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  1. I re-installed Remnant lately and I got the Cammy mod for the game, this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/remnantfromtheashes/mods/68 And I was feeling tempted to learn how to mod it myself to made a model swap like that, but with Poison. I tried to following tutorials for modding UE4, Remnant, and extracting paks. But I keep hitting dead ends. Like, at first I couldn't extract the SFV paks with fmodel, but I managed to extract them with Umodel and a script I think, but the script only extracted the molotov's and whip's meshes, not her body, and I feel pretty overwhelmed I did my best trying to google a tutorial on how to rip models and make model swap mods for UE4 games but I couldn't find anything. I have basic knowledge of 3d modeling and 0 gaming dev knowledge. So what I'm looking for it's for a little bit of help and if someone can give me a little guide on how to make a mode like Cammy's one but with Poison (I know I could try to comission the mod, but I live in Argentina, so anything above like 20 USD equals like 1/4 of my salary so it's not really an option sadly)
  2. i have been looking for a mod to cure followers and npcs of poison, disease, and perhaps other effect, but to no avail. why do we not have this already? and as someone who runs a lot of "Zombie outbreak" type mods i can say without a doubt that it would be vary useful having a spell that could cure them. for example SkyrimZ, Lore Friendly Zombies, and similar mods have some sort of "Virus" or infection that acts as a long lasting poison, having the ability to dispel magical effects, or cure poisons that are effecting another, not just yourself, would be vary useful. PS: it would be awesome for those who want to do a plague doctor character.
  3. Greetings, Vanilla Skysim(SE) poisons are not much of a use. I searched for poison mods for SSE but haven't found any so now I am requesting a mod for SSE that amplifies poisons to be worth using. There is a good poison mod in Oldrim which I hope will be ported over: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19233/?
  4. There is this Soul Trap Poison mod, but the recipes for each poison are ridiculously expensive and the effects don't last long, so I aim to fix that. I asked Dante (red name) in chat and he said that I can do the "same" mod as long as I do it from scratch. I more or less know what I need for every poison: 1 recipe, crafted at the Cooking Pot. Easy. 1 poison item (bottle) to be generated from the recipe and to be applied to weapons. Can't find a single poison to copy. 1 poison effect that will be 'cast' by the poison bottle. Can't find that either. 1 script that causes a poison to use a magic. Doable, but not by my skills. I know that if I wanted to make it through Alchemy I'd need new plants to add the Soul Trap effect to them, but that's too much hassle for me. I just need to make 5 poison bottles that are cooked with three reagents, each increasing in effect duration and reagent complexity.
  5. 1. Add a new edible fungus to the game. When you eat it, it will either give you an amazing stat/health bonus or will badly poison you. The chances of getting good or bad effects is based on luck. (Bonus points if you add a rare psychedelic effect that messes with your vision in some way.) 2. Unrelated idea: the player may designate a single favorite food or beverage that when consumed, applies one of several possible bonuses at random. Could be an earned perk, or not. 0 Links
  6. Hello all, I really liked using Throwing Weapons Redux in the original Skyrim to role play as an alchemist with a spell in one hand and a potion grenade in another. It was fun having to manage resources for using a powerful-yet-finite source of damage. I also liked that it effectively weaponized a skill that was previously only complementary to combat, as the damage scaled off of the Alchemy skill. There was also an alchemy overhaul that added similar bombs to the Ordinator tree, but neither that mod nor Throwing Weapons have been transferred over. I extracted the BSA from the original mod and tried in Special Edition, but it churns out some weird graphical artifacts when thrown. Throwing Weapons Lite is alright, but its duel wielding can be very wonky. Is there any chance anyone could bring something like Redux into SE? What I would like to see: scales with Alchemy skillcrafted with a combination of mundane objects (wine bottle, torch, etc.) and alchemy ingredients (red mountain flower, fire salts, etc.)forces resource gathering/managing to produce non-retrievable ammo- high damage for high investmentPerhaps capable of being detonated outside of inventory (like Destructible Ammo in Fallout 4)Equipped potion grenade is displayed on the hip when sheathed
  7. I would like to create a mod that applies my poisons to arrows when I crafting. Not just "poison" arrows but arrows with my poison applied. For instance say I have a poison that Slows, Damages Health, and Damages Stamina for use in some situations and one that damages Magicka and Magicka Regen for other situations. My thinking is that the cleanest way to do this would be to create a new type of arrow at the time of crafting using a script. When these arrows leave my inventory (I put them in a container, fire them, whatever) they become "normal" arrows of whatever type. Once all the arrows are used up then that arrow type could be deleted using a script. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Links to a mod that already does this :)? Thanks
