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  1. Have you tried Uvultak baby dragon follower? Nexus link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Bethesda link https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/36889/Uvultak_Baby_Dragon_Follower watch this video for more information, don't forget to like and subscribe.
  2. Hi again everyone! While looking around for cool Nordic Sword mods, I actually came across this really old thread here. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1232333-req-new-nordic-sword-variant/ This sword is pretty much exactly the look I've been hunting for except for the arrow shape at the end and seems like it would fit in game perfectly and wouldn't be too hard to mod into SSE. The only catch is I can't find a link to port it and both the OP of the thread and the mod author haven't been active since 2016. Would anyone be willing to make this from scratch and give it a nice update? Cheers!
  3. Hello everyone! This is just a simple request for an armor mod that uses assets from the Nordic Carved heavy armor and the Thieves' Guild armor to create a sort or Wandering Mercenary Nordic Light armor. Just thought It would be a cool idea for someone to make, especially using the Forearm armor and Metal Shin guard from the Nordic Carved Boots and the Leather Pauldrons/Shoulder armor and Pants from the Thieves Guild set. Would love to see someone make this armor a reality. I'd happily donate through Nexus if someone made this. Cheers!
  4. Ragnarok Have you ever felt Skyrim's Nord's portrayal of culture was... Lackluster? Nords are a direct emulation of Norse and Nordic people outside of Skyrim, Norsemen are a group of people who inhabited the Scandinavian regions. Ragnarok is a New Lands project that aims to create a Viking/Norse explorable and playable world, planned to be DLC-sized this mod would have everything from Norse & Viking weaponry, armors, and re-textures of animals. Fully immersive, compatible with any and all ENB/Reshade, and all mods. The General Idea We plan to create a fully immersive and beautiful landscape that you could explore, and genuinely be apart of and enjoy. If you're already a fan of the Nords, Stormcloak, or Vikings this would be for you. Completely new textures, and building styles. Historically accurate weaponry, armors. Viking beards and hairs, what would be more immersive and respecting to Nordic culture? The beards, and hairs. Viking's throughout history could be known for being ruthless or savages but that's not the truth. Viking beards and hairs, wouldn't dwell too far from Skyrim's Vanilla hairs with 2k - 4k textures. And none of those anime supermodel hairs... :ohmy: Complete overhaul of Skyrim's soundtrack, to fully be immersed and to experience the Nord people you need to listen to there beautiful music. With a whole new soundtrack, you could enjoy. ( Scandinavian music ) Recruitment Does this sound like a project you would like to support? Either by sharing your thoughts, or you could join as any of these available roles. 3D Modeling Programming Lore/writing Voice acting < priority Landscape Texture/Material Youtube Moderator Supporter Concept Arist Thanks for taking your time and checking us out! If you want to join the team you can speak to us here on our Discord server. https://discord.gg/32sFWwb
  5. HI! I was looking at some nordic tombs' murals retextures and thought that it could be cool if you could find in nordic ruins draugr with the clothing and weapons you can see carved in tomb's murals instead of the generic armor they all wear. One per animal mural and, if possible, tying to the murals that are inside the ruin. I don't think I've come across any similar mods, so it would make a great addition. It would be awesome, too, if they were the bosses of the tombs (like dragon priests) with their own abilities depending on the animal and it could tie in with icecreamassassins' great Legacy of the Dragonborn (more like its expansion Odyssey since LotD is in its final stages). Just an idea I had. I don't know about armour making, so I couldn't do it myself. I just ask for the credit of the idea, maybe, if I get the time and the core (the armours and weapons) done, I could try to do the dungeons since it is what I think is easier. I might be wrong, probably. As someone said, safe travels. Mygar
  6. So, what I'm asking for here will be very large, and thus will need a large team. I'm talking almost Skywind proportions. Voice actors, programmers, 2d and 3d modellers, script writers, story writers, everything that goes into making a game. I have no programming experience, and I have very little modelling experience, but the rest I can definitely help with. I know that this idea has more than likely been brought up, but I think that those who have brought it up weren't willing to put in the effort or they didn't have enough to go off of or they didn't pitch it correctly. Now, without further rambling, here's what I had in mind: For each of the our human races (Imperial, Nord, Breton, and Redguard) we will do a Skyrim conversion to match that races real world equivalent. This means that the Nordic race will become a true Norse race, the Imperials will become Romans, the Bretons will become English. They will fight the enemies they faced in a medieval time period, using weapons that the respective raced wielded and wearing armor types the respective race wore. Cities and villages will look like they would have then. Castles will be he same. The first race I wish to work on will be the nords, but this will be discussed once enough programmers, modelers and script writers have signed on. If you wish to see this happen, send me a message to my personal account. If I get enough messages, I will set up a gmail account that will be used for this project and this project only. In the meantime, if you're an individual moder, and you wish to take part in the project, send me a message with a link to your work so I can see what you're capable of. Any and all messages and work submissions are greatly appreciated.
