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  1. Its a common issue for maks and helmets in vanilla skyrim, which cause the muzzles and heads of khajit and argonians to be squashed down to a human size. The mod Improved closefaced helmets fix plenty of these issues, but the modder(s) overlooked the Cultist Mask and the Masque of Clavicus Vile. Would any kind modder be willing to create a mesh for beastraces, so they can use these headpieces without having their heads converted to human standards? Edit: A port of Masque of Argonian Vile would work for the Clavicus Vile Maque, but it seems not even Oldrimhas anything eprtainign to Culist Mask having a beastrace-friendly version
  2. Hi Everybody! Here's a link to the newest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGXiEoawN1E If you like the video consider subscribing as there is lots more content coming! Leave a comment if you have any constructive feedback. Thank You! Here is a list of the mods I'm using: - Factions: Pit Fighter - Factions: Pit Fighter Travels Add-On - Random Alternate Start - Falskaar - Heavy Armory - New Weapons - Bear Musician Eng - Become a Bard - SkyUI - More Dragon Loot - Monster Contracts - Random Distributed Items - Bound Weapons Redux - CMM: Cartographers Map Markers (Skyrim Edition) - Better Fast Travel - Kitted out Blacksmiths - Smeltdown - Items to Ingots - Craftable Clothes and Robes - Build Your Own Home - Weapons Variant Expansion - Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers - Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - Desmound the Mammoth Companion - Extra Encounters Reborn - All Versions - Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim - Skyrim Realistic Archery - Bows - Arrows - Crossbows - Bolts - Skyrim Realistic Archery - Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD - Pure Waters - Immersive Saturation Boost - The Skyrim Distance Overhaul - Tame the Beasts of Skyrim II - Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Wearable Lanterns
  3. i think it would be really cool if you ate a fly Amanita you went into berserker mode, just like actual real life.
  4. Hi I have made 4 custom followers in my game. They are all very standard. No custom ai package or anything like that. 1 Nord female Heavy Armor 2H - Located in Rorikstead, Frostfruit inn 1 Nord female Light Armor 1H - Windhelm, Candleheart Hall 1 Dremora male Heavy Armor 2H - Whiterun, Hall of the dead 1 Orc male Heavy Armor 1H - First Located in Riverwood, Sleeping giant inn but relocated him to Moorside inn, Morthal after I discovered his random reappearing behavior. I use the mod Amazing Follower Tweaks. And I don't have any other mods that affect ai or followers except for Bathing beauties luxury suite and Enhanced enemy ai reborn, but I have removed the enemy ai mod. The male orc was dismissed many levels ago but he reappears at random times anywhere in the world. In dungeons, towns, in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes it takes days, sometimes weeks (in game) before he pops up. Sometimes he walks up to me and starts talking, meaning he runs up to me and the dialog menu pops up. I have pressed the reset follower action in the AFT menu but it doesn't do anything. I haven't done any console resets, disable/enable yet. I have been traveling alone for the entire thief guild quest line and the orc is so far the only one that reappears like this. I opened CK and looked at his settings but he has the same settings as the others. Listed below. I deleted him and remade him and put him in another location. But he still reappears at random after I dismiss him again. I will perma remove him soon. But I just want to know if anyone has any ideas of why this happens? I've read that orcs have different behaviors overall compared with other races? Exactly what I don't know? I play as an orc female and wanted my follower orc to be my spouse. That was the idea anyway. CK settings: Essential Unique No scripts -1 CurrentFollowerFaction 0 PotentialFollowerFaction 0 PotentialmarriageFaction Relationship - Follower/Player Ally DefaultSandboxEditorLocation1024NoConv Aggressiveness - unaggressive Confidence - Foolhardy Assistance - Helps nobody Morality - Any crime Don't know if there is anything else to the ai?
  5. Choose which armor would be best for my orc. (Poll choices)
  6. I would really like to start a new playthrough as an orc, but orcs are really ugly. I tried the Aesthetic Elves mod thinking that it would work for orcs too, but it didn't. I can't seem to find a single mod that makes orcs look better, but maybe I'm just bad at searching. If anyone can find a mod that makes orcs look better, please let me know. Thanks.
