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  1. Hey guys, I really hope someone is able to help me with this graphical bug. It's just driving me crazy.. I'll start off with some backstory. Basically I just started playing again. Been messing around with mods, enb's, ini files and whatnot. At some point however - by the time i actuelly wanted to start playing - I noticed this bug. You can see it happening in the attached files, but i'll also try to explain it in as much detail as possible. I've numbered the screenshots to make it more clear. 1. Basically at this point I enter this dungeon. This happens to be embershard mine, though I don't believe the location matters much. 2. I move a few steps inward. Suddenly a torch that was situated to the left starts radiating light. It wasn't doing this before. This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME i get close to a torch. 3. Once activated however, the torch keeps lit. You can see that i've taken a few steps backwards and the light is still radiating. I've tried looking up the problem, and eventually came accros the light pop-in bug wich wa apperantly well known and caused by ultiple lightning mods being activated at the same time. So i tried to fix this with the ini adjustment (fflickeringlight something) but without luck! In my frustration i've disabled every mod I have, completely reinstalled my game via steam, deleted the ini files in my documents and even changed my driver profile (Catalyst) back to default. None of this helped! I'm so frustrated at this point. Can anyone please tell em what the hell is going on with my game! Thanks in advance.
  2. Is there any way to fix the annoying tree texture pop-in without changing uGrids? uGrids does solve the problem for the most part but i can't change it while using Distant Detail.
  3. I have noticed since launch that Dark Souls 3 has an issue where the first time you load into the game, the game loads textures and the geometry load in just fine, but after teleporting, dying, or reloading the game the game loads in things very close in front of you. It is extremely noticeable in Crucifixion Woods, less so in other areas but it is always present if you look for it. I've seen other posts on this topic, but never found any kind of solution. It seems to be related to the engine, is present on consoles as well, and has not been fixed by From. It doesn't seem to be key to optimization, however, as the game runs fine on the initial load with no draw distance pop-in (at least for me). Would it be possible to fix this with a mod, or has anyone found out how to resolve this? Is it a memory leak? It is distracting and while I want to start a new playthrough of DS3, I'd like to fix this bug first if possible. Or, if anyone knows someone at FromSoft, it'd be nice if this could be fixed in a patch before the game is done patching (if it is not already). Or, who should I contact to help spread awareness of the issue and how? Thanks in advance.
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