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  1. I'm of no use with the bodyslide tools, so I wonder if someone would be up to making some bhunp v4 bodyslide files for this one ? Daughters of Dimitrescu Outfit - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Would love to use it, but I haven't found any conversions as of now. The original seems to be just for BHUNP v2 and some parts such as the torso/coat are not fitting. Seems some others folks kept asking for v4 on the mod page too.. Would be amazing if someone could convert it
  2. We must liberate the people of their garments...
  3. I am having this weird skin overlay issue with my game, I tried to use re skin mods one at a time to try and see if it can fix my issue but nothing seems to be working. The skin mods I tried were Silky Smooth Skin, Unfair Skin, 8K Realistic Skin Textures, and Oni face. The only one that seems to kind of work is Oni face but there are still random spots of mismatched skin. I don't have any other skin mods other than the ones listed and I only have 1 on at a time so I am lost on why this happens.
  4. Some recomendations on mods or collections would be greatly appreciated, please someone help. What I am looking to acomplish: Easy one click install Preset mod rules (Vortex seems to be having trouble with downloading collection rules atm, I must set them myself. Idk why. I factory reset my pc just in case so everything is fresh, but it persists. Using latest stable vortex) NSFW gameplay like modern games (scenes with romance or working people and maybe catch others in the act) Lots of long interesting quests Lots of armor and weapon choices/variety Next gen graphics Freedom of play Extensive character customization Modern building system/homesteading No survival features Casual gameplay Fun combat New lands Living world Impactful choices Increased faction presence Interesting romances Civil war presence and rebuild after Gamepad focused Story focused Flashy combat and spells (think anime) More ways to level up (like other RPGs) Fleshed out factions and after end quests for factions Realistic AI Npc variation Modern stealth gameplay complete with obstacle traversal marriage and religion worth the effort Multiple followers Multiple children Player reputation precedes them These are the basic points. I want to minimize unnecessary mods and redundancies. I realize that what I am looking for may not exist so I’m planning on creating my own mod list and possibly uploading it as a collection (not saying I definitely will). This will be for the latest steam Skyrim AE. Any recommendations on existing collections or mods for my own, that still work, would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I installed the Mod Pack BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer - CBBE 3BA (3BBB) and downloaded it to MO2, also have downloaded all the needed mods for the armor pack an such to work properly. I went through the process of going through each of the Skyrim armor and editing them to how I liked them in BodySlide. After I liked how each of them looked I pressed the build and it said that it successful in the built and was saved to the Data/Meshes/armor file, but when I go in game to take a look it is still the Vanilla Skyrim Armor and not the reskin that I made. Am I missing a step? How come the reskin is not showing? I disabled any other armor mod I was using except BD's so those should not be an issue. The first image is the confirmation of the build being made. Second photo is what is looks like in MO2 in the Data/Meshes/armor/iron/f . I have no idea why it is red, so if that is the issue can you guys help?
  6. Whenever I try to launch Skyrim SE, the game always crashes on the Bethesda logo. The primary issue seems to be that I keep getting an error that says "Some of the enabled plugins depend on others that are not enabled: TransformativeElixirs.esp depends on RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp" (marked nsfw because CBBE is an nsfw mod). However, whenever I try to look for the specific esp file the game needs, I can't find any way to download it. I've tried searching different forums but nothing seems to have worked thus far so I'm turning here.
  7. I have a problem with the mod Sexual innuendo. i know this mod is old as hell and ive been with this issue years before. but this is gonna be my first time to ever ask the forum for this even its late. im having issues with animations. whenever i execute a "lets mash" thingy. the characters would just stand and do nothing. neither does ap starts to work. i tried loading an older save and it does work. one thing for sure i noticed was this was mostly caused after finishing lonesome road dlc. another thing is that a dlc can cause this issue. so i wonder, does anyone know how to fix this?
