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  1. I got a message today telling me I have an invalid staging file because it is in my game directory. Even though it has been working for a long time, I only got the message today. So I tried to change the directory, but every time Vortex would ask me to give access to a certain file. I did give it every time but it doesn't work and I would get a message telling me Vortex doesn't have access. What I did was reboot my laptop every time, afterwards the file in question would somehow be deleted. After several times, the mods are finally moving. But this time I'm told directories are not writable. I've tried different files in different drivers, it never works. My system is win10. Please help!
  2. Hi guys good day, today i've done a fresh install of fallout 4, now after installed only Mod Organizer 2 and High FPS Physics Fix (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44798) i'm encountering a bad LOD quality, poor draw distance and objects like rocks,bridges,cars,ecc.. not fully rendered, not everything is on ultra presets, what i've decreased was the shadow draw distance to medium and godrays to low, lens flaree and DOF deactivated, everything else is maxed on ultra watch the video to know what im talking about:https://imgur.com/a/DFUkgO5
  3. My game is not working with mods. hangs on the intro or loading bar. I tried with the empress version and the dodi version. And none worked.
  4. Hi, A lot of days i have a problem with a lot of light on fog, all other weathers works fine with good light. I test all parameters in volumetric fog in ENB menu, nothing do nothing. Is it another menu or in .ini file maybe ?
  5. Hello, I am currently experiencing a problem with the sound of Ghost of Tsushima. The sound of waterfalls and thunderstorms is much too loud compared to the rest of the sounds in the game. I read on the Steam and Reddit forums that I'm not the only one with this problem. Would a benevolent soul like to solve this sound problem? I'll let you judge for yourself what comes closest to something really "realistic". Thank you very much in advance.
  6. I'm having a mesh issue in SCK and could use a bit of help. I had just made a body mesh for my race mod, but it doesn't seem to be working. You see, when I add it to the ArmorAddon (SkinNaked) It looks fine. When I set it all up and add it to the race, the body is there, but not the extra things, notably the feathers i added to the body. Also, when I test it in-game, the moment I take off the armor to look, the game crashes instantly. When I go back to look, there's an error block where her body should be. Anyone know what could be the cause?
  7. Hi, I don't know if this is my fault but the mods I create don't access vanilla files.
  8. Welcome, I have problem with two mods to The Witcher 3 Complete Edition. I installed 2 mods: 1. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project Ultimate + The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project Ultimate Fix - Mod name: The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project 2. Indestructible Items (4.03). Mod Name: Indestructible Items - No More Weapon Degradation (Next-Gen Update Compatible) And my problem is with textures of some plants. I unzip Rework to main game folder, next second mod to folder "mods" in main game folder. I try with fix and no fix from Rework. Both failed. I uninstalled game and delate Main game folder. To be sure, there is no left some old mods files. Anyone have any ideas for this problem??
  9. I need help and I need stupefied instructions to fix this and if this already has a solved post can you find it for me Ok so you will have to uninstall the f04 and find the vortex black gaming folder and delete it then remove any files left finally reinstall vortex and f04
  10. Hi, this is the first time I've participated in any of these forums. I have been downloading some mods these days and when raising Astarion to level 5 it gives me to choose a deity, from what I understand only clerics are asked for. I have watched videos of other people leveling up Astarion to level 5 and they don't have this. I don't know if it's a bug of some mod or of the game itself. That's why I was hoping to know if someone could give me a solution. Thanks in advance ^^
  11. I've noticed suddenly my downloads from CDN are ridicously slow, ranging from 0B/s to 24KB/s.Looking on the forum i've noticed many users are complaining about this issue too... I am aware about the restriction for non premium users but 24KB/s is way below that restriction. Any admin have a workaround for this or know how to solve this issue?? Locale Details # My location: Brazil # My ISP: COPEL TELECOM # Result of ' ping filedelivery.nexusmods.com ' : See BELOW # My connection speed / type: Optical fiber 75 Mb/s # Anything special about my connection ( e.g. load balanced or university connection ): No # My Environment: Windows 10 # What Antivirus / malware used: Avast File Details (This is one of the files, but it have many others) # Mod Page: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/134?tab=description # File Name: HR Armor Sets Pack for ME3 # File URL for download: https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=684&game_id=208&source=FileExpander # Download method: CDN # Downloading Via: Website --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Users\Matheus>ping filedelivery.nexusmods.com Disparando cds.n2x4r7s4.hwcdn.net [] com 32 bytes de dados:Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=116ms TTL=55Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=115ms TTL=55Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=115ms TTL=55Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=117ms TTL=55 Estatísticas do Ping para Pacotes: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% lost),Aproximar um número redondo de vezes em milissegundos: Mínimo = 115ms, Máximo = 117ms, Média = 115ms