  7. So I was looking around google images just now and stumbled upon this amazing concept art for a female draugr by the late Adam Adamowicz, the man who basically singlehandedly designed Skyrim and I instantly fell in love with the weapon she was holding. As you can see in the image below the weapon is a very long katana with a hilt almost as long as the blade and with a pommel matching the style of the other ancient nordic and nordic weapons in the game. When I saw this I couldn't help but picture such a weapon in the style of the nord weapons added by Dragonborn, with the same bluish sheen to the metal, the tight leather wrappings, and the tufts of black fur. So I decided what the hell, might as well put this in the mod request section on the nexus and see if any of the many talented modders out there think, like me, that this sword seriously needs to see the light of day. http://i.imgur.com/1RuPb0R.jpg
  8. Hiya, I am kinda new to level design in Skyrim, and ran into a little problem today. At the moment I am busy with a Nordic dungeon, which includes a shaft going up into a small room (using mostly the Static > Dungeons > Nordic > SmRooms tiles). However, it occured to me that there are no ceiling-only tiles in this category to fill up the void above the shaft. I have tried using the NorRmBgMidCeilingOnlyLow01 from the BgRooms category, but these do (1) not use the same grid to snap to (using a snap-to-grid value of 128) and (2) when manually trying to fit them into the ceiling they either leave a little space in between tiles (when leaving them the standard size) or overlap with the walls to the side or one another (when enlarged one tick). My question to you is whether there is a way to add in a ceiling-only tile above such a shaft. I will try to add some pictures in the coming ten minutes. Kind regards, Stammetje91 Edit: Pictures added. Help01 shows the situation I tried to describe, whereas Help02 shows what the problem is in-game (as well as in the Creation kit when you zoom in). Sorry for the low quality pictures, the forum limits file size of attachments severely. Edit2: I got it to work by manually incrementing the Z-values of the ceiling bit by bit. There should be an easier way to do this though. Apparently the seams where caused by the ceiling hanging a little lower than the rest, instead of a difference in tile size.
  9. Hey guys,I need a direct link to nordic spellweaver armor if anyone has it,upload to any downlaod website (mediafire,rapidshare,etc) I love to get my hands on this armor
  10. I was wondering if some one would be willing to make a new variation of the nordic sword from the dragonborn dlc using the nordic greatsword model? This is what I had in mind, pretty much making the blade symetrical and removing the main cross guard and handle. Using the fur wrapped area as the new handle. Making both a one-handed and two-handed versions would be nice! Any one willing to give it a go? EDIT: I would prefer this to be standalone! Thanks!
  11. (I'm not american so ignore if some things are strange in language ) Hi everyone, so have you ever wanted to play a game with the skyrim gameplay (in whole ), but in a world kind of Game of throne-Vikings, a mixture of Lord of the ring, without the fantasy part, and this book/ TV serie ? This is what i always wanted but I never find one, I played Risen, morrowind, the witcher mount & blade, gothic...etc, that was good but today they begin to age (mount and blade 2 is a new hope though :p ). So I began to create a mod using creation kit, I deleted the whole world and started create a new one like I told before. I will present It in this topic since it's not finish ( i'm a student so i don't have much time compared to what i want to do ) I precise this mod is of couse hystoricaly inspired, like every medieval-fantasy stuff, since my brother is a history student, : - Early middle ages, western Europe in 5th century to 10th century ( Carolingian empire, Merovingian empire, the Franks, for those who don't see what I mean this is between the collapse of the roman empire and the Knights kingdoms like people see it, in fact warlords a little bit civilised but not too much, very interresting ). - Germany tribes during the late roman empire, in fact they were not as savage as movies show theme (exemple gladiator begining ) but I will make theme like that : Old barbares tribes living in the east forest. - Vikings ( my brother give me one million books to have all I need to create there world, and the dragonborn extension help me very much ), for those who wants a little idea about what it will be look the tv show vikings :). So let's talk about the stuff ! You are a farmer in a seaside Norse clan with skaal houses of skyrim and a hall ( i will tell all the names after if i see people are interresed by this mod ), owner of....a farm with one cow and two chikens, you need to recolt what grows to sell it, earn money and buy food, a normal life (this is very important to me to begin like that ). You can upgrade your farm if you have enough money. Not far from your village there is two others, they are friends, one is a fisher one and the other is specialized in brewery/medery. With these two villages yours form a sort of alliance. In your clan there is warriors under orders of a Jarlar which do raids agains enemy clans and