  8. I've seen so many genital mods for this game, but I haven't seen any type of mod where you can fully customize genitals(ex. having both penis and vulva, penis with no balls, etc.) I personally would love something like that but I don't know if I'm alone in that lol
  9. I've noticed this beautiful " thigh squeeze" on some outfits I've downloaded. I am now horrendously down bad. I've been messing around with Outfit Studio to try and recreate the effect, but attempts have failed, and I only have basic understanding the tool's functionalities. I know how to make zap sliders, and move around the meshes of outfits, but cannot figure out how to to apply the squeeze effect to the actual body, so my end result just ends up having the stockings clip through the actual legs. Can someone help me out here? Example in the pic below
  10. Can somebody make this? Or link to the actual mod if its already been done?
  11. I've been having this issue where when i build bodies in bodyslide, they work like i want them to work when outfits are on. But whenever my character is naked, or using the vault suit (using the unzipped mod), it's just the default CBBE body and not the one i built. What is even going on? I'm at a loss on this one, so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Also, I'm using Mod Manager 2, and have 3BBB and 3BBB Physics installed. https://ibb.co/X7pdxNK https://ibb.co/4RTQ02q
  12. How many days does it take for the modding community to make this game lewder? With big boobs thick thigh monster's. I'm not horny btw just asking questions.
  13. I want to know the first and second outfit in the image. Anyone know? Thanks!
  14. So I've been trying to use two different authors mods together, but there is a nasty seam on the waist that basically requires a belt to cover up. To be specific, I've been trying out Dtron86's Kulve Y top and Ysbag's Kirin legs. ive been trying for 2 days to fix it myself in blender, but im just horrible at it. Anyone willing to do it?
  15. Out of nowhere my one handed weapons started glitching like this when I holster them while running, it works fine when walking. I'm using BOG body replacer and NV compatibility skeleton, along with diagonal movement. the bug doesn't appear on old save files so I'm guessing it may have something to do with the save file EDIT I fixed it by installing an animation replacer
  16. no matter what i set my settings to the shadows on my characters body are horrible no matter what mod i use the shadows are still there if i put on clothes they look better but i'm pretty sure its because the clothes are dark and blend with the shadows better i don't know what to do i've changed the .ini but it doesn't affect my body either there is no point in me making my character look nice if shes have covered in black squares and i have no idea what to do to fix it. i attached a screenshot any help would be loved. i've tried both cbbe and unp body mods with no affect i've only been modding for about 1 day so i'm probably dumb for thinking that would change anything i'm assuming the shadows on the body have nothing to do with what the mods install
  17. I tried Masculine argonian mod SOS version and feet works great but when I tried G3NN4S Drachis and SOS Support but it didn't work and then I noticed that Drachis SOS support has feet textures separately unlike Masculine argonian mod that has them in argonianmalebody.dds I want to use Drachis argonian mod but just can't cuz feet has messed up textures. I would do it myself but I just can't get DDS files to work with GIMP so Im asking if some would do it :tongue: Im playing Skyrim SE and Im using Tempered Skins for Males and I think it uses better feet lol https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902/ If anybody is interested making some edits to Drachis Argonian mod I would be so happy! :smile: I found this but feet still looks bit weird https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18752
  18. I know there's a couple nude mods out there, but I was wondering if anyone could remove the panties of the female Kirin armour sets?
  19. As the subject heading mentions, a sweaty or wet skin texture mod is what I'm looking for. DS2 has one so, I'm hoping it's possible. Would there be any issues with this? I don't know very much about texture editing, so this is a little request to the community. I'm happy to act on anyone's instructions of course. Would be a really cool mod to have. Thanks in advance.