  7. After playing many hours of Skyrim, I kinda got bored with the cities, almost all NPCs started to look the same to me. And that's why I thought of a simple mod idea, make cities more diverse. I barely see Argonians, Orcs and Khajiits anywhere ( though that is following Skyrim lore, I don't really mind considering that the player character can be any race and live inside a city ). I honestly love the design of the races and want to see more of them strolling around the cities. I am not saying that Skyrim needs to be more diverse, I just think it could change the repetitiveness of traveling to Skyrim's cities.
  8. So I have a problem where some npcs in the game have black skin on there head and neck but the rest of their bodies are normal. Some topics that I've read say its from possible eye and hair mods which I do have installed but I've tried uninstalling them and the problem is still there. What should I do? That is what it looks like if it helps.
  9. Would it be possible to import face meshes from characters in skyrim like argonians, khajit, or orcs? It would be really rad to stomp around the commonwealth as my orc dude from skyrim, this time clad in power armor and even more ridiculously op then before.
  10. Working on a smaller teeth choice for male orcs. Also have my own character's head morph in there. PIC: http://imgur.com/a/Nw5sS
  11. Idea came from meeting Erickson in Far Harbor, his bear pelt cloak reminding me of Durotar/ Rexxar from the Warcraft series. Possible modifications could be widening the Jaw, adding an underbite with fangs, beefing them up a little bit (maybe include a skin color variation if possible); generally, make them look more like orcs. :smile:
  12. Please! I always wanted to play as Malacath in Skyrim since i've seen his statue, his is very incredible, his face and sword, very evil but super badass. I'm requesting that anyone try to extract his form from his statue and put in a preset to play as him, with all details, horns, armor, sword, body, i'm not asking to create a orc-like malacath, I'm asking to create Malacath exatcly he is in the statue, I think its possible to extract his meshes from the statue and put in a character, no one until now has created Malacath, so, if you do it, i think it will be very popular... Thanks!
  13. So, been looking through various mods and seeing a lot of them geared toward becoming a leader of some sort. One lets you become High King of Skyrim, some let you become a Jarl, a couple set you up to be a king among the Forsworn, and one even lets you go on to become Emperor. The one thing I haven't seen is a mod for an Orc character to become Chieftain of a stronghold, or to build and grow your own stronghold. I personally think this would make for a fascinating story and quest mod. While I lack the scripting skills to put it together, I'm decent enough in other areas to help out with it. If anyone out there has the ability to script events for such a mod and an interest in trying it out, we should talk. It's not some grand world changing mod or anything, but something fairly simple. Maybe even set something up to become somewhat of a chief among chiefs, more or less the leader of all the strongholds. Who knows? It would definitely be fun to work on and play through in my opinion though. I usually don't play Orcs because there isn't much geared toward them in the general sense of things, but something like this would definitely make me want to play one. If anyone out there thinks this would be fun to work on and has the skills to do so, then by all means, reply here or message me and let's talk about it.
  14. Would it be possible to create a mod that adds option orc tusks that can be used on other races? Perhaps this would be similar to mods that add horns?