south countries after the sea ( those inspired by carolingian empire ). You can do like skyrim : the "main quest" is climbing the social ladder : your clan, allied clans, Norse country, countries after the sea, and finally country after the east forest ( good luck ). And why not more like, i don't now, far island like feodal japan if someone help me or whatever because there is no limit. I have plenty other things to say about what i have done, and the fact that i will ask for permission to some authors to use there mods, of course naming them throughout, to make my mod very realistic, mainly for armors ( i would love so much that simple soldiers wear badass armors like some mods :). So if you are interrested well, express yourself and i hope you will like it :) ps : i prefer not posting pics of my work now even if some things are ready because it don't show the real atmosphere
  12. Hi all. I am currently quite happy with solving a few problems that before hindered me from playing the game. I have as of yet not done a complete play-through, so please no spoilers =) I am on the look out for an ENB to use with Climates of Tamriel and especially one that is not too over saturated or extreme in it´s coloration. The most important aspects of the ENB i am to use are as follows 1: Realistic colors 2: Dark dungeons 3: Immersive with Climates of Tamriel 4: Not too heavy on FPS I did my first playtest with realvision, but i am sad to say it felt way too colorful for me, and even after tweaking it at the best of my abilities, i could not get it to blend in properly. Also, dungeons became far far too bright, and when i saw that i choose to give up and start over. My playstyle is to keep it realistic and harsh. I will be playing a Nord with the intention of living outside a lot and to use mods like Wet and cold, frostfall etc. The ENB i am looking for is one that will make me "feel" the cold and harsh enviroment, that will increase the general feel of all scenes of nature and also give a lot of immersive feel to interiors. I would love to see early morning fog on the waters, to make the woods feel old and damp instead of brightly colorful and all " too much". I know the ENB´s you see in many videos are a bit extreme on the system and some even are not to be used for playing but rather for video and pictures. In addition to this, the common problem i feel is that depending on what monitor you have, the result will differ for everyone. Realvision for me was far to extreme in lack of a better word. My setup is as follows, and with that i am hoping someone can recommend me to a good and fitting ENB. Thank you and have a nice weekend all. MK Asus P8P67-MSocket 1155, P67, B3 - Intel Core i5 2500K 3.3GHz 6MB - Noctua NH-U9B SE2 - A-Data 16GB (2x8GB) CL9 1600MHz XPG INET EDITION - EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3GB SC ACX - Fractal Design Define Mini Black - Corsair HX 650W 80+ Modular - Samsung SSD EVO Basic 840-Series 500GB - ASUS 27" VG278HE 144Hz - Windows 8 Eng 64-bit OEM
  13. Volundr is a multi-winged dungeon with a variety of settings, enemies and dangers. You'll delve into mysteries locked away since the beginning of time, and at the apex of your journey you'll be granted an audience with the very makers of the world. You'll walk away with a mere glimmer of their primordial power, but Skyrim is a land of mortals - a fine line divides the world of men and divinity. Okay, here's the nitty gritty: Volundr is a new nonlinear dungeon with three main wings (each different in theme and gameplay for a little variety) and a long "central" area that serves as a beginning and end to the dungeon. The level is mainly nordic, with some cave and dwemer elements. The quest you undertake is to get to the bottom of the dungeon, where an ancient secret awaits those with the audacity to look upon the world's makers with no fear. If you don't want to watch the trailer, here's what you can expect from this mod. 90 minutes of dungeon diving3 wings to divide the gameplay and sceneryVaried environments ranging from claustrophobic trap hallways to gigantic, multi-level expansesCraploads of secretsNew items and spells with unique and useful effects - less boring than "it does frost damage"Lore that was made with Bethesda's own canon in mind3 boss encounters, each with their own environment and rewardScalability - you can enjoy this dungeon from about level 12 onward 700+ hours have gone into the making of this dungeon. You'd think that amount of time would result in a much bigger dungeon, but I spent the majority of that time creating a more moderate sized area with a high level of polish and detail. That's not to say I don't like huge epic dungeons - I loved Blackreach. The size of Volundr just felt right to me. Some more technical "features" are: Cleaned with Tes5editFully hand-navmeshed, zero automationMany divided roombounds per floor for better performanceEfficient lighting, both ambient and focal, with no "red zones" and room left for player-cast light sources with no visual artifactsMusic changes several times in each environment to enhance that area's mood. Turn your sound up!Balance tested with 6 different character types to ensure the right amount of challenge and opportunity for anyone Conflicts: This mod places the entrance to the dungeon just east of Rorikstead (see screenshot below). Any mods that place objects in that spot will cause conflict.The dungeon's lighting was made with no interior ENB or dark dungeon lighting mods in mind. Try it with your mods installed - it might actually look great! If it's too dark or washed out, try not loading your lighting mods while you play the level. That said, if your mods reduce light radius, it may affect gameplay because each room's shadows was specifically made with enemy AI pathing in mind. If you're not a Sneak user, you probably won't notice or care. Media: http://imgur.com/a/L2pyw/all (full album) http://i.imgur.com/waSAWM1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/05zuIwA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3YKG9g9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9DHuCiD.jpg