  20. First time posting, hope this might be good enough. I have a bit of a problem with female bodies. I currently have CBBE, Physics, Flower Girls, XPMSE, FNIS, and 7base remodeled armor installed (on which I chose the Pure body option during installation). I'm guessing the nude female models of CBBE, 7base and Pure body are conflicting with each other, which causes a messed up body (breasts, specifically) like: https://prnt.sc/jf6irj. This only occurs when wearing revealing armor (some armor doesn't fit as well, as seen in the picture). However, everything becomes fine when the clothes are removed, like this: https://prnt.sc/jf6jbm. The only downside is that it is CBBE's body, not Pure body's, and the HDT Physics is for some reason not working when fully nude. Here is a list of the mods I currently have installed: Unofficial SSE Patches Skyrim Project Optimization SMSkyrim.esp Falskaar.esm SkyUI_SE.esp XPMSE.esp alternate start Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests ordinator sofiafollower SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp SoS_ELFX_Patch.esp FNIS.esp SMSkyrim - Meshes SMSkyrim - Encounters FlowerGirls SE FlowerGirls SE Maids II Deception SuperbSerana 7Base Remodeled Armor - Replacer I hope it will be easy to find the issue for you guys. This is my first time modding skyrim and Im really happy everything is working well, just the textures of the female body.
  21. The two werewolf body mods i am using are: Tweaked Derrax Male Werewolf Animal Penis Special Edition Female Werewolf SSE I checked the files from both, and they do not seem to be overwriting from each one, but occupy is the location. What occurs in my game depends on what is later in the load list. 1) TDMWAPSE is above FWSSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is more feminine, and i find a werewolf body at Gallows Rock, to find that they are the vanilla body (no changes). 2) FWSSE is above TDMWAPSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is the default form (no changes). Travel to Gallows Rock, the werewolves there, DO have the added equipment. Why is there a conflict between these two mods, if neither one of them directly modifies the other and is it possible to have both of them function as intended at the same time? P.S. Not sure it matters pertaining to this inquiry, but I am not using the MTSE. I am using the Bloodmoon Rising Overhaul, but i had it disabled during the troubleshooting. I have no other mods that touch werewolves.
  22. Seductress Seranas nude body does not reflect my default body. That's fine, however it's kind of jarring when her body changes when equipping bodyslided outfits. So I tried to fix it. I followed this guide with 1 upvote on reddit. It seems like the guide is trying to use Bijin Family Bodyslides so he can get bodyslide meshes for Serana, and then he gets a CBBE compatible body from seranaholic and then does some drag and drops. I don't know what I'm talking about, I just do what I'm told. The "conversion" worked, however her facial animations are broken. Is this some .tri issue? I can't seem to figure out how to even undo this. I have the original mod and my edited version separate and it seems disabling both of these mods doesn't even fix this. I have at some other point manually copied the generated bodyslide files and overwritten seductress serana in an attempt to figure this out, I have limited nifskope knowledge (probably just enough to destroy things with no knowledge of how to repair it). I'm just really sad seductress serana isnt supported. I'd love to learn how but I don't know how to do this. Seems there are unending requests for conversions of outfits and I'd like to know how to do that.
  23. Hello, this is a repost of a mod request from Dark Souls 3. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/11034348-mod-request-nsfw-kardia-armor-set-from-nisetanaka/ Basically I just want a full knight armor with boots/greaves but no bottoms, maybe just a mod that removes the pants from any equipment for the legs but keeps the shoes? Thank you for your time!
  24. Part 1: the ability to restore clothes to corpses. Part 2: removability of underwear as an item, likewise restorability Part 3: a setting for NSFW content to toggle between genitalia visible or not, which would swap between two skins that are identical except for one having and one without. These be variants of all skins. Part 4: animal genitalia - just to make it more realistic, may have its own toggle setting too Part 5: physically carry creature corpses instead of telekinesis, toggle setting Part 6: toggle settings for a lot of other animations that make it more realistic, such as looting, declothing, reclothing, skinning/harvesting, etc. Part 7: skill chart expansion - along with main screen that is normal, you can swap to filtered screens that have a basis and show perks related to that basis, less expansion more filters for ease of finding perks. Part 8: more undergarments, in case this mod is not viable with other mods, especially since the expanded animations Part 9: Survival Settings - P1 eat and drink, P2 sleep requirements, P3 bathroom brakes dependent on food and drink, P4 cleanliness such as bathing and showering at least once a week to avoid illness or gain resistance to some environmental factors Part 10: relationships Part 11: Other NSFW content people like, in this animation heavy bundle of realisticness no other mods seem to have, sure they have content but it's the realisticness that I'm looking for Part 12: mating, birthing and hatching, and lactation - mostly for animals, such as to make a farm, but others may want nsfw stuff as well which would be Part 13: nsfw versions of part 12 for they who want it (humans, ghouls, etc) Part 14+: anything else to expand realisticness and animation heavy content Settings Toggles to make it pretty universal so people can toggle what they want and leave off or turn off what they don't want Personally, I'm not really gonna use the NSFW, except maybe the under-the-underwear because realisticness. And if you consider animal genitalia nsfw as well, then that too. Groping and sex I won't use, but others might. Let them have it.