  12. hey there! so I won't mess around, I'm having mod trouble already, and I built a settlement at sunshine tidings. I built an entire bar and a house. but all of a sudden..BUSHES. they weren't there when I was building, and now I have the ugly shrubs and bushes all inside my buildings! i'ts driving me insane along with the other mod issues and constant crashing. does anybody know how to get rid of them? I can't scrap them, and the invisible plants mod does absolutely nothing. I don't know why they just appeared, either. for environment mods, I have: clean water of the commonwealthcleaner all I none environment - cleaner AIO environment indoor and outdoorcleaner settlements debris editiongreen commonwealth - performance friendly grass modno ugly plants and more - invisible vines shrubs brambles grasses etcregrowth - settlement larn mowingspring in the commonwealthspringtime trees - heavyweight - optimizedso yeah..im probably having clashing mods or something..but these bushes are really getting to me. I can't build with them there D: also I dunno why my text changed from pink to white but there we go XD I may also need some help with other mods at some point. I'm having a lot of trouble lol
  13. First, load order: Active Mod Files: Where fk_edits.esp is a local file by myself, where I only have edited birthsign abilities and made it so that all magic schools have the same rate of progression (Restoration in particular is generally lagging a bit behind the others, as most Oblivion players know, I guess... :-))Load order is managed using BOSS. Problem: Neither with Cava Obscura, Let There Be Darkness nor MOO's light settings do dungeons become dark. I import cells and rebuild the bashed patch as usual (this did use to work, it's the last few days I've gotten this problem). When I start a new character however the dungeon becomes more grey than dark; I can see perfectly well without torches. It's like WB doesn't manage to import edited cells, or some other setting overrides the graphics in some way. But worst of all I have no idea what causes this, as it sometimes starts behaving like expected! I suspected the UOP which was updated recently to be the culprit, but installing an older one didn't help. Then I tried reverting from OR 6.50 t0 6.20 (using Bevilex's guide, but not using ENB this time). That didn't help either. At last I wondered if All Natural v. 1.37 was causing this; and correct enough, the problem vanished when I reverted to 1.36. FOR A FEW MINUTES. :-O Everything seemed to work as expected again (I had a dark dungeon where I needed to use a torch to be able to see anything) in my test game, so I went back to the main menu and started a new, "proper" game. ALL OF A SUDDEN THE PROBLEM RETURNED. And it's been there ever since, no matter what I do. I am at my wits' end. If anyone has a remotely reasonable idea what might cause this I plead for help. I have an Nvidia GeForce 780M 4 MB graphics card. I've had a working installation with an ENB (followed Bevilex' guide to the letter last time) recently, but it stopped working last Thursday evening in the sense that severe graphical glitches started appearing (Jensine's shop interior vanishing, door from Gogan's house back into Anvil not working, flickering and "solarized" objects near Mouth of the Panther to mention some of the problems I had). I've been trying to reinstall using only OR and not an ENB since Friday... What might be worth mentioning is that I do have and have always had certain problems with All Natural - Real lights. A few seconds after character creation is finished, approximately when I get the message that the UOP items have been gained the light in the prison window turns black and seems like a night sky... Which is an indication that something has gone wrong in the import to WB. However, I've never experienced that this actually has affected lighting negatively like it does now.
  14. Like the title said, everytime when I enter a crowded cell ( sleeping giant inn for example, or any other places which is filled with NPCs ), my game has a chance to have a weird black box shows up and block my screen. People said that this is a graphic problem. I don't have any ENB installed, and I don't know how to fix it. if anyone had the same problem before, please help me, this problem has been bothering me for a really long time.
  15. Hello! I have problem with downloading mods by Nexus Mod Manager. Can anybody help me? When I click "download" nothing in my NMM happens.