  14. Hey I've been looking for an armor mod that suits perfectly. I love the Nordic Spell weaver armor mod but there is still a few things that don't suit my personality and if I could do it myself I would but idk how to use blender, nifskope or anything like that I put two pictures of armors that I think combined would make an awesome mod. I'll give some suggestions bellow some suggestions that I could give to give look that suits my personality, if someone who actually knows what there doing wants to help me could help that would be great. -> (character - male) keep the shoulder pad / pauldron the same but change the novice robe from the Nordic spell weaver to an expert robe, keep the boots and gauntlets from the spellweaver the same but get rid of the bracelet and a another gauntlet to the left side and if the face on the belt was just plain the armor would be perfect in my opinion. please help !
  15. hey I've been dying to get a Skyrim armor mod that suits me perfectly. I love the Nordic spell weaver armor but there is a few things that don't match my perfectionist like personality. I've seen people use Blender and Nifskope but I have no idea how to do any of that, if anyone could help I have a few suggestions bellow I have two pictures of the armors I would like to kind of combined. maybe have the pauldrons form the spell weaver the same but the one gauntlet on both sides and instead of using the novice robe use the expert robe. and have chainmail on the cloth thighs and forearms. Just giving some suggestions for people who actually know what they are doing. if someone could turn that into a real mod a would love it.
  16. i don't know about anyone else, but personally i HATE the ancient nord weaponry, i hate the textures i hate the way they look i hate everything about them, can someone please make a mod that completely replaces the ancient nord weapons, im not sure honestly what id like them to be replaced with, but anything would be better than them... (as long as they're practical and could be an actual functional weapon.. so no like over-sized or unnecessary parts to them) example of unnecessary pats would be like the guard on the sword. i wouldnt mind if the sword looks all rusted and beat and all around shitty ( not shitty like it looks bad, shitty like you wouldnt want to use this as a sword because its so old and brittle). ill leave some examples of the stupid sword in game, and what i mean by rusted and shitty to use swords. (some good examples i found were to big to fit into an attachment :sad: ) another good example that i couldnt find a good picture that would fit would be the broken straight sword from Dark Souls
  17. Hi there! I'm kinda new to Skyrim-Modding, just doing some edits for myself. So please be gentle, I'm no Modding-Pro :D What I wanted to do: I wanted to replace the Nordic Arrow Quiver with a quiver from this mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24704/?). What I did: I replaced the Nordic Arrow Quiver mesh (I made a backup) with the mesh from the so called "Akaviri Quiver" from the mod above. Then I added the Nordic-Arrow-branches to the file (a renamed copy of the quiver-file from the mod) and removed the branches from the "old" arrows I wanted to replace. After that, I changed the texture path for every new branch (arrow in the quiver). And I adjusted the position of the arrows, so they don't stick through the quiver. The attached Screenshot below shows what I did with NifSkope, and how it SHOULD look alike ingame. My Problem: The quiver is shown ingame properly. Nearly. Because the arrows aren't there, they're invisible, not only in the quiver, they're invisible "on the bow", too. When I shoot an arrow, it's visible, so, the arrow is visible once it leaves the bow. My Request: Is someone out there who can help me with this issue? I don't know if i forgot something or if I did something wrong by editing the mesh files. Thanks! PS: Sorry for my english, it's not my mother tongue. ^^
  18. I made this concept art for a viking fortress located between Roriksted and Whiterun. http://imgur.com/Oqme6qh http://imgur.com/QmC10Y2 -it uses Dragonborn and vanilla assets, nothing crazy. -Shields resting on te sides of houses -furs in the interiors of houses -Meadhall should have beer and foor and some weaponracks, but mut remain a feast place, no magic elements, no books nothing like that. -Player house should contain bed, alchemy, enchanting, some storage and furs and shields on walls -standing stones for religion immersion of the nordic tribe -love.