  8. I just thought of an epic lore friendly (kinda, maybe) mod for Fallout 3, NV or 4. I dunno if you've heard the theory of Fallout and Elder Scrolls reside in the same universe, just extremely far apart in the timeline. The idea of this is for roleplay reasons. Imagine your character has latent magical ability, and one day they are fighting their way in the wasteland when the combination of radiation and their adrenaline levels going through the roof triggers a dormant part of them. In a moment of panic, a flare of magic sends the enemies flying, and this starts your character on a mission to find out what is happening. They find out, through some means, about old tomes that spoke of spells and potions. These were, obviously, lost in the war, however holotape with transcripts of the contents were made to immortalize the information. This sets your character off on a mission to find this hidden holotapes, and learn about their new ability, ultimately seeing it as a new tool to help them survive in the Wasteland/Mojave Desert/Commonwealth. I was thinking about this as after playing the Elder Scroll games for so long, and then playing Fallout 4 (I could never got Fallout 3 to work on my computer and New Vegas hasn't interested me until lately) that while Fallout's game mechanics are similar and in some areas are superior, I truly missed the spells, which I used very mainly in Skyrim. Some may find this idea stupid, and I understand and respect that, but I would love it (and would most probably endorse it) if someone made a mod like this. Some ideas I thought of while writing this: Moar plants: I figured that in the event of atomic war, that the government would take a precaution to keep cuttings, seeds and so on in a cryogenic facility. A small quest could find us in one of the old facilities (maybe a hidden wing in Vault 111) where we find seeds and cuttings of some of the planets from the Elder Scrolls games. To stop from over planting it, you could require a special growing station designed to keep radiation away from the clean plants, and maybe you'd need a way to purify the soil. Techno-Alchemy: With the help of Sturges, Tinker Tom, Proctor Ingram, or the staff of the Institute, you could build a new workstation that allows the synthesis of potions and poisons. The world got blasted back to the tribal stage, we might as well bring in some medieval features for shits and giggles. This could bring in a reason for crossbows and poison tipped arrows. Also potions that do not cause as much addiction or have stronger effects than vanilla? Sure! What do you folks think? Possible? Impossible? Epic? Retarded? Let me know, I put a lot of thought into it and I would be so proud to see it brought to life some day.
  9. I know that for poison and elemental resistance, even if the item enchantment says that it is 100%, it is actually 85%. That's why vampires can still get poisoned, despite supposedly have 100% poison resistance. However, what about disease resistance? I know that for vampires and werewolves, 100% resistance means 100% resistance, but what about for item enchantments? For example, if you're not a vampire or werewolf but are wearing Hevnoraak's mask, can you ever get infected by any disease?
  10. Well its pretty simple when you add special bullets on a Sharppshooter, both his sniper rifle and handgun get the bonuses aka like both will poison the target if you give your man the venom ones, but doesn't work with Faceoff, it would be pretty good if it could, it already has a 3turns cooldown which is very long so eh, thank you for reading =)
  11. Greetings! Let me start off by thanking any modder in advance, for actually taking the time to go through this section and helping people such as myself, who either don't have the time or the knowledge to create mods. Now, to the point! What I'd like to request is (I hope) a simple mod. I would like to have a new plant added to the game. Namely Wolfsbane. I was thinking that the plant itself only grew in the swamp outside of Solitude. The plant would only have two effects, one of which works exclusively on beasts. Wolfsbane Effect 1: Increases damage against beasts by X , when applied to a weapon. Effect 2: Minor chance (3-4%) of paralyzing the target (when applied to a weapon). Model: Crimson Nirnroot. Creates: Wolfsbane poison, without combining it with anything. A poison that may be applied to any weapon. That's really all I had in mind. I'm open to suggestions and ideas, but for now this is all I'd like for it to do. ~saint
  12. Hello Since I'm not a modder and dont really have a clue about it I wish to ask if there is a way to have this mod or something similar within Skyrim? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18360/? Having to bring the inventory everytime you want to poison an arrow it's not only annoying but one of the best ways to break the game inmersion. Thanks in advance
  13. Wearing Power Armour should really make you immune to poison attacks; after all you are wearing a solid steel heavy vehicle which should provide considerable protection against insect stings. You are also breathing purified air so airborn poisons should have little to no affect. So I feel that PA helmets/frames should give the same not applicable poison resistance that synths get. Or at the least 1000 resistance. Can anyone make this mod please?
