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  1. Firstly, I only play Dark Souls offline, so getting banned or having an advantage over other players shouldn't be an issue for me. Long story short, I loved parrying in Dark Souls 1. It's one of the main things that helped me learn to play (I think enemy poise in the first game necessitated that I learn). I even loved it when I went back to DeS, despite the jank. The startup frames in DS2 and DS3 utterly ruined my enjoyment of parrying, especially since a lot of enemy animations in 2 and 3 just aren't conducive to this new method of parrying; accounting for said startup frames and an abysmal active window, whereas the parrying I like revolves entirely around reflexes. To give an example, there are two mods that affect parrying for DS3. I've only tried one of them, but unfortunately it affects a few other things (rolling etc), when all I really want is the instant parries. The mod also makes parry windows super long by giving you multiple parries in a row, which is too easy, but it at least allows me to play with instant parry frames and pretend I've got my old parrying back. I used to hate Dark 3, but being able to parry like I used to made me love it completely. Is changing the parry frames to mirror/be similar to those of Dark Souls 1 possible for Dark Souls 2 and SOTFS, though? Their engines feel quite different, and I couldn't find parrying mods for either version, so I'm worried that it's impossible. I missed out on the Monastery Scimitar (they patched it in both versions), but honestly, I kinda just want the old DS1 frame data back. The constant roll>attack>roll>attack gets dull for me. Crossing my fingers!!
  2. Hi guys, First, I am currently working on this mod with the permission of the autor Borgut1337. I am experiencing a very wierd bug: Sometimes the actor is performing a double attack instead of a bash when LH Spell and RH Sword/Axe/Mace/Dagger is equipped (With the animation of a bash). Here is a list of things I know so far: 1. It only appears in certain cells, if I leave the cell in the same way I have entered it, it works again. If I return later, the bug occurs again. 2. The bug is completely savegame independent. If it starts appearing once, it will appear in every savegame. Even in new games. 3. It only appears in first person view. 4. After a complete reinstallation the bug will appear after a certain time in the exact same cells. 5. I have the suspicion, that the bug is triggered by quickly saving and loading during a combat situation. Any Idea what could cause this? I am using scripts in this mod, but nothing of my code is location dependend or is using a file to save things to. Thanks M4ze Cells I am experiencing this bug(type: "coc cellname" without the " in the console to teleport to there. Works from the main menu and will create a new standard test character): bleakfallsbarrow02
  3. While I know that the first instinct of people who read this may be to point me to the Dual Wield Parrying mod, but that's really not what I'm looking for. For well over a year I've been wanting to play a Fencer(One-handed sword, empty left hand) but the fact is that the build simply isn't viable, and you're better off going sword and board. What I'm looking for is a mod that uses a concept similar to the "Timed Block"; however, in stead if it being based off the block action, it being based off of attacking. The idea is that Dovakin and Opponent A are both using one-handed weapons and they both attack at the same time. Instead of either one hitting the other, or both hitting each other, the blades connect mid strike, negating the damage from both attacks; more or less deflecting the blows. The same idea could be applied with two-handed swords. Of course, if we were to chance the scenario a bit, say, Dovakin has either a one or two-handed sword and Opponent A has a mace or an axe, the attack style is clearly different and parrying a blow from one of those would be much more difficult/impossible and blocking would be the logical thing to do. Does anyone know if this kind of thing is even doable, or if there already is a mod for this I simply can't find?
  4. The Dual Wield Parrying mod for the original Skyrim was essential to a large amount of people, and with SSE being over a month old now, it is still yet to be ported over. This mod is a must-have for many people using 2hm or playing as a spellsword (such as myself) If it is too difficult to manage, another alternative would be an unequip hotkey for a left hand spell. So if one was to block, they could press the hotkey, then block as usual. Then, they can proceed to use the vanilla hotkeys for favorites to bring it back out. This is a little complexed, so the normal dual wield parrying would be more convenient. Thanks for reading. :)
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