  16. Hi everyone, Any help is appreciated. I have a problem with my vampire head. After searching for 2 hours, I need help to figuring out the problem with my setup. Mods/Context : Nord raceRacemenuFair Skin Complexion (patch for vampire texture already applied)Citrus Head (HD Meshes)FNISBodyslideAll in One UUNP HDT Animated Pussy 4.0 (Google it)...Install order : BodyslideRacemenuFNISCitrus Head (HD Meshes)Fair Skin ComplexionAll in One UUNP HDT Animated Pussy 4.0Screenshots Before After Load order Thanks. :happy:
  17. HelloI need a help with my modification. First of all, Im beginner, who watched few hours of tutorials of Creation Kit. Let me explain my problem:1. I have made 2 NPC's.2. First is a Quest Giver.3. Second one is a Target NPC which have Quest Item (it should, but it is not). First - I want to make Target NPC appear ONLY when Quest starts. Now, when Im trying to make Target NPC Initially Disabled, after adding script "Alias_Belmusx.GetReference().Enable()" into first Quest Stage and enabling "Allow Disabled" parameter in Quest Aliases Section, it does not work and my Target NPC is not even created in the place, where he should be, after starting a Quest. Last time it worked as it should... But I have copied Target NPC to another place, and removed old one. (no ID or name changes, just duplicate). From that moment I got that problem. After removing Initially Disabled parameter, my Target NPC is in the world instantly without starting Quest from Quest Giver... But it is not what I want. Second problem appears when I want to "spawn" a book / note item which is Quest Item into Target NPC inventory.It does not appear in his body after killing him.Reference to objectI don't want to create Quest Item manually in Target's NPC inventory. It makes that item easy to pickpocket.In addition. Aliases are created correctly.(Create reference to object -> A1_Note_Belmus -> Level: Easy -> Create: In -> Belmusx) Third problem is how to make Quest Giver as my Follower after completing his Quest? I did everything in "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsDflXYvJ8I" tutorial, but it still doesn't work. When I complete Quest Giver's Quest, dialog doesn't changes. I can say two things to my Quest Giver - Provoke him to attack me (which doesn't work after gaining relationship from Quest) and second thing is not visible because that was dialogue that was starting first objective of a Quest. I hope that You understand everything :wink: I would really appreciate help.
  18. this goddamn text problem occurred after i installed a couple mods like Unlimited Saving Sectorial Lockpicking Holy Sepulchre Gear (with standalone version) and there is no solution in internet for it! blob:https://pasteboard.co/46170fe6-59e8-4b99-96c9-e7bc804aac9e
  19. Hi everyone, I'm really new to modding and when I heard that Special K let's you dump textures I was stoked! I'm pretty good with photoshop and when I tried to modify the dds files I dumped... I was sad to see that they opened for sure but, they're totally black with sometime little dots of pixels. I have the right plugin for photoshop. And I'm using CS6 I would love some help please!
  20. Hey I am have problem with difficulty balancing, I just started a new game with a fresh modlist. So the problem is enemies outside a bandit camp or dungeons are weak bandits and inside they are a lot stronger for my level, im only level 6. Btw i am playing on adept. I dont think any of my mods changes level scaling, except maybe Ordinator. So any help would be very appreciated. Modlist
  21. Just installed vortex, trying to manage FNV, but I'm getting a notice that I'm missing my fallout new vegas/exes/data destination. And that has me understandably confused, because I'm playing the game just fine, right now, but with NMM (thought I'd test it, since, ideally, if anything crucial WERE missing, the game wouldn't run at all, right?). Which is a problem, because as many here know, New California just came out, and apparently doesn't support NMM now. At least, not according to the readme file. I'm at a loss, and I've done my due diligence via google. But I'm coming up empty here...? If anyone could explain this, or walk me through fixing this, I'd be pretty grateful.
  22. hi, when I install SkyUi I get the following error message (picture) there are only skyui and skse installed. what can I do?
  23. Hello Everyone. Not sure this is the right place to post this, but im losing my mind over this. Here's the issue: I, along with some other people, have recently tried to install a bunch of mods for Skyrim Special Edition. Same old same old, installing mods through nexus, activating them, checking for incompatiblity and conflicting mods, organizing the load order through LOOT, all that. And everything seems fine- no problems whatsoever, everything correctly installed and ready to go. But then, when i launch skyrim SE ( Through SKSE obviously - wich is also correctly installed, it shows up on the ''GetSKSEVersion'' console command) the mods simply aren't there- they just dont appear in the game. As far as i have seen ( only going through the first mission), there are only 2 mods that are showing up, or ''working'' and those are -Total Character Makeover- and some main menu music replacer by Yggdrasil if im not mistaken. So, as soon as i see this, i think something must be wrong, so i go and check the Skyrim SE DATA folder in the Skyrim SE directory, and ALL the mods are showing up there, everything looks fine. all BSA and loose files and everything shows up, so i get confused. I go to the nexus mod manager to check if everything is intalled and plugins are active, and they are! so once again, i try launching skyrim through SKSE ( this also happens when i launck skyrim se through steam btw) but this time i launch it through NMM. Same thing happens. So, just to make sure, i go to the MODS section in game when you press ESC, and even in game it shows up every mod is installed! even the game KNOWS is there, but somehow they just dont work, dont appear, dont function, almost like they are NOT activated. I've tried searching for this but only some people who reported this issue in forums tried basic stuff and none of them or none of the people helping could find a solution. I'm getting really mad at this, specially because i've been modding for years now and there wasn't many issues apart from the common ones and those i was able to fix. Does someone know a way to fix this? I appreciate the reading. Hope someone helps me. Just for the record, i have abou 97 mods installed. The game doesn't even crash or anything, it just doesnt show the mods working in game.
  24. Many of the mods I downloaded hangs on loading texturs (loading takes over 1 hour and during play i have terrible lags. My version of the game is M & B Warband 1.173 What is wrong?
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