  14. Since abandoning the clunky slow melee combat for pure magic/stealth/archery gameplay, I've decided to use poisons, only to find I have to re-apply the poison to each arrow. So that means fire, pause the game, re-apply poison, fire, pause the game, re-apply poison, fire, pause the game, re-apply poison and so on. Wouldn't u just apply the poison to ALL your arrows, before you start? Is there a mod that applies the poison to all your arrows first, so then you don't have to keep re-applying it? It's also especially annoying for me because I record game footage for my series A.S.G.A.R.D, and I want to record battles without pausing the action, so now I basically can't use poison except for my first arrow. Aef
  15. there was a poison mod for old skyrim that allowed you to make a poison that would turn a npc into a vampire or make it as a potion to turn yourself into a vampire ... i was wondering if any of you modders could make one or tell me how to make that in ck...... Please and Thank you have a good day
  16. I have a lot of poisons in my inventory because I never remember to use them. I looked for a mod that would automatically apply poisons to my weapons, but I couldn't find one. Since I couldn't find one, I looked into making one on my own, but I'm struggling to figure out script writing. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender includes the functions GetEquippedWeaponIsPoisoned and SetEquippedWeaponPoison. Based on this, it seems like it would be possible to write a script that: Checks to see if your weapon is poisoned when you equip and/or draw it. If it is not poisoned, it checks to see if you have any poisons in your inventory. If it is not poisoned and you have at least one poison in your inventory, it applies the poison to the weapon.If this is possible, I would love if someone could create this mod for me. Please and thank you.
  17. xrayy

    why ?

    just discuss, please not more. I thought this and MAGA could not be more than a joke after all what happened. it isn't.
  18. Just looking for a sleek pocket sized alternative for the bulky Syringer to go with my black suit and sunglasses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwy56QTV4cs https://cdn.newspunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CIA-heart-attack-gun-678x381.jpg
  19. Hello guys, i wanted to show you a project i'm working on. Note: the colors are different from eachother so don't worry about it, it's temporary all colors will be like the first spell. Every spell "causes 1 points of poison damage for 10 seconds" like the vanilla poison exept mine does not stack Viperbite: A spray of poison that does 7 points of damage per second. Causes 1 points of poison damage for 10 seconds. Viperbolt: Poison Rune: The Vanilla one, maybe with some tweaking and levelling the destruction skill? Toxic Cloud: Poison Cloak: Wall of Poison: i have to remove the orange glow and change the puddle at the bottom Intoxicate: working on it Poison(master): working on it Conjure Poison Atronach: i was thinking a green stinky troll but, i think the atronach is more of a golem type i want to add the classic 2 Perks in the Destruction Tree (i will do a version without Perks too for compatibilty don't worry) Augmented poison 0/2 : poison spells do 25% more damage>poison spells do 50% more damage. Something 0/1: Poison damage "do something" targets if their health is low(a toxic explosion infecting other hostiles around the target?) Planning scrolls,enchantments,staves etc... like the Fire-Frost-Shock pattern.
  20. To all the other modders out there, has anyone worked out how the weapon poison effect works? I'm trying to create a poison with scripted effects, that part is fine. However, I'm getting into trouble when I try to detect if a poison has already been applied to the weapon. I also want to know if the player decides not to poison the weapon. Does anyone know where I could find these actions in the Creation Kit? Or are they internal ones? Thanks!