  19. Hi, I'm playing with Perkus Maximus and also installed Amidianborns armor textures as well as Amidianborn content addon and so far, everything is fine, I now just encountered a problem with the Nordic Armor. Normaly i can reforge everything, but when i crafted the 4 pieces from Nordic Armor, chest, helmet, gloves and boots, no "reforged nordic ..." in the smithing list showed up. I then used the console with "help nordic 0", but it couldn't find anything than weapons. Then i used "help reforged 0" and i found nordic armor parts. BUT it was called "Nordic Armor Brown fur", "Nordic Gloves Brown fur", ........ and "Nordic Armor White fur". I installed a "black fur" variant with amidianborn. The thing is, those are textures or not? This shouldn't touch the variables in any way right? I'm extremely confused and could need some adivise. Thanks!
  20. Someone can make a mod that adds the viking armor from Acestors Legacy game as wearable and make it lootable and craftable. Please????? Like this one or Like this one
  21. hey hey, so i decided to embark on this trip, unfortuntely due to my *cough* intel "hd" chipset *cough* i cannot take awesomely beautiful pics =/ BUT, anyway, this is a HD version of the nordic carved armour with a different colour, it will be seperate from the vanilla one, incase you use the other retex that seems to be popular, thinking of also doing 2-4 different colour variants, to which they will all be craftable too Open spoiler tag for screenies
  22. Okay, below I have 5 mods ideas outlined, since most likely I will never be outlining the ideas individually. 1st: I would like there to be a mod that includes either the effect or recreated the specific object in question to the game. The object is from a japanese anime caled "sword art online". In the 2nd season an enemy general uses a great sword called "the demonic sword gram". It's special effect is called "ethereal shift", in which if an enemy player tries to directly block, gram shifts through the dimension and moves right through the shield or raised sword to impact the player. Either the effect as an enchant or the sword itself would be a great addition to eso. Honestly I'd prefer something like this to the stuff like fire enchants; which almost seem like a more passive benefit to damage overall. Maye balance wise making an enchant like this be worth two normal enchants, idk. 2nd: I would love armor to be made for the game. From the fire emlem games, tower of druaga series, or berserk series. The idea behind alot of these armors was based on the study of actual armors germany and england had made throughout history. Form function and design wise these pieces look great, yet not so over the top they killed your immersion. I wouldn't think any of them would be made by anything beyond ebony or advanced smithing. 3rd: For immersion breaking sake. I'd love final fantasy 12 judge armor. Cause that would be sick. This would definitely be daedric. 4th: Re-textures of the Nordic Carved armor set. Personally I loved the Nordic carved, though personally I am not a huge fan of it being a bear helm; and eagle or dragon or wolf helm would be cool. But Ultimatly what I really want in this request is new colors or versions for later smithings. I'd love a gray or white or black version of these, maybe even a dragonbone version of these. Lastly the biggey. 5th: Overhaul of the armor smith crafting system. Basically the idea is to bring the ESO crafting system to skyrim. I don't know how many of you have tested it or are following the news on it, be here is how the crafting system works versus how it happens in skyrim. (Mind you I am not a tester, the following is just info they released on their own and testers have confirmed to be true :P) First unlike skyrim where you have steel and iron and advanced etc; the seperations for armor smithing are done by race. So iron and steel would both fall into nord's in eso's case. Within Each races crafting tree the have tiers, so the first tier or armor level would be iron and steal would be the next, with advanced armors being the third. What's cool about this system is that it doesn't suppose that orsimer armor only exists within one tier. See Orcs like Nords, are a very important race to tamriels history, and as such have their own version of tier one gear like iron armor and tier five gear like dragon. I'd love to wear nord inspired armor in the end game and not feel like I've lost something crucial in my characters defenses by not choosing ebony or dragon or even daedric. I think alot of people feel the same about elvin armor, or dunmer. It's by far the most daunting idea but would do so much immersion wise to the game.
  23. Hi there! I was wondering if someone could make a home in a nordic ruin, kinda like Bleak falls barrow only more "cleaned up/repaired". http://katherinefan324.deviantart.com/art/Bleak-Falls-Barrow-294549350 The interior doesnt have to be especially big, only the standard things like beds, kitchen, dining hall is needed i.e a home :) If anyone is prepared to do more, why not? But the basic concept should be followed (Nordic Ruin, cleaned up/repaired and most importantly a home) Thanks for any replies! PS. The link is for the idea of a nordic ruin in its original state DS
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