes sense? P.S Also looking for separate letters to make my own words! Would be very happy for any type of answeres! Thanks in advanced / Noobie :D
  15. Hello and welcome all. Iâm here in the Nexus forums looking for former mod developers, concept writers and dialogue writers. Since I myself can not make this forum look fancy at the moment, I do provide a quality and detailed Discord for those who would like to join. I will explain what this mod is about in the Discord and give pre-post pictures and also provide updates of whatâs happening and what will happen. If your interested in keeping up with the mod, I suggest joining our Discord. https://discord.gg/EabFwuu
  16. (Post removed by author to prevent spoilers.) To learn more about Fallout New Ronto, follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/falloutnewronto
  17. Post content removed. Do not solicit services from other Nexus members in exchange for monetary compensation or promise of such compensation in connection with content that falls within the scope of a game publishers EULA. For example, this means that you may not recruit modders with the promise of monetary compensation to create a custom .ESP file for you or alter game content that is subject to Bethesdas EULA governing the use of their assets and the Creation Kit. - TVD.
  18. Hey people, I'm fairly new to Fallout 4 modding but have an intermediate amount of knowledge of how to put things together, I have but one mod to my name, Classic & New - a Traits mod. But I feel that if we all as a community of modders chipped in a bit of help with modeling, texturing and scripting, we could very well make a mod for Fallout 4 to bring the story and characters from Fallout 1/2 into the Creation engine. It would be a massive undertaking, of course, but it would not only be an awesome project, but a way to get lesser known modders (such as myself) a chance to show that they can do some great things! If you want to join and help remake Fallout 1 and 2 in the Fallout 4 engine, just post a reply, or pm me, and we can start making something very SPECIAL!
  19. Okay so I'm sitting here with the newest version of FNVEdit, trying to add Project Nevada 2.5 support to helmets from A.D.A.M. 4.1 (The unofficial update made by another modder well before PN-2.5 came out), well I'm not experienced with this at all and decided this'd be fun to try to do as my first foray into modding. Now in my fool errand I discovered this handy dandy tutorial. Now see this would all be well and good, except I have reached Step 5, where according to this ancient tut is where I'd add the ADAM Main esp as a master for my new patch. All good so far, right-click etc. Now the problem comes where it calls for right-clicking FormID List of the new esp and selecting add. Now if you noticed at the time the tutorial was made it was as simple as selecting Add and it'd give you a new Null reference to edit from there. Well in this new FNVEdit instead there's this troublesome little arrow with the Add option, under which is FLST Form ID, which when selected DOES NOT create a Null reference to edit instead it brings up the box in the attached image. So I guess what I'm getting at is, wtf do I do now? Does anyone know? Does anyone have a link to a more up-to-date tutorial? Any help will earn you my eternal gratitude, and hopefully lead to a sexy new compatibility patch for A.D.A.M. and Project Nevada in anno domini 2016
  20. High Fantasy Skyrim Overhaul Explanation Through my many years of modding Skyrim, making mods, and bringing ideas to the table for the modding community, I have finally came up with my most pristine idea. I would like to form a team of modder's to create the ultimate fantasy overhaul. "But, there are plenty of mods that turn Skyrim more fantasy like?" Well my friend, my vision for this overhaul will not be anything like you have seen on the Nexus, or anywhere else. I will try to explain this in a more simple way, and go into further detail later. Imagine walking on a polished white stone path in the middle of a forest, making your way to wherever your W key takes you. Then, you exit the forest, and you see the most magnificent kingdom in the distance, an absolute marvelous exploding-ly beautiful white castle glowing with a turquoise aura, surrounded by the most greenest grass and beautiful flowers, seeing citizens farming and talking with one another. Your eyes open wide, and you run as fast as you can through the wind to make it to this kingdom. As you run, you can see the paths are beautiful, and so polished, like the one you were just on. The trees in the distance are purely sakura trees, as they stick out, shine, and make your mouth fall open. The pink petals fall off the tree, gliding in the wind, brushing against your character, and falling to the ground. The excitement is unreal, everything is so beautiful! You cannot imagine what must be inside this beautiful kingdom ahead of you. Then, you finally make it. And man oh man, you can't get that smirk off your face. The steps to get to the front gate shine with white granite, and the soldiers greet you with respect, as they know how to really