  15. So, I recently began playing a new game in Skyrim with a female orc named Lamghara. As I've been playing, I've noticed how few orcish NPCs there are, and how few fully voiced followers I've seen that I've actually liked. So, I've been extremely interested in the idea of converting Lamghara into a fully voiced follower. I want to give her lots of lines of dialogue (which I'm already writing) and to include a dialogue option similar to Inigo's "Tell me about yourself" and "Any thought's?" options. I'm also looking to have her make different comments about her surroundings or current quests. I have no experience with modding, however. I'm willing to learn, and have already begun learning, but it would be nice to have some help. I also want to try voice acting for her, although I've never done that before either. If I'm not adequate enough for her, I won't voice act. I've also been thinking about maybe creating a custom hairstyle for her too, although I've never done that before either (but I'm going to try!) If I can't, that's fine too. I've already fleshed out her character and backstory a bit. Lamghara was born in a Stronghold in Hammerfell, but had to leave when it was destroyed by an avalanche. She traveled to the Reach with another orc refugee who was unfortunately addicted to skooma. He tried to attack her one night, believing she was going to steal his skooma, so she was forced to kill him. Septimless and alone, Lamghara had to steal to survive the next year (hence she will have sneak perks and tolerates crime). During that year, she became disillusioned with Malacath and began trusting skill more than gods and daedra. She almost joined a group of bandits, but realized she could get coin quicker if she snuck in at night and killed them all. So she did. After that, things began looking up (although Lamghara sometimes wishes she didn't kill the bandits because life as a bandit would be much more interesting). Lamghara began traveling beyond the Reach, and became fascinated with Falkreath Hold due to its fixation on death. She now stays in Dead Man's Drink, working as a mercenary. Lamghara is an unusually short orc with red hair who prefers two handed weapons and light armor. She can use a bow, although she doesn't prefer it (She likes the crossbows from Dawnguard better, however since that's DLC I don't want her to come with one). Lamghara hates any form of undead because they creep her out. She tends to talk bluntly and doesn't care much for humor. She is not uneducated, however. The redhead enjoys reading stories about warriors and conquests. She's aromantic and asexual and doesn't understand people who aren't (since I doubt anyone knew about asexuality back then). As I said before, I wrote some dialogue for her already here are some examples: "I don't like men, I don't like women, and I don't like anything in between. I like blood and I like steel. If you can provide a good fight, I can assure you we'll be friends in no time." "Some of my kinsmen worship Malacath. Others think he's fake and worship Trinimac instead. As for me, I couldn't care less. I don't trust gods. I trust my skill." "You know what I hate? Forsworn. When I first came to Skyrim they were crawling all over the place. Briarhearts are the worst, though. Their magic is so... cold." "As you may have noticed, I'm pretty short for an orc. My mother used to call me runt. I hated it." "I've heard there's werewolves in Skyrim. I wouldn't mind becoming a werewolf myself. Being one with the beasts... It sounds amazing." "I'll never understand marriage. Why would anyone want to spend the rest of their life rotting with someone else?" "I once had a friend, a fellow orc from my stronghold. He was heavily addicted to skooma. One day he thought I was stealing it for myself and attacked me. I was forced to kill him. I'd never felt lonlier than the moment I looked down and saw his corpse." "I dislike killing animals. They're so innocent, unlike most sentient races. Even the wolves are only doing what they need to survive." "I've heard there's a group of vampire hunters who use crossbows. I'd like to try a crossbow sometime, and also vampire hunting." "This town is small and cute. It seems like a boring place to live." "Sometimes I like to come to the graveyard and imagine what the fallen warriors' last battles must've been like." I hope you find Lamghara interesting! If anything else, it would be nice to get tips on how to create her and such. Thank you for reading, and let me know what you think!
  16. Hiya, This may seem really simple, but eh, still gonna ask. Can anyone make a detailed orc preset for RaceMenu that looks like Malacath, including the horns on his head, ear shape, and horns protruding from the sides of his face, a bit under his mouth?
  17. Hello! I would like to request / suggest an armor replacer mod. I really like the orcish armor set but the fact that the elbows are exposed for the male makes it unbearable for me, so I thought that a version with full sleves and some kind of elbow pads would be really cool looking and make it look complete.
