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  1. Basically I was wondering if someone can make a mod that puts in a gun that when shot at a certain time just like parrying it allows you to stun/parry them and attack right after :smile: this would be really neat to see in this game especially when your getting ambushed by hoards of enemies. and it would be very helpful for people who use a controller with responsive times. thanks for reading :D Note: If you can replicate the gun from BloodBorne that would be even more bad ass!
  2. I rather love the idea of the quick reflexes perk, the one that slows time when you block during a power attack. I am a huge fan of dark souls and I think it would be cool that a well-timed parry during this effect would not only interrupt the attack, but also knock them down. Ragdolling would be fine if they still fell backwards, it would be kind of awkward if you hit them and they just dropped straight down, otherwise the stagger to the ground animation would work well. thanks for considering my idea.
  3. Could someone make me a mod that has a passive effect of automatically parrying anything that attempts to do damage to me? I'm willing to pay maybe 200 bucks, maybe more.
  4. In some fighting games, if you and an opponent launch an attack at the exact same time, the attacks cancel out. Would someone be able to make a plugin that makes it so, if you and your opponent attack at about the same time, the game treats it as if you blocked each others attacks? Thanks in advance.
  5. Fallout 4's parry system is a clunky mess and should be replaced by Skyrim's simple blocking/bashing system.
  6. This is just something that occurred to me when watching Harry Potter. The wards in Skyrim are... they're a bit hands-off. They feel too simple, too set-it-and-forget-it. There are plenty of parrying mods for melee combat, so I figured hey, why not a system for deflecting unfriendly spells, like a special instant-cast ward? Maybe offer a bonus for a perfectly-timed deflect, maybe filling your magicka back up? If not that, then at least a well-timed deflect could negate all damage, throw some sparks all over the place. Effective and flashy, as magic ought to be. I dunno. Just figured it might make magic builds more fun if magical duels felt a little more action-oriented, as opposed to just the same old spam-fest.
  7. Firstly, I only play Dark Souls offline, so getting banned or having an advantage over other players shouldn't be an issue for me. Long story short, I loved parrying in Dark Souls 1. It's one of the main things that helped me learn to play (I think enemy poise in the first game necessitated that I learn). I even loved it when I went back to DeS, despite the jank. The startup frames in DS2 and DS3 utterly ruined my enjoyment of parrying, especially since a lot of enemy animations in 2 and 3 just aren't conducive to this new method of parrying; accounting for said startup frames and an abysmal active window, whereas the parrying I like revolves entirely around reflexes. To give an example, there are two mods that affect parrying for DS3. I've only tried one of them, but unfortunately it affects a few other things (rolling etc), when all I really want is the instant parries. The mod also makes parry windows super long by giving you multiple parries in a row, which is too easy, but it at least allows me to play with instant parry frames and pretend I've got my old parrying back. I used to hate Dark 3, but being able to parry like I used to made me love it completely. Is changing the parry frames to mirror/be similar to those of Dark Souls 1 possible for Dark Souls 2 and SOTFS, though? Their engines feel quite different, and I couldn't find parrying mods for either version, so I'm worried that it's impossible. I missed out on the Monastery Scimitar (they patched it in both versions), but honestly, I kinda just want the old DS1 frame data back. The constant roll>attack>roll>attack gets dull for me. Crossing my fingers!!
  8. I would like to modify the game so that pulling off master strokes and parries is harder for both npcs and players, unless the defender is mirroring the angle of the attack when attempting to counter, in which case it is easier than in vanilla. This will make combos, feints, and offensive play more viable, and make the master stroke require some level of mastery from the player other than fast phalanges. I already know how to adjust the probability of npcs performing different maneuvers in combat from blocks to dodges, and the windows players have to do the same. My question is this: How do I make defense angle have a greater affect on Perfect block time slots? Another thing I've been interested in is blocking attacks from behind. I've noticed that enemies occasionally block attacks from behind them. How can I make Henry do the same thing, using the green shield indicator as a sixth sense to know when he is getting attacked? This is to make 1vx situations more bearable.
  9. I've decided to create this thread here and not in Mod Requests section, because I merely want to brainstorm about how to introduce my idea into the game. If anyone takes interest in this and will be willing to create a mod - be my guest. Otherwise I will seek help and learn how to create this by myself. The idea: It sounds mighty complicated, but it's pretty straightforward. See below: Also many features I listed have been added by other mods already, such as Dual Wield Parry or Magicka Shield. Thoughts?
  10. Yes , yes , we all know tktk1 and others have made mods to change and improve combat in Skyrim .. though they all seem to lack . Even if used together . Anyone who has played Assassin's Creed would most likely LOVE to see that style of combat implemented in Skyrim ! Dodging , parrying , counter-attacks , all without the delay found in other mods , and hell to put some icing on the cake make buildings able to be scaled and climbed like in AC ^.^ ! Also , smoother animations and being able to block-counter , attack-counter , any type of counter , jumping from one enemy to the next , but obviously not as easy as in AC . I feel AC made it too easy to mass kill enemies with it's automatic lock ons and such , so maybe halve the intensity and allows failures and misses ? The Skyrim and Nexus community would definitely love a mod like this !
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