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  1. after nuka world i was trying to do the raider settlemens but i was thinking of my bos character and wanting bos settlements. can you take the raider stuff and make a faction based reskin where i can use a faction radio beacon. spawning settlers of that faction and then reskin the jobs the raider settlements have, for the factions. maybe cut out the vassel settlement stuff, if you want.
  2. Hi all! I am new to these forums, and the nexus as a whole, so please bear with me if I disregard any common etiquette, or if needed direct me to the correct page to post this on. I have been having problems with CTDs on startup with fallout 4 for a while now, and although possible, it is one hell of a pain going through every mod to see what is broken or not working. I have tried LOOT (BOSS) and it solves problems with the load order, but not with individual mods. So I propose a solution. A (presumably) somewhat simple mod/program/addon for NMM that automates the process of uninstalling all mods, then reinstalling and starting up fallout to test each one. If i could run this mod/program/addon overnight and it would tell me the conflicts and problematic mods in the morning, it would save a lot of time which could be used for playing the actual game. This could be easily applied to all the games on NMM and would help everyone out a lot. So what I am asking for: someone to either make this, give me directions on how to make it, or point me to a similar program that I have somehow missed.
  3. Bodyslide will open *outside* of MO, but if you try to launch it within MO nothing happens. Just a rotating cursor. This is especially weird because I was using BodySlide with Fallout 4 in ModOrganizer earlier this year with little to no issues whatsoever. I've tried an older version of BodySlide, reinstalling BodySlide, running BodySlide as Administrator, running it in Win7 compatibility mode, reduced color mode, disabling display scaling on high resolutions, but still no dice. Any ideas? EDIT: Here's what my executables look like in MO http://i.imgur.com/CPjAEsJ.png
  4. Ok I hope I posted this in the right forums section, if not I apologize. I made a mod and I have a couple different files for it: - 2 different install methods (either in a packaged version or in a loose file version) - 1 optional file (isn't necessary for the mod to run but was something that some people wanted so I made it optional) I would like to make an executable that gives the user options on what to install and what not to install. So if the person wants the optional file just tick the box and he will get it. This would be to mainstream the process of downloading my mod so instead of having three files to choose from it will be all in one. However no tutorials I saw covers how to do this or which programs I would need if any. I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how to do this, please keep in mind that I never made an exe before so to keep your explanations simple. Thank you for your time and Have a great day!
  5. I've been having this issue since the first time I installed Skyrim in my job's computer. Every single time I click on a software this window appears: Doesn't matter if it is the Skyrim Launcher, TESV.exe, ModOrganizer.exe, skse_loader.exe, creation_kit.exe, no matter what program, they always show me this message. For some reason, I am able to bypass it if I check "run as administrator" in the properties of the exe. But why? Why has this been always happening? I just want to know. Is there a problem with the CPU they gave me? Because if it is... I can't just say to my boss: - Hey boss... I need a better computer. - Why? - To mod Skyrim... My system information:
  6. http://puu.sh/kWdBG.jpg Mator Smash VIDEO TUTORIAL - For v0.0.7 GamerPoets Video - For v0.4.1 Mator Smash is now available on Nexus Mods. Please use the Nexus Mods Mod page for all future discussion. Nexus Mods Mod Page
  7. Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout NV all have a TARDIS mod from Doctor Who, I hope one will soon be created for Fallout 4. I think the best constructed TARDIS mod was for Skyrim it was easy too use and understand the TARDIS controls interface. It was a really fun mod to have in the game.
  8. sorry for my google translator english, but i would like to know what program is used to create new classes for this game, i am a newbie mod creator and i would like to try to create mods for this game
  9. So, I lack the ability to record good sound and have no intention of buying a studio. The next best thing is to use a speech synthesizer to voice some companions and characters. Does anyone know of a free or cheap program that would allow me to type text and have the program voice it, and then allow me to save and convert it for Fallout:NV?
  10. Hello Nexus! i am a new member on here and after about a month of downloading mods created by the amazing people on here, i want to try and make my own mods. I am fairly new to pc gaming as ive really only played consoles so in all honesty i am new to almost everything about pc gaming, but i am learning on the go and so far im learning alot. Now i was just wondering what program i should use to create my own mods, and i dont know much about it but like i said i like to learn on the go.
  11. I've Googled for about 3 hours now, and have been unable to find a solution to my problem, so I decided to turn to you guys, who haven't ever let me down before. I love Skyrim, and Fallout, and I'd like to start streaming them, herein lies the rub, I use a USB wired PS3 controller (which so far hasn't let me down) to play Skyrim, Fallout, etc, and I'd like to be able to display a "virtual controller" on-screen, showing my keypresses as they happen. I've seen this happen before, on other streams, but I've been unable to find what program, script, or even OS the person used. I'm hoping you guys will be helpful in my search. Cheers, Rexen
  12. Hi ,After defraging mhw using razorcortex the game cannot access chunk file and does not give any error ,just closes after 2sec . The file is undamaged and in its proper location , but the quicksfv says file doesn't exist . How can i fix it without reinstalling?
  13. Why do our brain flush important and good old stuff? Damn... I just recalled how I did managed my quests and scripts 2008 with a simple small application called yEd that is available both as a java and compiled versions... You can download the free version of the graph editor a bit below on this page. Search for Tools and Applications or at approx 1/3 if you scroll down Well before I started with anything, I made a flow of what I wanted to happen, a start, the flow in the middle and the end, so simple and when I later made the scripts or quests, I did follow the flow and did not needed to have it all in my brain making me :sick: I just recalled this nice app as I should have made my current project as a chart like this before I started to code it really. Now it is a bit late to do it but when I initiate the next stage I will start using it again. So damn cool app. This chart from yEd below is maybe not what I did make as mine where smaller, but it is capable to make complicated stuff if needed... :wink:
  14. I was eating, so I wasn't paying attention to every detail, assuming everything would go as usual, and it asked me what I wanted to open the mod with, and I accidentally open it with notepad and now every mode I download opens with notepad. I have 7-zip downloaded and yes I tried right-clicking and open with its suggested, but it's just more garbage. I tried Reddit and YouTube but its useless and very misleading and nothing worked please help fallout 4 isn't as fun knowing downloading mods doesn't work
  15. HELP! I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I'm having trouble finding an answer through google searching. (every result is about Skyrim's resolution, not the resolution of the mod organizer program itself). I've recently installed Mod Organizer 2 and I've run into an issue where the size of the mod organizer window is too tall for my screen. I cannot get to the bottom corner of the window in order to drag it in to a shorter size: it cuts off half the word 'Overwrite' at the bottom of the mod list, and the log section showing what action has just completed is totally hidden past the bottom of my screen. All the text is also really large. Other program windows are correctly sized, such as google chrome and my old Mod Organizer 1. Why would this single program be showing at larger resolution/size than everything else? Because I'm using a TV as my monitor and it's across the room, I do have my "scale layout" setting at 150%, but like I said all other programs open in windows that fit just fine within the bounds of my screen. At the moment the only way I can properly use Mod Organizer 2 is to switch the 'scale layout' back down to 100% while using it - but I think that may mess with things once I actually run Skyrim from it? In any case it's tedious to switch a setting back and forth whenever I want to use Mod Organizer (and end up squinting at any other folders or applications I might switch between which then look much smaller than usual). Is there any way to change the resolution of this single program? Is that even what needs to be done to fix this? I'm at a loss.
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