  18. Hi guys! I think I have a problem with the interaction between ENB and some other mod (I don't know which one). I downloaded ProjectENB and modified it to look "smooth" as i like (no rays, no bloom, simple). The problem is that when berserker runs off, my game goes HYPER-BRIGHT (third orc i create - last save i had to set "exterior light" to 0.2) and the effect to the screen borders sticks. I use imperious racials, so when i'm in combat for something like 90sec, berserker auto activates. Here is a screenshot i made just outside Whiterun at level 3. I wasn't a vampire and it was like 2PM. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/391045274651435766/AB3EECDBF8F5883C0C5363E500AF05C14BB7491F/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024:576&composite-to=*,*%7C1024:576&background-color=black I think it resembles the problem very well: everything is hella white and there is blur at the border. I used LOOT to sort the load order and tried to move the files relative to Imperious at the end of the load order, but the problem persists. The game runs like a fairytale, no stutters, no framedrops, no ctd, the nightmare begins only when I go in berserker and it feels like walking on the sun. I thought that it was Imperious' fault, since it's the only mod I remember that edits racials abilities, but the creator said it was impossible. Here it is the current load order: http://pastebin.com/Q9c3hfLd Usually I can find a solution by myself but I'm trying to fix this problem since last week and It's still up in the air, and I hope that with your help i can finally find a solution. Thanks to everyone that will try to help me :smile:
  19. Hi I Was Wondering If Anyone Could Possibly Make A Garrosh Hellscream Armor Set http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/202/7/1/garrosh_hellscream_by_vanshen0-d7rm8uw.jpg http://techraptor.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Siege_of_orgrimmar_garrosh_hellscream_patch_5_4-1543568.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/031/7/7/garrosh_hellscream___wow_by_staplesart-d74h6vm.jpg We Already Have The Lich King's Armor And The Warglaives Of Azzinoth Why Not Have The Armor Of Garrosh Helscream As Well? This Mod Would Go Great Alongside http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50123/? (Gorehowl) The Weapon Of Garrosh. Thanks For Reading If This Already Exists Please Send Me A Link
  20. hey guys :smile: may i introduce myself, im an irl friend of a modder called "Ragna_Rok" (from TESalliance, and other places like for example DarkCreations, gear supporter of "Beyond Skyrim", "Hoddminir", and also a modder who did his share on the "SkyWind" project). Ragna_Rok created about 300 weapons and a dozen armors, and he once uploaded a couple of files in his early modding days here, under another name. But with his skills grew his passion for skyrim. Lately, to avoid the mainstream type of modding, and support more mods than he could count (DragonBreak 2 anyone? :wink: ) he insisted of hiding in the shadows of the webz. Now comes the good part for you... i used to download mods from nexus for quite a while, and always wondered why he isnt releasing here. Hes as good as retired, and just monitores a couple of last projects, and me, since im a nexus fan from quite a while ago, managed to talk him into a special agreement, which will be stated as followed. 1.) I closed my old account a while back, and made this new one, Since my old name wasnt that cool, and i love his work, its my honor to be kind of reborn under his banner. 2.) I, and I alone, have all executive rights about uploading his mods on nexus. Normally his statement is "no reupload" in his permissions, this doesnt count for me, the reason: on his last days of being active, he wants to reach the masses. I have no general reupload-permission from Ragna_Rok, its only valid for nexus. Guess he has some friends over here, he keeps mentioning a couple of names, like "Cattlewhich", "CattleWitch", or "KettleWitch" ... forgive me, im german as him, hard to figure out pronounciation when you have a couple of cold-ones :wink: 3.) The main important thing for him was, that i keep control over his files. As such, i herewith declare the following: To ensure not getting punished, banned, or whatever, in any kind of form, this is the only public statement youre ever gonna hear from me. In other words: i wont reply to most of the messages i receive. I wont chat. I wont discuss the comments of mods, after all its about 52 files now, and he told me about a "2-files-comments-only" regulation here... anyhow. I am not the author of any work im gonna upload here, its all "Ragna_Rok"s (from TESalliance) work, im just the distributor on nexus. The reason for me being silent has one simple reason. Even though he allowed me to reupload here, he wants to have some last-ressort-control about his work for worst case. As such, when this account here gets banned, files are to be removed immediately. Im not expecting any troubles, so this is just a way for him to keep some WC-control about his work. considering hundreds of hours invested, and sharing the candy for free, i guess thats just fair. okay folks, so much for the official part. im gonna start uploading soon, and as his wish, i herewith declare this priorization of uploads: 1) small craftable mods, keep the best for the latest 2.) simple modified gear 3) advanced modified gear 4) highly modified gear 5) flagships of his choice. so much for this one... well, hello there guys... im his friend, and quite frankly his biggest admirer, if you look for shiny stuff look elsewhere, but if you want that special brutal-awesomeness added to in-game-gear just stick around and stare in awe at the guy that used to call himself "Brutal Orcish Master Blacksmith". Have some fun :smile:
  21. I was hoping someone could replicate this female orc and make her a standalone follower. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/120029/?
  22. Hi guys, my game displayed water fine until i installed ORC, while i love the mod all the water in the game is invisible. Is there any fix for this besides disabling water reflections? Thanks. System specs and mods below. Device name DESKTOP-BO4GQSG Processor Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.00 GHz Installed RAM 16.0 GB Device ID DF96EFEE-F3F9-444E-A8EF-5DA3D309D864 Product ID 00325-96005-01990-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch Pen support
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