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  1. I've tried to find if anyone had made this before, but couldn't come up with anything in my searching. What I'm looking for is a mod that would change the owl you find in your dorm room. The game obviously has different owl models, as you can find them throughout the game. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to swap whatever owl is in your dorm with another model available in game. Obviously this isn't a mod that would change really anything of note about the game, but I think it could be nice for those of us who like to role play as students with a pet owl of our own.
  2. I'm not much of a modder but i'd Love to be able to play as my fav. Race, Owlin! not enough representation for our feathered friends! just a basic owlin from Curriculum of Chaos. my thoughts for like game balance would be to make the flight kinda like the fly already in game, but make it a toggleable passive, and still provoke opportunity attacks. and then just dark vision and their silent feathers thing and that is basically all you need for owlin but models :3 i know its a stretch but i am helpless when it comes to making mods, and i really want my fav. race in the game. thank you for anyone who reads/ replies/ or even grants my wish! have fun out there guys!
  3. This is a humble mod Request for my fav. Race in DnD 5e. The Owlin! Its a bird! its a plane! no wait its actually just a large humanoid owl! I'm personally not good at making mods so i'm asking the more talented in this aspect to help my poor owlin-less True soul, basic beakdown (pun intended) is they are the owlin from The Curriculum of Chaos. Magic: the gathering sourcebook. they have owl-like faces, talons for both hands and feet,, and wings on their back, and come in varied types of owls, such as barn, Horned, and snow owl variants. however i wont be picky! ill take whatever anyone is willing to do. their racial stuff as far as baldur's gate goes would be these. Darkvision (120ft) (37m) Flight same as movement (so long as lightly armored) (sidenote, the game already has a flight mechanic I'm sure you know, my idea to implement this would be a variation of that, only it procs Opportunity attacks, kinda like the familiar "Quothe" but on the Player Character. and the animation could be just a simple wings spread out and light flapping to move) Stealth Proficiency (simply because owl feathers) stats remain standard 30ft (9m) movement speed. Thanks in advance, and if anyone makes this i will thank you once more! have fun out there and try not to be come a mind flayer!
  4. This is a humble mod Request for my fav. Race in DnD 5e. The Owlin! Its a bird! its a plane! no wait its actually just a large humanoid owl! I'm personally not good at making mods so i'm asking the more talented in this aspect to help my poor owlin-less True soul, basic beakdown (pun intended) is they are the owlin from The Curriculum of Chaos. Magic: the gathering sourcebook. they have owl-like faces, talons for both hands and feet,, and wings on their back, and come in varied types of owls, such as barn, Horned, and snow owl variants. however i wont be picky! ill take whatever anyone is willing to do. their racial stuff as far as baldur's gate goes would be these. Darkvision (120ft) (37m) Flight same as movement (so long as lightly armored) (sidenote, the game already has a flight mechanic I'm sure you know, my idea to implement this would be a variation of that, only it procs Opportunity attacks, kinda like the familiar "Quothe" but on the Player Character. and the animation could be just a simple wings spread out and light flapping to move) Stealth Proficiency (simply because owl feathers) stats remain standard 30ft (9m) movement speed. Thanks in advance, and if anyone makes this i will thank you once more! have fun out there and try not to be come a mind flayer!
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