  25. Creatures - mostly just adding genitals to the genders, some may consider nsfw, I consider realistic. It bothers me in practically all games that creatures don't have genitals, especially ones that are clearly visible, like male dogs and goats. This gets a little detailed. Try not to be disturbed. There are NO photos, I'm no artist so I can't make that. Wish I could though. And ic I could then I'd probably try to make this myself, but I can't so... Common All: rear ends Most males: balls Most males: Penis, whether clearly visible or relatively camouflaged Most females: nipples, lactating nipple/breast versions (thickened or more breast-like, depending on critter) (most probably look similar to current Mole Rat bellies) Some females: Breasts: empty/nonlactating versions/thinned/nearly flattened except nipples (Brahmin and Mole Rat)​ Yao Gai Male Penis, balls, and rear end Female nipples and rear end Slight Reskins, adding genitals, which may or may not be visible unless one actively looks for them A lot like a bear, since there's hardly a difference between Yao Gai and Bears Radstag Male Penis and balls, not quite visible unless close looking at belly (penis) Female nipples, not like anyone'd notice under the tail Gazelle like radstag Radscorpion mostly underbelly changes, not like anyone'd really notice Male and female have different underbelllies Mating: a dance. Male drops a package and female picks it up. Particular spot of underbelly does dropoff/pickup. Brahmin Add Bulls, or make them a little more common Horns, belly fluff for penis, balls Females Add version with smaller udder for non-mothers, non-lactators Dogs, mongrels, and wolves Males (like Dogmeat): Penis and balls Females: eh, maybe a little thinner fur around nipples? Females: Mother versions, thickened breasts with bigger nipples. Rare, or by breeding. Similar to current Mole Rat bellies. Mole Rat Add Males Make a non-lactating version, aka: smaller nipples with thinned/flattened bellies, but leave the nipples or make them no smaller than half sized. For males those nipples are to be very tiny and almost invisible. Deathclaw Both: Cloaca Female: nothing else. They don't get breasts or nipples. They are reptiles. Male: nsfw content use only, otherwise hidden or not applied, it has an alligator/crocodile penis. Like such, it is always erect but always hidden within its cloaca. It can grab with its penis, but any features doing so must be marked as nsfw because deathclaws are practically humanoid. Likewise the setting to turn off nsfw should also disable such actions and thereby leave pretty much no difference between male and female. Maybe a very slight difference in cloaca shape. Ghoulrilla Gorilla Since also pretty humanoid, may be classified as NSFW. For bestiality people, the mod creator might add that for this on as well. I won't if I make it. Cat Male: balls. It's not like the penis is ever visible, except when mating. Female: Mother version. Gatorclaw Same as Deathclaw Barnacle A rod that thins the longer it reaches. Can reach up to 10 times their own length. chance to see this: 1% at best. After a while barnacles touched by the tip of a rod multiply. Funny fact. Possibly disabled by nsfw disabler setting. Humans and Humanoids All: naked versions (nsfw toggle) All: removability of undergarments, and ability to re-equip things onto corpses. With NSFW Off, may look very funny. With nsfw, more realistic. Loot All: Does NOT loot undergarments. Those must be looted manually. By stashing on a corpse, it is auto equipped unless they already have one equipped. Male underwear. Female Panties. Female Bra. The ability to have more variants. Both genders can wear the above. Only one underwear/panties piece can be worn at a time. Bra is separate section. May have random comments while in only underwear. May have more random remarks when in other gender's undergarments. Likewise if naked. Likewise if you strip a corpse of undergarments or equip it with the other gender's undergarments. Reputation? (these) Random comments = reputation penalty Creatures classified: Humans Ghouls Super mutants Items Underwear (male) Panties (female) Bra (female) Feral Ghoul Outfits Shackles - metal rope, strength 8+ to break, more janky and clanky to drag around, not as flexible as rope Usable Handcuffs Rope - tie up bodies (alive) and corpses and attach them to poles or walls or drag them around, breaks with strength 5-7 Truncheon - like conan exiles, but restyled for Fallout - for knocking things out Tranquilizer Rifles and Pistols - may also be syringer mod Builds Pillory - Wood strength 8-10+ to break Pillory - Metal - unbreakable Pillories come in 1x to 5x versions. That's the number of captives it can have. Iron Maiden Chokey (like Matilda) Noose - can use on tree or similar overhang - function disabled when nsfw disabled (Noose Stand) - purely decorative when nsfw disabled 1x, 3x, 5x, 8x, +others between 1-15. The number of simultaneous executions. Function requires nsfw. Disabled nsfw makes it purely decorative. Guillotine. Function disabled when nsfw disabled. Without Nsfw makes it purely decorative. Jail Cells Captive Cages - don't require power Powered Captive Cages - don't lure anything in Electric Chair - function requires high power, and may be disabled to purely decorative when nsfw disabled Features Body dragging. Body placement. Multi-body dragging by using shackle chains and rope Body = both alive and dead Animal Mating and Breeding Animal lactation - for breeding, Brahmin can be milked while lactating. Milking also prolongs lactation duration by a few days. Max duration is a few months. Waiting causes pain snorts and moos because they're full of milk. That's based on reality. Max duration is based of that day. Tomorrow you can extend it further, but not today because today the max duration has been reached. I really hope you understand what I'm saying about the duration. It's basically a limit to cause them to actively milk to prolong, instead of being able to spam it to a years worth so they can stay away for a while and come back to a lactating brahmin. Also, when it births, it becomes lactating and at max duration. Now know what I mean by they can extend it? They wait a few days and come back and milk it a few times they basically reset its duration. Milking: can only get up to 3 milkings per day Other creatures, like goats, may have similar features. All mammals have lactation for breeding. Reptiles don't. Same for bugs. Milkability is a whole other story. Did you know some people milk horses and camels? As such other milkings are at the discretion of the mod creator. I'd probably have it require high intelligence for other animals, like radstags, but easy for Brahmin. Baby feeding may do the milking for you, using a milking count and extending the duration. When it reaches weaning stage it no longer feeds that way and thus the timer will clock down unless you milk the milkable creature. When the timer is up, they revert to thin nipple status and cannot be milked. NSFW: Sex. Has its own toggle that requires nsfw toggle to be on, and it automatically disabled when nsfw is toggled off Most of this was made because others like this sort of content. Common/Friendly: enabled by sex. Hostility requires further toggles. Rape: another toggle requiring sex. Allows you and raiders to rape. Raider and self may be split. NOTE: ALL VERSIONS OF RAPE BY AI ARE TO BE VERY RARE. Except maybe from raiding parties (raiders). Self Rapist: Allows you to rape. Requires either Raider Rapists OR Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Rapists to be toggled on. Raider Rapists: allows Raiders to try to rape people. Requires Sex toggled on. Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Rapers: Another chance at life, but you're gonna need allies to free you from them. Has its own toggle. Requires Sex toggled on. Separate from Rape. Does NOT require Rape toggled on. ​WARNING: This part gets a bit detailed. Skip if you don't want details or are squeamish, or your folks or roommates who don't like this stuff are reading over your shoulder. They hold you for longer, giving allies a chance to shoot and stun them. They deal less damage with this grab type. Opposite genders have higher chance to do this grab. They'll sniff a bit, then rip an armor piece, then chances release or rape attempt Rape attempt: they will first rip off each armor piece one by one, which must be retrieved from the ground. They they will greatly damage your underarmor until it has no durability left. You will need to repair it. They they will either damage or try to remove your underwear, which may also damage it. If the Male uses his Penis to do so, minimal damage will occur to your underwear, if any. If you are not the target and you see the penis, you can shoot it for insane damage with stun. You can cripple it as