treat the dragon born. You feel ecstatic! The gate that stands so beautifully in front of you is decorated with gold designs, shivering through the large walls of the castle. You walk up to the door, and that's when it hits you. Everything.. comes together.. The little text says "Enter Whiterun" You say to yourself: "This.. This is Whiterun?" That is when your breath is truly taken, and not just the text in the mod description saying it will take your breath away, no. Your breath truly exhales out of your mouth, and your skin gets chills, and the goosebumps rise. When you enter the gate, and make it to the other side... Well, that's a whole other type of breath taking experience. That. That is what I want to create. The most exponential beautiful Skyrim overhaul, not only for the buildings and paths, but for the trees, the grass, the ground, the mountains, the water, the NPC's, the weapons, the armor, the enemies, dungeons, clothing, magic, and EVERYTHING that will make the player feel that they are in a polished, clean, and high fantasy world... This may sound unrealistic to some, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen. I want this, and I know a lot of others do too. What Inspired The Idea For This I have played Skyrim for 3 years now. I've downloaded thousands of mods, and have completely changed my Skyrim from what it was in vanilla. Yet... I still picture something more than what there is, or what I have. When I walk across the lands of Skyrim, I want to feel like a knight covered in purely white bad-ass armor, racing on the ground with my pure white steed. I want my sword to be absolutely holy and amazing, something straight out of a fairy tale. But what truly inspired this idea, is just seeing how dirty Skyrim is. I have grown tired of seeing the dirt and bland looking textures in the land. Everything is just so... Messy. I get that that's the way the game is supposed to be. The people in Skyrim live hard lives, the roads are made of rock paths and the houses made of worn down wood. I don't want that anymore. I want to feel like I'm in a movie, like the Elvish Kingdom in Lord Of The Rings. That place is breath taking! And not to mention how beautiful their clothes and armor are! Originally, the idea of this project wasn't taken from LOTR or anything else, just simply my mind begging for what it want's. But, through extensive research, I found the Elvish people / Kingdom is exactly what I'm looking for. I absolutely love the lore, look, and feeling of Skyrim. I really do. I just simply want to polish basically everything up, overhaul everything important, make it all fantasy, and bring a whole new atmosphere to the game. And I hope you do too. Where To Start I am reaching out to the modders who are dedicated, talented, and have past experience dealing with these types of things. We will start out forming a team, whether it be a large or small one. We will all discuss our ideas, share our thoughts, and bring new things to the table. Along the way, people can join in. The more people, the bigger and better our mod will be. We can skype, call, or just simply message each other. The rest will form together naturally from there. If you share the same wants, desires, and ideas as I do, please join me in this journey of creating the ultimate Skyrim High Fantasy Overhaul. ____________________________ I will provide some links of pictures so you can get the full idea of what I imagine. If you have read this far, thank you, and please consider what we can create. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070719215456/lotr/images/8/81/Mithlondwide.jpg http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/2/1488/vlcsnap-2013-03-03-22h09m41s64.png https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2012/12/Hobbit_Elfin_vista_660.jpg http://cdn.coresites.factorymedia.com/whitelines_new/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/lord-of-the-rings.jpg http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1204/Kyonin_elf_town_1257234-1_1299443.jpg https://bplusmovieblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-fellowship-of-the-ring-900.png?w=590 http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131028115254/lucerne/images/a/a3/New_Avalon.jpg http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/a/ae/Blue_Mountains.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090906033914 http://www.allthetests.com/quiz32/picture/pic_1441984807_9.jpg?1441985736 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/1/11/Gondolin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070407072723 https://projectedrealities.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/0e6c9d33-1658-4f7d-9a8d-980e1ac9562f_hobbit-trailer-15.jpg http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/4/4f/Roturn_King-Minas_Tirith.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100114191137 http://litcult.ru/u/dd/lyrics/36878/foto.jpg DISCLAIMERI am not trying to recreate or steal anything from Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit. The links provided above are simply just to give you an idea to set in your mind what I picture in mine.