  21. The vemous creatures of Skyrim are absolutely horrifying on their own to be sure. I mean, giant centipedes and spiders would give me the heeby jeebies in real life. But it's their venom though that I realized just creeped me out. It works so fast! I doesn't even need to be ingested or injected into the blood stream and it works instaneously! That's more like acid than venom, chauruses are the closest thing Skyrim has to xenomorphs. In real life, venom has a delayed reaction. That's not entirely true, it works pretty fast at the point of entry, but the widespread effects aren't felt until the venom has had a chance to diffuse throughout the victim's body. So what if we made chaurus and spider venom work more like a disease. If you get bitten, the poison causes an active effect for maybe six to twenty-four in game hours. It works slowly at first but increases in intensity as it travels throughout the player character's simulated blood stream. When the time's up, the venom's full effect is felt and a massive poison attack is inflicted on the player, potentially deadly enough to kill them outright. Venom that is spit at the player has a probability to infect the player since spitting cobras in real life can infect through the victim's eyes. Or if the player's health is low they may have some open wounds the venom could enter through. Alchemists can alter the chemistry of a toxin at the alchemy table, so it would't be changed in this mod, just natural poisons like from animals and toxic plants.
  22. -------------------------------------- Better Assassinations -------------------------------------- Lets face it. After the DB missions you want to still be able to do assassinations, as there's always going to be someone who wants someone dead. But maybe they want them to die painfully? Maybe they want them to be poisoned, or maybe they want there bodies to be lost forever. Well, according to Skyrim, they don't. ------------------------------------- The Idea ------------------------------------- So I'm thinking a complete overhaul of the mini-quests after the DB questline. They used to be just "go kill that guy." I want it to be "go kill this guy, this way, using this poison and hiding the body in this location." So basically you have to kill each person differently, like making them die by a poison and then hiding the body, if you know what I mean. And maybe other things like more payment, more targets, etc. If someone would consider making this, I would be able to come up with more ideas.
  23. hi! so, I almost not use poison potions. I have like 60 poison frostbite lvl 1, taken from small spiders, that I dont plan to use because they are too weak, and I dont care to sell cuz they are too cheap.. DISTILLING I wonder if it is possible to make a script that let you distill 10 poisons lvl 1 into one poison lvl 2? otherwise I guess it would require recipes for each step. I would like to add also that, from: lvl1 to lvl2 requires 10 lvl1, but lvl2 to lvl3 requires 8 lvl2, and lvl3 to lvl4 requires 6 lvl3, lvl4 to lvl5 req 4 lvl4, lvl5 to lvl6 req 2 lvl5. instead of requiring always 10 of previous lvl, considering higher lvl is already highly distilled.. this would also be more rewarding (I miss 2 lvl5 but I get the lvl6 beast poison!) and less disappointing (damn.. needs still 8 lvl5 to get lvl6, dammit.. <- this wont happen!) RANDOM MIXING EFFECTS also, I wonder if we could mix poisons/potions, whatever you mix will require many weaker lvl potions to make an stronger one. we could also mix gradually, so each poison you add, increase the poison potential of the potion a little bit, 10% of the mixed new potion potential only. PS.: all these distilling and mixing could help improve alchemy somewhat also.
  24. I have played the mod named Spells of Tamriel which contains all the poison spells however I would love to see a poison atronach(adept level) and its thrall version.As a result of that there will also arise a new ingredient named something like "poison salts". The poison atronach should be based on the coloration of the poison spells, and it will really look cool if anyone can merge the textures and model of the lurker and the spriggan to create a brand new atronach. Come to think of this, it will actually be an expansion of the lore of oblivion via skyrim.
  25. I seem to recall the poison weapons function is in New Vegas, but is also possible in FO3. Thing is, you only get one kill per use, which means you have to keep applying the poison if you want to attack more than one person who looked at you funny. Is there any way to make it so that after applying the poison, you get, say, 10 kills before it runs out? The only thing I can think of is to write a script that, upon "consuming" the poison and killing someone, auto-adds another instance of the poison into your inventory and then auto-applies it to the weapon. The problem with this is that every time you kill someone, you'd get a pop-up message to confirm use of poison. Slightly irritating.
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