well, with enough damage. If you cripple the penis, that one will be disabled from prolonged grabs. Naked Rape Attempts: Setting: Anal chance modifier. Normally lower than mouth. Chance male will do: 10% or less. Increased to 50%+ if they've already done so. Greater vs females. Chance Female will do it no more than 5%. Up to 40%(vs females) or 75%(vs males) if they've already done it. Why gender-based differences? One reason: pheromones. Male claw vs female target: Will rape May pet their body Rarely will go anal or mouth. Infuriated may strangle, or penile strangle. Tortures them. Male claw vs Male target: Try normal rape attempts, lightly damaging target's groin area. May get enraged and either release, or strike target's groin then release. May try a different approach. Penile Play: moves, grabs, and pets the target's groin, causing the target further embarassment and humiliation. Target may flee when released instead of retrieving gear and continuing to fight. Deals little to no groin damage. Anal. Mouth. May strangle or penile strangle. Tortures them. Male Claw vs any: torture shred eat torturously pick to pieces torture penile - uses penis to torture target torturously pick to pieces penile - uses penis to pick them to pieces, slicing them up and removing their organs using his penis Penile Strangle = uses their grabby penis to strangle the target Female claw vs female target Opens cloaca towards them. Eventually notices no penis, and then enrages. Pets their body. Tortures them. Female claw vs Male target Opens cloaca towards them. If they erect penis the claw will get closer and have sex, or at least try to anyways. No erection? Eventual enragement, followed by either release or groin attack then release, or torture. Any claw vs any: torture eat pet pick to pieces At any time, with low chance, claw may decide they want to keep their target as a plaything and will pick them up and run away, carrying them to a cave. With this may also add a deathclaw/gatorclaw specific way of containing prisoners. Companions: Friendly Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Chance. Higher luck, better chance of neutral claws. Within those a chance (increase with better luck) that there are some friendly ones. From those likewise for recruit-able ones. Make sure the settlement knows it's a friendly. From those likewise for Companion-capable ones. From those likewise for becoming one of detailed design, with a name, personality, likes and dislikes, etc. With nsfw and sex, may be able to have more likeable humanoid bestiality from them instead of violent rape. That one might also require Claw Rape, but what if you don't want rapers? Best to let that be reduced (less restricted) so ya don't gotta risk that. Other Builds and Tools for capturing, moving, containing, torturing, or executing creatures and foes. Ok works on everything. Gonna try against one who's got Plot Armor? SOL. Provides for every bit of insanity some people like, while also having the ability to disable such parts. That means sex and bestialities. Mostly sex. The only real bestiality is Deathclaw/Gatorclaw. Unless the mod creator adds others. Preferably has better contact points, and better joints than base game, as moving things around can be a bit wonky. As well as such contact points slightly modifying any relevant animations to make them look more realistic and hopefully with better flow. May also cause restriction animations to be relevant as well as alternate outcomes for character's (player and/or NPC) failed attempts. - If I make this mod, it'll be a huge one. One where about 50% if locked behind settings toggles. One that reskins most of the game and adds a few extra features and functionality, with a few extra items as well, and my first 10000 attempts will be fails. I've never made a character blueprint like that ever, let alone attempted to mod a game. It's gonna be many years before I figure out how to use the kit, and blender, and unity, probably decades before I figure out unreal engine. I'm slow at learning tech ok. I have yet to get the PC version, and I'm not allowed to buy it atm. "Inflation" and all that ruining prices for my already penny-pincher family. TMI Maybe I should delete this. Is this even up to standards with what we're allowed to post? Please reply to that part first and foremost, then everything else. It's not too long, is it?
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