  21. So, I created a mod for Dark Souls 2 a few years ago that fixed the tiling textures that plagued that game to the best of my ability and the ability of the modding tools. Now, while Dark Souls 3 doesn't have any problems with tiling textures, what it does suffer from is missing textures, which appear silvery, as if the specular map is present but the texture itself is absent. I am willing to create the mod myself, but I decided to wait until I have played both DLC before risking getting myself softbanned by modding the game, since I was banned from Scholar of the First Sin for using either ReShade or DS2Fix (SotFS edititon), so I am being more cautious than usual. Luckily, I found that my SotFS ban disappeared when I checked on it recently after leaving the game for over a year so who knows what happened with that. So, I wanted to know if anyone can confirm that the missing textures can indeed be replaced/fixed using iGP11? Or, would anyone be willing to attempt this themselves, or to send this kind of bug report to a FromSoftware/Bandai Namco bug report service (interesting to note that the missing texture in Wolnir's room WAS fixed in today's update). I'll provide a list here of all missing textures that I discovered: -1: In front of the Cathedral of the Deep when viewed from the Undead Settlement, especially visible near the Taurus Demon or on the tower next to the Giant Archer. -2: On a root on the Road of Sacrifices, near a Corvian early on. -3: On the top of the building you enter the Road of Sacrifices through, on the little spires. -4: Along the whole side of the bridge where you fight the Stray Demon. -5: On little spikes along the side of the bridge where you fight the Stray Demon. -6: Three pieces of rubble on the Stray Demon bridge. -7: On the distant bridge visible from the Cathedral of the Deep. -8: On two trees visible in the Undead Settlement visible from the Cathedral of the Deep. -9: On part of a broken roof in Castle Lothric Dragon Barracks above some Lothric Knights. -10: Along the arched bridge above the two dragons in Lothric Castle near the two dragons. -11: On the side of a building after the Dragonslayer Armor and before the Grand Archives. -12: On rocks at Archdragon Peak, along the path at the start. I will continue to update all known missing textures I discover and provide screenshots of all locations. I have likely missed or forgotten a few things that I observed in my past playthroughs. Here is a dropbox containing screenshots of all texture issues I noticed so far: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/faonkulrmurz0xm/AADqFGqRm3iLKdtrwl_mUKgMa?dl=0 Additionally, while not a missing texture, there is some ugly z-fighting on the lilly pad clusters in the Crucifixion Woods, especially to the right side as you descend the path from where Anri of Astora and Horace are. I thought it might be possible to fix this by "trimming" the lilly pads along the edge of the cluster where the z-fighting is present. While also not a missing texture but still an environmental glitch so I thought I'd include it anyways, I also discovered seams in the world in various spots. I found one at the Road of Sacrifices just outside of the Cathedral of the Deep in the area occupied by an Evangelist and two Undead Footmen. There are also two seams in the Mountain Pass area in Ariandel, near the wolf ambush before the Millwood Knight with the bow on the narrow cliff. There are also two seams at the roots of two trees in the Crucifixion Woods. I also found a seam on a pile of bodies in the crypt beneath Ariandel Chapel near all the flies. Finally, I found a box clipping through three other boxes in the Undead Settlement. Screenshots of them have been included. I'd appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions, requests, or help! But, again, I will personally not take active action in this until all DLC or all patches are out, both to ensure that a softban doesn't hurt my experience with the game significantly and to not bother fixing something that FromSoft could fix in a future patch anyways.
  22. Hi. I have this collage project in progress and I need info on how people act in social networks. So please spare a few minutes of your time and fill this poll. It would be a huge help. Thank you :smile: Link The site is in Lithuanian, but I translated the questions and answers into English. Oh and please share with you'r friends. Thank you :smile:
  23. Hello there good people,havent posted anything in a while on forums,we should get that aside and head straight to the point. Me along side my cousin have come on to an Idea to create our own DLC,well the story would be great I already got some ideas on my mind, and if there is anyone interested in helping by any way it would be appriciated a lot! Q : Whats an inspiration for it? A : I got inspiration from few of my favorite games; Dark Souls,Witcher,Bloodborne and from movies like LOTRK or Underground : Rise of Lycans.The story would be so unique and interesting. Q :What would it be about? A :It would be about an entirely new kingdom,player wouldn't be a supreme hero that can kill everything and be the... if may I say "god" ,It doesnt feel right to spoil the story for some players if this ever comes out, however for people that wish to work on this project I would be glad to share it in private message.I might actually be able to express myself with few words ; Warewolf slaves,Vampires,Witch,Princess,Knights,King,Dark age Q : BOOOOOOOOOORING There is already dawnguard out why is this so different than it? A : Its not even nearly the same as dawnguard and the story wouldnt be like in a fairy tale if thats what princess associates you with. Q : What kind of modders do you need especially? A : Anyone that can mod no matter what is welcome to join,after all the games are for fun and for people to cooperate and have a good time,however it would be good to have someone that knows how to work with dialogues,importing voice and building structures (cause I really suck at it ). -Keep in mind that nothing is started yet and I will start working on it very very soon PEOPLE LETS LEAVE OUR TRAIL IN THIS GAME,SOMETHING THAT WILL LET EVERYONE KNOW HOW MUCH DO WE LOVE THIS GAME AND HOW MUCH TEAMWORK CAN DO!
  24. I am looking for people to help me make a big mod I'm working on currently for Skyrim. The mod is called "The Black Legion" and has 1 voice actor and me just working on it so far. I need a team of people to help me make this mod possible because it's too much for me to handle by myself. The mod is a quest driven, fully voiced, new lands mod. I need: Someone to work on the terrain.Someone to work on the interior and exterior of the buildings/dungeons.A writer to fill in all the gaps in the story and to write the dialog.An artist to design the logo and work on other things.A mesh and/or texture artist.A programmer for the scripts.Someone to work on the quests.More voice actors in the future (They're not needed now but will be). I will make sure the team works together and I will also be helping everyone with each of their assignments. I'm currently working on the castle so the Black Legion can have a base. I'm also working on the dialog for 2 characters and I hope I can gather a team so we can have fun making this mod together. You can contact me on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/StormEagle15?lang=en-gb Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/stormeagle15/ Email: [email protected]
  25. Hello fellow modders!http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png Alrighty then; so I am working on a custom imp follower mod and I have hit a bit of a snag.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/undecided.gif She uses a custom model and skeleton model based on the fire atronach skeleton. Now as per the size I want the imp, I had to decrease the actor's size on the creation kit to about 0.3000 from the 1.0000 default. When I did this the imp, who was floating like a fire atronach, decreased to the perfect size but asher size decreased, she got closer to the floor. At 0.3000 she is so low she clips with the floor and head tracking does not work well.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png In order to fix this problem I went into the skeleton.nif file and increased the z translation to 250.0000 which fixed her in game and put her at the perfect height.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.png But as I did this I introduced another problem.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dodgy.gif Even though she is floating in the air her activator is on the ground, like if she was still down there. She is at player face height, but you you walk up to her she looks up at the sky like if she was still on the ground and the head tracking does not work well. Also when you are going to activate her to talk to her, you have to look at the ground below her in order to find the activate her prompt.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png I apologize for the long topic, but I wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am looking for help solving this problem. As far as I can tell, I either moved the wrong bone, or I need to move something else. I have attached the skeleton nif I am currently using. These are the edits I have tried. The first edit is the current one I am using that puts my follower at the perfect height. The second edit was an attempt to fix the activator issue, after it did not work I deleted the second edit. I am not sure if this problem can be fixed with a nif edit or not, so please let me know if you can help.http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png 1. The skeleton currently only has this current bone edit: 4 NiNode translation Z 250.0000 2. I have tried this edit, in conjunction with the above edit and by itself but to no avail: 0 BSFadeNode translation Z 250.0000 If you read this far, Thank you for your time and I hope you can help. http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png -ImfamousFoofy
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